PUBLICATION 2009:32 Annual Report 2008 2008 in brief • Vehicle mileage has fallen by 0.9 per cent for passenger cars, but remained unchanged for heavy vehicles. • SEK 9 826 million was invested in the road network, SEK 1 251 million of which was invested in targeted measures to increase road safety on state roads. • Traffic flow was separated on another 230 km of the busiest roads. A total 4 000 km of roads now have traffic flow separation, 1 950 km of which are 2+1 roads. • 420 people (preliminary figures) were killed as a result of road accidents. About 3 730 people were seriously injured according to police reports. • Some 277 000 passenger cars were registered. • About 635 000 driving licences were issued. THE FOLLOWING SECTIONS CONSTITUTE THE SWEDISH ROAD ADMINISTRATION (SRA) ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT: Section Page Goals and results Environment 34 Business division activities Vägverket Produktion: Quality and the environment 58 SRA Consulting Services: Quality and the environment 59 SRA Ferry Operations: Quality and the environment 61 Environmentally related information in the SRA’s sustainability report. The SRA’s sustainability report includes all sustainability information in the SRA’s Annual Report 2008 and the SRA’s Sustainability Report 2008. Both documents need to be read to obtain a complete picture of the SRA’s work with sustainable development. The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) register on the website vv.se can be used as guidance for certain GRI related information. (Only available in Swedish.) The Road Transport Sector Read more about developments in the road transport system and Sectoral Report 2008 SRA activities in The Road Transport Sector – Sectoral Report 2008. Title: Annual Report 2008 Publication: 2009:32 Publication date: May 2009 Publisher: Swedish Road Administration Contact person: Chief Editor Kerstin Grandelius, [email protected] Layout och production: Confetti ISSN:1401-9612 Distributor: Vägverket, SE-781 87 Borlänge www.vv.se – Publications & brochures, phone +46 243 755 00, fax +46 243 755 50 Photo/Illustration Cover photo: Hasse Eriksson. Photographers and image sources: Page 4: Henrik Hansson. Page 7: Per Westergård. Page 9: Henrik Hansson. Page 13: Henrik Hansson. Page 23: Henrik Hansson. Page 27: Henrik Hansson. Page 35: Henrik Hansson. Page 41: Henrik Hansson. Page 45: Hasse Eriksson. Page 49: Henrik Hansson. Page 57: Christer Bergström. Page 59: Jonas Alp. Page 61: Hasse Eriksson. Page 65: Kristina Eriksson. Page 69: Hasse Eriksson. Page 90: Henrik Hansson. CONTENTS Director-General’s statement 4 Summary analysis of the year’s results 6 Facts about the transport sector 8 Goals and results 12 Accessibility 12 Transport quality 22 Regional development 26 Road safety 27 Environment 34 Gender equality 40 Other targets 44 Other feedback 48 Business division activities 56 Vägverket Produktion 56 SRA Consulting Services 58 SRA Ferry Operations 60 Road TrafficI nspectorate 62 Changes in 2008 63 Our staff 64 Financial accounts 68 Financial comments 68 Accounting and valuation principles 73 Summary of key facts 76 Profit and loss account 77 Balance sheet 78 Source and application of funds statement 79 Statement of appropriations 80 Authorisation 81 Notes 82 Proposed treatment of the profit/loss from contract-based activities 88 SRA Board of Directors 90 Addresses 91 DIRECTOR-GENERAL’S STATEMENT Operating in a changing world The conditions for SRA activities are changing at an according to several indicators. Road users give us increasingly rapid rate. Society is infl uenced by popu- higher ratings, even if there is still signifi cant room for lation changes and mobility patterns improvement. at the same time as major changes Our work with gender mainstreaming operations is are taking place in the design of continuing. This includes work to increase the number public activities in the fi eld of of women in consultancy groups when we build roads transport. This requires that and in management and project groups. the SRA is fl exible at the same Of a total 18 indicators, 11 indicate that the objec- time as ensuring that traffi c tives have been achieved and four that objectives have on our roads is effi cient, safe not been achieved. It is positive that the road transport and has a minimal impact on sector has reduced its carbon dioxide emissions, though the environment. negative that accessibility for citizens and the business Has road traffi c be- community between regions has deteriorated. come more effi cient in This annual report has an annex containing our sus- 2008 compared with tainability report for 2008. This presents social, eco- previous years? The nomic and environmental aspects of our work. It is the results of our activi- fi rst consistent report about the SRA’s efforts for sus- ties have improved tainable development. In September, roll-out began of a new speed limit system, following extensive work developing principles for speed limits and providing information about them. The public has on the whole been mainly positive to the changes to date. Förbifart Sala