THE GLENLOY WOODLANDS Near Fort William, Lochaber 228.72 Hectares / 565.16 Acres John Clegg & Co CHARTERED SURVEYORS & FORESTRY AGENTS THE GLENLOY WOODLANDS Fort William 11 miles Inverness 64 miles Perth 109 miles Edinburgh 153 miles (Distances are approximate) THE GLENLOY WOODLANDS 228.72 Hectares / 565.16 Acres Two areas of mixed species commercial woodland with a substantial volume of mature timber ready for felling. Stunning location in a highly scenic area, close to Fort William and Timber Markets. FREEHOLD FOR SALE AS A WHOLE OFFERS OVER £950,000 SOLE SELLING AGENTS John Clegg & Co, 2 Rutland Square, Edinburgh EH1 2AS Tel: 0131 229 8800 Fax: 0131 229 4827 Ref: Patrick Porteous 10/05/2017 15:19 LOCATION LOCATION The Glenloy Woodlands are situated in Glenloy, approximately A recent volume estimate from plot sampling has been carried Further information, including compartment data, maps The Glenloy Woodlands are situated in Glenloy, approximately A recent volume estimate from plot sampling has been carried Further information, including compartment data, maps 11 miles north of Fort William. This is a stunning and secluded out within the two woodlands. The combined stocked area of 11 miles north of Fort William. This is a stunning and secluded out within the two woodlands. The combined stocked area of andand volumevolume measurementmeasurement data data is is available available from from the the Selling Selling part of the country, yet it is very accessible to Fort William and conifer amounts to approximately 219.10 hectares, which is part of the country, yet it is very accessible to Fort William and conifer amounts to approximately 219.10 hectares, which is AgentsAgents uponupon request.request. beyond. There are some magnificent views of Ben Nevis and standing at a volume estimate of approximately 84,000m3 within beyond. There are some magnificent views of Ben Nevis and the standing at a volume estimate of approximately 84,000m3 within theGrey Grey Corries Corries to to the the east east andand toto the AncientAncient CaledonianCaledonian pine pine thethe growinggrowing cropcrop overall.overall. TIMBERTIMBER HAULAGEHAULAGE forestforest of of Glenloy Glenloy and and Puiteachan, Puiteachan, just just across across the the River River Loy, Loy, on on TheThe U1023U1023 public public road roadserving serving Glenloy Glenloy is currently is a “Consultationcurrently a thethe south south side side of of the the Glen. Glen. TheThe SitkaSitka sprucespruce is growing well along the lowerlower slopes,slopes, withwith aa “ConsultationRoute” for timber Route” haulage, for timberwhich linkshaulage, with whichthe B8004, links a withHighland the 3 yieldyield classclass ofof up to 18m3/Ha/Yr and variable growth furtherfurther upup B8004,Council a approvedHighland TimberCouncil Haulageapproved route Timber to FortHaulage William. route Theto TheThe properties properties are are shown shown on on the the location location and and sale sale plans plans within within thethe slopes;slopes; particularly,particularly, wherewhere itit is in mixturemixture withwith otherother species.species. FortU1023 William. is currently The U1023 unsuitable is current for haulagely unsuitable of large for haulagevolumes of of thesethese particulars particulars and and can becan found be foundon OS Sheeton OS 1:50,000 Sheet Number1:50,000 TheThe LarchLarch isis growinggrowing atat aa yieldyield class of aroundaround 1212 andand thethe largetimber, volumes requiring of both timber, running requiring surface bothstrengthening running insurface places, 41,Number Grid Reference 41, Grid NNRefere 112nce 843 NN and 112 NN 843 089 and 853. NN 089 853. LodgepoleLodgepole pinepine atat aa yieldyield classclass ofof 8-10.8-10. strengthening,widening of corners widening and of a bridgecorners replacement. and bridge replacement. ACCESSACCESS FellingFelling can can bebe anticipatedanticipated veryvery shortly upon approval of aa FellingFelling TheThe ownerowner recentlyrecently commissionedcommissioned anan Engineer’sEngineer’s ReportReport FromFrom Fort Fort William, William, turn turn off offthe theA82 A82 on to on the to A830 the A830heading heading west LicenceLicence ApplicationApplication withwith the Forestry Commission. GivenGiven thethe (Arvikaconsult(Arvikaconsult Ltd)Ltd) to establishestablish whatwhat the the likely likely costs costs would would be be for towardswest towards Corpach. Corpach. Upon crossing Upon crtheossing Caledonian the Caledonian Canal, take Canal, the secludedsecluded locationlocation ofof the property, there are unlikelyunlikely toto bebe manymany forextracting extracting timber timber along alongthe U1023 the U1023or via theor Forestvia the Enterprise Forest immediatetake the immediateright at the right junction at the in junctionBanavie, insignposted