YOGA IN THE IYENGAR TRADITION SINCE 1979 SUMMER 2013 • JUlY 5 – SEpTEMbER 12 First Class Namaste Free for New Some years back when my friend Beryl Bender Birch dormant within us until awakened by certain yoga coined the term Power Yoga, I was told that someone practices or other events. When awakened, it rises Students had asked B.K.S. Iyen- through a central energy Newcomers to Unity gar what he thought of channel called sushum- Woods may take their Power Yoga. His reply: na nadi, pierces and pu- first class free anytime "All yoga is power yoga". rifies each of thechakras during the session I wasn't told, however, or energy centers on Contact us for details. what he meant by that. its way until it reaches the sahasrara chakra at From my own studies 301-656-8992 the crown of the head and practice, a number www.unitywoods.com where it explodes into a of possibilities occur to thousand petalled lotus me. For one, the Hatha of radiant light. At that Yoga Pradipika speaks point the practitioner is of kundalini-shakti, the transformed, and s/he Inside Serpent Power that re- experiences an unparal- sides at the base of the spine characterized as a leled clarity of mind and perception that reveals John’s Workshop coiled serpent waiting to strike. This energy lies Schedule ......................2 Infinite Reality to him/her. Special Events ...............4–5 See Namaste, page 2 Class Schedule .............6–7 Teacher Information ......8–9 Studio News .....................9 Unity Woods Yoga Center Course Descriptions .......10 ...is one of the best known and most respected All of our classes are based on the teachings Boutique Information ......10 yoga centers in the country. We offer classes for of B.K.S. Iyengar. Named by Time magazine Registration Form ............11 students of all levels in posture (asana) and breath- as "one of the 100 most influential people in Fees and Policies ............11 ing (pranayama), special courses for targeted needs the world", Mr. Iyengar is widely regarded as and interests, workshops with some of the world’s the world’s foremost living yoga teacher. His finest teachers, and programs covering various as- approach develops self-awareness through pects of the science and art of yoga. precision in movement and attention to the © 2013 Unity Woods subtleties of body, breath, mind, and spirit. Yoga Center, LLC. At Unity Woods, our purpose is to offer uncompro- 4853 Cordell Ave, pH9 mising, expert yoga instruction to as broad an au- Bethesda, MD 20814 dience as possible. Our teaching staff is the area’s phone: (301) 656-8992 most experienced, comprised of highly trained, Fax: (301) 656-7792 certified instructors who help guide you to im- www.unitywoods.com proved health, serenity, and expanded awareness. HEALTH • SERENITY • AWARENESS - 2 - UNITY WOODS YOGA CENTER Namaste (continued) John’s I have rarely heard Guruji speak of kundalini, Type, Macrobiotic, and on and on. So many of Workshops and when he does, it is usually in a caution- us look outside ourselves for direction in some ary tone, so I doubt that that is what he was of the most basic elements of our lives. July 13–14 referring to. The Yoga Center of Columbia This happens in yoga classes, too. Students Columbia, MD In Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, most of the third chap- come to class week after week. They watch the John will be part of the faculty ter is about the siddhis, the powers that come teacher. They watch the other students. Much for the Center’s 500 hour RYT from various meditations. These powers include of their experience is essentially external. Even Advanced Teacher Training. the ability to read minds, understand animals’ though their bodies are doing the poses, their (410) 720-4340 www.columbiayoga.com sounds, levitate, and a host of others. Being minds are directed toward outside stimulation, steeped in the philosophy of the Yoga Sutras, comparisons with their classmates, the approval August 16–18 Mr. Iyengar may have had these powers in mind. of the teacher. Milwaukee Yoga Center Milwaukee, WI An element of power that plays a more intrin- I’m not saying they are bad students or that they For experienced students. sic role in the practice of Iyengar Yoga is Prana. are wasting their time. Of course, part of the (414) 332-3551 Prana is the life force that energizes every aspect reason we go to class is to take in information, www.yogacenter.cc of our existence. It is the E in E=MC². It is the to be guided toward an experience of something October 11–13 energy or power that creates movement, and pleasurable or uplifting