Appendix 9-11: Documentation of Emission Reductions Table of Contents Company Account File Page Capital Cement BG0045E 3 Celanese HG0126Q 5 ExxonMobil JE0067I 10 Goodyear JE0039N 112 Norit HH0019H 125 Regency Energy (Tilden Gas) MC0002H 135 Saint Gobain Vetrotex WH0014S 141 Targa CY0019H 150 Valence HR0018T 163 Table 9-11.1 Changes in Emissions PTE level PTE level PTE level 2002NOX 2002S02 2002 PM 10 NOX S02change PM 10 change Acct Company note unit NOX(tpy) S02 (tpy) PM10 (tpy) actual (tpy) actual (tpy) actual (tpy) Change (tpy) (tpy) (tpy) CY0019H Targa shutdown all BART c-20 0 0 96.44 0.12 0.215 equipment c-21 0 0 119.7 0.15 0.267 c-22 0 0 113.28 0.008 0.015 c-23 0 0 6.64 0.025 0.04 336.06 0.30 0.54 JE0039N Goodyear PTE reductions 040flare 1.94 0.01 0 0 0 070flare 0 0 0 0 0 116p-gcmp 2.24 0.15 0.118 0.119 116p-gtrk 0.55 0.03 0.229 0.118 116s-b104 . 40.01 5.28 187.9 0.51 2.88 116s-b105 34.16 5.28 0.08 0.001 0.01 116s-b501 0.1286 0.0119 1.13 0.091 116s-g305 10.86 0.72 0.09 0.006 116s-g307 10.86 0.72 0.319 0.02 89.12 (11.34) 2.89 HR0018T Valence , shutdown 0 0 0 247.1 2743.47 5.56 247.10 2,743.47 5.56 WH0014S Saint Gobain shutdown unit f-22 0 0 0 62.59 16.41 59.9 62.59 16.41 59.90 MC0002H Tilden Gas Tilden SULP1&2 0 0 2 2276 0.2 2.00 2,276.00 0.20 Mainstack, k2ererstk, k3emerstk, HH0019H Norit Norit k4emerstk 60MN108, ownership transfer of 60mn109, incinerators; shutdown of FIN 63mn460; HG0126Q Celanese 55MH1 in 2005 55MH1 694 estimate based on EA reductions in 24-hr rates JE00671 Exxon applied to 2002 El 2204 1815 668 3870.554 9747.265 573.6395 1,666.55 7,932.27 (94.36) Capital BG0045E Cement shutdown wet kiln KS-1B 0 0 0 1328 1193 100 1,328.00 1,193.00 100.00 sum 2304.7486 1827.2019 668 6730.17 15977.313 742.7265 4,425.42 _14,150.11 74.73 --- - - --- -- note 1 permit limits S02+NOx to 841 tpy on grandfathered BART sources. Actual 2002emissions from these units are 8 tpy Capital Aggregates, Capital Cement Plant [ I BG0045E CAPGTOL CEMENT P.O. BOX 33240. SAN ANTONIO. TEXAS 78265-3'240. AREA CODE 210 871-7000 RECEIVED DEC 2 8 2006· December 22, 2006 AIR QUALITY :(vir. Richard Hyde,.P.E. ·· PLANNING Director, Air Permits Division Texas Commission on Environmental Quality 12100 Park 35 Crrcle, MC-163 Austin, Texas 78753 Subject: Best Available Retrofit Technology Capitol Aggregates, Ltd Capitol Cement Plant Regulated Entity Number: RN100211507 Customer Reference Number: CN601600802 Dear Mr. Hyde: Capitol Aggregates, Ltd owns and operates the Capitol Cement Plant (San Antonio Plant) in San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas. The San Antonio Plant was identified by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) as a facility operating a source that contributes to the Regional Haze Issue in a Class I area. This letter is being submitted to notify_the TCEQ tll.at the only source (Wet · Kiln) subject to the additional analysis for NOx and SOx was permanently shutdown on December 15, 2006. Therefore, the Engineering Analysis required to be submitted by Apri131, 2007 is no longer required. Should you have any questions regarding this notification, please don't hesitate to call me at (210) 871-7033 or Gary Burgess at (210) 871-7214. Sincerely, Capitol Aggregates, Ltd. ~~ Tom Spaits Plant Manager cc: Ms. Margaret Earnest, TCEQ -Austin Ms. Kathy Pendleton, TCEQ - Austin I'v1r. Gary Burgess, Capitol- San Antonio Mr. Joseph Marini, RMT- Austin E:\ WORD\ FILES\ BART LETTER.DOC @ A Dil'i.