r iHEt Branch Of Psychedelic Church unflower Established ByLocarBoo Hoc’ S By J. La Forge -------------- ZT^---------- ------ ------------ ------------- VOL. LXXI NO. WICHITA STATE UNIVERSITY OCOTBER 14. 1966 A branch of the Neo-Ameri­ sions. Among the chief narcotics Experience Mystic, Personal can (PsychedeUc) Church is be­ are opium, belladonna, Indian ing established on the WSU cam­ hemp, stramcMiium, andhyoscya- Hie psychedelic eiqierlence is pus. The WSU -Boo Hoo* is SGA M akes Photo Times mus.* (2) At least two other primarily a personal one, ac­ Jam es Ewan, a political science churches the Native American cording to Ewan, and a highly junior from Hollywood, Calif. Church CNavajo) and the Church structured church would only Im­ Ewan eiqilalned the term •boo of the Awakening, use psyche­ pede the achievement of this Are Extended hoo* as a deliberate absurdity. delic substances in their sacra­ eiqierience. Hie eigierlence Is Appointmeah Its purpose is to remind the ments. TWO years ago, the Cali­ akin to that felt by Buddhist members that the church Is only fornia Supreme Court set aside and Hindu m ystics, but without an institution, and that no in­ Py P arnassus the conviction of three Navajo the elaborate preparation neces­ stitution is perfect It is also Indians who had been arrested sary. Ewan related, ‘ Hu-ough For Offices Intended to keep members from under state Narcotic laws in the eiqierlence, I have found the TWdng o i student pictures for taking themselves too seriously. SGA met 'Hiesday, with ap> 19M for sipping peyote tea. Hie ultimate reality, seen God. It the 1967 Parnassus will ex­ Indians were members of the was almost a Taoistic experi­ polntmaitn of graduate and pro> tended into next week due to the The NaUonal Church Is divided mto an eastern and a western Native American Church. ence.* portional representatives and poor turnout the past two weeks, junior class president beiiig ^vision, with a •Chief Boo Hoo* Jackson Fowell, vice-presi­ according to Charles Jackson, The church will be located at made. for each branch. While the WSU dent of WSU, said in an Inter­ Parnassus editor. 2221 N. Hillside and will acc^it A good turnout of candidates campus is technically under the view with the Beacon Wednes­ As of noon Thursday, 1324 anyone who em braces the tenets was seen and ttie candidates were west coast Boo Hoo, Mr. Ewan day, “I have no reason to be­ students had their pictures taken of the church. The tenets are: given a chance to speak for them- usually r ^ r ts to the east coast lieve, judging from what I’ve for the yearbook. U) Everyone has the right of the selves. Boo Hoo, Arthur Kleps. read, that this is a church, but All studento who wish to have expand his consciousness and John Morton, the only candi­ rather a parody of a church. their pictures taken may have Church Challenges Law stimulate visicnary e:q>erience If It can be proved to us that date for graduate r^resentatlve, sittlnge Monday through Friday by whatever means he considers was appointed to that office. Hie Neo-American (Psyche­ It is an official body, within the of next week from 8 a.m. to desirable and proper without in­ Hie candidates forpropm^on- delic) Church has challenged the true framework of a reli^on, 4 p.m. in Area 2 of the CAC. terference from anyone. (2) The al representative were Gay Al­ federal law regulating LSD, list­ then the group will be treated For those students who may ing 13 points which they claim psychedelic substonces, such as ford, Candy Brown, VIcW Brown, as anyotherdenomlnation.'Ewan not have time during the day, are infringing on their civil li­ LSD, are the True Host of the Lora A. BursoiL Nancy Ann Cha- and for the beneOt of night stu­ informed the Sunflower Thurs­ church, not ■drugs.* Hiey are bino^ Carolyn Judie Dans- berties, Among these points are day that the Church has been dents, the studio will be open sacramental foods, manifesta­ by, Ann Dauffenbach, Vicki Eck- (1) LSD, peyote, and marijuana Incorporated both nationally and from 8 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. IXies- are NOT narcc^cs, but stimu­ tions of the ‘Grace of God,* hardt, Bruce Erickson, Doffie day and Wednesday n l^ ts (O ct In California. Both Dean Powell of the infinite imagination of Forlnash, Rosemary Gerhardt, lants. (Webster’s International and President Lindquist were 18-19). Dictionary deRnes narcotics as the self; and therefore belong Ted GrahanL Kathleen Graves, Hie cost of the sitting is $2. unavailable for comment on this to everyone. (3) We do not en­ *A drug which in moderate doses matter before press time. Dean A1 Hicklin, Diana Hobson, Mike Men should wear ties and coats, courage the Ingestion of psyche­ Hutsell, W. Charles Jackson. allays sensibility, reduces pain, Rhatigan said, •! have no com­ women should wear pastel colors. and produces profound sleep, but delics by those who are unpre­ Craig E. Jdynes, Karstoi Isaac ment at this time, other then pared. Knutson, A1 Uurson, Arthur J . which in poisonous doses pro­ that I am looking into the mat­ duces stui^r, coma, or cotvuI- Mahoney, Steven Clark Pachosa, Eunice Boordmon ter. I have not contacted Mr. Ewan said his chief functions Terry E. Phillips, Craig A. Rey­ Ewan, but I plan to do so In as Boo Hoo will be to provide nolds, Mike Roach, Marsha Se- the near ftiture.