Fourth Series1R.2 Tuesday, February 18, 1969 Magha 29, 1890 (Saka) /2.6$%+$ '(%$7(6 Seventh Session Fourth/RN6DEKD /2.6$%+$6(&5(7$5,$7 New Delhi CONTENTS No.2-Tuesday, Feb;'uary 18, 1969/Magha 29, 1890 (Saka) Columns Obituary Reference 1-2 Oral Answers to Questions- "Starred Questions Nos. 1 to 6 and 8 2-31 Written Answers to Qnestions- Starred Questions Nos. 7 and 9 to 30 32-50 Unstarred Questions Nos. I to 19, 21 to 31, 33 to 145, 147 to 157 and 159 to 2eo. 50-209 Papers Laid on the Table 209-10 Bills passed by Rajya Sabha- (i) Advocates (Second Amendment) Bill 210 (ii) Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Bill 210 President's Assent to Bills 210- II Public Accounts Committee-· Forty-first Report 212 Estimates Committee- Seventieth Report 212 Customs (Amendment) Bill, 1968-Wil/ulrawn 214-16 Customs (Amendment) Bill, 19(9-ill/J"o:/liced 216-18 Delhi Motor Vehicles Taxation (Amendment) Bill-lnlroJu('('d 218-19 Registration of Births and Deaths Bill 219-38 Motion to resume Debate 219-24 Clause 10 224-30 Motion of No confidence in the Council of Ministers 212-4, 230-318 Shri P. Ramamurti 230-48 Shri R.D. Bhandare 248-55 Shri N. Dandeker 255-66 Shri Thirumala Rao 266-71 Shri O. Viswanathan 271-74 Shri Shantilal Shah 274-79 Shri H. N. Mukerjee 279-88 Shri P. Venkatasubbaiah 288-301 Shri Tenneti Viswanatham 301--{)7 Shri Randhir Singh 307-13 Shri Shinkre 313-111 Business Advisory Committee- Twenty-eighth Report 318 • The sian +marked above the name of a Member indicates that the question was actually asked on the Hoor of the House by that Member. LOK SABRA DEBATES LOK SABHA <recially interested in the welfare of HarUans as well as the Scheduled Tribes. We deerly Tue.sdaYl Ft·hru{l/) 18, 1(61) ,\/U!;/w ~9, 1890 mourn his loss and request you to convey our (Saka) cnndolcnces to the berea\'cd family. MR. SPEAKER: The House tnay stand in silence for a short while to .'rrcss its Tire Lok SoMa mtt al Ef'l'm ofllre sorroYt'. Clnd. The ,\I('",/lr,-., then Jlonc/ i" ,Ul"nn" lor n ,f/mrt )fhi/t. I MR. SPEAKER in lire ('hai,1 OBlTl'AR Y RfTER[l':CE MR. SPEAKER I ha,'e to inform the ORAL ANSWFRS TO QlJLSTlONS Honse of the sad dCl11i~c of Shri Heli Ram Cenlral C .. unell for Indnstrl.. Da~ who ra"'~cd away at Gaui1ali on the 14th .HII,.. ,)· January. 19~9 at the age of sixt\'. ·1. SUR) P. M. SAVFLD: SHRI MANIHIlAI J. PATEL Shri Reli Ram Das "as a Member of the I'i"t Lok Sabha during the years 1952·57. SHRI RAGHUVIR SINGH SHASTRI: We deerl)' mourn the I"ss of this friend and SHRI UIfNGALRA Y A NAIDU : I am ~lIrc the HlHJ~C \\ill join me in (;on\'cying our (ondolcnltS to the bercayed Will tile Minister pf INDUSTRIAL famil~·. DEVELOPMENT AND COMPANY AFFAIRS be rica 'Cd to state' SHRI HEM BARUA (Mangaldai) : I have had the proud rrhilege of knowing Mr. (a) whether a meeting of the Central RcH Ram Das \cry intimately for oyer a Advi..ory Council for rndu~tric!'t Wa\ held decade. He was a memOcr of the Scheduled in the beginning (If Januar~. 