Index Aboriginals, Australian Amok (cont.) absence of homosexuality among, 246- psychological theories, 183 249 review of case studies on, 175-176 cultural attitudes and practices, 230- semantics, 187-188 232,254-255 social theories, 183-184 epidemiologic survey of disorders victims, 178, 179, 180 among, 231-233 weapons, 178, 179 lack of motivation for achievement, 241 Amphetamines, 80 neuroses among, 239-244 Anderson, E. W., on Ganser syndrome, 31, personality disorders among, 244-246 32-33,42 sardonic death among, 253-254 Androgynic hormones, hypersexuality suicide among, 245-255 and, 150 unconscious self-destruction among, Antidepressants, 109, 110, 172, 276, 282 250-251,252-254 Anxiety neurosis, 238, 239-241 unique syndromes of, 233-238 Approximate answers, symptom of, 31-32, Abraham, K., on theoretical aspects of 36-38,44,45 manic and depressive illnesses, 271 Arctic hysteria. See Latah Akhtar,S., on hypersexuality in Arieti, S. schizophrenia, 148 on collective psychoses, 11-12 Alcohol use on Ganser syndrome, 31 and amok, 180, 182 Aristotle, 65 among Australian Aboriginals, 250-251 Arithromania,81 and self-destruction, 250-251 Ascher, E., on multiple tic syndrome, 83 Ambidexterity, multiple tic syndrome Asher, R. and,87 description of Munchausen syndrome Amine hypothesis, 276 by, 15, 17, 18 Amnesia, in Ganser syndrome, 30, 34, 39, on motivation of patients with 40,44 Munchausen syndrome, 21 postmorbid, 180 Asphyxia, autoerotic, 132-136 Amnesic misidentification, 103 Autoscopy Amok case examples, 71-73 biophysical concomitants, 180-182 causes, 67-71 clinical description, 174-175 epidemiology, 67 contagion, 185-186 interhemispheric disconnection in, cultural theories, 184-185 75 demographic characteristics, 176-178 psychoanalytic theory on, 70-71 endemicity vs. epidemicity of, 186-187 role of archetypic thinking in, 69 folk theories on, 182 role of narcissism in, 69 history, 173-174 Autoperomania,81 307 308 INDEX Basal metabolic rate, and periodic Cargo cult syndrome (cont.) catatonia, 300 dreams and hallucinations in, 195 Beck, A. T., on role of negative thinking leaders and followers in, 195-198 in depression, 275 literature on, 194-195 Belenchi, 222-223 violence and, 199-200 Bemporad, J. R., on Ganser syndrome, 31 Cargo thinking, 193-194, 198 Bensheim, V. H., on concentration camp Carlson, G. A., studies of manic patients syndrome, 49 by, 267-269 Benzodiazepines, 91, 172 Carothers, J. c., description of maumau Benztropine mesylate, 91 leaders by, 199 Berndt, C. H., studies of Australian Castration anxiety, 22 Aboriginals by, 234, 245 Catalepsy, Ganser syndrome and, 30, 45 Berndt, R. M., studies of Australian Catatonia, periodic, 299-302 Aboriginals by, 234, 245 Catecholamines, role of in depression and Bestiality, 128, 129-130, 132 mania, 275 Bieber, I., on eroticization of enemas, 138 Cawte, J., studies of Australian Blood sugar level, periodic catatonia and, Aboriginals by, 243, 244 300 Cerebral palsy, athetoid, 88 Bourguignon, E., on demonic possession, Chapman, J., on factors producing 205,207 oneirophrenia, 304-305 Brain, degenerative states of, and Childhood autoscopic phenomena, 67, 73 behavioral problems in, 81 Brain dysfunction, as factor in Capgras simple transient tics of, 87 syndrome, 106-107 Cholesterol levels, and periodic catatonia, Brain tumors, association of autoscopic 301-302 phenomena with, 67 Chlordiazepoxide, 165 Brainman, A., on Ganser syndrome, 43 Chlorimipramine,91 Brill, A. A., on causes of pibloktoq, 220 Chlorpromazine, 282 Brother-sister avoidance, 248-249 Chonazepam, 91 Brotherton, J., on hypersexuality, 146 Christodoulou, G. N., classification of Bursten, B., on Munchausen syndrome, 22 Fregoli syndrome by, 111, 112 Bustamante, M. D., on Ganser syndrome, Cognitive dissonance, 109 43 Cohen, L., on separation of partners in folie a deux, 112 Callahan, A. 5., on de Clerambault's Cohn, N., on cargo cults, 195 syndrome, 114, 116 Coleman, S. M. Cannibalism, 227 on Capgras syndrome, 103-104, 107-108 Capgras, J., 99 on Fregoli syndrome, 111 Capgras syndrome on intermetamorphosis syndrome, 112- association of autoscopic phenomena 113 with, 67, 76 Collective psychoses, comparison of folie case report on, 101-103 a deux with, 11-12 etiological considerations, 105-107 Compulsive sexuality. See Hypersexuality organic illnesses associated with, 106 Concentration camp syndrome, 47-61 psychodynamic formulation, 107-109 Connor, J. W., on amok, 187 symptoms and occurrence, 99-101 Cooper, J. M., on windigo among eastern theoretical considerations, 103-105 Cree tribes, 217 treatment and prognosis, 109-110 Coprolalia, 80, 83, 85, 86, 93, 224, 225 Carbamazepine, 91 Coprophilia and related paraphilia, 136-138 Cargo cult syndrome Coprophrasia, 86 case examples, 196-198 Corticosteroid therapy, as treatment for characteristics, 192 tics, 91 