or challenging, to be SERENDIPITY movement is what creates the Universe. In our inspired by our teachers. But at some point, for Berkeley Springs, WV yoga practice we access Prana in a number of us to really touch the heart of yoga, these expe- A Workshop for Teachers and ways but most directly through the breath in riences must be internalized. And the only way Serious Students the practice of pranayama. By regulating our to do that is to practice on our own. Topic TBA breath, lengthening and refining its movement, (301) 656-8992 In a recent newsletter I wrote that one of the www.unitywoods.com we become sensitive to the movements of Pra- hallmarks of Iyengar Yoga practitioners is that na in our bodies; we learn to tap into the vast we are interested in learning—learning about November 1–3 ocean of Prana within which we swim day in St. Lucia 3rd Annual Health our bodies, about our minds, about the philoso- and day out, and through that practice, Patanjali and Wellness Retreat phy of yoga, about our spiritual nature. Classes says, we uncover our own inner light. It is quite St. Lucia help us with that. They expose us to various John joins a distinguished group possible the notion of Prana played a part in techniques, concepts, and experiences. They get of presenters focusing on yoga Guruji’s comment. and yoga-related disciplines di- our feet wet in the yoga pool. But the real value rected toward enhancing health These are all ways in which power plays a part of classes is to teach us how to practice on our and well-being. The retreat takes in yoga. They are esoteric and for most of us not own. If we observe the different sequences that place in a beautiful tropical set- usually a conscious part of our daily lives. But the teacher employs from class to class, for in- ting by the sea. there is another way in which we can under- stance, the question eventually arises as to why www.stlucianow.com/ events/2013/11 stand the role of power in yoga, and that is as a Virabhadrasana II (Warrior II) precedes Utthita vehicle for finding our own power. Parshvakonasana (Extended Side Angle) one November 16 week and follows it in the next week’s sequence. It seems that many if not most people look Advanced Asana Or the teacher may ask us in Adhomukha Shva- Unity Woods/DC studio to others to try to figure out how to live their nasana (Downward Facing Dog) to observe the Backbends; check prerequisites. lives. Check out the non-fiction best-seller lists. thickness of the right forearm and compare it (301) 656-8992 They're full of books on what to eat, how to dress, www.unitywoods.com to the thickness of the left forearm. The teacher how to have better sex, how to be successful in may then tell us why there is a difference and November 17 business, in marriage, how to be healthy. Take Advanced Pranayama diet books, for instance. God knows how many Unity Woods/MD studio different diets there are—Low Carb, High Pro- Please check prerequisites. tein, South Beach, Paleo, Gluten Free, Blood (301) 656-8992 www.unitywoods.com See www.unitywoods.com for details SUMMER 2013 - 3 - Namaste (continued) John Schumacher is the founder what to do about it to create evenness. In each us with a way of checking to see whether we and director of of these examples, the teacher is providing us are headed in the right direction or going astray. Unity Woods. food for thought and showing us ways to observe, Even so, it is up to us to go back to our mat or He has prac- contemplate, and do our practice. S/he is teach- cushion, and put their guidance into practice. ticed yoga for ing us to question what we observe, to explore over 40 years Each time we practice, we encounter questions, causes and effects, and to find for ourselves ways and has taught difficulties, and challenges. And as, over time, to create balance and integrity. S/he is teaching in the Wash- we discover answers to the questions, overcome us how to practice on our own. ington area since 1973. John the difficulties that beset us, and meet the chal- continues to study in India with There are many benefits to a committed, long- lenges we face, we build confidence in our B.K.S. Iyengar, the world’s foremost term yoga practice. One of the most important is ability and acquire skills to deal with what life Yoga teacher, and is a certified se- the understanding that we can find the answers sends our way. Through our own practice, we nior Iyengar Yoga teacher. He also to many of the questions that arise in our lives by learn to look within and empower ourselves.
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