1969; and Castes and gave the be!.t expression to ('ur national aspirations. He was a \'aliant (n) if !iO, the topiC' di'oCus!>ed and the fighter for the freedom of India. He ga\'e m~in deci~ion~ arrived at 85 a re5ult thrre· our nationalist aspirations the best e'rre"ion. of ? On behalf of our Party, we deeply mourn the loss of Beli Ram Das who u a Member of THE MINISTER OF STATE IN TIlE this House made distinctive contributions to MINISTRY OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOp· the deliberations of this House. MENT, INTERNAL TRADE AND COM· PANY AFFAIRS (SHRI RAGHUNATHA THE PRIME MINISTER, MINISTER REDDY> : (a) and (b). Yes, Sir. The meetin. OF ATOMIC ENERGY AND MINISTER of the Ce"tral Ad, isory Council of Industries OF PLANNING (SHRIMATI INDIRA re, icwed the general ta)nonlic !r.ituation and GANDHI: Shri Deli Ram Das was one Industrial development in the country and of the diminishing number of our old freedom abo considered mailers having a beario& on fiahters who joined the freedom struule in industrial licenain& policy. Suantionsi 1921. He worked in many fields but "'lI' o~tions made b)' members related to 3 Oral Answus FEBRUARY 18, 1969 0,,11 AlUWus 4 foreign collaboration, avoidance of repetitive ~ f.t ~' 1l1f!f0f/ffi t, m m it' ff) ~ import of know-how, supply of raw materials, ~~ if~' ~ ~ I i rf~ ~ ~ import substitution, export promotion, ex- m .,.. pansion of marketing facilities, the need for ~m <mr ~ ' 'f ~ f~ ~~ ~ ~ {if arousing cost consciousness and improve- ~'t~~~ ~ ~' ~~ rn~ ment of labour relations. m ~~it rr~~ I SHRI P. M. SAYEED : The hon. Mi- SHRI CHENGALRA Y A NAIDU : May nister informed us of the decisions taken by I know whether it is a fact that most of the the Advisory Council for Industries. Was any members of the Central Advisory Council decision taken with regard to the regional have complained against the procedural imbalances in the country? What is the delays on the part of the Government total outlay in industries in the country which which has seriously hampered the economic are not giving any output ? progress of the country? It has also been pointed out that the delay on the proposed THE MINISTER OF INDUSTRIAL Tata fertiliser project has caused a loss of DEVELOPMENT. INTERNAL TRADE Rs. 23 lakhs every day to the country. Is it AND COMPANY AFFAIRS (SHRI F. A. also a fact that the Mysore Chief Minister AHMED) : The subjects, we discus<ed also has complained about the delay of the in the last meeting have been indicated. Government in sanctioning these industries ? The matter relating to regional imbalances was not discussed in the last meeting. SHRI F. A. AHMED: So far as the ques- tion of the