INDEX 309 Cotard's syndrome, 113 Deputies, in cargo cult syndrome, 198 Coughlin, B. E., on treatment of Dewhurst, K. Munchausen syndrome, 24 on autoscopy, 68-69 Courbon, P., description of Fregoli on delusion of doubles in primitive syndrome by, 111 folklore, 104 Crabtree, J. H., techniques of for on prognosis in folie a deux, 12-13 treatment of Munchausen on subtypes of folie a deux, 8 syndrome, 24 Diphenhydramine, 91 Cramer, B., on patient-physician DMD. See Dystonia Musculorum relationship, 22 Deformans Cults, crisis, 191-192 Don Juanism: See Hypersexuality Cultural values Dopamine, 286 and amok, 184, 186 Dopamine blockers, 80, 90 and windigo, 218 Dopamine enhancers, 80, 90 Dopamine metabolites, 80, 90, 91 Davidson, G. M., on delusion of doubles Dopamine receptors, 84 in primitive folklore, 105 Dreams and hallucinations, 195 Davies, T. S., categorization of Drugs hypersexual males by, 146 association of autoscopic phenomena De Bruyn, J. V., on cults, 194 with, 67, 73 de Clerambault's syndrome and hypersexuality, 150 case report, 114-115 use with psychotherapy in treatment of etiological considerations, 115-116 mood disorders, 286 psychodynamic considerations, 116-117 Dubreuil, G., on obsessive-compulsive treatment and prognosis, 117 neurosis, 239 Delusions Durkheim hypothesis, 250 in Capgras syndrome, 99-100 Dystonia Musculorum Deformans (DMD) in cargo cult syndrome, 200 88 in Cotard's syndrome, 113 in folie a deux, 1,3-6,7 Echokinesis, 85 in Fregoli syndrome, 111 Echolalia, 80, 82, 224 in Ganser syndrome, 45 Echopathy. See Echophenomena in intermetamorphosis syndrome, 112 Echophenomena, 80, 95 in Koro, 155 Echopraxia, 224 in windigo, 227 Electroconvulsive therapy Defecation, as source of sexual arousal, as treatment for Capgras syndrome, 109 136-137 as treatment for confusion psychosis, 264 Demonology, 205-207 Ellis, H., on vampirism, 126 Denko, J. D., on klismaphilia and Encephalitis lethargica, 88 klismaphiliacs, 138-139 Enemas, as source of sexual pleasure, 138- Depersonalization 139 in autoscopy, 75-76 Environment, as factor in windigo, 218 in Ganser syndrome, 33 Envy, as factor in cargo cult syndrome, Depression 195 behavioral theories of, 274 Epilepsy biological factors in, 275 association of amok with, 181, 182 in Ganser syndrome, 34, 35, 39 association of autoscopic phenomena genetic factors in, 278-279 with, 67, 68, 73 norepinephrine theory of, 276-277 association of cargo cult syndrome with, permissive theory of, 277 195, 196 unipolar-bipolar distinction, 267-268 as factor in latah, 225 in windigo, 227 hypersexuality and, 148-149 310 INDEX Excrement, as source of sexual arousal, Freud, S. 136-137 on mania, 271 Eskimos, 215, 218-220 on multiple tic disorder, 83 Exorcism and possession states, 203-212 on phenomenon of the double, 70 on psychology of demonic possession, Factitious disease, in Munchausen 205 syndrome, 18 Faguet, R A., on autoscopy, 74 Ganser, S. J. M., 29-31, 42 Fail, G., description of Fregoli syndrome Ganser syndrome by, 111 etiology and classification, 41-45 Family dynamics, as factor in Capgras symptoms, 29-41 syndrome, 109 Geographic mobility, amok and, 186 Family problems, of prisoners of war, 56, Gesta Romanorium, 105 58-59 Gilles de la Tourette, Georges, 79, 82 Farlet, J., on folie a deUx, 2, 5, 7, 12 Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome. See Fear-of-sorcery syndrome, 233-234, 236, Multiple tic disorder 238 Gjessing, R, research on periodic Ferenczi, S., on multiple tic disorder, 83 catatonia by, 299-300 Ferester, C. B., description of depressed Glenn, T., on treatment of folie a deux, 13 persons by, 274 Glucose, metabolism of, and Firth, R, on cargo cults, 195 oneirophrenia, 303 Fish, F., on affective and organic disorders Goldsmith, J., on psychodynamic causes of of the elderly, 298 Capgras syndrome, 108 Folie a deux Goodwin, F. K., on role of biological cargo cult syndrome and, 195, 197 rhythms, 279-281, studies of manic compared with collective psychoses, 11- patients by, 267-269 12 Gralnick, A, on involvement of blood dominant partner in, 7 relationship in folie a deux, 7 epidemiology, 6-8 Grandiose-paranoid reaction, 198 etiology, 8-11 Greenberg, H. P., on submissive partner methods of diagnosis, 3, 11-12 in folie a deux, 7 occurrence of among blood relations, 7, Grotstein, J. S., on autoscopy, 74-75 8-9 Guiart, J., on cargo cults, 199 submissive partner in, 7 Guillaime, A, on cargo cults, 199 subtypes of, 8 Gutheil, T. G., on psychodynamic causes treatment, 12-13 of Capgras syndrome, 109 Followers, in cargo cult syndrome, 198- Gwee, A L., on pathogenesis of Koro, 176 199 Ford, C. v. Hallervorden-Spatz Disease, 88 on Ganser syndrome, 43 Hallowell, L., on windigo, 217 on treatment of Munchausen patients, Hallucinations 23-24 in autoscopic
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