OKLAHOMA SUMMER ARTS INSTITUTE Adult Workshops in the Arts FALL 1983 The Oklahoma Summer Arts lnsti- professionals in their field, and eration with the Oklahoma Depart­ tute Adult Workshops in the Arts many are past instructors of The ment of Tourism and Recreation evolved in response to requests Oklahoma Summer Arts Institute and the Oklahoma State Depart­ from teachers across the state for summer program for high school ment of Education, The Oklahom­ an arts extension program of ex- students. By offering the program ma Summer Arts Institute began cellence for adults. By making at Quartz Mountain we hope to with a pilot program in 1977 at available the opportunity to work provide a quality arts education Camp Egan, Tahlequah, Oklaho­ with professional artists of national experience for individuals involved ma. In 1978 the Institute was es­ reputation we hope to contribute in the arts in the state of tablished at Quartz Mountain to the artistic and creative devel- Oklahoma. State Park, Lone Wolf, Oklahoma. opment of art educators and com- For two weeks each summer The munity artists throughout th e The Oklal1oma Surnrner Arts lr1 sti­ Surnrner Arts /r;stitute bri ngs na­ state. Although the workshops are tute was incorporated as a non­ tionally respected professional art­ designed for instruction in teach- profit organization in 1976 through ists to Quartz Mountain to teach ing techniques in the arts, we feel the statewide effort of artists, edu­ orchestra, acting, mime, ballet, that any artist - performer, stu- cators, and cultural leaders in re­ modern dance, photography, dio artist or teacher - will have sponse to requests from parents printmaking, painting, and cre­ the opportunity to gain new in- seeking quality summer arts train­ ative writing to 200 students be­ sights and directions in their art ing for high school students. Un­ tween the ages of 14 and 18 who form. We have chosen the faculty der the leadership of the State are chosen by competitive with care. All are highly acclaimed Arts Council of Oklahoma in coop- audition. Th e O klahoma Summer Arts Institute is en dorsed and su pported by the National Endowment for the Arts, the State Arts Council of Oklahoma, the State Department of Education and the State Department of Tourism and Recreation. David Fitzgerald September 22, 23, 24, & 25 and Bernard Plossu PHOTOGRAPHY David Bernard Plossu Fitzgerald Santa Fe, New Mexico The workshop participants will be di­ Oklahoma City vided into two groups, each group Bernard Plossu will concentrate his spending equal time with each of the teachings on taking black and white David Fitzgerald's sessions will focus instructors. Classes begin Thursday photographs with the 35mm camera on color landscape and advertising evening with a slide lecture and an in­ using only a 50mm lens.Sessions will photography and will include discus ­ troduction to the course. On Friday include instruction in photographing sions of the technical aspects of pho­ and Saturday participants will people, weather, moods and com­ tography. work with the instructors taking field trips position. in the hills surrounding Quartz Moun­ One of the leading traveling photographers working A p rofessional photographer for seventeen years. tain. Evening sessions and a final today, Bernard Plossu accepted his first photo­ David Fitzgerald is owner of Fitzgerald Associates, Sunday morning session will be spent graphic assignment at the age of 20 in the jungles an advertising photography studio in Oklahoma in demonstrations, discussions and a of Mexico.Since that time he ha s photographed in City. His photographs have appeared in numerous critique of each participant's work. Africa, Europe, and the United States. His work has national magazines and are included in the Time­ The workshop is limited to 50 partici­ been exhibited extensively in the United States and Life series on Photography. A noted landscape pho­ pants. Fee $150 Europe and is included in many permanent collec­ tographer, his work has been published in the tions throughout the world. Five books have been book Oklahoma and in a new book Ozarks, to be published on his work. New Mexico Revisited is the released in the spring of 1984. Fitzgerald was pho­ latest release. Plossu was a guest artist at the 1983 tography instructor at the 1979 and 1980 Oklaho­ Oklahoma Summer Arts Institute summer pro­ ma S ummer Arts I nstitute summer program. gram. GENERAL INFORMATION CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDIT SITE University credit for all workshops wi ll be available by applying through the College of Fine Arts, University of Oklahoma. Offering t he perfect get-away. Quartz Mountain State Park, near Altus, is Teachers should check with your local school system and staff development a unique environment in Oklahoma's Great Plains Country. It is an ideal site committee to determine if the workshop wi ll qualify for staff development