628 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE JANUARY 24 Mr. GREEN. They said it was im­ to be Interstate Commerce Commissioner Richard T. Page, from assistant sanitary practicable to do so for all the States. for the term expiring December 31, 1950. engineer to passed assistant sanitary engineer, '7hether they would be able to do so for The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without effective from February 21, 1944. Maine, inasmuch as Maine stands in a objection, the nomination is confirmed. Mark D. Hollis to be temporarily promoted unique position in this respect, I do not from sanitary engineer to senior sanitary en­ NATIONAL MEDIATION BO~RD gineer effective from January 1, 1944. know. Norman L. Zwickel to be temporarily pro­ Mr. BREWSTER. I think we should The legislative clerk read the nom­ moted from assistant dental surgeon to passed not give the country the impression, on ination of Harry H : Schwartz, of Wyo­ assistant dental surgeon, effective from Jan­ account of any of the considerations the ming, to be member of the National uary 1, 1944. Senator has suggested here today, that Mediation Board for the term expiring Avery B. Wight to be temporarily promoted Maine is being discriminated against. February 1, 1947. from assistant surgeon to passed assistant Mr. GREEN. Apparently the Nation The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without surgeon, effective from December 1, 1943. Bryan A. Dawber to be temporarily pro­ already has discriminated against Maine, objection, the nomination is confirmed. moted from passed assistant surgeon to sur­ 47 of the States having abandoned the POSTMASTERS geon, effective January 1, 1944. Maine custom of having two elections. Byron J. Olson to be temporarily promoted Mr. BREWSTER. ·They still permit us The legislative clerk proceeded to read from passed assistant surgeon to surgeon. to vote; they have done so up until the sundry nominations of postmasters. effective January 1, 1944. present. This is the first time in 12 years Mr. BARKLEY. I ask unanimous Harold R. Sancistead to be temporarily pro­ that it has been proposed that the peo­ consent that the nominations of post­ moted from passed assistant surgeon to sur~ pfe of Maine-particularly the Maine masters be confirmed en bloc. geon, effective from January 1, 1944. soldiers-should not have the same op­ The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without lN THE NAVY portunity to vote that the people of other · objection, the postmaster nominations Capt. Joseph J. Clark, United States Navy, States have. I am sure that upon fur­ are confirmed en bloc. to be a rear admiral in the Navy, for tempo­ ther examination the Senator will not Mr. BARKLEY. I ask that the Presi­ rary service, to rank from the 23d day of want to have such a suggestion go forth. dent be immediately notified of all nom­ April 1943. Mr. GREEN. I want the Maine sol­ inations confirmed today. diers to vote, regardless of whether they The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without CONFIRMATIONS vote right. objection, the President will be notified Executive nominations confirmed by Mr. BREWSTER. Yes; I am sure that forthwith. the Senate January 24, 1944: is so. I hope the Senator will give con­ That completes the calendar. INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION sideration-that is why I brought up the matter so ·late in the day-to whether RECESS TO BE INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSIONERS some appropriate provision which would Mr. BARKLEY. As in legislative ses­ Joseph B. Eastman bring the Maine soldiers within the pur­ sion, I move that the Senate take a recess John L. Rogers View of the law may be made. until12 o'clock noon tomorrow. NATIONAL MEDIATION BOARD Mr. GREEN. I will confer with the The motion was agreed to; and (at 5 TO BE A MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL department heads. o'clock and 26 minutes p. m.) the Senate MEDIATION BOARD EXECUTIVE SESSION took a recess until tomorrow, Tuesday, Harry H. Schwartz .January 25, 1944, at 12 o'clock meridian. Mr. BARKLEY. I move that the Sen­ POSTMASTERS ate proceed to the consideration of exec:- LOUISIANA utive business. · NOMINATIONS Willie A. Dearman, Delhi. Pauline M. Netterville, Newellton. The motion was agreed to: and the Executive nominations received by the Senate proceeded to the consideration of Senate January 24, 1944: MASSACHUSETTS executive business. Theresa K. Larkin, Haydenville. THE JUDICIARY Newell A. Ritchie, North Billerica. EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED UNITED STATES JUDGE Brantson K. Fuller, South Easton. