POSTAL HIMAL QUARTERLY OF THE NEPAL AND TIBET PHILATELIC STUDY CIRCLE The TSARONG Crest: No. 84 4th Quarter 1995 Postal Himal is' a qua r terly publication of the Nepal & Tibet Phi latelic Study Circle . Membe rship subscriptions run from January through Decent:Jer of each yea r . Dues should be paid in l ocal currency at the prevai ling exchange rat e to the society representative in your area. ~E M8ERSHI P DUE S AS Of JAN UA RY 1993 4th Quarter 1995 One Yea r Three Year s Li f e Member £ 12 £ 33 £250 Ame r ican Philatelic Society Affiliate #122 Bri t ish Philatelic Federation Affiliate #435 Secretary: Mr . Col i n Heppcr Editor: Mr . Leo Martyn C/72 Call e Miguel Angel P.o. 80x 49263 El Sueno -Fase I Los Angeles , CA 90049-0263 El Chaparral U.S.A. 031BO Torrevieja Fax: 310 476 - 2608 Alicante Spain The Board Of The Nepal And Tibet Philatelic Study Circle : President: Dr . Wol f gang C. Hellrigl Past President : Dr . Pier re Couv reur Vice President: Mr . Colin T. Heppe r Secretary: Mr . Co l in T. Hepper Tr easurer: Mr . Colin T. Hepper Aucti oneers: Leo Martyn & Roger Skinner Members : Mr. Christopher Kinc" Mr . Al an Warren , Mr . Francis A. Westb r ook Jr . Ed itor: Mr. Leo I"lartyn Representatives: Europe Mr . Co lin Hepper, see address above . India Soha n Lal Ohawan & Sons, P.D. Box 95, Datiala-147001 , India. Nepal Mr. Surendra Lal Shrestha, Kathmandu District , P.O. Box 72 , Kathmandu, Nepal. U.S.A. Mr . Roger Sk i nner , 1020 Cov i ngton Road , Los Al tos . CA 94024 , U.S . A. Pat r on: Mr. Mac Linscott Ricketts . Honorary Life ~: Colin Hepper, l i t Bahadur Manandhar . Life Members: Mario C. Barbiere. Jeremy Brewer, P. Gupta . Richard Hanchett . Wolfgang Hellrigl , William J an.son, G. Lenser , Leo Martyn . R. Murray , Peter Planken . Ba rbara Pray tor , S.L. Shrestha , Roger Skinner. Dick van deI' Wateren , Alfonso G. Zulueta Jr. TABLE OF CONTENTS Himalayan Views . ... Leo Martyn . 75 1996 Ph i latelic Programme Nepal Philatelic Bureau 77 "The Tsarong Crest" . Frealon Bibbins 78 "Nepa l ' s Postal Stationery - New Discoveries" .. .. Dick van der Wateren 82 "Lost Lhasa : A Review" . Alan Warren . 84 "The Stor minq of the Gyantse Fort: An un- published letter from the Voung­ l husband Expedition in Tibet-1904" CcUn Narbeth . 86 1996 List of Available Philatelic Items Nepal Philatelic Bu reau 91 "Review - Wolfgang C. Hellrigl, The Postal Markings of Tibet" -.-. Armand E. Singer 94 New Members, Change of Addresses , Ads . 96 U. Printed i n the U. S.A. ti ",. la=-tional Year of Shelter fot 10. 2114 Anniv.roary of the P.shufI'I 97. Balaoc:o:l Environment 19'92 ..., Ill. /nlernalin ...1 Year of IM Flr:lily 1994 • 10 ~O 6.00 Aln Dev. Tru" 19&9 '00 the Hn".e\eSl 1917 98. Riahl of tm Chi.ld 1992 '.00 12.S0 l .60 119. j():h Anniw"a,y of lCAO 1994 6S . .ord lirthdayo! HM tM Ki ... 