OUR LADY OF VICTORY VICTORIA, TEXAS MARCH 16, 2014 2014 Diocesan Services Appeal (DSA) s we begin the second The 2014 DSA began on March 1 and will conclude on Feb- Aweek of our Lenten journey, the ruary 28, 2015. Our parish received the following information, Gospel reading, from St. Matthew, from the Chancery Office, regarding our 2014 DSA Goal: speaks of the Transfiguration of Jesus. Jesus took Peter, James and Parish Goal John to the mountaintop and, be- fore their very eyes, he was transfigured. Scripture says Jesus $123,054.00 "[...] was transfigured before them; his face shone like the sun (which reflects an increase of $17,221.00 from last year). and his clothes became white as light. And behold, Moses and Elijah appeared to them, conversing with him." Moses and Elijah The DSA funds the operation of the Diocese of Victo- represent the fulfillment Jesus would bring of the law and the ria. This includes the Bishop's Office, The Catholic Lighthouse, prophets. Financial Administration, Pastoral Institute, Permanent Diaco- The transfiguration of Jesus ushered in the Kingdom of God nate, Religious Education, Retired and Infirmed Priests, Safe and the fulfillment of all that had been foretold. The apostles of Environment Office, the education and formation of future Jesus did not yet understand it. Peter himself said, “Lord, it is priests for our Diocese, the Spiritual Renewal Center, the Tribu- good that we are here. If you wish, I will make three tents nal, Youth and Young Adult Ministry, and a cost of other ser- here, one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.” Instead, vices. If every individual/family in the parish made a dona- God intervened and "[...] from the cloud came a voice that said, tion to the 2014 DSA Campaign, we could reach our goal! If 'This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to we reach our required goal, we will not have to use parish him.'” Though filled with fear, Jesus said to Peter, James and funds for this Diocesan Campaign, as we have done in past John, “Rise, and do not be afraid.” Jesus says the same to years. us. We are not to live in fear, but in trust, reassured that our Lord Thank you for supporting our Bishop, the Diocese and, is with us. Our call is to listen to Jesus and to abide by the Truth therefore, our parish. We all have an obligation to support not He reveals. The transfiguration of Jesus gives us an indication of only our local parish, but also our Diocese. The Bishop uses what life with God will be, in heaven, if we are faithful to Him on these funds to operate the Diocese. As Bishop Fellhauer has earth. Until the Lord comes again for us, we have service to ren- written: “God in His graciousness has given us the gift of faith der and faith to deepen. A most blessed week to you. and has called us into His Church. One of the ways of giving back to the Lord is to render support to that Church, the faith Father Gary community that is not of our making, but of God's.” Remember, it is the responsibility of all of us to support our Bishop and the Women’s ACTS Retreat March 20-23 ministry entrusted to his care. Please assist us in reaching our as- Registrations are still be accepted. signed goal! DSA envelopes and pledge cards were sent from the So register NOW! Chancery Office on February 27. If you need one, please call the All are encouraged to participate in Send Off on Parish Office at 575-4741. Again, thank you for your generosity. Thursday, March 20 at, 6:00 p.m. in the Cafete- Father Gary ria and at the 11:30 a.m. Mass on Sunday, March 23. Food for the meal may be brought to the gym before Mass. LOOKING for Young Operation Rice Bowl Men to Join During Lent, we will participate in Operation Rice Bowl Columbian Bowls are available in the Cathedral. Squires The Knights of Columbus #1329 is in the process of re-instituting Columbian Squires program. Applications are being accepted- Collection of March 8-9 for membership. For an application go to www.kofc.org/un/en/ Envelopes $ 12,203.00 squires/index.html. The importance of a Squires circle should Loose 3,598.50 not be underestimated. A circle helps mold young Catholic men Total $ 15,801.50 into the strong leaders of tomorrow, while preparing these Squires Candle Stands/Book Rack $218.00 for their future as active, contributing members of the Knights of Columbus. All that is needed is at least 10 Catholic young men, Maintenance Fund $205.00 between the ages of 10 and 18 to receive their Charter, and a few of their fathers and/or other Knights to be counselors. Cost Special Collection: Church in Eastern of membership to join is $11. Return the application to Donald Europe (Ash Wednesday) $3,999.50 Shellenbarger, 190 S. Mesquite Dr., Victoria, TX 77905. If you have any questions call: 649-9556 or e-mail: [email protected] . Stations of the Cross All are invited to participate in the Stations of the Cross, each Friday evening following the 5:30 p.m. Mass. Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI has said, “The Way of the Cross is not only a great testimony to an inner depth and maturity, but it is in fact a school for interiority and consolation. It is also a school for the examination of conscience, for conversion, for inner transfor- mation and compassion—not as sentimentality, as a mere feeling, but as a disturbing experience that knocks on the door of my heart, that obliges me to know myself and to become a better person.” Make this beautiful devotion a part of your Lenten journey. SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT Religious Education News OUR LADY OF VICTORY Registration for the 2014/2015 Religious Education L K year is going on NOW!; Registration forms were sent CATHOLIC SCHOOL home with current students and should be returned along with payment to the Religious Education Office. Registration ST 1 ANNUAL for new families will begin on March 18. Space fills up fast so please sign up early. Your family must be registered and active members of the parish! Adult teachers and aides are al- ways needed and welcomed! Consider sharing your time, talents and faith with the young people of the parish. A wide range of talents are needed! Call the Religious Education Office for more information at 575-8132. “Training and support is provided.” SATURDAY, MARCH 22, 2014 CONFIRMATION 6:00 p.m. ~ Sunday, March 23 ~ “Please remember in your prayers all those stu- dents enrolled in the Religious Education Pro- SOIREE gram and St. Joseph High School who are being 212 South Main Street confirmed this year. These young people have Victoria, TX studied, done service projects, spent time in retreat and prayer and are now ready to take the final step of initiation into the Church.” Confirmation will be Sunday, March 23 at 3:00 COCKTAILS, DINNER, p.m. in the Cathedral. Please be watching for information coming home regarding practice. If you have any questions MUSIC, LIVE & SILENT AUCTIONS please call the Religious Education office at 575-8132. ADMISSION: Please join the Religious Education students in the 7th grade and up $75 per person for an evening of Praise and Adoration on Wednesday, April 2, in the Cathedral beginning at 6:30 p.m. This special time will include Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and music. Parents, families SPONSORSHIP LEVELS: and friends are all invited and it is open to anyone who wishes to Eagle- $350 come and join us on this very special occasion. Dismissal for stu- Bald Eagle-$500 dents will be at the regular 7:30 p.m. time. Crown Eagle - $750 Golden Eagle - $1,500 NEEDED FOR VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL - Items needed for Arts and Craft projects: clean baby food jars with the lids, SEATING LIMITED TO 250 empty baby wipe tubs with the pop up lids, small water bottles with their lids and costume jewelry that will be in the treasure chests. Dona- FOR TICKET INFORMATION: tions may be brought to the Religious Education Office. Plans for the Vacation Bible School “SonTreasure Island” are well underway Call 575-5391 or [email protected] but we need YOU!. We need at least four more adults to commit to Proceeds to help purchase new bus and this project before we can begin registration. Areas that need your help are classroom teachers, arts & crafts and general assis- install campus security fence. tance. Please note VBS is taking the place of summer play days this year. Vacation Bible School will run the week of June 23 to 27 from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Registration will open as soon as we Last week’s TRIVIA answer: have enough adult volunteers. Please help make this fun and inspir- ing week possible by volunteering now! If you have any questions, Jesus is a priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek. please call the Religious Education Office at 575-8132. Our Lady of Victory Altar Society is accepting Calendar Club Winners donations for lilies to decorate the Cathedral at Easter. Donations may be made in any amount in March 11 ($50 Gift Card) memory of or in honor of loved ones. Please mail Thomas Null donations to Donna Wesley, 2013 Mimosa, 77901. March 14 ($50 Gift Card) Check us out on Facebook Wendy Ohrt Our Lady of Victory Cathedral OUR LADY OF VICTORY VICTORIA, TEXAS MARCH 16, 2014 What Am I Doing For Lent This Year? Lent is a time for spiritual renewal.
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