• 99 BEST BUYS IN STEREO DISCS DAS RHEINGOLD - FINALLY I REVIEW July 1959 35¢ 1 2 . 3 ALL-IN-ONE STEREO RECEIVERS A N II' v:)ll.n EASY OUTDOOR HI-FI lAY 'ON W1HQI H 6 1 ~Z SltnOH l. ) b OC: 1 9~99 1 1 :1 HIS I THE AR THE HARMAN-KARDON STERE [ Available in three finishes: copper, brass and chrome satin the new STEREO FESTIVAL, model TA230 Once again Harman-Kardon has made the creative leap which distinguishes engineering leadership. The new Stereo Festival represents the successful crystallization of all stereo know-how in a single superb instrument. Picture a complete stereophonic electronic center: dual preamplifiers with input facility and control for every stereo function including the awaited FM multiplex service. Separate sensitive AM and FM tuners for simulcast reception. A great new thirty watt power amplifier (60 watts peak) . This is the new Stereo Festival. The many fine new Stereo Festival features include: new H-K Friction-Clutch tone controls to adjust bass and treble separately for each channel. Once used to correct system imbalance, they may be operated as conventionally ganged controls. Silicon power supply provides excellent regulation for improved transient response and stable tuner performance. D.C. heated preamplifier filaments insure freedom from hum. Speaker phasing switch corrects for improperly recorded program material. Four new 7408 output tubes deliver distortion-free power from two highly conservative power amplifier circuits. Additional Features: Separate electronic tuning bars for AM and FM; new swivel high Q ferrite loopstick for increased AM sensitivity; Automatic Frequency Control, Contour Selector, Rumble Filter, Scratch Filter, Mode Switch, Record-Tape Equalization Switch, two high gain magnetic inputs for each channel and dramatic new copper escutcheon. Ideal for limited space. (only 151%6" wide, 6W' high, 12%" deep-excluding enclosure) the TA230 is simplicity itself to operate. Five minutes with its exceptionally complete instruction booklet, and you will use the Festival to its full per­ formance potential. The Stereo Festival, Model TA230, price is $259.95. Copper and black metal enclosure (Model AC30) price is $12.95. Handsome hardwood - walnut or fruitwood - enclosure, (Models WW30 and FW30) price is $29.95. For free attractive brochure on the complete H-K line, write to __ Harman-Kardon, Inc., Dept. MR7, Westbury, New York. k a d I (Prices slightly higher in the West) ~ ron _ I I 1\ DON'T COMPROMISE WITH QUALITY••• The advantages are all in favor of the CHANGER 11 The World's Finest It's It's It's It's It's It's Quiet "Clean" Correct· Gentle Convenient Economical The Garrard is Garrard's Garrard insures With the Ga "'I'd affords Despite its many actually a superb exclusive professiomli tone exclusive. a ll the features of :tdv(lntages. the turntable. No aluminum lone arm performance. foolproof pusher :t manual COSl of a Garrard matter how arm makes it I t is precision- platform, the turntable. with Changer is st ill less than a precisely you non-resonant, engineered to \ Garrard actuall y the tremendous check wow, and distorlion­ . track a ll ha ndles records added advan tage . t urnlab\c with flutter, and free. That is why cartridges at more carefull y of automatic separate a rm. rumble content­ it is superior to li ghtest proper ·than your own play when Backed by you will find most separate weight. thus hand- definit ely wanted! Garrard's Garrard transcription insuring J more carerully Pre-wired fo r 36-year record Changers arms. minimum friction Ihan any other stereo-can be of perfect, comparable to the a nd record wear. record changer installed in trouble-free best professional or turntable. minutes. performance. rurntables. New Comparator Guide - FREE Garrard Sales Corporation, Dept. GG U!J Port Washington, New York. Please send your new comparator guide which compares all Garrard players and their advanced features. IIC98 RCSS RC1 21/D TPA/12 lOl 4H' Model TID Super Deluxe In term ix Stueo TranserlpUon Transcription Manu.1 Chlncer Chanler Changer lone Arm Turntablo Manual PI.y" Playe, Namlee ____________________________. J $67.50 $54.50 $42.5D $19.50 $19.00 S59.50 $32.50 Address; ________________1 GARRARD SALES CORPORATIO N, PORT WASH INGTON, N. Y. Canadian inquiries to Chos. W . Pointon, ltd., 6 Alcina Ave.# Toronto Territories other thon U.S.A. and Canada to Garra rd Engineeri ng & Mfg. Co .• ltd .• Swi ndon. v.mll .