Banavie, Gairlochy.signposted constraintsconstraints otherother thanthan thethe publicpublic road.road. EnterpriseScotland ownedScotland forest owned in forestGlenloy. in Glenloy.This involved This involved positive FollowGairlochy. the B8004 Follow for the approximately B8004 for approximately 4 miles north 4to miles the junction north to positivediscussions discussions with both with HC both and HCFES and staff. FES staff. signpostedthe junction Glenloy signposted and follow Glenloy the single and trackfollow U1023 the publicsingle roadtrack BothBoth woodlandswoodlands areare highlyhighly suitedsuited toto the growth of highhigh yieldingyielding toU1023 reach thepublic two road woodlands, to reach as the shown two woodlands, on the sale asplan. shown on the SitkaSitka sprucespruce andand with suitable design and ground preparation,preparation, AA copycopy ofof thethe Engineer’s Engineer’s Report Report is available is available from fromthe Selling the sale plan. thethe woodlandswoodlands shouldshould produceproduce a mumuchch higher yield fromfrom timbertimber SellingAgents Agentsupon request. upon request. Access tracks and turning points have been constructed into the growthgrowth onon thethe secondsecond rotation.rotation. woodlands.Access tracks Points and turningA1-A2 pointsand A3-A4 have beenidentify constructed the tracks into in tothe SPORTINGSPORTING RIGHTSRIGHTS thewoodlands. eastern woodland Points A1-A2 and these and A3-A4could beidentify extended the tracksor simply in to Glenloy East Planting Year TheThe sportingsporting rightsrights areare leased leased by by the the neighbouring neighbouring estate estate until until 28 28 improvedthe eastern for timberwoodland extraction. and these could be extended or simply Species 1969 1970 1974 Area (Ha) November,November, 20672067 onon aa peppercornpeppercorn rerent.nt. AA copycopy ofof thethe LeaseLease isis improved for timber extraction. Sitka spruce 8.48 3.33 14.01 25.82 availableavailable fromfrom thethe SellingSelling Agents uponupon request. The westerly woodland is accessed from the end of the public Lodgepole pine 1.92 1.94 5.46 9.32 road,The westerlyshown betweenwoodland points is accessed A5-A6. from The the access end oftrack the publicthen Sitka/ Lodgepole/ Larch Mixes 15.38 7.83 11.21 34.42 BOUNDARIESBOUNDARIES continuesroad, shown up into between the woodland points toA5-A point6. A7.The Itaccess is currently track onlythen Mixed conifer 4.70 15.67 0.20 20.57 BothBoth woodlandswoodlands werewere enclosedenclosed withinwithin deerdeer fencesfences whenwhen suitablecontinues for upfour-wheel into the woodlanddrive vehicles to point but could A7. It be is upgradedcurrently onlyfor Larch 1.18 1.38 4.94 7.50 established.established. TheseThese boundaryboundary fefencesnces areare nownow inin poorpoor conditioncondition timbersuitable harvesting for four-wheel purposes. drive vehicles but could be upgraded for Silver birch 0.08 0.08 withwith thethe exceptionexception ofof partpart ofof the the lower lower boundaryboundary fencefence onon thethe timber harvesting purposes. Unplanted 3.24 3.24 westernwestern woodlandwoodland which which has recently has beenrecently replaced. been Replacement replaced. Replacement is the sole responsibility of the woodland owner. Both woodlands enjoy servitude rights of access from the public Total 34.90 30.15 35.90 100.95 is the sole responsibility of the woodland owner. roadBoth across woodlands neighbouring enjoy servitude land with ri aghts right of to access upgrade from these the access public pointsroad foracross forestry neighbouring purposes landand towith temporarily a right to stack upgrade timber, these if MINERALMINERAL RIGHTSRIGHTS required.access pointsBoth propertiesfor forestry have pur ampleposes supplies and to oftemporarily stone available stack Glenloy West Planting Year MineralMineral rightsrights areare includedincluded exceptexcept asas reservedreserved byby StatuteStatute oror inin withintimber, the if woodlandsrequired. Both for forestpropert roadies havebuilding ample purposes. supplies of stone Species 1972 1974 Area (Ha) termsterms ofof the the Title. Title. available within the woodlands for forest road building purposes. Sitka spruce 8.23 3.55 11.78 DESCRIPTION Larch 4.62 12.11 16.73 WAYLEAVESWAYLEAVES & THIRD PARTY RIGHTS TheDESCRIPTION woodlands were established between 1969 and 1974, with Lodgepole pine 9.56 7.04 16.60 TheThe proprietorsproprietors of of Achnanellan Achnanellan House House have have a servitudea servitude right right of theThe greatest woodlands planting were being established Sitka spruce; between some 1969 in and mixture 1974, withwith Sitka/ Lodgepole/ Larch Mixes 38.00 11.05 49.05 accessof access to ato private a private water water
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