PP3739/12/2005 ISSN 0127 - 5127 / RM4.00 / 2005:Vol.25No.8 Aliran Monthly : Vol.25(8) Page 1 COVER STORY A Perspective on National Unity Memorandum presented by Aliran to the Parliamentary Select Committee on National Unity Datuk Dr Maximus Ongkili: Chairman, Parliamentary Select Committee on National Unity n behalf of Aliran OO Kesedaran Negara, we OOO wish to thank the Select Committee for inviting us to make a presentation today. Even so, we’re uncertain how the views of a socially conscious, proudly dissenting, reform-ori- ented NGO – sometimes casti- gated for being ‘anti-government’ by Barisan Nasional politicians – form a critical and balanced ap- That is true no matter how gravely will be received by a Select Com- proach to the subject of ‘national we speak of the tasks of nation mittee coming from a Parliament unity’. building, no matter how fre- that is over 90 per cent Barisan quently we talk of stability, har- Nasional. No fixed meaning mony and goodwill. But we are here nonetheless be- Let’s begin by admitting the obvi- As an ideal the desirability of ‘na- cause we have things to say ous. ‘National unity’ defies sim- tional unity’ seems incontestable which others may not raise. And, ple and stable definition. Discur- for a nation that is so often de- with due respect to other represen- sively, ‘national unity’ has no scribed as being deeply divided tations to this Select Committee, fixed meaning that all Malaysians along ethnic lines. we mean to offer ‘contrarian’ can accept without debate or disa- views that we believe should in- greement. Yet, we are more likely to be able Aliran Monthly : Vol.25(8) Page 2 EDITOR'S NOTE We all desire national unity - but what exactly is it? Our cover story says that it must be based on a cel- CONTENTS ebration of our diversity, commitment to pluralism, respect for democracy, dedication to justice and soli- darity with all in need. COVER STORY ••• A Perspective On National Unity 222 G Lim argues that that if we are to have a new agenda ••• Debating An Equitable Malaysia 777 for Malaysia, let us first have a debate in which eve- ryone can participate. His article takes off from last FEATURES month’s AM cover story and ties in with the theme of national unity based on justice, equity, and par- ••• UMNO Has Failed The Poor Malays 111111 ticipatory democracy. ••• Pearl Lost In The Garbage And Jerebu 131313 Imagine, Mahathir, who governed using unjust laws ••• The API Nightmare 151515 such as the ISA and POPO, speaking at Sukaham’s ••• POPO - The Other ISA 161616 human rights day celebration! He criticised US-UK ••• Why Did The Chicken Cross actions in Iraq but was muted on his dismal domes- tic human rights record. We carry a protest by 30 The Border? 191919 NGOs while P Ramakrishnan reminds us of how ••• Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka! 242424 the former premier trampled on human rights dur- ••• You Are Not Serious, Suhakam! 262626 ing his tenure. Will Mahathir ever acknowledge - let ••• Remember How You Trampled On alone apologise for - these violations? John Hilley, Human Rights, Tun Mahathir? 282828 after discussing the question of leaders apologising ••• Political Contrition 303030 for past actions, says that Mahathir’s stand on Iraq would be more convincing should he one day call ••• Orang Asli Land Rights Upheld 404040 for a repeal of the ISA and justice for those who suf- fered during his tenure. That would be the day! REGULARS ••• LettersLettersLetters 33 Our back cover story by Colin Nicholas reports on the stunning Court of Appeal decision upholding OTHERSOTHERSOTHERS Orang Asli land rights. Now the Orang Asli are look- ing for the former DG of the Department of Orang ••• Subscription Form 232323 Asli Affairs to make good on his promise that they could kick him on the butt if they won their case. Angeline Loh, in another story, reminds us that Penangites are living in blissful ignorance amidst the rubbish and smog. Enjoy our centre pages, where Shakila Manan writes on “Hen or Rooster?”, a chil- Published by dren’s theatre performance with a difference. Aliran Kesedaran Negara (ALIRAN) 103, Medan Penaga, 11600 Jelutong, ALIRANALIRANALIRAN is a Reform Movement dedicated to Penang, Malaysia. Justice, Freedom & Solidarity and listed on the Tel : (04) 658 5251 Fax : (04) 658 5197 roster of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. Founded in 1977, Aliran welcomes Homepage : http://www.aliran.com all Malaysians above 21 to be members. Contact the Hon. Secretary or visit our webpage. Printed by Percetakan Tujuh Lapan Enam Sdn. Bhd. No. 16, Lengkangan Brunei, 55100 Pudu, Kuala Lumpur. Aliran Monthly : Vol.25(8) Page 3 to capture the reality of ‘national when they find it profitable to Of course, each of these meanings unity’ by remembering the signs warn that ours is a fragile unity