credit. for the study of the arts, offering the inspiration of the natural beauty of REGISTRATION rugged granite hills framing Lake Altus-Luger!. The Quartz Mountains ri se Registration and accomodations are 1, 950 feet above the surrounding plains. The area was once travelled by the reserved upon receipt of application and full payment. Deadline for registrati Kiowa and Comanche Indians and abounds in the rich lore these people left on is September 15. We urge you to register as soon as possible as enrollment behind them. It is populated by the many varieties of wi ld life indigenous to is limited. Upon receipt of your application, we will mail to you furthur southwestern Oklahoma. The resort facilities include indoor and outdoor information about specific items you may need to bring for your workshop. If the workshop you request i s full , swimming pools, tennis courts and a 9-hole golf course. Camping facilities your entire payment wi ll be refunded, or applied to an alternative choice you are available. To reach Quartz Mountain State Park, take Highway 183 have specified. Cancellation requests made two weeks or more prior to start south of the 1-40 Clinton exit. The park area is located 10 miles south of of workshop are entitled to a fu ll refund, minus a $10 administration fee. Lone Wolf, off Highway 44. Cancellations received less than two weeks prior to start of workshop will ACCOMODATIONS not be entitled to a refund. Accomodations for each of the 4-day workshops will be at the lodge located at Quartz Mountain State Park. Three nights lodging and three meals per day beginning with Thursday dinner and ending with Sunday breakfast are included in the total cost of the workshop. Breakfasts are American Conti­ FOR FURTHER INFORMATION nental Style. Rooms are double occupancy. (A limited number of single Oklahoma Summer Arts Institute occupancy rooms are available at an additional cost.) Adult Workshops in the Arts COST P.O. Box 18154 The cost of each of the fu ll weekend workshops is $150 ($75 registration Oklahoma City, OK 73154 fee and $75 room and board, double occupancy) . A limited number of (405) 424-4321 single occupancy rooms are available for an additional $36 ._ Oklahoma Summer Arts Institute Non- Profit Organization Adult Workshops in the Arts U.S. Postage 4020 N. Lincoln Suite 204 PAID Permit No. 1056 P.O. Box 18154 Oklahoma City, OK 73 154 Oklahoma City, OK 73154 Mary Y. Frates Director Mary Gordon Taft Ass't. Director April Meacham Workshop Coordinator Suzanne Tate Public Information )> ro 0... g c c CD ,. (J) :lE :a Q. -t -- N co 0 ~ s::: Z~/\ ~o "'Tl 0 c )> 3 z r Ill -t r ~~~ :!: ...... -m )> z CD -I ::IJ I G) ro en OJw c )> 0 ~ -t "U ,. ..-+ -I ::IJ ~ ~ -t ::y ~ m m -I )> 0 "a CD Ol ,. (J) .g :a )> ~ 55 ~ ..-+ (/) Participants enroll and concentrate in one of the three visual arts workshops offered. Classes begin Thursday eve­ ning and continue Friday and Satur­ day in full day work sessions. On Fri­ day and Saturday evenings you will participate in a two-hour session with each of the other instructors. Sunday morning will be a final wrap-up ses­ sion in your chosen field of study. Each class is limited to 15 partici­ pants. Fee $150 Photo by Bernard Plossu September 29, 30, October 1 & 2 DRAWING Juan Gonzalez VISUAL ARTS SCREENPRINTING Dan DRAWING SCREENPRINTING Kiacz WATERCOLOR Juan Gonzalez Dan Kiacz Don Nice New York, New York Norman, Oklahoma The workshop will concentrate on the The emphasis of the workshop is to ex­ basic principles of teaching drawing plain the process of screenprinting in a WATERCOLOR through slide lectures, demonstrations simple and direct manner. The first day and work in the studio.The first day will will include an extensive examination of Don Nice include an introduction to the various original screen prints as an introduction Garrison, New York drawing processes, techniques, media, to processes, color, textures, papers, color and imagery.Two full days in the aesthetics and the adaption of screen­ studio will include the following exercis­ printing techniques for fine arts print­ The watercolor workshop will include a es in drawing: Large scale landscapes ing. The next three days will be demon­ lecture, studio session and a field trip. using pastels and charcoal; still life on strations of problems and process such The lecture will discuss the history of an intimate scale with graphite and col­ as stretching screens, building portable watercolor painting as well as a com­ ored pencils; the study of basic geo­ equipment, the simple technique of wa­ plet~ explanation and demonstration of and technique. During studio metric forms and values; and an over­ ter soluble blockout, reduction printing, material time the class will paint one or several view of different ways of using the mod­ tusche and glue, paper stencil, the of glosses, flocking and still life objects.
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