'I I C 0 M M I S S I 0 N NATIONAL CAPITAL . OT'IAWA Canada SIXTIE/l'H AlWUAL REPO[-\T for the period January L, 1959 to March 31, 1960. J J J ] J J J J l ..J J J J J J J "In the development of the Nation's Capital is symbolized the rapid development of the Canadian nation itself. None of this could have been possible but for the co-operation of governments - federal, provincial and . .. municipal- none of it vJOuld have been possible without tp.e unceasing devotion that tt:.. e National Capital Commission and the Commissions _which preceded it, have given to this ~rork, the building of a rnonument in Nature to a great city - to the Capital of Canada - symbolic of its greatness and also of its p;randeur". Extract from speech. of the R t. Hon. John G. Diefenbaker, Prime Mini$ter of Canada, at opening cererr.ony of Pinks Lake and Kingsmere sections of t(le Gatineau ParkHay in Gatineau Park - Octo~er 2, 1959. i TABLE OF CONTi'~l·iT S PAGE Letter of Transmittal ......................................... Organization Chart .. .. .. ... • ............................. 2 List of Members of: :National Capital Corr..rni ssion •••••••••• . ...... 3 Executive Committee •••••..••••••••••• . .. • • • • . .. 3 Land Conmittee •a•••••··········· . • • ct •••• ..... Advisory CoMmittee on Desifp •••• . ... .. Information Advisory Committee ...... •• & ~ Historical Advisory Committee . Gatineau Park Advisory Cornrui ttee •••.• . .. ... .. tt Review of Activities of the National Capital Comnission for the period January 1, 1959 to March 31 1 1960 ••••••••••• 5 31 (a) Construction: ••••••• . ·.· .. ...... e. 12 Railway relocation ••••• . ...... 8 Ga tine au P arln'lfays .••.• . ....... 12 Other projects •.•••.. .. 14 16 (b) Planning and Property ••• . ·-. .. 16 21 General . .. "' . 16 Advice to municipalities ••••••••. .. 17/ . Other projects • • • • • • • • . • . • . •. ........ 18 19 20 Land.acquisition pro~ramme ••••• . ~ . (c) Landscape development ••••• .. .. .. .. ........ 22 - 26 City of Hull •........ .... City of . .. ~a (d) Gatineau Park . ............ 28 ( e_} Public Information ••..•••••.•.•.•... .............. 30 Report of Royal Canadian Mounted Police ••••..•...•••...••••••• 32 Comments on Financial Statements .............................. 34 Report of Auditor General ..................................... 37 _,I I - ii - i _J I1APS · J National Capital negion .............................. Front Cover J lway Relocation Program l...... Chart of Stage One • . 9 Chart of Stage Tvro • • • • • . • . • . • . • . • • • . • . • . • • • • 10 J .., J J P IIO':i..'OGRl\P HS J taHa-Hull seen from the air •••••••.•..•.•.••.••....•••. Frontispiece • ·opens Gat ineau P arkHay Link •••... ~ ••••..•••...•••••• 12 vi~w of Pink Lake Parkway •..••• ~ •.. : ••.•..•....••••.• 13 J DS\..Jay .landsca.ping .................................••. 14 l 19 j turning at Industrial area ••..•..•.•.••...•....•••.•. ...j 21 es purchased for ~1eensway .........................•. -1 t·· t,beuf Park l·'Ionument ••.......• ~: • ...• ·•.••....••....••.••. 23 ~J --"", troO:ilS at Strath.con2c Park ••...............•.....•• o ••• 24 1 ! -~ or Hill l~rt:illery l~:onLttilent •..................· .......•. 25 l Hall and Hideau Falls Park •••.•.•........•.•..•••••• 27 \ . ~J 27 Ga tineau Par1·: ................................. 