opened during the autumn, a highly important project for the regional develop- ment of Dalarna, among other things. Additional stages of the E6 have been completed during the year (Småröd–Håby and Värmlandsbro– Hogdal). Some 40 km remains of the E6 extension through Bohuslän. Several im- provements have also been completed on the E18 and a number of regional roads have been extended. Effi ciency in the road transport system is declin- ing today, in part as a result of accidents involving heavy vehicles, which re- sult in a total stoppage on the national road network. This is worrying, and requires more dialogue with the police and insur- ance companies. The SRA is investing in the rapid development of information 4 Director-General’s statement technology (ITS) in order to increase the efficient use points and stops as well as a coordination of efforts to of infrastructure. Traffic information and traffic man- increase functional quality and customer-orientation in agement with communication between vehicles and the public transport sector. This resulted in the initia- between vehicles and infrastructure will be necessary tive to draw up an action programme by the five most success factors to meet future traffic needs. important players in the public transport sector, where We are still far from achieving the goal of halving the they stipulate the sector’s own commitments to public number of fatal accidents compared with 1996, even if transport until 2020. this year’s figure is a substantial improvement. On 1 January 2009 more than half of SRA employees The number of road fatalities is estimated at 420, were transferred to a new employer. The Traffic Regis- which is the lowest figure in Sweden since 1945. try, large parts of the exercise of public authority and Collaboration within the framework for Vision Zero the Road Traffic Inspectorate joined the newly formed has taken major steps forward, including with Volvo Swedish Transport Agency, and about 650 employees at and the company’s vision that no-one should be killed the SRA were employed by this new Agency. or seriously injured in a Volvo car 2020 and onwards. Vägverket Produktion, with about 2 500 employees, This cooperation between vehicle manufacturers and became Svevia AB on 1 January 2009, a wholly-owned infrastructure authorities offers new opportunities. company under the Ministry of Industry, Employment Road traffic emissions of carbon dioxide in 2008 and Communications. SRA Consulting Services, with have fallen by about 500 000 tonnes (2 per cent), which about 500 employees, formed together with Banverket indicates a trend break for rising emissions. The SRA Consulting the new consultancy Vectura Consulting AB, has contributed to this positive development through with almost 1 000 employees. its measures to reduce emissions by 72 000 tonnes. The Collaboration with Banverket continues to develop most important reasons for the reduction were more positively. During the year, joint wage administration energy-efficient vehicles and a wider use of biofuels at has been introduced. Our joint inquiries suggest that the same time as traffic volume fell slightly. Emissions there is every opportunity for greater collaboration must fall significantly in the future, which is one of our in other areas, resulting in cost savings, i.e. that more greatest challenges. These efforts require both a long- money can be spent on rail and road and offer better term perspective and international collaboration, but service to transport users. results for 2008 show that the SRA can be effective in The SRA has strived to make the good journeys pos- contributing to climate work. sible in 2008. Accessibility and transport quality have The climate impact of greenhouse gases also leads been strengthened in several respects and gender to new problems and tasks. We must be prepared for mainstreaming has continued. This is at the same time heavier water flows, stronger winds, and more extreme as road safety has become significantly better and en- temperatures, both hot and cold. We must therefore vironmental impact has been reduced. Through active ensure that roads, bridges, and tunnels can cope with collaboration with our suppliers and partners we can these demands. The problem is the same across Europe. continue to improve our results in order to meet the new The SRA has a comprehensive collaboration with road future challenges. authorities in other countries in order to increase our knowledge about suitable counter-measures. Borlänge 16 February 2009 At the end of the year the final Koll framåt document was presented, the national programme for the devel- opment of public transport that was run by Banverket (Swedish Rail Administration) and the SRA. The bodies have worked with coordinating systems for informa- Ingemar Skogö tion, booking and ticket management, useful transfer Director-General’s statement 5 Summary analysis of the year’s results Goal achievement is judged using criteria stipulated The SRA’s assessment of goal achievement for opera- by the SRA board of directors.
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