1987 1.25 81. Man.hmana Temple. Gurkh 199(l 99. Temple Sui., 19'92 17.7S 0 120. Nltion.l P(f'lOnalit, Seriel 1994 11 . ~ Ik<:. l.'" "m 66. Mt. )(alljiro". 1981 11.110 n. O:ol .....,y of Ho,pillll 1')90 lOO. SilVCI' Jubilee ofllle: ADB/N , LOO ~ ... 121 . ~h 61rtho.loy of HM the Kin. I 994 10 ~O 61. '\uspicio"" Upanayan Ceremony n . Cto.. n Prinoc Coming of Ase 32.00 JO.~ 101. Bird Serin 1992 122. Taleju Temr1e 19'14 11.50 ~• ofHRHCrown Prince 1988 '.00 ,.~ Ceremon y 199Il ' .00 ]02. 4Slh Binh<lay of IIM tile: Kin, 121 . Tili~hn bke 1994 10.~ 84 RirtlldGY <If tlM \1'Ic Kin, 1990 r 68. Silver ,,,bil« of Kmnti Chiluren', 46~b ' .00 ,to 1992 10.00 UO ". Hospital 1988 '-', as. 8 . P. Ko"ala 1990 103. Poet Serlu 1992 '.00 12~. Child Mllvily Scfle. 199<1 ~.'O B6 . I\oyol Chllwan NII,,,nol Puk 199\ 7.00'"' 2B.00 26.S) ii 69. Royal Shuklaplllntl Wild life 10 •. OlympicG~rne. 1992 2. 10 ~ 12$. I\ea~l .. Series 1995 Rnh'rati~n M~hy '-', ~1 . of ParlY 105. FishScrics 1993 19.!S Re • ..-vt 19U , 126. Di_oc of Canecr 1995 1." Z Diamond Jubilee of Q ..... n Dcm""r:";t In Nrl"'l 1991 106. AlDS 1993 '.00 6.6S 0 7'0. .. 127. National hl'lOnalilY Sc-ritl 1995 101. NI I;"nal Person~li.y $cri•• 199) 26.2$ 24.75 Mother R~t". 1981 .... 12'. Anilll" Scfieo 1995 ~UO lOll. Touri.rn S~ri., 199) \6.00 14.$0 11 . Sit .... r J"bil« of Nepool R...JcroSl n. National Populatiol! Cen,UJ 1991 1." ,,, 729. SOlh Anllift...... ' of the FAO 19U <D ' .00 .. " ~ Soci.t~ 19 &8 89. SiI""r Jubi .... ofFNCCT 1991 6.00 ..,. 109. Holy PI.c:c Serico 1993 17.50 16.00 710. SOth Anni_.. ry of the UNO 1995 'I.SO 72. 44111 Birthd. ~ of HM the KinJ 19U $.00 90. SilVCl' JlLbilee: of N'palJlLDior 1I 0. ~91h BinhdlY ef HM the Ki~g Ill . Visil NelMl Serid- 1995 n." 13. Golden Jubilee of Nefl'll Bank Llo.I. 1991 1).00 ILSO U2. Lumbinl • Birth Pia .... of OIUIIIII '00 Rcdc:rou 1991 ' .60 19IB 1).00 11. ~ 0 91. Puli___ nt Ses.ion 1991 ' .00 11 I. f't,J:lllllhamlL Shcrro 1994 B\KIdb. 199~ 21 .SO 14. 10th Anniwuary of Ihe APT 19M9 7.00 ", 92. CoollltlLllon o.y 1991 1." 112. Fi.hl A.~inst Smo~in. Im ' .00 2.~0 Ill. Ooldcn Jubi lee ofHM IlK Klnl1995 HIll ,.'" ?S . CombalinJ Drul Abule.l: DruJ 93. Mt . Kurnbbabtnol991 1.60 6.10 Ill. POIIQt AClivity 19" .." 134. ~ht Birthd.y of HM Ihe K,n, 199' 13.SO 'fur 19M9 114. Ne""I(1C W.:tpJn S ~del 1914 2).00 21 .Xl 1lS. 10tll Anni""narYofSAARC 199$ II .SO Tr.fficin8 SAAKC ,.'" 94. 47th BirthdlYofHMthe Kin, 1991 11 .00 " •. 16 .!1l 76. 4S'1I Birthday of HM ,h. Kin, 19~9 ,."" 9S. SAARC Year for Shelter 1991 12.00 10.SO 11 S. "th Anni.c.... ' of ILO 1994 77. Child ~urviv:" k Development 1989 4.00 9I'i. XXV Ann;w:,nry of Nepal !l6.1 4th World Food P,,,.,,rnlll' 199<4 26.S0 18. R.. a Nalional Park 1989 7.00 4UO Philalelic S"c1~IY 1992 7.00 117. Orchid Series 1994 79. Mt. Amadalllam 1939 ' .00 "''" * * * A • * * * * * BAD< ISSI£S AVAILABlE NEWSLETTER #1 - 24 @ $.30 each INDEXES plus follOl.lling postage per issue: To all Newsletters and Postal Himals U.S.A. EUROPE ~ $.29 $.85 $.95 , $5 . 