HaleEvans bindex.indd V2 - 08/10/2011 Page 373 Index A alphabets. See specifi c alphabets The Annotated Flatland: Aardvark, 79, 82 alphabet buildings, 172 A Romance of Many Abbot, Edwin A., 71, 240, 242, alternate-reality games, 159, Dimensions (Abbot & 260 160 Stewart), 71, 240, 242, 260 Abbott, Robert, 368 Ambient Music Manifesto, 137 annotation techniques, 32–44 Abbott’s Original Card Games Ambleside Online, 61 Annoyster, 310 (Abbott), 368 American Manual Alphabet, anomia, 332–333 abductive logic, 204–209 264–269 answer forums, 79–80, absurd stories, 3 American Sign Language 81–82 Accelerando (Stross), 166 (ASL), 264, 282 anthropic units, 124, 216, 219 acquired taste, 300–305 Amster-Burton, Matthew, 304 antilibrary, 31 Action Driver 2. See AD2 ana, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 252, APET Model modifi cation, 349 AD2 (Action Driver 2), 73, 74, 253, 254, 255, 257 apocopes, 11, 12, 13 75, 76 anarcho-syndicalism, 175 Appalachia lore, 169 Adams, Douglas, 355 The Anatomy of a Large Scale applied behavior analysis, 163 Adams, Scott, 64, 65, 66 Social Search Engine appointment, mental, 95–99 Adanaxis, 259 (Horowitz & Kamvar), 83 appreciation, Harvard Adler, Mortimer, 26–27, 28, 30, ancient Greeks Negotiation Project, 348 44, 48 Archilocus, 63, 64 arbitrariness, of calendars, 105 Adler’s pyramid, 26–27 Aristotle, 142, 219, 223, Archilocus, 63, 64 affi liation, Harvard 225, 272 architecture, subsumption, Negotiation Project, 348 Mnemosyne, 1 173 agile programming,COPYRIGHTED 151, 160 rainbows, 272 MATERIALAristotle, 142, 219, 223, air conditioning, 168, 172 Stoicism, 179, 303, 357–358 225, 272 alarm clock, Internet, 310–311 vocabulary, 18 Armstrong, Thomas, 364 Albert Einstein (AE) example, ancient Mayan calendar, art, 143–148, 187–195 97, 98 104 Art and Fear: Observations on Alfa, 265 ancient Romans, 8–10, 64, the Perils (and Rewards) algebra, 227. See also geometry 195, 300 of Artmaking (Bayles & Allen, David, 112, 121, 340, 349 And Then There Were None Orland), 195 Allen, Woody, 45 (Russell), 175 Art from Intuition: Overcoming allergies, food, 180, 181, 300, Android, 108, 109, 129, 320 Your Fears and Obstacles to 303 Anki, 15–18 Making Art (Nimmer), 194 373 bbindex.inddindex.indd 337373 88/10/2011/10/2011 33:27:14:27:14 PPMM HaleEvans bindex.indd V2 - 08/10/2011 Page 374 374 Index n A–B artifi cial intelligence, 172, 361, Bahá’í calendar, 105 repurposing, 37–38 363. See also robotics Bailey, Marian, 53 sacred, 25, 30 artistic kin, 192 Barrow, John, 226 speed reading, 44–49 artistic manifestos, 137 Barry, Lynda, 188, 190, 193, 194 value, 39–40 The Artist’s Way (Cameron), 57 Barski, Conrad, 223 weird, 142 artsurgery.com, 194 Basic English, 51, 62 writing in, 32–44 The Art of Choosing (Iyengar), basketball, hyperspherical, 257 Book of Buffs, Masters, Mavens 82 Bayard, Pierre, 31 and Uncommon Experts “The Art of Productive Bayes, Thomas, 81 (Doering), 67 Procrastination” (Griffi th), Bayesian averaging, 81 The Book of Heroic Failures (Pile 133 Bayles, David, 195 & Waller), 148 asarya, 176–177 Bayley, Barrington, 142 The Book of the New Sun asarya hacks, 177 “Be conservative in what (Wolfe), 198 Ask MetaFilter, 79 you do; be liberal in Borges, Jorge Luis, 27, 71, 72, AskPhilosophers, 79, 80 what you accept from 178 ASL (American Sign others,” 292 Borwein, Jonathan, 226, 232 Language), 264, 282 BEAM robotics, 172–173 Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF), ASL University: “Beating the Averages” 348 Fingerspelling, 270 (Graham), 222 Bourbaki, Nicolas, 227, 234 Asperger’s syndrome, 274, 363 beginner‘s mind, 336–339 Bourbaki/Coxeter divide, 234 Astonish Yourself: 101 Beha, Christopher, 31 Bowler, Jonathan, 256 Experiments in the Philosophy behavior analysis therapy, 308, boxes. See Unboxed Games of Everyday Life (Droit), 304 314. See also metabehavior Manifesto athletes, 54, 182, 353 behavioral economics, 151, Bracha, Stefan H., 349 attachment, selective, 92 308, 314 brain. See also intelligence; attention, 63, 342 behavioral robotics, 314 memory; mind attitude, 57, 357–358 behaviorism, 308, 313–314 caudate nucleus, 18–19 attitudinals, Lojban, 265, 275– Belmont Report, 322 as computer, 361, 363 277, 280–283 belt and suspenders scheme, dopamine levels, 307 auction games, 197–198 287 dump, 118 audio fi le, vocabulary, 10–14 Benchley, Robert, 133 fi tness training exercises, 315 Augustus, 9 Berlin, Isaiah, 64 frontal, 307 authors, 27–28, 38 Big Bang, 3, 100 Googling, 19 autism, 54, 176, 363, 364 big-endian, 101 inspiration, 312–313 autobiographical memory, bigger/funnier world, intelligence, 26 18–23 331–334 mammalian, 341 autodidacticism, 27, 29 Bilbo Baggins, 98 mediator module, 291–298 automated recommendation bipolar disorder, 354 mental fi tness, 299–334 systems, 78, 80–81 Birthday Paradox, 227 multimodal communication, autonomic system, 341, 342, Blake, William, 30 290 345 blinking control, 345, 349 neocortex, 341 autonomy, Harvard Bloch, William Goldbloom, outboard, 178–179 Negotiation Project, 348 71, 72 reptilian, 341 average life, 65 blog posting, 195. See also semantic pause, 341 averaging, Bayesian, 81 specifi c blogs stupidest, 360 avoiding mistakes, 144–145 BLUF (Bottom Line Up Front), temporal lobe, 18, 307 348 Brain Age, 315 B BoardGameGeek, 209 Brain N-Back, 320 Bach, J. S. See Gödel, Escher, boasts, 161–162 Brain Workshop, 316–320 Bach books. See also fantasy books; Braley, John, 141, 233 Bach, Richard, 27 science fi ction; specifi c books Brave New Words: The Oxford Backgammon, 232 canon, 25–32 Dictionary of Science Fiction bad examples, 143–148 kids’ resources, 59–62 (Prucher), 175 bad science fi ction, 147, 174 as notebooks, 37–38 Bravo, 265 Baer, Steve, 235 previewing, 46 breath control, 345 bbindex.inddindex.indd 337474 88/10/2011/10/2011 33:27:15:27:15 PPMM HaleEvans bindex.indd V2 - 08/10/2011 Page 375 Index n B–C 375 Breland, Keller, 53 checks, lost, 124–125 commitments, public, 311–312 Brelin, Christa, 67 chess, 22, 141, 209, 353, 368 Common Era, 212 Bridget, 265 Chess Mysteries books, 209 communication, 263–298. See Briefscript, 283, 287 ChessLARP, 22 also languages Brooks, Rodney, 172, 173, 314 Chinese language, 18 fi ngerspelling, 264–270, 275, Brown, James Cooke, 275 choices. See also decision 282 Brown, Sunni, 159 making lip reading, 271–274 Bryant, John, 232 choosing options, 72–77 mediator module, 291–298 “a bug called you,” 325 hive mind, 77–83, 300 multimodal, 287–291 Burek, Deborah M., 67 The Paradox of Choice: Why NATO phonetic alphabet, Burger, Dionys, 259 More is Less (Schwartz), 264–270 Bustillos, Maria, 143 82, 120 Speedwords, 283–287 Byrne, David, 142 Web, 77 communicators, 174 Chore Wars, 151, 153–156 Communist Manifesto, 136 C Chumby, 310 CommunityWiki, 93 Caesar, Julius, 8 cilantro, 300, 302, 303–304 The Complete QS Guide to Self