Much more information is available on: # ferrarafoodie StupiteviD’IMMENSO FERRARA E IL SUO TERRITORIO: UN’AVVENTURA DEDICATA AI SENSI DELLA VITA. A PARTIRE DAL CIBO Provincia di FERRARA Emilia-Romagna Lose yourself in the art, nature, flavours and landscapes of places where time Province of FERRARA has left traces of unforgettable stories. This is the exclusive pleasure offered by Ferrara and its surrounding area: an intense, emotional experience that captivates your palate and soul. Emilia-Romagna Embrace In this land, mankind’s wisdom preserves and passes on ancient traditions, THE BEAUTIFUL transforming them into extraordinary food and wine that boasts certified quality. Such as Comacchio eel, which can be enjoyed prepared in various ways, AND THE offering a medley of flavours that are unique and irresistible, just like the Comacchio Valleys. Or the unmistakable scent that intoxicates your senses every morning at dawn as you walk through the streets of Ferrara, inviting you to PO RIVER GOOD taste the typical crunchy Ferrara bread known as “coppia”, while contemplating Mill on Berra the Po IN A SINGLE the Castello Estense, the symbol of the city. FIUME PO Mesola Ro Ferrarese Surrounded by an enchanting Renaissance atmosphere, Duke Ercole I d’Este Stellata Fortress Castello Mulino Berra della Mesola sulCopparo Po Iolanda di Savoia INFINITE GAZE offers you a taste of butternut squash “cappellacci” and a mouthful of the Mesola Bondeno Ro Ferrarese Pomposa Goro majestic and mysterious “salama da sugo”. Followed by “pampepato” Rocca di Stellata FERRARA AbbeyCastello Formignana Codigoro della Mesola Gran Bosco (or “pampapato”) decorated with candied fruit, almonds or hazelnuts, Vigarano Copparo Iolanda di Savoia della Mesola Mainarda Tresigallo Bondeno Abbazia di Goro all topped with a very fine layer of dark chocolate. Not to mention: Macaroni pie FERRARACastello Estense Pomposa Mirabello Formignana FiscagliaCodigoro Valle Gran Bosco (Pasticcio ferrarese), Delta rice, Bosco Eliceo wines, green asparagus, Voghiera Vigarano Masi Torello Bertuzzi della Mesola Gorino Cento S. AgostinoMainardaPoggio Tresigallo Lighthouse garlic and Goro clams... an endless chest of delectable treasures to enjoy Fortress Renatico Castello Estense Ostellato Lagosanto Mirabello Voghiera Fiscaglia Valle immersed in incredibly beautiful scenery, among courtyards, oases, castles Masi Torello Bertuzzi Faro di Gorino Rocca di S. Agostino Poggio Delizia di Delizia del Comacchio and palaces like none other in the world: the Delizie Estensi, a UNESCO site. Cento Belriguardo Cento Renatico Verginese Lagosanto ADRIATIC Voghiera Ostellato Portomaggiore SEA Delizia di Welcome to the unique land of Ferrara. Cento DeliziaTrepponti del Comacchio Belriguardo Verginese An adventure entirely dedicated to the senses. PortomaggioreArgenta Trepponti Comacchio Val Campotto Valleys PROVINCIA Oases DI FERRARA Argenta PROVINCIA DI FERRARA Oasi di Valli di Val Campotto Comacchio masterpiece. (or “ (or , a true chocolate chocolate true a , cake tenerina and ”) pampapato Po Delta landscape. Delta Po ” ” pampepato “ Ferrara desserts: celebrated two finally, And sure to drink a toast to good food in the bewitching, changeable changeable bewitching, the in food good to toast a drink to sure in white, black and bianchetto varieties. varieties. bianchetto and black white, in truffles precious precious delights continue with two local gems: gems: local two with continue delights wines”: Fortana, Merlot, Sauvignon and Bianco del Bosco. So be be So Bosco. del Bianco and Sauvignon Merlot, Fortana, wines”: and and garlic Voghiera for the unique character of of character unique the for unbreakable bond between man and this land. this and man between bond unbreakable , known as “sand “sand as known , wines Eliceo Bosco . This unusual region’s gastronomic gastronomic region’s unusual This . cappellacci squash butternut This special humid, misty air and salty ground are responsible responsible are ground salty and air misty humid, special This Each denomination contains a place: the value of the the of value the place: a contains denomination Each Ferrara vegetable, produces another generous, tasty dish: dish: tasty generous, another produces vegetable, Ferrara province of Ferrara, offers the ideal habitat for its delicious delicious its for habitat ideal the offers Ferrara, of province The combination of stuffed pasta and and pasta stuffed of combination The . clams . asparagus green Altedo and strawberries , a typical typical a , squash butternut traditional local recipes. The Sacca di Goro, at the border of the the of border the at Goro, di Sacca The recipes. local traditional Lagosanto Lagosanto , melons Emilia , watermelons Ferrara , nectarines and courtly traditions. courtly fruits such as as such fruits