spine=12.288 mm Provence & the Provence & the Côte d’Azur & the Côte Provence Côte d’Azur Great Family Trips You’ll Remember Forever At last, a travel guide for families that tells you how it really is. See the best of everything, with expert advice from mums and dads that will give you the confidence to organise a fun and inspired trip. With Your Family has the inside knowledge for trouble-free breaks, full of memories to last a lifetime. • Immerse yourself in lively street festivals • See hundreds of butterflies or visit a bird hotel • Create your own unique perfume Family Your With • Discover works by famous artists including Picasso • Plus: the best attractions, food, drink and accommodation • Also: lots of evocative photos and regional maps Frommer’s. The best trips start here. Visit us online at Frommers.com UK £12.99 / US $18.99/CAN $22.99 ® 2nd Edition Ivrea HHermillonermillon PPontont CCanaveseanavese ValenceValence N91 AAurisuris N86 RRHONE-ALPESHONE-ALPES E70 A32 D111 PROVENCE N304 N91 E712 BBaixaix AAllexllex SSestriereestriere N75 AAmbelmbel & THE CÔTE CCondillacondillac N102 BBrianconriancon FFRANCER A N C E N94 D'AZUR MontelimarMontelimar N85 N71 DDonzereonzere CCharensharens Alpes de Haute-Provence CCarmagnolaarmagnola LLayeaye (see chapter 9) CavourCavour E15 Avignon & the Vaucluse RRacconigiacconigi A6 CCanaleanale A7 (see chapter 8) GapGap BBrara AAiguezeigueze VitrollesVitrolles IITALYT A L Y VVerclauseerclause E712 LLakeake AlbaAlba PParisaris AlesAles N86 BolleneBollene SSerre-Ponconerre-Poncon FFRANCERANCE VilledieuVilledieu N75 A51 BBuscausca FossanoFossano CColognacolognac LLANGUEDOC-ANGUEDOC- D900 SR20 Area of LLyonyon OrangeOrange JJausiersausiers CCarruarru detail RROUSSILLONOUSSILLON PPIEMONTEIEMONTE E74 DDoglianiogliani SauzetSauzet CuneoCuneo TToulouseoulouse MMontont SS21 MondoviMondovi UUzeszes E15 AAubignanubignan PPROVENCE-ALPESROVENCE-ALPES N106 VVentouxentoux N100 CCÔTEÔTE DD’AZUR’AZUR Grasse & the Arrière-Pays CCevaeva N110 A9 SSt.-Géry-t.-Géry- NîmesNîmes AvignonAvignon L'L' Isle-sur-Isle-sur- Digne-les-BainsDigne-les-Bains (see chapter 4) la-Sorguela-Sorgue ddu-Fescu-Fesc AAigluniglun ViolaViola E80 E80 TarasconTarascon N100 N85 E15 N7 AptApt E712 OOrmearmea MontpellierMontpellier A54 CavaillonCavaillon N100 A51 N202 AAnnotnnot AAuvareuvare TTendeende SenasSenas St.-GillesSt.-Gilles AArlesrles N202 E74 ArnascoArnasco A9 VVergonsergons PerolsPerols N113 MManosqueanosque Villars-sur-VarVillars-sur-Var N204 LLIGURIAIGURIA A54 A7 E80 N7 CastellaneCastellane TrioraTriora AAlassiolassio St.-St.- BBonsononson FFrontignanrontignan Salon-de-Salon-de- CannatCannat DDianoiano G U N568 ProvenceProvence SanSan MMarinaarina L F A8 O N113 N202 RemoRemo A10 F E80 VVenellesenelles L I N85 IImperiamperia O VitrollesVitrolles A80 N S GrasseGrasse Aix-en-Aix-en- E80 Monte-CarloMonte-Carlo MartiguesMartigues ProvenceProvence A8 OOllieresllieres NiceNice MMONACOONACO A55 A8 E80 Monaco & the Nîmes & the Camargue CCadoliveadolive LLee MMuyuy (see chapter 7) N560 N7 CannesCannes French Riviera Coastline MarseilleMarseille (see chapter 3) N7 FrëjusFrëjus CCassisassis E A CCarnoulesarnoules St.-RaphaélSt.-Raphaél S N8 N Ste.-MaximeSte.-Maxime I A R LaLa CiotatCiotat U Marseille & Aix-en-Provence ToulonToulon I G N98 St.-TropezSt.