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Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87781-7 - A Global Introduction to Baptist Churches Robert E. Johnson Index More information Index Abbot, Elisha, 207 American Baptist Home Mission Society, 149, Abernathy, Ralph, 360 150, 151, 152, 169, 171, 172, 173, 174, 216, 223, Aboriginal Baptists, 127, 128, 138, 283 297, 298, 350, 371 Acadia University, 119, 337 American Baptist Missionary Convention, 163 ad fontes, 14, 15 American Baptist Missionary Union, 99, 151, Adorian, Constantin, 196 190, 192, 199, 201, 211, 240, 245, 247, 344 Adorian, Jegalia, 316 American Baptist Publication Society, 151, 153, Africa Baptist Assembly, Malawi, 250 346, 385 African American Baptist women, 181, 373 American Baptist Tract Society, 151 African American Baptists, 80, 96, 99, 137, 162, American Baptist Women, ABC-USA, 292, 372, 200, 288, 411 377 African Baptist Association, Canada, 121 American Baptist Women’s Ministries, African Baptist Mission Society, 99, 136, 137, 162, ABC-USA, 372 163 American Indian Mission Association, 158 African Baptist women, 253 Amherstburg Association, 122 African Baptists, 133, 137, 202, 231, 232, 241, 242, Anabaptists, 57 243, 245, 251, 255, 381, 391, 409 Anderson, Johanna, 173 African Indigenous Churches, 243 Andrews, Emery, 368 African sacred cosmos, 11, 48, 80 Anglican Church, also see Church of England, Akiyama, Yoshigoro, 370 10, 11, 17, 19, 20, 23, 24, 27, 32, 35, 39, 48, 56, Alabama Baptists, general convention, 144, 147, 62, 72, 74, 76, 81, 102, 277, 280, 405 150, 353, 358 Anglo American Baptists, 37, 40, 41, 44, 71, 80, Albuquerque, Antonioˆ Teixeria de, 166, 214, 141, 155, 156, 157, 162, 194, 196, 210, 212, 223, 216 228, 233, 234, 287, 342, 343, 364, 368, 369, 382, Alf, Gottfried, 193 391, 397, 399, 410, 414 All Russian Union of Evangelical Christians, also Anglo Baptist Women, 175, 370 see Paskovites, 323 Anglo Baptists, also see British Baptists and Alliance of Baptists, U.S., 344, 348, 350, 372 English Baptists, 3, 19, 22, 23, 24, 40, 46, 49, Alline, Henry, 76, 119 79, 111, 116, 124, 133, 141, 159, 204, 208, 219, All-Union Council of Evangelical 228, 259, 308, 342, 382, 393, 399, 408 Christians-Baptists, 398 Anglo-African Mutual Improvement and Aid Alves, Jose,´ 217 Association, 121 American Baptist Association, 278, 355 Angus, George, 223 American Baptist Churches, USA, 298, 299, 347, antimission controversy, 144, 145, 153, 361 361, 367 antislavery controversy, 142, 148, 149 American Baptist Convention, 164, 345, 347 anti-Trinitarianism, 58 American Baptist Education Society, 151, 152 Argentine Baptists, 215, 217, 218, 287, 288, 289, American Baptist Foreign Mission Society, 136, 290 149, 173, 208, 351, 371, 386 Arminianism, 18, 54, 59, 145 American Baptist Free Mission Society, 149, 211, Armstrong, Annie, 172 222 Asian American Baptist women, 377 433 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87781-7 - A Global Introduction to Baptist Churches Robert E. Johnson Index More information 434 Index Asian American Baptists, 168, 170, 171, 367, 368, Baptist General Conference, Swedish, 120, 174, 369 349, 350 Asian Baptist women, 273 Baptist Irish Society, 110 Asian Baptists, 212, 213, 256, 258, 263, 267, 273, Baptist Mid-Missions, 245, 246, 278, 356 274, 275 Baptist Missionary Association, 355 Asiatic Barred Zone Act, 249, 367 Baptist Missionary Society, 64, 65, 