00 (includes postage to all areas). $15.00 for a complete set (11-24) in­ $140. 00 for a complete set of cluding postage to all areas. Newsletters~ Postal Himals and Indexes (includes postage ~ POSTAL HIMAL #25-68 @ $2.00 each to all areas). ~"" plus follOl.lling postage pe~ issue: Pl ease send orders to: o U.S.A. EUROPE ASIA ffi $.52 $1.35 $1.61 Roger D. Skif'Vlef "~ 1020 Cov i ngton Road o for a $90.00 complete set ('25-68) in- Altos. 94024 " cluding postage to all areas. Los Ca . --­ U.S.A. "' POSTAL HlMAL '59-current issue @ $5.00 '" each plus fOIIOWing postage per i ssue: U.S.A. EUROPE ASIA $.75 $1.85 $2.27 Review - Wolfgang C. Hellrigl, The Postal Markings of Tibet by Armand E. Singer 'Jancouver , British Columbia : Geoffrey Flack , 1996. Large format. 8 .S"X11 ". 5oftbound . $25 U. S. + postage . Available from G. Flack , Box 65987 , Station F, Vancouver , British Columbia , Canada , VSN 5L4 . and from many dealers, U.S. and abroad. Little by little the edifice of Himalayan philatelic knowledge is rising. An i mportant wing has j ust opened its doors . Dr . Hellrigl, who has already given us three monumental volumes on Nepal (two in collarboration . the last by himself), has now turned his attention to Tibetan postmarks, producing a watershed monograph. There simply is no substitute . It is for all intents and purposes complete; it is most authoritative; it is beautifully printed and illustrated: it is , in a word, indispensable . No serious Tibet collector can afford to be without it. More extensive than the pages in Waterfall 1 s Postal History of Tibet , it includes earliest and latest known dates of usage for almost every cancel and features exceptionally clear illustrations. Like the two Bibbins books on the 1912 ,::md 1933 Tibet issues (equally well printed by Flack) , we will not be able to hel p wondering how we ever managed without it. Most useful. among its many advantages, is a full listing of all the postal marking towns in Tibet, 1903-1 959 , with alter native spellings and names (and a 1959 map to help locate the Chinese system) . which in several cases amount to six variants or more , and a generous sel ective bibliography . There is even an extra map of the fifteen Tibetan post offices. 1912-1956, with the native spellings . The relative rarity of all these cancels is evaluated by means of a point system (p* 5) - not t he usual one where a po i nt equals some predetermined amount of money at a given momen t, say a U. S. dollar a point - but as follows: 100 points extremely rare 1 -4, approximate number of covers known 90 - 95 pts . - very raTe 5-9 " " 80-85 pts . rare 10-1 9 " " 55-75 pts.
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