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. TUN­ ANTHONY J. DIMOND, of Alaska, to be United Annie W. Baker, South Yarmouth. NELL in the chair) laid before the Senate States district judge for the third division MISSISSIPPI messages from the President of the of Alaska, vice Han. Simon Hellenthal, term expired. Victor L. Weileman, Stoneville. United States submitting sundry nom­ Daniel Clarence Selby, Tinsley. UNITED ,STATES ATTORNEY inations, which were referred to the ap­ NEW JERSEY propriate committees. Lynn J. Gemmill, of Alaska, to be United States attorney for the first division of Reva Hilborn, Clarksboro. <For nominations this day received, see Leon A. Dolan, Ogdensburg. the end of Senate proceedings.) Alaska, vice Han. William A. Holzheimer, re­ tired. I. Morgan Lewis, Rocky Hill. EXECUTIVE REPORTS OF COMMITI';EES Matilda E. Lyster, Thorofare. UNITED STATES MARSHAL Sara Gertrude Boland, West Berlin. The following favorable reports of Norris Metzger Thomas, of South Carolina, nominations were submitted: to be United States marshal for the eastern By Mr. HATCH, from the Committee on district of South Carolina, vice William F. Public Lands and Surveys: Burguson, deceased. Abe Fortas, of Tennessee, to be Under CHIEF JUSTICE, SUPREME COURT OF PUERTO RICO HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Secretary of the Interior. Martin Travieso, of Peurto Rico, to be chief MONDAY, JANUARY 24, 1944 By Mr. McKELLAR, from the Committee justice of the Supreme Court of Puerto Rico, on Post Offices and Post Roads: vice Emilio del Taro Cuevas, resigned. Sundry postmasters. The House met at 12 o'clock noon, and DISTRICT COURT OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS was called to order by the Speaker. The PRESIDING OFFICER. If there Herman E. Moore, of Illinois, to be judge of The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Mont­ be no further reP')rts of committees, the the District Court of the Virgin Islands of the gomery, D. D., offered the following clerl{ will state the nominations on the United St ates. (Judge Moore is now serving prayer: calendar. in this post under an appointment which ex­ pired August 4, 1943.) Almighty God, our Father, to Thee we INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION offer our tributes of praise and grati­ The legislative clerk read the nom­ UNITED STATES PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE tude. As life is brief like the evening ination of Joseph B. Eastman, of Massa­ The following-named officers for promo­ vapor and the dew on the morning, it is tions in the Regular Corps of the United chusetts, to be Interstate Commerce States Public Health Service: also sacred and full of immortal values. Commissioner for the term expiring D3- William S. Hotchkiss, from assistant sur­ We pray that the hidden forces of our cember 31, 1950. geon to passed assistant surgeon, effective beings may come forth in the urgency of The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without from January 13, 1944. great duties and in the joy of great pur­ objection, the nomination is confirmed. William H. W. Komp, from senior sanitary poses. As the battle is not to the swift The legislative clerk read the nom­ engineer to sanitary engineer director, effec­ nor to the strong, arm us with that spirit ination of John L. Rogers, of Tennessee, tive from January 21, 1944. that dares to conquer. 1944 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD--HOUSE 629 Gracious Lord, in the turmoil that quorum present, and I make the point of fer an amendment to correct that error. surges through this anxious world we order a quorum is not present. Also, after the words "World War" I ex­ would learn to trust Thee and so live that The SPEAKER. Obviously a quorum pect to offer an amendment to insert Thy grace would help us to perform even is not present. "I," and after "World War II," "United humble service and the homely tasks. Mr. RANKIN. Mr. Speaker, I move a States Veterans' Administration," to So strengthen us that we shall be able to call of the House. make it conform to the present rules of carry our labors cheerfully, standing A call of the House was ordered. the House. This will give the Veterans' courageously and strive lawfully, thus The Clerk called the roll, and the fol­ Administration the same jurisdiction of being worthy of our country's call. We lowing Members failed to answer to legislation concerning veterans of World pray for the unvoiced Americans who their names: War No. 2 as it now has of the veterans of · never hear the sound of praise nor will [Roll No.8] World War No. 1. never see their names chiseled on a Allen, La. Gamble Murphy Mr. MAY. Will the gentleman yield? crumbling stone. 0 remember this Baldwin, Md. Granger Myers Mr. RANKIN. I yield. Bell Green Newsome nameless multitude whose lives are scant Boykin Gross · Norton Mr. MAY. Of course, I am interested and severe; bow down, 0 heavens, and Bradley, Pa. Hare O'Leary in knowing that the resolution does not, come to these hearts that are bearing Camp Harness, Ind. Outland in any way, affect the jurisdiction of the the magnitude of their care. We rejoice Carrier Hobbs Ploeser Committee on Military Affairs of the Clason Jackson Pracht that Thou art still in this latter world; Curley Jones Randolph House. I would like to ask the gentle­ sweeten their toil into a song of thanks­ Dawson J onkman Scanlon man this question.
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