-;ion td'Capilol Ag!11'e.~atc.\, Lui .. (!f San Anlonio. Tr:.wt.\ ----.----------------------------------- Celanese Ltd., Clear Lake Plant HG0126Q P.03/07 2814746158 TO 915122391500 APR 03 2007 10:21 FR 6158 Clear Lake Plant Cela~:~ese LTD Celanese 9S02 BayPort 'Blvd. CltEM.!CA/,5 Pas111dena., TX 77507 MnUing Addtcss: P.O. Bo:r; 58190 , :tiowton. TX: 772S8-81.90 Telephone: 281-474-6200 August 1, 2006 RSP .. 020-06 Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) Office ofPennitting, Remediation, and Registration Air Penmts Division (MC-162) · P.O. Box 13087 Austin, TX 78711 ..3087 Re: Celanese Ltd., Clear Lake Plant AirPernrltNo. 264 Acryiates I Incinerators Pasadena, Texas; Harris County TCEQ Ae«>unt No. HG-Ol26,;Q RN1002270l6 On June 28, 2006, the three (3) on-site incinerators (60MN108INC; 60MN109INC and 63MN460INC) were officially transferred to 'The Dow Chemical Company (Dow). In a letter / dated July 26, 2006~ Dow submitted a Change of Ownership Notification for the three (3) incinerators to be transferred from Permit 264 to Dow issued air permits. For your convenience, a copy of the notifications has. been provided as Attachment 1. Given the assets wlll·be transferred into Dow·s issued pe11llits, Celanese authorizes the TCEQ to complete the transfer. Once complete, Celanese respectfully requests that the TCEQ denote the Celanese issued permit 264 as VOID. Should· you have any questions concerning this submittal.. please contact Mrs. !an Day at (281) 474-8802. Sincerely, ·~ J. ~~+-- \Ja, D~ Ian Day Environmental Affairs cc: TCEQ Region 12 HCPCD City ofPasadena 04/03/07 TUE 10:13 ITX/RX NO 94771 P.04/07 . 2814746158 TO 915122391500 APR 03 2007 10:21 FR 6158 Page Title- Texas Commission on Environmental Quality- www.tceq.state.tx.us Page 14 of 14 EXEMPTION OR !lf~~VRON USA . ~126477 1PERMIT BY RULE !ISSUED ji.U61Q.2. llo3S2,0S12 ICN600132· DUKE ENERGY STANDARD l EXEMPTION OR EJBIISSUED .ll74a5.0352 FIELD SERV1CES CN601229' E}~423l PERMIT 8Y RULE LP TEMIC STANDARD AUTOMOTIVE OF NSR EXFMDTTOI\L 01':1 r.::.;:J 11=:n 11?.4002. CN603069• 26414 0005 NORTH AMf=RtrA it-'ERMIT BY RULE ~ 61'41...._ ~ CONSTRUCTION jvoro . ]!cELANESE LTD CN600130: EJ8PEFtMIT ~ l!n4-0~ IJ~oo I ( ... 1--- .. CONSTRUcTiON TIN INC DBA - NSR 2642 ISSUED 0000 CN602787J PERMtr lMl.fll TEMPLE-INLAND STANDARD EXEMPTWN OR IEXXON MOBIL CN600123' _CORPORATION EJI2~404l PERMlT BY RULE lumslloooo :::,,:!::::::~JI:~:::::r:::.::::~io.::::,n:.,::::::.:~::::::::··:::.:: .. :::... :i:::: ... : ... :::::::·, .. ::: .n:::. •: ...... : .•. · · .... :"' .::~::" ·::::: ... ::::.::.. ...... .. •:•::::~:n:~n~::;: •. :::::•,.nn::: ·::::::. ::::: .. : .. : ... :· .. ~::" t" :· ": ... ·.::.:: .::::::. .::::: • ::: .: · • :" .:·:.: .:·::: ... ::::.: .::::·" . :·" :::. ,:::::::·.::n::::·::.:::::::,,::u::::;.::::::.·.. :::::.:• ::::·· .. ::::: ... ·:: . ::::.· :::.::::· .::.::::: , n:: .... :·::. : .. ..... :.:": .. :: ·. ::::::.:.',;;:;.: ..... ::::· ..... .B..u.l~~~l~oo. I E.errni.ts•. 6I&f:ns~& Bru-Ustmtion~ 1 Coi!IP.llanre... Enf.w.cam.ent~il;l.M.U.PS. Qtln~l.n.g_W.J'I~/3\~.r...&lPJ.IM.ifi!.l! I Rep_r;u::tlng_ l En.YJLO\J.Gl§!.Dta_LQ_ua)J!;y I .1'\S_!iista_IJ..r.J;!, ~$l.u.ca_~l9.D.B!.E.~u;ti.~.!QfttloJ.1. Ell.IJ.!J.lli:lll.