• England City State __ FEATURE ARTICLES HiFiREVIEW Stereo Receivers 26 Oliver P. Ferrell July, 1959 Fisher and Harman-Kardon double up with a stereo tuner and stereo inte­ Vol. 3 No.1 grated amplifie r on one chassis Solid Gold "AuHiihrung" 30 David Hall Publisher London's new Wagner album is the Oliver .Read most spectacular stereo opera yet­ flagstad, Svanholm, and 18 tuned anvils Editor Hie Fi to the Grea1 Outdoors 32 Hans H. Fantel Oliver P. Ferrell You CAN toke it with you-if it's stereo and you wont to make a nomina l investment Music Editor in outdoor speakers David Hall 99 Best Stereo Disc Buys 34 Staff Arl Editor Of 2500 releases, these were rated tops in stereo effectiveness, performance and Soul D. Weiner recorded quality Associate Editors Stereo All-Around 36 C. M. Walters, Ir. Hans H. Fantel Rodney H. Williams Th e stereo area spreads w ide w ith this un­ conventional speaker arrangement .. first of a series of unus ual home solutions to hi-fi problems Contributing Editors Martin Bookspan Placid Jazz Pianist 37 Don Gold Warren ' DeMotte Rolph J. Gleason While Ahmad Jamal tinkles jazz in a cocktail bistro Sf anley Green the critics rage-and the public buys his ~ at Hentotf recordings by the thousands Georg.., JeUinek David Randctlph John Thornton TV and All That Jazz 39 Frank Jacobs If it started with Peter Gunn, w hy stop it now? Advertising Director Go for broke with the "What' s My Line? Jazz" Johi'l A . Ronan, Jr. REVIEWS Adv~rtisin9 Manoger Herb' Olsow Stereo HiFi Concert 43 Martin Bookspan, Warren DeMotte, George Je llinek, David Randolph, ZIFF·DAVIS PUBLISH IN G CO., One Park John Thornton Ave., New York 16: N: Y. William .B. Ziff, Chairman of the Board ( 1946· 1953); William The Stereo Reel 57 John Thornton Ziff, President; W. Bradford Briggs, Execu­ tive Vice President; · Michael Michaelson, · . Vice President and Circulation Director; Hershel B. Sarbin, Secretary; Howard Slought.on, Jr., Treasure r; Albert G rue n, Mono HiFi Concert 59 Martin Bookspan, Warren DeMotte, Art birettor. George Jellinek, David Randolph, John Thornton BRANCH OFFICES: Midwestern Offiee: 434 S. Wabas~ Ave., . C hi c a\l~ 5, IIi. , .Tom Berry, Midwest . Advertising' tiIIanager; Stereo Entertainment 69 Ralph J. Gleason, Stanley Green, . Western Office, Room 412, 215 West 7th Nat Hentoff SI., .Los Angeles .17, Calif., James R. Pierce, Western Advertising 'Manager; Foreign Ad­ vertising Repr.esentatives: D. A. Gooaa ll Ra lph J. Gleason, Sta nley Green, Ltd ., Lo ndon; Alberf Milhado & Co., Ltd ., Mono Entertainment 75 Antwerp . and Dusseldorf. Nat Hentoff SU BSCRIPTI ON SERV ICE Forms 3519. and all subscription corre· COLUMNS AND MISCELLANEOUS spondence should be addressed to Cir- ' culation Department. 434 South Wabasli ~ . Avenue, C hi<;ago 5, Il li nois. Please allow HiFi Soundings 6 Just Looking 14 at least fou r weeks fo r change of address. Include your o ld address as weI.! a s new -enclosing if p.ossible an address label from a rece nt issue. Musical Oddentities 9 CONTRIB-UTORS Advertisers Index 81 CorHributors are advised to retain a copy of ~heir mC1nuscr ipt and illustrations. Con· t ributions sh6uld be ma'iled to the New York Editorial office a nd must be accom­ The Basic Repertoire 10 panied by return postage. Contributions Mozart's G Minor Symphony (No. 40) The Flip Side 82 are handled with reasonable care, but this rnagazrne assumes .no responsibility for their safety. Any acceptable ma nuscri pt is sub­ iect to whatever ada'ptations and revisions a re necessary to meet requirements of this Cover illustrations by Steve DuQuette pu blication. Payme nt covers all author's rights, titles a nd interest in and to the mate ria'l accepted and will be made at o ur current rates Lipa n acceptance. All photos and d rawings will be considered as part of HiFi REVIEW is published monthly by Ziff-Davis Publishing C~mp a ny, William B. Ziff , ma te!ial purcha sed. Cha irman of the Bo ard (1946-1953 ), at 434 South Wa bash Ave., Chicago 5, III. Second class postage paid a t Chicago, Il linois. Authorized by the Post Office Departme nt, O ttawa, ant., Canada as second cla ss matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES : One year U.S. and possessions , and Average Canada $4,00; Pan-America n Un ion cou ntries $4 .50, a ll other fore ign countries $5.00. Ne t Paid Copyright 1959 by ZIFF-DJWIS PUBLISHING Company C irculation All righto reserved '-.113',287 5 the HiFi ·Soundings seconds9 By DAVID HALL 45/45 STEREO DISC RELEASES-Year I Report How lucky have you been in picking your stereo discs this past year? Did you make out successfully, or did you come up with just enough "stinkers" to make you wonder whether disc stereo was worthwhile? Unless and until record stores make it practical from the customer's point of view (and from theirs') to pre·audition stereo discs, the caveat emptor element in stereo disc purchase will continue to remain a deterrent to the buyer-even with the expert counsel offered by the expert record review staffs of HrFr REVIEW and other magazines.
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