Cage, John, 142 circuit breakers, 347 Tracking, 330 Calculator, Google, 217 clarity, 335–365 computers. See also robotics calculus of distinctions, 220 beginner’s mind, 336–339 artifi cial intelligence, 172, calendars, 101, 103–105, 212. losing, 355–359 361, 363 See also Jetpack workfl ow retreat and reboot, 350–355 brain as, 361, 363 method semantic pause, 302, 340–350 Universal Turing Machine, calibre, 56 trusting intelligence, 359–365 359, 362–363 Caligula, 10 Claudius, 10 Computer Game Developers calmness, Three C’s, 122, 123, clicker training, 52–54 Conference, 140 124, 125 Clifford rotation, 254 computer languages, 221. See Calvert School, 61 clocks also Perl Cameron, Julia, 57 clock time, 97–98 JavaScript, 295, 351 Camus, Albert, 59 MET, 106–111 LISP, 218, 222, 223, 363 Caney, Steven, 61, 62, 172, 173, offbeat, 103–104 Python, 221, 363 235, 236, 239 Clocky, 310 The Computer as Crucible: An canon of books, 25–32 clothes, organizing, 127 Introduction to Experimental Capra, Frank, 2 Cluetrain Manifesto, 137 Mathematics (Borwein & capture into inboxes stage, Clute, John, 175 Devlin), 226, 232 112, 113 cognitive behavioral therapy, conditional probability, 80 Carr, Jan, 59, 60 301, 304, 332, 334 confi dence, Three C’s, 122, 123, Carter, Allen G., 215 cognitive ergonomics, 71, 104, 124, 125 castles, medieval Dutch, 64, 67 217, 218 confounding factors, 330 catch, 4, 13, 14, 171 cognitive lock-in, 104 Connors, Martin, 67 catheters, in heart, 4 cognitive pause. See semantic conscious control, of attention, caudate nucleus, 18–19 pause 63 cell phones. See mobile phones coin fl ips, 75, 200–201 Consilience: The Unity of Celtic harp, 290 collaboration, with authors, 38 Knowledge (Wilson), 58 censorship, Huckleberry Finn, collage, 191 consult step, vocabulary audio 297 collective libraries, 31 fi le, 11–12 central line infections, 4 Collins, Jim, 115, 325 contemplate nothing, 241 change colors contemplative pauses, 340–341, “Change is as good as rest,” annotating in, 37 345 353 four-color parakeet contextualize step, vocabulary controlling, 329 droppings, 367 audio fi le, 12 channel, 270 gel ink pens, 85 control. See also time Charlie, 265 mental datebook, 95–99 management checklists, 4, 345–346 synesthesia, 96, 97, 213 attention, 63 The Checklist Manifesto comfort, Three C’s, 122, 123, blinking, 345, 349 (Gawande), 4 124, 125 breath, 345 bbindex.inddindex.indd 337575 88/10/2011/10/2011 33:27:15:27:15 PPMM HaleEvans bindex.indd V2 - 08/10/2011 Page 376 376 Index n C–D change, 329 cues, memory, 2–4 defi ne step, vocabulary audio don’t know what you’re customized units of fi le, 12 doing, 187–195 measurement, 215–218 degree of freedom, 241, 253 health, 325 cyborg, 179, 362 Delicious.com, 35, 70, 71, 90 Jetpack workfl ow method, Delta, 266 111–121, 327 D Descartes, René, 225 letting go, 190–191 da Vinci, Leonardo, 66 Design for the Real World: Cooper, Martin, 174 Dada Manifesto, 136 Human Ecology and Social Coordinated Universal Time daily to-do list, 328 Change (Papanek), 169 (UTC), 100, 101, 102, 103, Damanhur, 42 The Design of Everyday Things 109, 110 danger, 180–181 (Norman), 291 Corman, Roger, 147 Danielewski, Mark Z., 29 desire, 329 Cornell, Matthew, 111, 321 Danish, 347 Detective, 145 correlative table, 284 Danlo wi Soli Ringess, 177 Devlin, Keith, 226, 232 correlatives, 284–287 Dao, 232 Dewdney, A.
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