US-AUSTRALIAN DIALOGUE ON COOPERATION IN THE INDO-PACIFIC ------------------------------------------------ TUESDAY 29 JANUARY 2019 THE NATIONAL PRESS CLUB, WASHINGTON DC SUPPORTING SPONSORS FOUNDING PARTNERS STRATEGIC PARTNERS TABLE OF CONTENTS 02 WELCOME 03 WELCOME MESSAGES 04 PROGRAM 06 KEYNOTE SPEAKER 06 BIOGRAPHIES 19 SPONSORS Welcome to the US-Australian Dialogue on Cooperation in the 0UKV7HJPÄJ, part of the unique G’Day USA program. The dialogue brings together leaders across the government, business and policy sectors from Australia and the United States. The alliance between these countries is one of the strongest partnerships in the world, and has served as an anchor for peace, prosperity and stability for almost seventy years. Our trade and economic connections are now worth over a trillion dollars annually. Today’s program will deliver thought-provoking panel discussions with leading experts. They will explore the links between trade and security, the geoeconomics of regional connectivity, and how our countries can JVVWLYH[L[VHK]HUJLHMYLLHUKVWLU0UKV7HJPÄJ>LHYLMVY[\UH[L [VILQVPULKI`[OL(\Z[YHSPHU4PUPZ[LYMVY-VYLPNU(ќHPYZ:LUH[VY[OL Hon. Marise Payne, and the Australian Ambassador to the United States, the Hon. Joe Hockey. ;OL 0UKV7HJPÄJ PZ X\PJRS` LTLYNPUN HZ H VUL VM [OL ^VYSK»ZTVZ[ strategically important regions. This dialogue will see Australia and the United States come together to discuss our connections within [OL 0UKV7HJPÄJ HUK OV^ ^L JHU I\PSK \WVU V\Y SVUNZ[HUKPUN collaborations in this region. 2 WELCOME MESSAGES WELCOME FROM THE PERTH USASIA CENTRE The Perth USAsia Centre is pleased to partner with G’Day USA, along with our sister Centre, the United States Studies Centre (USSC) to present in Washington,D.C. the US-Australian Dialogue on Cooperation in the 0UKV7HJPÄJ. ^HZHSHUKTHYR`LHYMVYHJJLW[HUJLVM[OL0UKV7HJPÄJJVUZ[Y\J[5V[VUS`^HZ[OL0UKV7HJPÄJ[OL organising principle behind Australia’s most recent Foreign Policy White Paper, released in late 2017, but we ^LYLHSZVWSLHZLK[VZLL[OL<:7HJPÄJ*VTTHUKMVYTLYS`JOHUNLP[ZUHTL[V0UKV7HJPÄJ*VTTHUK(Z ^LSS^LHSSZH^[OL[PTL[HRLU[VYLPUMVYJL[OL0UKV7HJPÄJJVUZ[Y\J[H[[OLHUU\HS:OHUNYP3H+PHSVN\LPU Singapore. In this context, it is imperative for close allies like the US and Australia to understand current and likely KL]LSVWTLU[Z PU V\Y YLNPVU PUJS\KPUN *OPUH»Z YVSL PU [OL 0UKV7HJPÄJ [OL NLVLJVUVTPJZ VM YLNPVUHS JVUULJ[P]P[`HUKVMJV\YZLV\YZOHYLKZ[YH[LN`[VHK]HUJLHMYLLHUKVWLU0UKV7HJPÄJ We look forward to a vibrant and candid discussion in Washington, D.C. and appreciate both your time and your many contributions to this important program. STEPHEN SMITH Board Member, Perth USAsia Centre Professor Stephen Smith has been a Professor of Public International Law at the University of Western Australia since 2014. In May 2018, Professor Smith was appointed by the Australian Government to the Resources 2030 Taskforce. He is the Chairman of archTIS. Professor Smith recently took part in the Australia-China high level Dialogue in Beijing in December 2018, and the 2019 Raisina Dialogue in Delhi. Professor Smith was Federal Member for Perth for the Australian Labor Party from March 1993 until September 2013. In a distinguished career spanning 