99, 103, 122, Assam Baptists, 151, 204, 206, 261 126, 129, 132, 134, 136, 137, 151, 155, 162, 163, Assimilation Policies, U.S. Native peoples, 180, 166, 183, 199, 200, 201, 204, 205, 209, 219, 362, 380 220, 221, 222, 223, 240, 245, 246, 247, 250, Association Evangelique´ des Eglises´ Baptistes de 261, 277, 295 Langue Franc¸aise, 318 Baptist Society for the Encouragement and Association of Baptists for World Evangelism, Support of Itinerant Preaching, 103 262 Baptist Spirituality, Theology of, 400 association principle, 418 Baptist Theological College of Scotland, 108 associational plan, 143 Baptist Theological College, New Zealand, also associations, 40, 58, 59, 65, 79, 86, 104, 111, 119, see Carey Baptist College, 108 121, 122, 129, 132, 143, 144, 145, 146, 154, 158, Baptist Traditioning Processes, 13, 60, 66, 68, 71, 163, 167, 195, 204, 249, 262, 264, 266, 278, 73, 76, 79, 82, 86, 88, 90, 93, 94 305, 318, 346, 351, 352, 353, 355, 356, 372, 399, Baptist Training Institute, Canada, 122 418, 420 Baptist Union of Australia, 129, 277 Australian Baptists, 99, 116, 124, 125, 126, 127, Baptist Union of Great Britain and Ireland, 104, 128, 129, 130, 238, 249, 264, 276, 277, 278, 111, 305, 421 280, 283, 420 Baptist Union of Hungary, 316 Austrian Baptists, 187, 188, 189, 195, 308, Baptist Union of Ireland, 111, 305 312 Baptist Union of New Zealand, 132, 281 autonomous local church, Baptist theology of, Baptist Union of Romania, 316 418 Baptist Union of Scotland, 107, 306 Baptist Union of South Africa, 135, 136 Bacon, Francis, 146 Baptist Union of Wales, 109 Bacone College, 158, 363 Baptist Union of Western Canada, 123, 338, Bacone, Almon C., 158 340 Bagby, Anne Luther, 216 Baptist Women in Ministry, 372, 373, 374 Bagby, William Buck, 216 Baptist women in the British Isles, 111 Bahaman Baptists, 220, 224, 296 Baptist World Alliance, 238, 259, 270, 272, 295, Bak, Koe, 208 309, 314, 323 Banda, Rachel Nyagondwe, 254 Baptists and culture, 421 Bangladesh Baptist Fellowship, also see East Baptists of the Atlantic Coast Provinces, 119 Bengal Baptist Union, 262 Baptists of the Western Provinces, 119 Bangladesh Baptist Sangha, 262 Baptists of Upper and Lower Canada, 119 Bangladesh Baptists, 129, 259, 261 Barchwitz, Oscar von, 218 Banks, Charles, 104 Barocio, Teofilo,´ 216 Bantu Baptist Church, also see Baptist Barrow, Henry, 19 Convention of South Africa, 137 Belarussian Baptists, 324 Baptism, also see Ordinances, 21, 393, 395, Bellondi, Ariel B., 173 396 Bennett, Cephas, 206 Baptist Bible Fellowship, 278, 299, 357 Besson, Paul, 218, 318 Baptist Bible Fellowship International, 357 Bethel Baptist Church, Bahamas, 220 Baptist community, theology of, 246, 416 Bible Baptist Seminary, 357 Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec, 122, Bible, Baptist views of, 167, 388, 389 338, 339 Bickel, Luke, 211 Baptist Evangelical Mission of Paris, 318 Bixby, Moses H., 136 Baptist Faith and Message, 350 Black Baptist women, 181, 373 Baptist Federation of Canada, 338 Black Baptists, 80, 90, 96, 99, 137, 162, 181, 184, Baptist General Conference of America, 200, 288, 373, 374, 411, 412 Swedish, 120, 174, 349, 350 Blucke, Stephen, 121 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87781-7 - A Global Introduction to Baptist Churches Robert E. Johnson Index More information Index 435 Blunt, Richard, 63 Canadian Baptist Foreign Mission Board, 338, Board of International Ministries (ABC-USA), 339 338, 347 Canadian Baptist International Ministries, 338 Board of National Ministries (ABC-USA), Canadian Baptist Ministries, 337, 338 347 Canadian Baptist Overseas Missions Board, 338 Boontee, 208 Canadian Baptist women, 338 Booth, Joseph, 249 Canadian Baptists, 24, 25, 43, 116, 117, 118, 119, Booth, L. Venchael, 360 120, 123, 205, 290, 295, 336, 337, 338, 340 Boots, Richard, 125 Canadian French Baptists, 174 Bowen, Thomas J., 199, 201 Cardona, Jose, 317 Boyd, Dame Vivian, 281 Carey Baptist College, New Zealand, also see Boyd, Henry Allen, 360 Baptist Theological College, New Zealand, Boyd, R., 360 279 Boyd,R.H.,360 Carey, Dorothy, 204 Boyd, T. B., III, 360 Carey, Felix, 206 Boyd,T.B.,Jr.,360 Carey, Lott, 137, 162, 163, 183, 199, 240, 290, 359 Brandon College, 338 Carey, William, 64, 97, 103, 199, 261 Brazilian Baptist Convention, 289, 290, 406 Caribbean Baptist women, 301 Brazilian Baptists, 97, 99, 152, 186, 202, 214, 215, Caribbean Baptists, 24, 29, 186, 219, 220, 222, 216, 217, 288, 289, 290, 292, 313, 319, 332 223, 224, 238, 285, 286, 288, 293, 294, 299, Brine, John, also see Hyper-Calvinism, 64 300, 301, 304, 326, 327, 335, 361, 420 Bristol Academy, 64 Carmichael, Robert, 107 British Baptists, also see Anglo Baptists and Carson, Alexander, 111 English Baptists, 34, 64, 85, 105, 106, 114, 115, Carter, Charles, 205 122, 129, 209, 234, 238, 249, 304, 319 Catholic Church, 14, 15, 16, 18, 24, 27, 32, 35, 37, British Columbia Baptist Church Extension 38, 42, 66, 109, 110, 111, 156, 167, 172, 192, 198, Society, 123 212, 213, 214, 219, 242, 265, 277, 286, 291, 302, Brown, J. J., 199 305, 307, 308, 312, 317, 329, 331, 336, 382, 406 Brown, Nathan, 211 Centenary Translation of the New Testament, Browne, Robert, 19 385 Bruckner, Gottlob, 264 Central African Baptists, 243 Bryan, Andrew, 81, 82 Central American Baptists, 99, 220, 287, 288, Bryan, Hannah, 82 291, 292, 295, 361 Burleson, Richard B., 147 Central Baptist Association, Primitivist, 353 Burma Baptist College, 207 Central European Baptists, 188, 308, 311 Burma Baptist Missionary Convention, 207 Cha, Peter T., 370 Burmese Baptists, 99, 136, 142, 151, 173, 203, 205, Chamberlen, Peter, 68 206, 207, 208, 257, 264, 266, 339, 349 Changsoon Kim, 370 Burroughs, Nannie Helen, 374 Chapel Car Ministries, ABC-USA, 152 Burton, John, 75, 76 Charleston Baptist Association, 20, 65, 78, 420 Bushyhead, Jesse, 160 Chater, James, 205 Buzzell, John, 73 Chaves,´ Blas, 166 Chaves,´ JoseMar´ ´ıa, 166 Caffyn, Matthew, 58 Chaves,´ Romaldo, 166 Calabar Theological College, 220 Check, Singsae, 208 Callam, Neville, 295 Cheek, L. N., 250 Callender, John, 77 Chek, Peng, 208 Calvinism, 18, 25, 59, 62, 64, 65, 66, 67, 73, 104, Cherokee Baptists, 160, 375 133, 361, 425 Chilean Baptists, 215, 218, 287, 288, 289, 290 Cameroon Baptist Convention, 245 Chilembwe, John, 249, 250 Cameroonian Baptists, 198, 200, 240, 243, 245, Chinese American Baptists, 169, 170, 370 391 Chinese Baptists, 99, 115, 151, 152, 155, 168, 169, Campbell, Alexander, 142, 145, 146, 147, 155 170, 179, 203, 206, 207, 208, 209, 236, 257, Campbell, Thomas, 145 264, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 290, 349, 420 Canada Baptist College, 122 Chinese Exclusion Act, 128, 169, 367 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87781-7 - A Global Introduction to Baptist Churches Robert E.

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