* Dean Powell informatiem and guidance to ger, Fred Shiver, Steve Shouse, Is Guest Clinician said that there is no Kansas law members, and to prepare initi­ Bob Smith. B arry Wayne Strahm, against the use of LSD but there ates for the psychedelic e;?)erl- Michael Sundqulst, Mary Simf- Is a recently enacted federal law Parnossus against the sale of it. ford, Sara Sweeney, L arry G. Dr. Eunice Boardman, pro­ Ste LSD, pagu 2 Hieleman, Sharon Sue Walton, fessor of music educatlm, is All students who did not Mark WentUng, Stephen White, assisting this month as guest have their picture taken last Mike Whitt, N ^ c ia Wltrogen, clinician for music educators week, may do so this week. Linda Woo^ Andrea W r& it, in training workshops in vari­ Men should wear ties and Freshman Class Elections Marcia Diane Zink. ous parts of the country. coats, women should wear pastel colors. Appointed to the position of Last week. Dr. Boardman at­ proportional were Mike Hutsell, tended the session of the Texas Pictures are being taken To Be Held Wednesday W. Charles Jackson, and Bob Music Educators National Con­ In Area 2 of the CAC from Smith. ference meeting In Fort Worth, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mcwiday Next Wednesday freshmen will Cathy Henkel, Briana Kallail, Junior class president candi- Texas. through Friday. vote on their class officers. Karen Rice, and Scott Stocky. dent candidates were Ronald L. Yesterday and today, Dr. All organizations are re­ Thirty-seven have filed for a Campaigning for sergeant-at- Barnum, Richard A. Berg, Den­ Boardman is in Fort Logan, Colo­ quested to sign ui for their place on the ballot. arm s are Suzanne Sylward, Bruce nis Buth, Stephen Napier Crans, rado for an in-service training griwp pictures in the lobby Campaigning for president are Boleue, Julie Jackson, Cindy John LaForge, Jim Helmlck, and program for teachers in the local of Wilner Auditorium as soon Mavis Esterline, (Apathy party), Poindexter, and Dan Reagan. Morris Lee Hiompson. Stephen area. as possible. Charles Bachtenkircher, Jana Any freshman wishing to make Napier Crans was appointed Ann Goodwin, Kit Harlow, Doug­ a state of their poUcles to be las airyock, and Greg Wright pubUshed in Monday’s Sunflower Running for vice-president are should contact Nancy Chabino in Sheila Boballk, Ed Baylle, Ke­ Rm. 004, Wilner Auditorium, be­ vin Ganzer (Apathy), Marilyn fore 3:00 p.m. Friday. Well Known Folk Singing Group Lueker, Ranney Ramsey, Steve Randle, NancySmall, and Michael States. Victor A. Garres, Candidates for UC represw- Featured During Homecoming tative are Judy Durham, Jenny Jones, Wesley LUley, Don Loe- French Consul Peter, Paul jmd Mary will be been singing together since 1961 ing career. At a folk festival wen (Apathy), Michael Pharls, the feature peiibrmers for this and since that time have aetdeved at Cornell he first decided to Pam Russell, Dan Schenck (Apa­ •» year’s homecoming activities. international tome. Many of the try folk singing as a career. thy), and John Schuermann. To Visit Compos Hie grog will give a concert group’s songs have been best Paul Stookey was production Running for secretory are Di­ in the Fleldhouse on November sellers and include such songs manager at a chemical supply ane G onher, Debbie Godbout, ^ following the afternoon game. as ‘Cruel War,* *Blowln’ in company before becoming a Consul General de Frances Hie concert la scheduled to be- the Wind,* ‘ Lemon T ree,* “If singer. He met and began to Victor A. Gares, will visit the 8ln at 8:30 p.m. I Had A Hammer* and *500 sing with Mary Travers and to­ Daily News Show campus Monday as a guest of the M iles.* Ft^lowlng the performance gether they b ^ m e a common University French CKpartmenL mere will be two dames towhich Peter Yarrow was a psycho­ sight around the coffee houses To Be Broadcast Gares wiU be the guest of the admission will be the ticket logy major at Cornell Univer­ of the Village. honor at a reception In ttie Prt^ stub from the concert. Verne sity before storting his folk sing­ A SunOower-of-the-Alr, to be vinclal Room of the CAC At 2 p.m.
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