1 _j in Ga tine au Pc.trlc .......................· ............ - 29 's Back Park .......................................... 30 J J ' _,j -·-----~ - 1 - NATIONAL CAPITAL COi'-1NISSION Ottawa, Canada June 29, 1960. Honourable David J. Halker, P.C., M.P., Minister of Public Horks, 0 t t a w a, Canada. Dear Mr. Halker: In accordance with Section 85(3) of the Financial Administration Act, we have the honour to submit here~·Iith the Ar.::1ual Report of the activities of the Commission covering the period January 1, 1959 to March 31; 1960. This is the Sixtieth Re~ort of the Commission and of its predecessors .. Respectfully submitted, (sgdJ Alan K. Hay, Chairmano {Sgd.) J.E. Handy, Secretary. P.S. This is the first report of the National Capital Commission. Annual re~orts previousl;r submitted by preceding Commissions on the basis of the calendar year as required by the governing a·cts. The National Capital Commission is subject to the requirements of the Financial Administration Act and its fiscal year terminates March 31. This Act calls for m Annual· Report of the Commission's activities top;ether vJith financial statements for the fiscal year. This is the reason why the present report covers a 15~month period, namely January 1, 1959 to Narch 31, 1960. Future ar..nual reports will be submitted on a fiscal year basis endins March Jl. - 3- NATIONAL CAPITAL CONNISSION CHAIR NAN Major General Howard Kennedy, C.B.E., M.G., M.E.I.C., F.Ee (retired on March 31 1 , 1960) VICE-CHAIRHAN Pro.fessor Anthony Adamson, M.R.A.I .. C., M.T .. P.I.C. COf!lMISSIONERS (as of March 31, 1960) P. Horace Boivin, Granby, Quebec. J.G. Boultbee, Kamloops, B.C. ·Honourable John Bracken, B.SeA., LL:D., 1>1anotick, Ontario. J David L .. Burgess, M.B.E .. , M£ ., Ottawa, Ontario. R.D. Chenier, Eastview, Ontario. Rayxuond Cossette, B.E.., LL.L., Quebec City, Quebec. A. Walthen Gaudet, LL.B., Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. Aime Guertin, Hull,.Quebec. · J.A. Hagerman, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. J.c. Horwitz, Q.C., Ottawa, Ontario. M.M. Maclean, C.B.E., Ottawa, Ontario .. Mrs. R.-H .. NacLeod, NeH GlasgoH, :Nova Scotie.• Miss S. Clyde NcLellan, Saint John, NeH BrunsHick. H.G.R. Mews, St. John's, Ne.,Jfoundland,. J .N. Herin, J.P., Aylmer, Quebec~ E.R. Tavender, B.A., LL.B., Calgary, Alberta. Ja~es M. Wardle, C.B.E., M.E.I.C., P~ Eng., Ottawa, Ontario. OFFICERS Alan K. Hay, M.E.I.C. Jacques Greber, S.A.D.G., S.C., S.F.U. Planning Consultant ··EXECUTIVE C0i.''lJ:.1ITTEE Chairman: Major General Ho~Jard Kennedy ( 2eti red on March 31, 1960) • Vice-Chairman: Professor Anthony Adamson Honourable John Bracken Aime Guertin David L. Burgess LAND COHT'-'IITTE~ . Major General Howard Kennedy, Chairman Col. J.D. Fraser F.H. Berry Professor Anthony Adamson, Chairman Gordon Culham V./ at son Ja 1 ha rr i e Professor James A.. Murray Claude Beaulieu J. S. Lefort C .. E. Trudeau INFOJmA 'l'I ON li.DVI 30RY C Ol!ii'Utr'rEE H. M .. Iviaclean, Chairman Aime Guertin ,J • C • Horwitz Niss S. Clyde HcLellan n. D. Chenier J. N. Horin E. H~ Tavender Ha jor General Hm.vard Kennedy - (ex officio) Professor Anthony Adamson - (ex officio)_ HISTORICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Professor Anthony Adamson, Chairman Dr. Lucien Brault n., F .. Legget \;J~ E. Fancott Ho F. C. Anderson· Harry 1.r·Ialker A. J .. H. Hichardson 1rJ o Eo D. Halliday Dr. H. Ho Hubbard Eric 1rJ. Morse l~dgar B,outet Rev. Father Maurice Gobeil Mrso W. H. Gilleland Dr. Wilfred L. Caron N. I'1 o IV[aclean GATINEAU PARK ADVISOHY COl'1i'IITTEE James M. ~ardle, Chairmgn J~ N. Horin - 5 - REVIE\'J OF EVt;l'JTS M!D ACTIVITIES OF THE NATIONAL CAPITAL COHNISSION FOR THE 1_5-NON1'H PERIOD E~·w:c;D r1ARCH 3~960 More than a year has elapsed since the coming into force of the National Ca~ital Act, 7 Elizabeth II, Chapter 37 - an Act respecting the Development and Improvement of the National Capital Region. The Corporation knoHn as the National Capital Commission, c~msisting of twenty members, Has establisheC: on February 6, 1959. The members are appointed by the Governor-in­ Council and hold office during pleasure for a term not exceedinf, four years. In addition to the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman, · the Act provides for the appointment of at least one member from each of the ten provinces; at least tHo members from the City of Ottawa; at least one member from tl1e City of Hull, and at least one member each from a municipality vrithin Ontario and Quebec sections of the National Capital Region excluding the Cities of Otta\-ra and Hull. An Exc:3cutive Comrnittee of the Comnission consistint; of the Chairman, The Vice--Chairmap. and three other members appointed by· the Commission- of whom one at least is from the Provincc·of Qu~bec - functions bet:veen meetins:s of the full Conu11:lssion~ The National Capital Region described iq the Act - the area Hithin -vrhich the Comrnissfon is authorized to spend funds - has been enlarp,ed from 900 to approximately 1,800 square miles, and noH comprises 58 tov-ms, to~-rnships and villages Hhich in ·Hhole or in part lie within the nevJ National Capital Region - 21 in Ontario, and 3 7 in Q;u.e bee. The objects and ;)urpo3es of t:-1e Corr!l11ission are to prepare. p 1 ans J.orL' ana~ ass1s,_,• .... J.n• -'-v.h e aevc,. l opmenv,.L. conservavlon-!- • an_d improvement of tt1e :Jational Cnpital 1-:ec.ion in_order that the nature and character of the seat of the Gover::l:OJ.ent of Canada maybe in accordance with its national si~nificance. es in The Co!l".. mission rr;cords uitb deep regret the passing of t~<Jo of its members: !vir. J .. P.lcxander ~-.-all{er, C .E.:~ B .A .Sc., 1'1. T .? .L .C., engineer and t Ol-m-plai'..... 'liD(\ consu.ltant of Van'c ouver, B.C., on SepterTlber 21, 1959, arx1 i·lr. G<:tston Vincent, r;';_.C.;, LL.D., lavryer and educationalist of Ottm-:a, Ontario, on October 12, 1959. The Corr:.r::.ission a1so F-r_shes to record the follo-vring changes in its membership in the r,Jeriod under revieH occasioned . .c. .... • ' .... 1°"9 r> ,,. ,,.. • ,., • b y the appoln0menv, ln r_ugus0 1 1:/ , 01 .i.tr. i'laur1ce vouslneau, Q.C., to the Bench of the Superior Court of the Province of Quebec, and the 8tJ pointment of Honourable 1•Irs. J .c. Irvine to the Senate of Canada, on January 14-, 1960. l - 6 - _;I On Jantmry 14, 1960, the Governor in Council was to appoint the follovring three persons to the membership J National Capital Commission: (1) Mr. J. Gardner, Boultbee, Kamloo~s, B.Ce J (2) Hr ...R.D. Chenier, Eastview, Ontario and (3) Mr.
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