GONE (MOT, MIE.D ZAKARIA). --- The buried pyramid. Lond. , 1956. .913(62) Gon. GONELLA (GUIDO). --- Pace romance e pace cartaginese. [Quaderni di Stud. Roman. Ser. 2, 1.1 Roma, 1947. W* 8. 5. GONGOZA Y ARGOT (LUIS DE). COLLEC T IONS --- Obras completas. Recopilacion, prologo y notas de J. Mill6 y Gim6nez, &I.Mill6 y Gim6nez. Madrid, 1943. .86137 --- 3a ed. Madrid, 1951. Span. Lib. SMALLER COLLECTIONS --- Obras po6ticas. 3 tom. [Bibl. Hispan. 16-17, 20. ] New York, 1921. .86137 --- Another copy. Tom. 1-2. Span. Lib. --- 1627-1927. 2 tom. Madrid., .86137 1. Soledades. Ed. or D. Alonso. [1927.] 2. Romances de Gbngora. Ed. por J. M. de Cosslo. copyright 1927. GONELLA (GUIDO). --- Diritto e morale; saggi di teoria e storia. [Rome. Univ. Inst. di Filosofia del Diritto. Pubbl. 34.1 Milano, 1960. Law Lib. G6NGORA (MARIO). --- Studies in the colonial history of Spanish America. Tr. by R. Southern. [Carob. Lat.-Amer. Stud. No. 20.] Cambridge, 1975• •9($)04 Gon. --- Another copy. Econ. Hist. Lib. GONGORA Y ARGOT% (LUIS DE) [continued]. SMALLER COLLECTIONS [continued] _-- Poesfas; Polifemo, Soledades and other poems. Ed. with introduction by J. W. Barker. rombridge, 1 Qd9 _ 8&137 --- Another copy. Spanish Lib. --- Obras en verso del Homero espanol que recogi6 J. Lopez de Vicuna.. Pr6logo e indices por D. Alonso. Ed. facsfmil. [Cldsicos Hispdn. Ser. 1, Vol. 1. ] Madrid, 1963. .86137 SINGLE WORKS --- Letrillas. Texte 6tabli et annot6 par R. Jammes. Paris, 1963. .86137 --- Another copy. Span. Lib. --- Polyphemus. A translation by G. F. Cunningham. With the Spanish text and an introd. by A. A. Parker. Priv. pr. [Alva] 1965. 58. .86137 -- --- See ALOtiSO (DAMASO). G. y el Polifemo. -- See REYES (ALFONSO). El polifemo sin lagrimas ... de G. --- See VILANOVA (A.). Las fuentes y los temas del Polifemo de G. --- Romance de Arg6lica y Medoro. E studio -comentario, versi6n prosificada y notas por D. Alonso, etc. Madrid, 1962. .8613? AUDITIONS G6NGORA Y ARGOTE (LUIS DE). SMALLER COLLECTIONS --- Sonette. Ubertragen and kommentiert von S. Meuer. [Span. and Ger.] [Bibl. Manieristischer Lyrik.] Berlin, pr. 1960. .86137 --- Sonetos completos. Ed., introd. y notas de B. Ciplijauskaite. [Clas. Castalia, 1.] Madrid [1969.] .86137 --- Two other copies. Span. Lib. SINGLE WORKS --- Polyphemus. A translation by G.F. Cunningham. With the Spanish text and an introd. by A.A. Parker. Priv. pr. Alva, 1965- S.B. .86137 --- Letrillas. Ed., introd. y notas de R. Jammes. [Clan. Castalia, 101.1 Madrid [1980.] Span. Lib. -- Polyphemus and Galatea; a study in the interpretation of a baroque poem. [By] A.A. Parker. [With the text and] with verse translation by G.F. Cunningham. Ed-in., 1977• .86137 --- Another copy. Di. --- Two other copies. Span. Lib. --- Fabula de Polifemo y Galatea. Ed. de A.A. Parker. , (Traduccion de G. Ruiz-Ramon. [Letras Hispan. 171.1 Madrid [ 1 9 83.1 .86137 -- Another copy. Span. Lib. GONGORA Y ARGOTE (LUIS DE) [continued]. SINGLE WORKS [continued] --- Soledades. Prologo de E. Gonzalez Lanuza. [Col. Clas. Castellanos, No. 3. ] Buenos Aires [1944. ] .86137 --- Las soledades. 