of ‘national unity’ may be differ- of its absence – that is, serious that can be shattered at a mo- ently interpreted, even chal- strife, violent conflicts, persistent ment’s notice. lenged. Still, we can highlight cer- crises and relentless turmoil. tain aspects of each of these mean- Hence, the same politicians see no ings in order to render it compre- Why do we say all this at the out- problem in congratulating them- hensible, acceptable and practica- set? It is not because we are com- selves on how well they foster ble. placent about the state of our so- muhibbah while they keep harking ciety. We aren’t. to ‘May 13’ or show during elec- Here, we give one example directly tion campaigns horrifying films of while we will indirectly refer to But we know that ‘national Bosnia-Herzegovina, Rwanda, the others later. unity’, as a goal, is elusive and eas- Afghanistan under the Taliban, ily subjected to manipulation. We ‘September 11’, and so on. Celebration know that ‘national unity’, re- of Diversity garded to be under threat, is readily Actually, ordinary Malaysians used to justify unconscionable aren’t stupid. They realise that practices by those in power. those who most loudly shout ‘na- tional unity’ are often those who End schizophrenia undermine it most callously. and hypocrisy! Hence, to the distinguished mem- We’re regularly reminded that bers of this Select Committee our ‘national unity’ is critical. Some first point about ‘national unity’ people think that that will bring is this: Tell the politicians, not least foreign tourists and global inves- those of the Barisan Nasional, to tors to us. finish with this kind of hypocrisy. Tell them honestly and bluntly to We’d like to think that ‘national stop mixing self-praise with ill- unity’ is more than that. ‘National disguised threats. unity’ should allow us to live in peace among ourselves, permit us A national Putrajaya: How does this opulence to prosper and enable us to leave unity of substance contribute to national unity? something valuable to future gen- erations. Our second point is: ‘National Partly by accident and partly by unity’, like other objectives and achievement, we’ve kept our cul- Yet, we find that we are almost policies that impact upon social tural diversity intact. Today no schizophrenic over ‘national life, begins as an empty vessel that one wants to talk of assimilation. unity’. Or, rather, our politicians needs filling. Just what do we fill We’re aware of the range of our – with few and notable exceptions it with? cultural heritage. However, we – are schizophrenic in this regard. can’t simply resign ourselves to We in Aliran propose that ‘na- living with our differences. On the one hand, they love to pose tional unity’ be invested with the as our natural custodians of ‘na- following substance and mean- Truly, we must celebrate our cul- tional unity’. They pat themselves ings: tural diversity. Only then can we on the back whenever they find it set aside the old and silly lament useful to proclaim that we are har- • Celebration of our diversity that we are not ‘homogenous’ – monious and stable. • Commitment to pluralism as if only cultural drabness can • Respect for democracy save us. Only thus will we stop On the other hand, it is second • Dedication to justice believing that Malaysians have no habit with them to threaten us • Solidarity with all in need. common and binding values. Aliran Monthly : Vol.25(8) Page 4 Only a proactive celebration of our the ethnic conflicts that plagued Over the past two decades, many diversity can prevent our ethnic, our immediate post-Merdeka era. of our communities have been dis- cultural, religious and linguistic We are not submerged in the re- possessed of land, resources and variations from becoming gional confrontations of post-co- customary rights. They have suf- unbridgeable schisms to be lonial Southeast Asia. fered ecological collapse and en- preyed upon by unscrupulous vironmental degradation. politicians. If anything, we’ve been living in times of rapid development, late In whose name? Across the world, we in fact mar- industrialisation and intensifying ket our cultures and heritage as integration with the global In the name of development, poor ‘tourism products’. Should we economy. For us, this experience and meek communities have been then leave it only to the foreign tour- has been generally happier than uprooted and displaced. In the ist to find our diversity quaint? for many others. name of foreign investment, the erosion, denial and repression of Across the globe, the government But maybe our relative fortune has the rights of labour to organise has promoted the Multimedia Su- blinded us to an important lesson and unionise has been sanc- per Corridor, among other things, from history.
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