A taste of the late q0s through the early '60s found in amateur stereo slides by Mark Willke I --- --- I One of his pastimes while not at I bonus is that fact that a few of the I Stereo at the Ball Game work was apparently going to the shots included stereo equipment! ball game with his buddies. He Our first image shows a couple he collection of stereo slides attempted to capture the action on of gentlemen enjoying the game, which was the source of last the field in stereo on several occa- or at least some beer. The man in issue's pair of barber shop T sions, but even though he was front has a Stereo Realist around views continues to provide this shooting from right near the front his neck, and since the photogra- column with fun images. The pho- of the bleachers, little depth is visi- pher was also shooting with a tographer was apparently a barber ble among the distant players. stereo camera, I'm guessing stereo in a suburb of Milwaukee, Wiscon- Fortunately though, he some- photography was a common inter- sin, and while many of the views times turned the camera toward est in that circle of friends. This in the collection were taken in or closer subjects-other fans attend- Kodachrome slide is mounted in a immediately outside of his shop, ing the games-and ended up with cardboard slip-in mount with no he also recorded other facets of his some wonderful portraits. An extra date noted, but other slides from life in stereo. this photographer show dates from 1952 into the later 50s. Our second slide (also unlabeled, in an older-style [gray with red edges] Kodachrome cardboard mount) shows possibly one of the same men from the first slide at what appears to be the same stadi- um but during a warmer time of year. He is displaying a (Revere?) stereo viewer, and while I'm not sure why he took it to the game, I would guess that perhaps he want- ed to show his friends some slides taken at previous games. 963 is column combines a love of stereo r'photography with a fondness for 1950s-era styling, design and decor by sharing amateur itprpo ilidpi ihnt in th~"aoMpn ao~"of the column, please send it to: Fifties Flavored Finds, 5610 SE 71st, Portland, OR 97206. As space allows, we will select a couple of images to reproduce in each issue. This is not a contest-just a place to share and enjoy. Please limit your submission to a single slide. If the subject, date, location, photographer or other details are known, please send that along too, but we'll understand if it's not available. Please include return postage with your slide. Slides will be returned within 6 to 14 weeks, and while we71 treat your slide as carefully as our own, Stereo World and the NSA assume no responsibility for its safety. A I',,lll,,al,on "1 National Stereoccopic Associatior Volume 32, Numb C--*--L* .-/,,-*..L-- J~~L~IIIU~I/~LLUUCI NSA Board of Direcl Larry Moor, Choirmar Andy Criscom Dieter Lorenz William Moll Russell Norton Page 5 Page 26 Page 28 Richard Twichell C lAl%l+nm Bill8 L. """,C",3 Helcma E. Wright NS :A Officers Lawrence Kaufrnan, President 4 3-D to Flip Over - ., ,,. " . Mary Ann hell, wce rresrl review by john Dennis Dean Kamin, Vice President, , Larry Hess, Secretory William Moll, Treosun 2 Editor's View Stereo World St6lff Comments and 5 Coming to the 3D Center John Dennis, Editor Observations Lawrence Kaufman, Contributing Editor by /ohn Dennis Ray Zone, Contributrng hrlitor Mark Willke, Art Dfrect~", Sylvia Dennis, Subscription h. 6 Kriegsmarine! Don R. Cibbs, Back Issues At Life in Hitler's Navy 3 Letters by Richard C. Ryder How to rteucn 1 Reader's Comments NSA members hi^ and Questions [New m~mhenhipr,n,r~rwol$ Ir odd,? P.O. Box 86708, Portland, 0 20 The Strange Case of Questions Concernint Stereo World Subscriptil Dr. Addison and the Croswell Twins PO Box 86708, Portland, OR 9 26 NewViews e-mail ~trwld@telepom Current Information by Christopher Schneberger or lal~yli~ker(~fip?hoo.com on Stereo Today by David Starkman Stereo WorlcI Back Issue Service & /ohn Dennis [Wr,tp I01 nvnrbb~!ily(r priw 1 J NSA, 23575 C.f 1. 77, Calhan, (CO 80808 24 Old Dark House -- Monster House Drives Stereo Digital Theaters Stereo World Editorial 1Office (Lrftrir lo th~~dlloi. oniflc.( Ei roPnrbrihlinqr) by Ray Zone 561 0 SE 71 st Ave., Portland, (IR 97206 34 Classified (503) 771-4440 Buy, Sell, or e-mail: st*[email protected] Trade It Here Stereo World Adverti sing 28 Bryant Bradley's [Cior~!fird Ei dirploy odi) 5610 SE 71st Ave.,-~ --. Portland,. .