~~--~Y~ I Co.r!lli\.Gts_,__Eu.n_djng &.. B;.es :::·:; :::::::·,'.::::::::; .. ::::::;;:.:.:;;:;;,;::::::: .::::: ·.:::: : .. :.: .... :::· .. : :· :::::: ·::::. :::.:· ... :. ..:::: . :.::: .... ·.:::. ' .. :.:: .. ·... :.::• : : : : :; ~ : : : : : :: : : : ~ : : : : :: ;I : : : : : : : : : ' : : : : : : : : • : : : : : : : • : : : : : : ... : • : : • • • : : : : • • : • : : : • : • • : : • : : : : : • ,' • : • : : : : • .. : : : : : • • : . : .. ,:::. ·:::: .. · ... :.::···.;.::::•· ,.: ::: ·.: http://www2.tceq.state.tx.us/airpenn/index:.cfin 04/03/07 TUE 10:13 ITX/RX NO 9477] 2814746158 TO 915122391500 P.05/07 APR 03 2007 10:21 FR 6158 Clear Lake Plant Celanese LTD Celanese 95()2 Bayport Blvd. Cf(E!'.JICALS Pasadena, TX 77S07 Mailing Address: :P.o. Box 58190 llouston, TX 77258-8190 August7,2006 RSP..016-06 Mr. Frank Muser Texas Commission on Environmental Quality · Office of Permitting, Remediation, and Registration Air Permits Division, Operating PennitS MC-163 12100 Park ss Circle Austin. Texas 78753 Re: Celanese Ud. -Clear Lake Plant lrtte V Permit Number 0.1893 Regulated Entity Number: RN100227016 Customer Reference Number: CN6001308SO Dear Mr. Muser: On June 28, 2006, the three (3) on .. site incinerators (60MN108JNC: 60MN109lNC and 63MN4001NC) were officially transferred to the Dow Chemical Company. In a letter dated July 26, 2006. the Dow Chemical Company requested a minor revision to incorporate the incinerators into their existing Trtle V pennlts. · This letter requests the removal of the incinerators from the Celanese Consolidated Title V permit (0-~. The folloWing attachments are submitted to facilitate the request: 1gq3 · • Form OP-CR01 • FonnOP-2. • Form OP.-SUMR •' Form OP-UA15 (Strike Out) • Fonn OP-UA58 {Strike Out) If there are questions about this submittal or if clarification of any of the information is needed, please contact Rhonda S. Perry at (281) 474-6257. Sincerely, William A. Chidester ~&~ Utilities Section Leader Environmental Affairs .. ·. 04/03/07 TUE 10:13 [TX/RX NO 94771 2814746158 TO 915122391500 . P.06/07 APR 03 2007 10:21 FR 6158 Kathleen Fiartneti White, Chairntatl Larry R. Soward, Commissiollel'. Martin A. Huber[, Commi~·sioner Glenn Shankle, ExaC£t.tlve Director TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Protec/ing 1'extiS by Reducillg and PreveiUing-Pollution January 30, 2007 . Mr. L. G. Tackett Site Manager Celanes·e, Lrd. P.Q. Box 58190 Houston, Texas 77258-8190 Re: Final Revised PermitApproval Minor Revision PennitNumber: 01893 Celanese, Ltd. Clear Lake- Plant Pasai:i.ena,· Hams County Regul-ated Entity Number: R,Nl00227016 Customer Reference Number: CNG0013085o. Account Number:· ~G-O 126..:Q Dear .Mr. Tackett: The _revised effective fe.;[eral operating pennit (FOP) for Celanese, Ltd., Clear Lake Piant, is enclosed. Additionally, the permit has been updated after the U.S. Environmental Protection . Agency review perjod to include Title 30 Texas A9-ministrative Code §§ 106.511 and 106.512 (30 TAC §§. 106.511 and 106.512) in the "New Source Review·Aurhorizatioris" section of the pennit. Thi~ letter constitutes authority to operate the changes identified in the FOP .revision application. · · · · Consistent with 30 TAC Chapte1· 122, Subchapter .C, the permit holder si1all submit an application to the Air Permits Division (APD) for a revision to an FOP for those ·activities at a site which change, add, or remove one or more FOP tenns or conditions.
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