3a ed. publ. por D._Alonso. Madrid, 1956. .86137 --- Another copy. .8613", --- Another copy. Span. Lib. --- [Soledades. ] The solitudes of L. de G. y A. The Spanish text with an English translation by G. F. Cunningham. Priv. pr. Alva, [1964. Span. Lib. -__ Another copy. .86137 --- [Soledades. ] The Solitudes of Don L. de G. A text with verse translation by E. M. Wilson. Rev. ed. Cambridge, 1965. .86137 --- Another copy. Span. Lib. --- The solitudes of Don Luis de Gongora. Tr. into English verse by E. M. Wilson. Cambridge, 1931. .86137 • --- [Soledades. ] The solitudes. Tr. and with an introd. by E. IM. Wilson. Rev. and ed. by W. Barnstone. [Cypress Bks. ] New York, 1965. S.B. .86137 ADDITIONS G6NWRAA Y AMME ( LUIS DE) . SMLE WOMS --- Soledades. Ed. de J. Bederley. [Letras Hispan. 102.1 Madrid [1979•] .86137 — Another copy. Span. Lib. GONGGRA Y ARGOTE (LUIS DE) [continued]. SELECTIONS --- Antologfa. Selecci6n y pr6logo de A. Maricha.lar. 4a ed. LCol. Austral, 75. ] Buenos Aires, 1944. .86137 --- Poems of G Selected, introduced and annotated by R. O. Jones. Cambridge, 1966. Span. Lib. --- Another copy. 86137 BIBLIOGRAPHIES --- Gongora in the Library of the Hispanic Society of America. [Hispanic Notes & Monog. ] New York. XX* 5. 2. Delicias del Parnaso.. 1927. E1 Polifemo. 1927. Quatro comedias. 1927. APPENDIX A --- Para.la biograffa de G.; documentos desconocidos. Publ. ;nor D. Alonso y E. Galvarriato de Alonso. [Bibl. Roman. Hisp: n. 8, Doc. 1. ] Madrid [1962.1 .86137 Alo. ---See ALEMANY Y SELrA (BERNARDO). Vocabulario de !as obras de Don L. de G y A. -- See ALONSO (DAMASO). Cuatro poetas espanoles; Garcilaso, G. , etc. J A D1DnTIO N S GOL'GORA Y ARGO , (LUIS LE). 4 --- Poems of G. Selected, introduced and annotated by R.O. Jones. Cambridge, 1966. .86137 --- Two other copies. Span. Lib. --- Another copy. Span. Lib. GONGORA Y ARGOTE (LUIS DE) [continued]. APPENDIX [continued] --- See ALONSO (DAMASO). Estudios y ensayos gongorinos. --- See ALONSO (DAMASO). La lengua po6tica de G6ngora, --- See ALONSO (DAMASO). Poesfa espanola ... G. , etc. --- See ART IGUS (M.). Don L. de G6ngora y Argote: biograffa y estudio critico. --- See COT A.S (ANTONIO) and REGLA (J.). G.; su tiempo y su obra. --- See DEHEIv1V'IN (ELSA). La r6surgence de G. et la g6n6ration po6tique de i927. --- See KANE (E. K.). Gongorism and the Golden Age. - -- . --G•. --y-- sia-porWgues --- See OROZCO D%AZ (E.). G. --- See PENNEY (C. L.). L. de G. y A. --- See REYES (ALFONSO). ^ Cuestiones Gongorinas. --- See T HOTVIAS (L. P. ). Etude sur Gongora et la gongorisme, etc. Gonicaus (Johannes) reap. See LAURENBEBG (W.) prm8, Gouidee (Jean Frangois Marie Maurice Agathe le). See LE GGNIDEC. AM)ITIONS GONGORA Y ARGOTE (LUIS DE). APPENDIX --- See BELMAS (ANTONIO OLIVER). Don L. de G. y A. --- See BODINI (VITTORIO). Studi sul barocco di G. --- See BUXO (JOSE PASCUAL). G. en la poesia novohispana. --- See CALCRAFT (RAYMOND PAUL). The sonnets of L. de G. --- See CHURTON (EDWARD) M.A., Archdeacon of Cleveland. G. --- See FOSTER (DAVID WILLIAM) and FOSTER (VIRGINIA RAMOS). L. de G. --- See JAMMES (ROBERT). Etudes sur 1'oeuvre poetique de Don L. de G. y A. --- See JAMMES (ROBERT). Retrogongorisme. --- See MULLER (BODO). Gongoras Metaphorik. --- See OROZCO D1AZ (EXILIO). En torno a las "Soledades" de G. --- See OROZCO DfAZ (EMILIO). Lope y G. frente a frente. --- See PABST (WALTHER). [Gongoras Schopfung in seinem Gedichten Polifemo and Soledades.] La creacion gongorina en los poemas Polifemo y Soledades. --- See ARES MONTES (VOSE). G. y la poesia portuguesa del siglo XVII. --- See HEYDE=CH (TITUS). Culteranismo and