20 years in the Australian Parliament, Professor Smith ZLY]LKHZ[OL4PUPZ[LYMVY+LMLUJLHUKWYPVY[V[OH[HZ4PUPZ[LYMVY-VYLPNU(ќHPYZ WELCOME FROM THE UNITED STATES STUDIES CENTRE The United States Studies Centre (USSC) is proud to be continuing its contribution to G’Day USA, in partnership with the Perth USAsia Centre (USAC). ;OL<:(\Z[YHSPHYLSH[PVUZOPWPZKLLWHUKIYVHKYLÅLJ[LKPU[OLKP]LYZLTP_VM[VWPJZPU[OLYLZLHYJOHUKW\ISPJ engagement work of the two centres. While this year marks 100 years of the two countries’ armed forces working together, this year vividly reminded us that in the 21st century, national interests — and strategies to advance national interests — are not always painted battleship grey. The recent pace and scale of change PU [OL 0UKV7HJPÄJ YLTPUKZ \Z [OH[ [YHKL PU]LZ[TLU[ [LJOUVSVNPJHS PUUV]H[PVU LULYN`PUMYHZ[Y\J[\YL HUK telecommunications are critical vectors of power, opportunity and vulnerability. These matters are deeply implicated in any serious consideration of strategic issues confronting Australia and the United States in 2018, and so sit at the heart of this Dialogue on US-Australian Cooperation in the Indo- 7HJPÄJ.VYKVU-SHRLT`ZLSMHUK[OL+PYLJ[VYVM<::*»ZWYVNYHTVU-VYLPNU7VSPJ`HUK+LMLUJL(ZOSL` Townshend, have worked hard with colleagues in government to shape a program that gives voice to this multi-faceted and interlocking set of shared strategic interests, challenges and responses. Thank you, in advance, for your contribution to what will be a day of discussion and insight, of immense relevance to the centres’ missions, and of great value to the US-Australia relationship. SIMON JACKMAN *OPLM,_LJ\[P]L6ɉJLY<UP[LK:[H[LZ:[\KPLZ*LU[YL Simon Jackman commenced as CEO of the US Studies Centre in April 2016. Between 1996 and 2016, he was a Professor of Political Science and Statistics at Stanford University. Jackman’s teaching and research centres on public opinion, election campaigns, political participation, and electoral systems with special emphasis on American and Australian politics. His research has appeared in the leading journals of political science. Jackman is the author of “Bayesian Analysis for the Social Sciences” (Wiley 2009), a widely used textbook on Bayesian statistical methods with an emphasis on applications in the social sciences. 3 US-AUSTRALIA DIALOGUE ON COOPERATION IN THE INDO-PACIFIC -------------------------------- TUESDAY 29 JANUARY 2019 THE NATIONAL PRESS CLUB, WASHINGTON DC TIME SESSION INFORMATION 0830 - 0900 REGISTRATION | TEA AND COFFEE WELCOME REMARKS Stephen Smith Simon Jackman 0900 - 0910 Board Member, CEO, United States Studies Centre Perth USAsia Centre FEATURE PRESENTATION 5HYLVLWLQJ'HWHUUHQFHLQDQ(UDRI,QGR3DFLðF6WUDWHJLF&RPSHWLWLRQ 0910 - 0915 Ashley Townshend Director Foreign Policy and Defence, United States Studies Centre SESSION 1 $GYDQFLQJD)UHHDQG2SHQ,QGR3DFLðF Ambassador the Hon Joe Hockey Randall Schriver (Moderator), Ambassador of Australia Assistant Secretary of Defence for to the United States (ZPHUHUK7HJPÄJ:LJ\YP[`(ɈHPYZ 0915 - 1045 Michael Thawley Kathleen Hicks Former Secretary of the Department of Senior Vice President, Center for the Prime Minister and Cabinet Strategic and International Studies David Glass