United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Official Hearing Exhibit Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. In the Matter of: (Indian Point Nuclear Generating Units 2 and 3) c:..\,.~""R REGlI~;. ASLBP #: 07-858-03-LR-BD01 Docket #: 05000247 | 05000286 Exhibit #: ENT000106-00-BD01 Identified: 10/15/2012 IEEE Std 100-1996 •l ~'~0 · . Admitted: 10/15/2012 Withdrawn: ENT000106 ~ .~. ....,,1- 0.... Rejected: Stricken: ? ~ Submitted: March 28, 2012 ****il Other: Ii 'I :1 h 'i " '- , .. " : \: ... ~.: I ~ ~ , ... .., , ~ y :J ~ ' ~' " " .../ '-" _ f"ilt,.,tl,.. ,. "~' .f 'oc ,- ~" !, . The IEEE Standard DiclhHut..!y of / I,I Electrical and Electronics Te'r~1 ':! 1 . , Sixth Edition Standards Coordinating Committee 10, Terms and Definitions I Jane Radatz, Chair 1 .1 i I L This slllndard is one of a number of informarion technology dictionaries being developed by standards i organizations accredited by the American National Standards Institute. This dictionary was developed ,I under rhe sponsorship of vo)unlary standards orgaui7.arions, using a consensus-based process . ." ISBN 1-55937-833-6 1111 m II 90000 l"tJ 111n1 'U, YI.~v Introduction Since the fin>t edition in 1941 of lhe American Sllllldard Definitions of Eleclrical Tenns, the work nOw known a.; IEEE Std 100, The IEEE Standard Dictionary of Electrical and Electronics Terms. has evolved into the unique compendium of terms that it is today. The current edition includes .Iltenns defined ill approved IEEE standards through December 1996. Tenns are categorized by Lheir technical subject area. They are ai'w associated with the standards or publications in whkh they currently appear. In some cases, tenns from withdrawn standards are included when no current source can be found. Earlier editions of IEEE Std 100 included lenus from sources other than IEEE standards, such as technical journals. books. aT conference proceedings. These terms have been maintained for Lhe sake of consistency and their sources are listed with the standards in the back of the book. ".;it The practice of defining terms varies from srandard to ~tandard. Many working groups that write standards prefer to work with existing definitions, while olhers choose to write (heir own. Thus tenns may have several similar, although nOl id{",ntical, definitions. Definitions have been combined where'\ier it has been pessible to do so by making only minor editorial changes. Otherwise. they have been left as wrillcn in the origillltl standard. lJsers of IEEE Std 100 occasionally comment On the surprising omission of a pilrticular tenn commonly used in an electrical or electronics field. This occurs because the terms in IEEE Std 100 represent only those defined in the existing or paST body of IEEE standards. To respend to this, some working groups obm!n authorization Lo create a glossary of tenns used in their field. All existing, approved SlaDdard glossaries have been incorporated into this edition of IEEE Std 100. including the mOST curreTtl glossaries of tenns for computers and power engineering. IEEE working groups are encouraged to refer to IEEE S td 100 when developing new or revised standards to avoid redundancy, They are also encouraged 10 ~nvestigate deficiencies in standard tenDS and create standard glossaries La alleviate them. The sponsoring body for this document was Slandanls Coordinnting Committee 10 on Definitions (SCCIO), which consisted of the following members, Jane Radau, Chair John W. Balde Chri, Hcegard F. A. Saal Arthur Ballato John Horch Ralph M. Show.", Bruce Barrow J. L. Koepfingcr Edward N. Skornal William Carey ADen H. Meitzler Kenne~th L. Swinth Frank A. Denbrock Frank D. Mym Raymond S. Turgel Jay Forster David E. Roberts F.dward F. Vance rillalllllill8001151778 When the IEEE Standards Board approved rhis standard on to December 1996, ir had the following membership. Donald C. Loughry, Chair Richard J. Hulleman, lIice Chair Andrew G. Salem, Secrelary Gilles A. Baril E. G. "AI " Kiener Jose R. Ramo:;; Clyde R, Camp Jo,",ph L, Koepfinger' Arthur K , Reilly Joseph A , CMJIlIlelli Srephen R, Lambe" ROnald H, Reimer Stephen L. Diamond Lawrence V, McCall Gary S. Robinson Harold E. Epstein L, Bruce McClung logo Rusch Donald C. Fleckenstein Marco W, Migtiaro John S, Ryan Jay Forster* Mary Lou Padgett Chee Kiow Tan Donald N. Heinnan John W . Pope Leonard L. Tripp Ben C. JOrulSon Howard L Wolfman • Member Emeritus Also included are the following nonvoting IEEE Standards Board liaisons: Sat ish K. Aggarwal Alan H. Cookson Chesler C. Taylor Kim Breirfelder (1995·presenl). IEEE Sid 100 Edilor Slephen Huffman (1993-1995), IEEE Sid 100 Editor AssislaJ1ce was provided by the IEEE Standards" ' editorial staff. How to use this dictionary 'lbe terms defined in this dictionary are listed in leller-by·lener alphabetical order. Spaces are ignored in this style of alphabetization. so cable yalue will come before cab signal, Descriptive categories associated with the term in earlier editions of IEEE Std 100 will follow