Steep Slope Logging in 2017 Official Hidden Historical Gem SHOW Hull-Oakes Lumber Company, Monroe, OR GUIDE Hitting the Ground at a Gallop Iron Horse Logging Presents The Logging, Construction, Mapleton, OR Trucking & Heavy Equipment Expo ON THE COVER Photo taken at the 2016 Oregon Logging Conference January/February 2017 Vol. 42 No. 01-02 6 2017 OLC Show Guide A comprehensive listing of all the events, panels and exhibitors of the 2017 OLC. 2017 OLC Show Guide Breakfasts to Welcome Loggers ............................................. Page 15 Chainsaw Carving Event. ........................................................... Page 42 Dessert for Dreams ..................................................................... Page 22 Exhibitor’s List. .............................................................................. Page 58 Family Day. ..................................................................................... Page 38 Friday Night 79th Celebration Even ...................................... Page 20 Food Locations ............................................................................. Page 40 Guess the Net Board Feet ......................................................... Page 24 Keynote speaker. .......................................................................... Page 14 Log Loader Competition ........................................................... Page 54 MAP............. ...................................................................................... Page 48 Meet & Greet ................................................................................. Page 7 Over 95,00 square feet. .............................................................. Page 7 6 OLC Scholarship Benefit Auction. .......................................... Page 16 Hidden OLC Scholarships Awards. ........................................................ Page 44 ODF Training Operators. ............................................................ Page 46 Historical Gem OWIT Dinner & Auction ............................................................. Page 12 Panels & Seminars ....................................................................... Page 26 President’s Welcome .................................................................. Page 6 Program & Schedule ................................................................... Page 47 Professional Logger Credits ..................................................... Page 26 Registration ................................................................................... Page 10 Resolutions .................................................................................... Page 56 Revisiting Logging Communities (Exhibit) ........................ Page 46 SAF Continued Education ........................................................ Page 24 Sawdust Bowl ............................................................................... Page 42 Sponsors Page............................................................................... Page 8 70 Student Competition. ................................................................ Page 36 Hitting the 2016 ODF Operators of the Year ............................................ Page 52 Ground at 70 Hidden Historical Gem a Gallop Oregon mill with a long history offers incredible versatility 76 Hitting the Ground at a Gallop Iron Horse Logging demonstrates you can successfully break out on your own 84 A Look Ahead at Steep Slope Logging in 2017 76 Industry experts discuss the future of A Look Ahead steep slope logging at Steep Slope Logging in 2017 DEPARTMENTS Page 4 ............................................................In the News Page 82 ................................................Firebreak Column Page 90 ................................................ Association News Page 92 ....................................................... New Products Page 93 .............................................. Calendar of Events Page 93 ...........................Subscription/Reader Service Page 93 ......................... Advertiser’s Index/Classifieds Page 94 .......................................................Guest Column 84 www.forestnet.com | January/February 2017 | TimberWest 3 Looking for Firefighters Editor: Diane Mettler, [email protected] we can do what we do every year, which is Copy Editor: Beth Szyperski DNR is looking for courageous, motivat- pray that the fire season won’t be so bad, and Contributing Editors: Mary Bullwinkel, Eugene ed men and women to join us in our efforts that we’ll be able to continue our work on Gerden, Lindsay Mohlere, Andrea Watts to protect 13 million acres of Washington prevention, which of course stops this spiral ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– lands from wildfires this coming summer. from escalating.” Sales Mgr: James Booth – [email protected] You must be 18 years old, have a high school Director: Rob Stanhope – [email protected] diploma and a driver’s license, and be able to West Coast Leads the Top U.S. purchase lace boots with Vibram soles. Housing Markets Sales Contact Information: Toll Free: 1-866-405-6462 The application that you fill out on DNR’s The latest predictions by Veros Real Phone: (604) 990-9970 • Fax: (604) 990-9971 jobs webpage will ask for basic informa- Estate Solutions dovetail other recent fore- ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– tion such as education, past work history, casts, that home price appreciation will be Publisher & Production Manager: and references, and it will include a simple heavily led by the West, along with smaller Sheila Ringdahl – [email protected] questionnaire. For more information, visit markets away from the coasts. http://www.dnr.wa.gov/employment/jobs. Seattle seems to consistently appear near Office Manager: or at the top of everyone’s list as the hottest Betty Rosales – [email protected] Port of Longview Expansion market for the year ahead as the city swells Corporate Office Information: The Port of Longview has big plans in size, driven by solid employment opportu- Phone: (425) 778-3388 for improving vital assets this year, includ- nities and wage growth, which is squeezing Fax: (425) 771-3623 ing continued work on both the Industrial supplies and forcing prices upward. [email protected] Rail Corridor (IRC) expansion and Berth 4 www.forestnet.com redevelopment. U.S. International Trade Com- Send all materials - Insertion Orders, This year the Port allocated $570,000 mission Continues Investigation Contracts, Copy, Photos, Disks to: toward the expansion of the Industrial Rail In January, the U.S. International Trade TImberWest Publications, LLC P.O. Box 610 (300 Admiral Way, Suite 105) Corridor, the main rail artery serving port Commission (ITC) decided there was a Edmonds, WA 98020-0610 facilities. Adding additional through-track reasonable indication that the U.S. domes- ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– and sidings allows the Port to better serve tic industry was being materially injured by Send both OLD and NEW Circulation information to: existing customers and increases the appeal imports of softwood lumber products from TimberWest Magazine of doing business for future customers. The Canada that are allegedly subsidized and Attn: George Aldridge IRC was originally constructed in the early sold in the United States at less than fair P.O. Box 610, Edmonds, WA 98020 2000s and was vital in securing EGT as an value. Fax: (425) 771-3623 • [email protected] anchor tenant at the Port of Longview. As a result of the ITC’s affirmative de- ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– In addition to the IRC expansion, rede- terminations, the Department of Commerce Advertising created by TimberWest Publications, LLC is the velopment continues at Berth 4. The Port will continue to conduct its antidumping sole property of TimberWest Publications, LLC and may not be began the redevelopment project in 2012, duty (AD) and anti-subsidy countervailing copied or reproduced without the express written permission of the publisher. completing demolition of the old dock and duty (CVD) investigations on the imports, construction of a new layberth. This year with its CVD decision due on February 20, PUBLISHER’S EDITORIAL STATEMENT: kicks off Phase II of the redevelopment, 2017, and its preliminary AD margin deter- TimberWest reports on the logging and lumber segment of including a full-site hazard assessment and mination due on May 4, 2017. the forest industry in the Western United States with empha- sis on the states of AK, WA, OR, ID, MT and CA, providing estimate for upland demolition of the silos Loan from New Fund to current information on timber harvesting techniques, sawmill and adjacent facilities. operations, news, legislation, events, people and products Support Oregon Mills pertinent to this market. Will GOP End Fire Borrowing Oregon Business reported that the first TIMBERWEST (USPS #024858) is published bi-monthly “It’s easy to throw resources at a big, loan from a new fund designed to speed (Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Jul/Aug, Sept/Oct, Nov/Dec) by massive fire, but it’s not a smart way to use the harvesting and processing of Western TimberWest Publications, LLC, 300 Admiral Way, Suite 105, resources,” said outgoing Interior Secretary Juniper has been issued to a wood processor Edmonds, WA, 98020. Periodicals postage paid at Edmonds, Sally Jewell, at the National Interagency — Jim Epley of Spray, Oregon. WA and at additional mailing offices. Copyright 2017. All rights reserved.
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