19486 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 154, Pt. 14 September 17, 2008 motion offered by the gentlewoman days within which to revise and extend Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of from California (Ms. RICHARDSON) that their remarks and include additional my time. the House suspend the rules and pass materials on House Concurrent Resolu- Mr. GRAVES. Mr. Speaker, I yield the Senate bill, S. 996. tion 408. myself such time as I may consume. The question was taken; and (two- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Mr. Speaker, I support this resolu- thirds being in the affirmative) the objection to the request of the gentle- tion recognizing North Platte, Ne- rules were suspended and the Senate woman from Florida? braska, as ‘‘Rail Town USA.’’ bill was passed. There was no objection. North Platte is home to Bailey Yard, A motion to reconsider was laid on Ms. CORRINE BROWN of Florida. recognized by the Guinness Book of the table. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself as much World Records as the world’s largest f time as I may consume. railroad classification yard. Mr. Speaker, we are seeing a rebirth At Bailey Yard, as was pointed out RECOGNIZING NORTH PLATTE, of the passenger and freight rail indus- by the gentlelady, an astounding 10,000 NEBRASKA, AS ‘‘RAIL TOWN USA’’ try in this country, and it couldn’t rail cars a day are sorted and put to- Ms. CORRINE BROWN of Florida. come soon enough. This week, Congress gether in trains that move freight all Mr. Speaker, I move to suspend the is working on legislation that will help across this country. These trains are rules and agree to the concurrent reso- provide solutions to the energy crisis loaded with commodities that keep our lution (H. Con. Res. 408) recognizing this Nation is facing. One sure way to economy going, ranging everywhere North Platte, Nebraska, as ‘‘Rail Town do this is to increase the use of pas- from groceries to building supplies, USA’’. senger and freight rail. from coal to new automobiles. The The Clerk read the title of the con- The only current mode of transpor- yard is home to over 2,600 hardworking current resolution. tation that is greener than rail is your railroad employees. And Bailey Yard The text of the concurrent resolution sneakers. Freight rail has made major covers 2,850,000 acres containing 315 is as follows: gains in fuel efficiency through train- miles of track. H. CON. RES. 408 ing and improved locomotive tech- The Union Pacific Railroad, Madam Whereas the community of North Platte, nology. A single intermodal train can Speaker, has invested heavily in Bailey Nebraska, in western Nebraska is located at take up to 280 trucks off of the high- Yard, over $100 million in the modern the convergence of the North and South ways. Today, one gallon of diesel fuel area. This kind of investment in rail Platte Rivers and possesses a rich and vi- can move a ton of freight an average of infrastructure is exactly what this brant history; 414 miles, a 76 percent improvement country needs to keep our economy Whereas the railroad has played a signifi- since 1980. cant role in the history of the community; strong. Whereas, on January 2, 1867, main line op- Passenger rail ability to reduce con- Railroads are a very important com- erations officially commenced in North gestion is well known, with ridership ponent of our Nation’s transportation Platte, Nebraska; numbers increasing steadily each year. infrastructure and we should continue Whereas trains were vital during our coun- One full passenger train can take up to to support the rail industry. try’s war efforts, transporting troops, equip- 250–350 cars off of the road. In that spirit, I urge passage of H. ment, and supplies across the country; Passenger rail also consumes less en- Con. Res. 408, honoring North Platte’s Whereas during World War II hundreds of ergy than both automobiles and com- contribution to our country’s economic citizens from North Platte, Nebraska, assem- mercial airlines. Every industrialized bled at the local depot to greet troops pass- vitality. ing through town by train and provide sol- country in the world is already using Madam Speaker, I reserve the bal- diers with food, coffee, and gifts; high-speed rail to effectively move citi- ance of my time. zens in an environmentally friendly Whereas for 54 months between 1941 and b 1600 1946, millions of troops found a small bit of way. Sadly, the United States used to comfort when their trains stopped in North be the leader in rail; now we’re the ca- Ms. CORRINE BROWN of Florida. Platte, Nebraska; boose, and they don’t even use cabooses Madam Speaker, I reserve the balance Whereas at the war’s peak 3,000 to 5,000 anymore. Fortunately, we will be of my time. personnel were greeted daily, with North changing that with the upcoming pas- Mr. GRAVES. Madam Speaker, I Platte, Nebraska, sometimes hosting up to 20 would like to recognize Mr. ADRIAN trains a day; sage of the Amtrak Reauthorization Whereas Bailey Yard in North Platte, Ne- bill. SMITH who is the original cosponsor, braska, is the largest railroad classification Today, we celebrate the contribu- the primary sponsor of this legislation. yard in the world; tions of our Nation’s rail once again by I yield him as much time as he may Whereas Bailey Yard covers 2,850 acres, recognizing North Platte, Nebraska, as consume. reaching a total length of 8 miles, and con- ‘‘Rail Town, USA.’’ Mr. SMITH of Nebraska. Thank you, tains 315 miles of track; North Platte has a long and storied I appreciate that. Whereas every 24 hours, Bailey Yard han- history as a railroad town. During First I would like to thank Chairman dles 10,000 railroad cars; and World War II, North Platte hosted up OBERSTAR, Chairwoman BROWN, Rank- Whereas Mid-Plains Community College in North Platte, Nebraska, offers railroad-spe- to 20 trains full of soldiers each day, ing Member MICA and Ranking Member cific courses in order to enhance student and today is home to the Bailey Yard, SHUSTER for their support of this reso- preparation for possible employment in the which is considered the largest rail lution. As you’ve heard, this resolution railroad discipline: Now, therefore, be it classification yard in the world, han- would recognize North Platte, Ne- Resolved by the House of Representatives (the dling 10,000 railroad cars each day. braska, as Rail Town USA. North Senate concurring), That Congress recognizes From 1941–1946, more than six million Platte is a thriving community of over North Platte, Nebraska, as ‘‘Rail Town service men and women were greeted 25,000 people possessing a rich history USA’’. by North Platte volunteers who pro- dating back to before it was organized The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- vided food, needed supplies and hospi- as a city in 1874. ant to the rule, the gentlewoman from tality to the World War II veterans and Today North Platte is home to Bai- Florida (Ms. CORRINE BROWN) and the provided care baskets to wounded sol- ley Yard, owned and operated by the gentleman from Missouri (Mr. GRAVES) diers returning home. Union Pacific Railroad. Bailey Yard is each will control 20 minutes. I want to commend Congressman the largest rail classification yard in The Chair recognizes the gentle- SMITH for this legislation and thank the world. Every 24 hours, Bailey Yard woman from Florida. the town of North Platte, Nebraska, for handles 10,000 railroad cars and an av- GENERAL LEAVE the contributions to our brave soldiers erage of 135 trains bound for cities as Ms. CORRINE BROWN of Florida. during World War II. distant as the east, west, and gulf Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent I urge Members to support this reso- coasts of America, as well as the Cana- that all Members have 5 legislative lution. dian and Mexican borders. VerDate Mar 15 2010 08:08 Mar 22, 2011 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00064 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR08\H17SE8.002 H17SE8 WReier-Aviles on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with BOUND RECORD September 17, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 154, Pt. 14 19487 In addition to the current impor- other places, but this rail yard specifi- America’s energy crisis. This is as un- tance of the railroad to North Platte, cally, and there are thousands of work- fortunate as it is injurious. America the community and railroad also share ers, specifically many workers associ- has an energy crisis. It also has rep- a storied past of goodwill during World ated with the United Transportation resentative institutions who seek to War II. For 54 months between 1941 and Union, who are employed with good deal with this problem, so the proc- 1946, millions of troops found a small jobs contributing to the energy supply esses put forward, so that the voices of bit of comfort when their trains of our Nation. our constituents could be heard, so stopped in North Platte. One December I only hope that we can come up with that true compromise could be found. day, word spread that Company D of a policy that is more friendly to clean And yet in Rail Town Washington, Nebraska’s National Guard was going coal. And this can help all of us. This what have we seen as a result? A sham to travel through North Platte later provides jobs for those in middle Amer- energy bill sent to a Democratic Sen- that morning. As it does in close-knit ica.
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