-Tropez L (see chapter 6) HHyeresyeres 0 20 mi LLaa SSeyne-eyne- ssur-Merur-Mer N The Western Côte & Inland Var 0 40 km PPorquerollesorquerolles MMEDITERRANEANE D I T E R R A N E A N SSEAE A (see chapter 5) spine=12.288mm 10 8 38 10 8 Europe UK US 20 18 48 18 16 14 44 16 14 12 42 12 10 40 46 subtract 32andmultiply 100˚ F 100˚ F 110˚ -20˚ F -20˚ F -10˚ 10˚ F 10˚ F 20˚ F 32˚ F 40˚ F 50˚ F 60˚ F 70˚ F 80˚ F 90˚ 0˚ F 0˚ To convertCtoF: To convertFtoC: To multiply by1.8 32˚ F=0˚C by and add32 5 6 36 country code: USA or Canada +1, UK +44, Ireland +353 Ireland +44, UK +1, Canada or USA code: country Provence: from call international an make To (+33) 011 Canada or USA country: another from Provence dial To / 9 (.555) 0˚ C 0˚ C 10˚ C 20˚ C 30˚ C 40˚ -10˚ C -10˚ -30˚ C -30˚ -18˚ C -18˚ UK 112 107 44 102 42 54 40 52 97 50 91 38 36 48 46 Kilograms topounds Pounds tokilograms Grams toounces Ounces tograms convert To kilometres tomiles miles tokilometres metres toyards yards tometres metres tofeet feet tometres centimetres toinches inches tocentimetres convert To Litres topints Pints tolitres Litres togallons Gallons tolitres convert To Metric (cm) 1ft=.30m 1 m=3.3ft 1 pound=.4555kilogram 1 kilogram=2.2pounds 1 ounce=28grams 1 gram=.04ounce v .......................... ......................... ......................... US Europe ............................ ........................... ................................ .................................. .............................. ................................ ........................ ....................... ............................ ......................... From the UK 00 (+33), 00 from UK the From ......................... ........................ ....................... 1mile=1.6km ................... 1 km=.62mile ...................... .................... Dial 00, followed by the the by followed 00, Dial multiply by multiply by multiply by 28.35 2.20 .035 1.61 1.09 .91 3.28 .30 .39 2.54 1.76 4.55 .45 .62 .56 .22 10 157 14 152 12 140 140 UK 122 109 Metric (Htcm) 1 4 December (Celsius) February Temp January (mm) Rainfall Month Average Average November March October August July June May April September 7 6 4 ............... .............. .............. ............. ............. ........... .......... ......... ........ .. 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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN: 978-0-470-68336-1 (pbk), ISBN: 978-0-470-97695-1 (ebk) Typeset by Wiley Indianapolis Composition Services Printed and bound in China by RR Donnelley 5 4 3 2 1 01_683361-ffirs.indd ii 11/1/10 2:03 PM Contents About the Author vi 4 Grasse & the An Additional Note vii Arrière-Pays 89 Visitor Information 91 1 Family Highlights of What To See & Do 92 Provence & the Côte Family-Friendly Dining 107 d’Azur 1 Family-Friendly Accommodation 110 Best Things To Do 2 Best Dining Options 11 5 The Western Côte & Best Accommodation 13 Inland Var 115 Visitor Information 117 2 Planning a Family Trip to What To See & Do 118 Provence & the Côte Family-Friendly Dining 132 d’Azur 15 Family-Friendly Accommodation 137 Visitor Information 18 Essentials 29 6 Marseille & Accommodation & Eating Out 40 Aix-en-Provence 141 The 21st-Century Traveller 47 Visitor Information 143 Fast Facts: Provence 49 What To See & Do 144 Family-Friendly Dining 160 3 Monaco & the Family-Friendly Accommodation 163 French Riviera 55 Visitor Information 57 What To See & Do 59 Family-Friendly Dining 79 Family-Friendly Accommodation 84 02_683361-ftoc.indd iii 11/1/10 2:03 PM 7 Nîmes & the 9 Alpes de Camargue 167 Haute-Provence 221 Visitor Information 169 Visitor Information 223 What To See & Do 170 What To See & Do 224 Family-Friendly Dining 186 Family-Friendly Dining 235 Family-Friendly Accommodation 189 Family-Friendly Accommodation 237 8 Avignon & the Index 239 Vaucluse 193 Visitor Information
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