theologische Poetik; die "Collusion de letras humanas y divinas," 1637/1644 des Aragoniers Gaspar Buesso de Arnal zur Verteidigung Gongoras. --- See WOODS (MICHAEL JOHN). The poet and the natural world in the age of G. GONI GAZTAMBIDE (JOSS). --- Historia de la hula de la cruzada en Espaifa. [Victoriensia, Vol. 4•1 Vitoria, 1958. •9(4602) Gon. GONICK (CY). --- Out of work; why there's so much unemployment, and why its getting worse. [Econ. in Crisis.] Toronto, 1978• •33113(71) Gon. GONiDEC (PIERRE FRANCOIS). ti --- ed. See FRANCE. CONSTITUTIONAL DOCUMENTS. Constitutions des 6tats de la Communaut6. GONiN (HENRI LOUIS). --- Excerpta Agnelliana. The Ravennate Liber pontificalis as a source for the history of art. [Th. ] Utrecht [1933. ] .879:. 709 Gon. --- See HIEM1STRA (V. G.) and G. (H. L.) Gonnn (Hyacinthus Joachim). Disput. jur. ad Lib. vii Tit. 6 Digest. Si ususfruetus petetur, vel ad alium pertinere negetur. 4° Edin., 1850. RE 1023/38. GONNARD (RENE). --- Histoire des doctrines 6conomiques. 2e 6d. rev. et corr. 3 vols. Paris. .330109 Gon. 1. Doctrines ant6rieures a Quesnay. Second tir. 1928. 2. De Quesnay A Stuart Mill. 1927. 3. Ecoles socialistes. Ecoles r6alistes. D6clin de 1' (,tole lib6rale. Avec un index analytique et un index des noms cit6s dans les trois volumes. 1927. --- La l6gende du bon sauva^e; contribution A 1'6tude des origines du socialisme. [Coll. d'Hist. Econ. 4. ] Paris, 1946' .1283 Gon. Date on spine only --- La propri6te dans la doctrine et dans Phistoire. [Coll. d'Etud. Econ. 20.1 Paris, 1943. .32346 Gon. Gonne (Joannes Gott li eb). 15 e ducatu Franci Ee orient" disquisitio, ad fldem diplomatum atque scriptorum. 4° Erlangse, 1756. q P. 1017/9. ADDITIONS GONIDEC (PIERRE FRLAN OIS). --- ed. Encyclopedie politique et constitutionelle. Serie Afrique. See INSTITUT INTEPdiATIONAL D'ADY=ISTRATION PUBLIQUE. Encyclopedie politique et constitutionelle. Serie Afrique. --- La republique du Tchad. See INSTITUT INTERNATIONAL D I AD L=STRATION PUBLIQLL. Encyclopedie politique et constitutionelle. Serie Afrique. --- La republique federate du Cameroun. See IaTSTITUP INTERETATIO;NTAL D I ADMINISTRATION PUBLIQUE. Encyclopedie politique et constitutionalle. Serie Afrique. GONIN (=NRI LOUIS). --- See PRO munere grates; studies presented to H.L.G. GONNER (Sir EDWARD CARTER KERSEY). — Common land and closure. in. 8° Loud., 1912.+3--5^f}-g}, O . S 3^32(LAa) ^&%. , --- 2nd ed. With a new introd. by G. E. Mingay. Lond. , 1966. .3332(42) Gon. --- interest do saving. 8° Lond., 1906. M.14. 16. --- The social philosophy of Rodbertus. Lond. , 1899. O. S. .335 Rod. Gan. — The socialist state, its nature, aims and conditions being an introduction to the study of socialism. 8° Lond., 1896. 'N. 16/3. 68. --- ed. See RICARDO (D.). Principles of political economy and taxation. Gonnevill e (Aymar Olivier le Harivel de). Recollections of Colonel do G., published by his daughter, the Countess de Mirabeau, with an introductory sketch by General Baron Ambert. Ed. frown the French by C. DI. Youge. 2 vols. 8° Lond., 1876. , Pt. 6. 46-47. GONON (IVIARG JERITE). --- Lexique du parler de Poncins. Recueilli par M. G. [Assoc. des Chartes du Forez. ] 4 Pon. 1. Paris, 1947. Ref. 4 Fre.I CA, 0 --- La vie familiale en Forez au XIVe siMe et son vocabulaire d'apr^s les testaments.
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