fertiliser project is concerned, the If the hon. Member gives me notice, specific matter was raised by one of the shall give him information on outlays which members flf the Council. So far as the he wants to know. matter relating to the Mysore Government is concerned, it is not only a question of licence being issued by the Committee, but SHRI P. M. SAYEED : What is the out- whether there is provision of the necessary lay on industries earmarked for the Laccadive finances for implementing the licence. I do Islands? not know which matter the hon. Member has in view, but we have not raised any SHRI F. A. AHMED: I have not got difficulty of the finances available (or imple- the fill\1res. ment ing a project. ,,) ~~i~ f~ ~ : {'f 'Tifl1' ,,) ~ ~ : 11'''' ' ~ fFT, ~~ ~ it ~ .. ~ 1!i ~~CJf it~ ~ 't~, ~! f m~ ~ I! ~ ITfJmT ~ f~ ~ ~ i it ~ ~~ <'I1TT ~~ ¥l'<'fT ~ I {'T f' ...r~ it em ~, or) ~ t f~ 'R ~ Iffir f.!<mr f~ f"FllT orrittTr I --¥ ~ 1rn ~ ~, ~ ~' 1fT ~ ~ it~ t flf; ~I~ ~ ;p.ft ~ ';3''1' f~ m... ~ ~i!l ~ 3fT sr~~ ~'rn'f {lit ~ it ~ ~r~r flf;Q'r'IT flf; ~~ r ~. 'R I!iT 'f ~f' 1f ~~ 'R I!iT ~it ~~f... iI' ~".lf Il~ ~ rom ~ f1roA it If¥ fril' ~ t, ~ 'f {eT it ~tft f~ ~ f" '<fill) ~ f r~~lI~~"'f ~~~I fim('f Ifl: "(R; ,,1fT rt t Iff;;r) 'R ~ ~ 7 aR: 8 crm ~~II'I' sr)rnr;f ~t,~t~ ~ ~fl r ~ 'IT, 1967-68 it q 1 m~ ~~ 1flfT, ~ m mf~sm!'~~~ t I It ~ ~ i f~ IfPrT ~ ,. ~~ ~ ~~' fti!t {r.t ~, ~, ~ ~ 11>'\', ~~~ ~ 'f ~ t "') omr ~ ~ ~ :a'1f I!iT J"( rn ~ ftIif IRr ~ it II>Tt ~ ~ it q 'Pff;;r t fit; ~ IfT"f I!mf q1f ~~, ? Oral II "'~r., MAGHA 29, 189<1 (SAKA) Oral A",nt'eor.t 6 J~ t ~ it ~ r ' 'I ~ ~ f1I; ~ rtm~~~.m~ ~r f 'fl f r"fr ~Jl ~i ~ 1tl<T IIiPr "'~ I "'~ ;ocrii' ;;rT ~ ~ ? -n ~ T" it"frf f~1f ~ lifT ~lIf OT ~Ift 'lf~ ""'" m if 1ft ~lit I ~m lIlitltc 'fl ~ ~, ... 'f' ~ am ~Ift 'lim f'" ~ "'t!f 'f l ~iI f ~ a flf~~ 'fT ~ T<'I: if.; I n~ l ~o ap;1 IfrIJIf C<'!'TfirlT it 'f~ lTI'l1::;r;;r 1:'r ~ fap; ::;r!!:T ~If "'I ~~ ",r iffif ~~ "'~r ~ I ~ 'f":tB r 'm~ r If.r ~m 'I i!1 ~ 'fT ~ IIf{llT 1If~11t ::;r!!:T ""'" ~lf r 'f'tfmr ~ ~r ~r ~ ;r;r ~m ~ r~r rr 'f l ~ ~ l!mf lIntltC "'T "" ~'" ~, f f~"'r f f~, ifl i\:'1'r If.r ap;;: :;f'iT IlH'Ir~ ' H~ ~ ~r ~, ;om In~. 't ::;rTifT 'f f~ I J~ ~ ~if 1ft ip;j!;T ~ f"'~r ~, ~ it i':IITU fr-r ",r 'i~ ~r f", 'lfi!T ~ ~ <lift ... " "'1'~ r ~ 'l ~m ~ I ~'1'if ~'f if; l"fit ~ ~~ ~ f~ ~I '3'!flf.r ~r it 'I ~if!f ap;;: f1:'l<T::;rm '3''iit It~ q;]"Il'1:'T l<T ~' i':T'IT ~. $ 'lTfi!:it I 'If. ~i' 'ift;r ~t 'm'if"f \:1 ~ ~r.n 'fr;j) <iT ~ f~ '3''1' '" i'1'''fT ::;rt":lfr ifT 1f1Rif;o l'i '" f rf~ i:trft I ~~I ~f!f '1 ":If. ;rTif !f;T I'lm'I' ~~ ilTl!T I flfT"f ~~ r If.T .'IT ~ lIf '!>T mr- r~ if'" '!'r~ilfirlr "'l 'IT..,'" ~, i':1f ~iffi rlf ~.r'if ~ m it ~~"fr ~r i'r ~~r 'It m"f'1'r ~ 'lff~ ~ ~'1' lfr'l "'T ~I I T' f"'l<T ~ f..
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