Lindsey Ford Assistant Secretary, Major Powers +PYLJ[VYVM7VSP[PJHS:LJ\YP[`(ɈHPYZ International Policy Division, Asia Society Policy Institute Department of Defence 1045 - 1100 MORNING TEA AND COFFEE SESSION 2 86&KLQD5HODWLRQV7UDGHDQG6HFXULW\,PSOLFDWLRQVIRUWKH,QGR3DFLðF John Lee Jim Clapper (Moderator), Senior Fellow, Former Director of National Intelligence United States Studies Centre 1100 - 1230 Katrina Cooper Clete Willems Deputy Chief of Mission, Deputy Director, +LWHY[TLU[-VYLPNU(ɈHPYZHUK;YHKL National Economic Council Robert Thomson Kelly Magsamen CEO, Newscorp Vice President, National Security and International Policy, Center for America Progress 4 TIME SESSION INFORMATION 1230 - 1320 WORKING LUNCH - 863ULRULWLHVLQWKH,QGR3DFLðFâDGLVFXVVLRQZLWK Matthew Pottinger :LUPVY+PYLJ[VYMVY(ZPHU(ɈHPYZ5H[PVUHS:LJ\YP[`*V\UJPS FEATURE PRESENTATION%OXHSULQWVIRUWKH,QGR3DFLðF,QIUDVWUXFWXUHDQG Connectivity Programs for Regional Integration 1320 - 1325 -HσUH\:LOVRQ Research Director, Perth USAsia Centre SESSION 3 - The Geo-Economics of Regional Connectivity Stephen Smith Frank Fannon (Moderator), Board Member, Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of Perth USAsia Centre Energy Resources, US Department of State 1325 - 1455 Tanvi Madan Lisa Schroeter Fellow, Brookings Institution .SVIHS+PYLJ[VYVM;YHKLHUK0U]LZ[TLU[ Policy, Dow Chemical Company Maureen Dougherty Matthew Goodman President, Boeing Senior Vice President, Center for Strategic and International Studies CLOSING REMARKS AND WRAP UP SESSION With Senator the Hon Marise Payne Senator the Hon Marise Payne Stephen Smith 1455 - 1530 (\Z[YHSPHU4PUPZ[LYMVY-VYLPNU(ɈHPYZ Board Member, Perth USAsia Centre Simon Jackman CEO, United States Studies Centre PUBLIC SESSION WELCOME REMARKS 1530 - 1535 Ambassador the Hon Joe Hockey Ambassador of Australia to the United States KEYNOTE ADDRESS 1535 - 1555 Senator the Hon Marise Payne (\Z[YHSPHU4PUPZ[LYMVY-VYLPNU(ɈHPYZ PANEL DISCUSSION: $GYDQFLQJD)UHHDQG2SHQ,QGR3DFLðF Simon Jackman Senator the Hon Marise Payne (Moderator), CEO, (\Z[YHSPHU4PUPZ[LYMVY-VYLPNU(ɈHPYZ United States Studies Centre John Sullivan (TBC) Kathleen Hicks 1555 - 1655 Deputy Secretary of State, Senior Vice President, Center for Department of State Strategic and International Studies Stephen Smith Jim Clapper Board Member, Perth USAsia Centre Former Director of National Intelligence CLOSING REMARKS 1655 - 1700 Mark Baillie Chairman, United States Studies Centre 1700 - 1800 NETWORKING FUNCTION 5 KEYNOTE SPEAKER SENATOR THE HON MARISE PAYNE (\Z[YHSPHU4PUPZ[LYMVY-VYLPNU(ɈHPYZ 4HYPZL7H`UL^HZHWWVPU[LK(\Z[YHSPH»Z4PUPZ[LYMVY-VYLPNU(ќHPYZVU(\N\Z[ A Senator for NSW since 1997, she has more than two decades’ parliamentary experience including 12 `LHYZ»TLTILYZOPWVM[OL1VPU[:[HUKPUN*VTTP[[LLVU-VYLPNU(ќHPYZ+LMLUJLHUK;YHKL:OLPZHMVYTLY Minister for Human Services, and has held several shadow ministries. The Senator was appointed Minister for Defence in September 2015. In this time, she delivered the 2016 Defence White Paper, the Integrated Investment Plan, and Defence Industry Policy Statement. She oversaw a major renewal of the Australian Defence Force’s capabilities and led
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