Or Or , which are used in many many in used are which , radicchio and carrots Delta and the splendid splendid the and bread peaches Romagna , pears Emilia-Romagna , a triumph of ancient ancient of triumph a , pie Macaroni birds. Due to its unique topography, the area produces precious precious produces area the topography, unique its to Due birds. factory where you can witness the entire eel processing cycle. cycle. processing eel entire the witness can you where factory perfectly with mashed potato. Not to mention “ mention to Not potato. mashed with perfectly ” ferrarese coppia and floodplains, enlivened by numerous species of migratory migratory of species numerous by enlivened floodplains, and tradition, celebrated by the “Manifattura dei Marinati”, the old old the Marinati”, dei “Manifattura the by celebrated tradition, Ferrara, whose intense spicy flavours and aromas harmonize harmonize aromas and flavours spicy intense whose Ferrara, dishes: the glorious “ glorious the dishes: where willows and poplars adorn a succession of meanders meanders of succession a adorn poplars and willows where area, and and area, , which plays an important role in local local in role important an plays which , eel Comacchio ”, an original invention from from invention original an ”, sugo da salama You can sample sample can You A triumph of royalty that is also reflected in refined, delicious delicious refined, in reflected also is that royalty of triumph A , which is grown throughout the the throughout grown is which , rice Delta Po and continues through an endless unspoiled natural landscape, landscape, natural unspoiled endless an through continues and province of Ferrara. Ferrara. of province untamed nature and the most sophisticated architecture. architecture. sophisticated most the and nature untamed Bacchelli. The adventure starts from the ancient ancient the from starts adventure The Bacchelli. Ferrara of walls atmospheres and flavours that you can only savour here, in the the in here, savour only can you that flavours and atmospheres over the whole area. Landscapes of the soul that combine combine that soul the of Landscapes area. whole the over Bacchelliani”, places described in the work of author Riccardo Riccardo author of work the in described places Bacchelliani”, , surrounded by colours, colours, by surrounded , sea the and Po River the between point residences that once affirmed the dominion of the Este family family Este the of dominion the affirmed once that residences , passing through the “Luoghi “Luoghi the through passing , lighthouse Gorino the to fortress experiencing a place like no other in the world: world: the in other no like place a experiencing a flavour route that crosses the the crosses that route flavour a the along , the monumental monumental the , Estensi Delizie its with Bondeno di Stellata from , Po the of side right meeting the at Immersing yourself in the Po Delta landscape means means landscape Delta Po the in yourself Immersing You can still experience all the charm of the Duchy along along Duchy the of charm the all experience still can You runs that Ferrara of north area the in yourself lose to joy a is It THE PO DELTA PO THE THE “DELIZIE ESTENSI” “DELIZIE THE RIVER GREAT THE OF LAND THE Savour Enjoy Enjoy Taste Much more information is available on: # ferrarafoodie Limitless WONDER THE CITY AND PROVINCE OF FERRARA: AN ADVENTURE DEDICATED TO THE SENSES. STARTING WITH FOOD Provincia di FERRARA Emilia-Romagna Perdersi fra arte, natura, sapori e paesaggi, nei luoghi in cui il tempo Province of FERRARA ha lasciato tracce di storie indimenticabili. È questo il piacere esclusivo che regalano Ferrara e i suoi territori: un’esperienza intensa e ricca di emozioni, che coinvolge palato e anima. Emilia-Romagna Abbracciate In queste terre la sapienza dell’uomo custodisce e tramanda antiche IL BELLO E tradizioni, trasformandole in straordinarie eccellenze enogastronomiche di qualità certificata. L’Anguilla delle Valli di Comacchio, che può essere IL BUONO assaporata in diverse varianti in una fantasia di sapori irresistibili e unici, proprio come il territorio delle Valli. Oppure l’inconfondibile profumo che ogni mattina all’alba - passeggiando per le strade di Ferrara - inebria PO RIVER IN UN UNICO i vostri sensi invitandovi a gustare la croccante Coppia, tipico pane ferrarese, Mill on Berra the Po INFINITO contemplando il Castello Estense, simbolo della città. FIUME PO Mesola Ro Ferrarese Circondati dall’incantata atmosfera rinascimentale, il Duca Ercole I Stellata Fortress Castello Mulino Berra della Mesola sulCopparo Po Iolanda di Savoia SGUARDO d’Este vi propone un assaggio di Cappellacci di zucca ed un boccone Mesola Bondeno Ro Ferrarese Pomposa Goro della maestosa
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