the term in parentheses, New categories oppear after the definitions (see Categories, below). followed by Ibe designation of the standard or stan· <lards that include the definition, If a standard de,<ignation is followcd by the letler s. it means that edition of the scandard was superseded by a newer revision and the term was not included in the revisiofL If a designation is followed by the letter w, it me!ll1s that edition of the scandard was withdrawn and not replaced by a revision. A bracketed number refers to the non·IEEE standard sou",cs given in the b""k of the book. Acronyms and abbre"'iations are no longer listed in a separate sc(..1ion in the dictionary; rdther. they are incorpof3ted alphabetically with other terms, Each acronym or abbreviatioQ refers toil' expanded tenn, where it is defined. Acronyms and abbreviations for which no defini~ion was included in past editions have been deleted from this edition of IEEE Std 100. Abstracts of the cunent set of approved IEEE standards are prov idod in the back of the book. It should be noted that updated infomloLion about IEEE standards can be obtained at any time from the IEEE Standards World Wide Web site .. hnp://sran<lard•. icee.org/, Categories The category abbreviations that are used in this edition of IEEE Std 100 are defined below. This infor· mation is provided to help elucidate the context of the definition, Older terms for which nO category could be found ha;.te had the cntegory "Std 100" ...igned to them. Note that terms from sources other tlulIIlEEE standards. such as the National Electrical Code" (NEC"') or the Nat",nal Fire Protection Associlllion, may not be from tbe most recent ediLions; the reader is cautjoned to check the latest editions of all ~ource s for the most up-to-date terminology, ;, STD.IEEE 100-ENGL 1996 .. 4805702 0549557 553 .. batch administrator 82 baud ceeds to completion without additional input or user inter­ creasing failures (the early-failure period). followed by a rel­ action. Contrast: conversational; interactive; real time. atively steady period (th.e constant-failure period). followed (C) 610.12-1990 by a period of increasing failures (the wearout-failure period). batch administrator A person who is authorized to use all re- (C) 610.12-1990 stricted batch services. (C/PA) l003.2d-1994 bath voltage The total voltage between the anode and cathode batch client A computational entity that utilizes batch services of an electrolytic cell during electrolysis. It is equal to the by making requests of batch servers. Batch clients often pro­ sum of vide the means by which users access batch services, although a) equilibrium reaction potential, a batch server may act as a batch client by virtue of making b) IR drop, requests of another batch server. Synonym: client. c) anode polarization, and (C/PA) l003.2d-1994 d) cathode polarization. Hatcher's parallel sort (data management) A merge sort in which corresponding items in two ordered subsets are simul­ See also: electrolytic cell; tank voltage. (EEC/PE) [119] taneously compared and, if necessary, exchanged; the result­ bathythermograph (navigation aid terms) A recording ther­ ing subsets are divided in half and interleaved with one an­ mometer for determining the temperature of the sea at various other, and these steps are repeated until the merge is complete. depths. (AE) 172-1983w Note: This algorithm is particularly appropriate for parallel battery (primary or secondary) Two or more cells electrically processing. Synonyms: merge exchange sort; odd-even sort. connected for producing electric energy. [Common usage per­ See also: bitonic sort. (C) 610.5-1990 mits this designation to be applied also to a single cell used batch job A set of computational tasks for a computing system. independently. In this document, IEEE Std 100, unless other­ Batch jobs are managed by batch servers. Once created, a wise specified, the term "battery" will be used in this dual batch job may be executing or pending execution. A batch sense.) (EEC/IA/PE) [119].446-1995 job that is executing has an associated session leader (a pro­ battery-and-ground pUlsing (telephone switching systems) cess) that initiates and monitors the computational tasks of Dial pulsing using battery-and-ground signaling. the job. Synonym: job. (C/PA) l003.2d-1994 (COM) 312-1977w batch job attribute A named data type whose value affects the battery-and-ground signaling (telephone switching systems) processing of a batch job. The values of the attributes of a A method of loop signaling. used to increase the range, in batch job affect the processing of that job by the batch server which battery and ground at both ends of the loop are poled that manages the job. The attributes defined for a batch job oppositely. (COM) 312-1977w are called the batch job attributes. (C/PA) lOO3.2d-1994 battery cabinet A structure used to support and enclose a group batch operator A person who is authorized to use some, but of cells.
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