- ()R 97206 "Mount Desert Scenery" 150 51 //I-444U by Logen Zimmerman e-mail: sttd@te_leporh (lnr rrl !ly?n Ir oiiirinn ads Jeffrey Kraus PO Box 99, Modena, NY 125 I:845) 255-791 3 e-mall lkraus@hvc rr c( Stereo World (ISSN 01 91-4030) IS pub- NSA Regions Ihrhed bimonthly by the Nat~onal Please contact your re ~onal Stereoscop~cAssociaton, lnc., PO Box Front Cover: for ~nformat~onaboutqocal e - . 86708, Porlland, OR 97286, Entlre Raumbild-Verlad, "Unsese Kriegsmarine" No. 87, "Narvik. Posten am Hafen von NSA actlvlties See current l~stat conlents r'2006, all r~ghtsreserved Narvik. Im Hintergrund einer versenkten Dampfer. " A German soldier standing guard ~tp~stereov~ew_orgLaboutnsahtml Mater~alIn th~spubllcat~on may not - be reproduced without wrllten per- along the coast of occupied Norway at Narvik in World War 11. The sunken transport mlsrlon ol the NSA, Inc. Pr~ntedIn USA. suggests the fierceness of the battle fought here, which cost the Kriegsmarine half Stereoscopic Society of America A ruhrcrpt~onto Stereo World IS part (Alfil~olcdw~lh ill? Nolro!lo! \!~r~orropaArraiiotron) ol N<A mfmhersh~p. of its modern destroyers as described in Richard C. Ryder's feature article Les Gehman, Membersh~pS Annual membership dues: "Kriegsmarine!: Life in Hitler's Navy. " 3736 Rochdale Dr, Fort Coll~ns, $32 lh~rdclass 115. $44 l~rstclass US, (970) 282-9899 $44 all lnternat~onalmernberrhlpr. Back Cover: e-mall lesageh- ma^^ Annual m~rnherrhlpsinclude rlx Iniles of Strrpo World, a piam lorgnette Regina Crosswell with her ghostly sister Lydia by the pond at the family estate. vlewer, and a mprnbenli~pdireclory One of several such views from "The Strange Case of Dr. Addison and the Crosswell Stereo WIorld on the Web Member, Twins" by Christopher Schneberger, based on his 2005 Paul Wing Award slide show stereovlew org WWW. InternationalStereortopic Union by the same name. Comments and Observations EDITORSI~EW john Dennis NSA's Deep Regional Assets to organize events involving trade regional NSA meetings when and e used to regularly run a fairs, projection shows, auctions, where supported by members, informing regional members of map of the NSA Regions workshops etc. (Regional meetings in Ohio have even expanded to a upcoming photographica or cam- Wacross the U.S. , showing the names and addresses of the various 2-day event.) era shows, notable films, 3-D Regional Directors. It took up an The NSA is divided into geo- gallery or historical exhibits, plus entire page, and whenever names graphic regions with a Director promoting the NSA at any such or regional boundaries were assigned to each, as your represen- events or in any local media where changed it became quite a job to tative. Please contact your regional possible. update the hand drawn map, so it Director for information about New England (ME, NH, VT, MA, CT, RI): vanished from the magazine. The local events or NSA activities. If Jan Rurandt, Boston, MA list is always available via the you would like to host a regional Jan(dmake3Dimages.com "About NSA" link at www.stereoview activity please contact either your Metro New York City: Greg Dinkins, a but it will now also appear in Director or the NSA Vice Presi- New York, NY dinking(nlamnh.org dent-Activities. Stereo World on occasion. Delaware Valley (PA, DE, NJ, Upstate As travel continues to become We again have two Canadian NY): Open more expensive, many members directors, one for the east and one for the west. And there is still an Middle Atlantic (VA, MD, NC, DC): may be more able to reach events Mike Canter, Greenbelt, MD within their region than those open region-Delaware Valley-for Pssv3d(~~aol.com anyone interested in becoming a across the country. This could Southeast (FL, AL, GA, MS, SC): Mike make the function of NSA regions regional Director. The job involves working with and encouraging any Griffith, Liburn GA more important than ever-espe- vanselo(~~email.msn.com local stereo groups, organizing cially those in which it's possible Eastern Midwest (KY, OH, WV, TN): George Themelis, Rrecksville OH drt-3d(n'att.net Upper Midwest (MN, WI, IA, ND, SD): Tom Martin, Golden Valley MN tlmartin(n'bitstream.net Central Midwest ([I,, IN, MI, MO): Dennis Green, Ferndale MI I'lease start my one-year subscri tion to dennisgreen(n'comcast.net South Central (TX, OK, KS, LA, AR): Stereo World magazine and enrol Pme as a Eddie Rowers, Dallas TX member of the National Stereoscopic Association. eddieb(n'microsoft.com - - -- - - - -- U.S. membership mailed third class ($32). Mountain (CO, WY, NE): Dan Shelley, Colorado Springs CO U.S. membership mailed first class for faster delivery ($44). dshellev(n'ddde$ign.com C] All international memberships ($44). West south (So CA, So NV, HI): Lawrence Kaufman, Corona, CA I Send a sample copy (U.S.
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