1922. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENA'rE. 4671 4849. By Mr. COOPER of Wisconsin: Petition of citizens of King Oddie Sheppard Wadsworth 'Vllitewater, in the State of Wi ·co~sin, against the passage of La Follette Overman Simmons Walsh, Mass. Lenroot Ow:en Spencer Walsh, Mont. House bill 9753; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Lodge Page Stanfield Warren : 4850. Also, petition of citizens of Janes\Tille, Wis., praying for McCormick Pepper Sterling "'atson, Ga. an amendment to tlie postal employees' pension law; to the Com­ McNary Phipps Sutherland Williams Moses Pittman Swanson Willis mittee on the Judiciary. Myers Poindexter 'Townsend 4851. By Mr. CULLEN : Petition of the Flatbush Chamber of Kelson l'ornerene Trammell Commerce, Brooklyn, requesting that construction and repair New Rawson Underwood work be continued there; to the Committee on NaYal Affairs. l\lr. SUTHERLAND. I ·wish to annmince that the Senator 4852. By l\1r. GALLIVAN: Petition of Chandler Motors of from North Dakota [l\1r. McCuMBER], the Senator from Utah New England, Boston, Mass., urging passage of Hou ·e bill 9722; [~lr . SA£OOT], the Senator from Connecticut' [Mr. McLEAN], the to the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads: S~nator from Vermont [Mr. DILLINGHAM], the Senator from 4853. Also, petition of F. S. Lawrence, Boston, Mass., recom-' Kansas [1\fr. CUR'I'IS], the Senator from Indiana [1\fr. WATSON]: mending the pas~ age of H. R. 289-!; to the Committee on· Inter­ _the Senator from New York [Mr. CALDER], and the Senator from state and Foreign Commerce. New Jersey [l\lr. FRELINGHUYSEN] are detained at· a meeting 48ii4. By Mr. GORl\lA..~: Petition of citizens of Ulllcago and oi the Committee on Finance. · subul'IJ .. of the State of Illinois, protesting against the passage l\lr. DIAL. I desire to announce that _my colleague [l\fr. of H. R. 9753; to the Committee on the District of Columbia. SMITH] is detained on business of the Senate. I ask that this :4 G5. By l\lr. HAWES : Petition of the Hellenic Community announcement may stand for the day. St. Nicllola ·, Hellenic Brotherhood of Keathera, Hellenic· Pro .. l\1r. JO:NES of Washington. I was requested to announce gre8~i,·e Societ~ · . Hellenic Ladies' Society ·Helping, Hellenic that the Senator from Nebraska [Mr. NoRRIS], the Senator from Brotherhood of Zante, Hellenic Society of Eapiros, of St. Louis, ' Illinois [1\fr. l\IcKINLEY], the Senator from Oklahoma [l\fr. HAR­ Mo .. urging amendments to the immigration law; to the Com­ RELD], the Senator from North Dakota [l\Ir. LADD], the Senator mittee on Naturalization and Immigration. from Colorado [l\lr. NICHOLSON], the Senator from South Da­ 48i>G. By ML'. KISSEL: Petition of the Eastern Federa.tion of kota [l\lr. KORBE K], the Senator from Alabama (l\lr. HEFLIN], Feed Merchant . Bullville, N. Y., relative to abuses of PO\'Ver l.Jy the Senator from Louisiana [l\Ir. RANSDELL], the Senator from all county agent : to the Committee on Agriculture. T~nnessee [Mr. l\fcKmAR], and the Senator from Wyoming 4857. AI o, petition of the Commercial Casualtv Insurance [l\lr. KEl\-.DRICK] are ab ent on business of the Senate. · Co .. Newark, N. J., relative to certain legislation; ~to the · Com­ The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Sixty-one Senators have an­ mitte on Military Affairs. swered to their names. Tlwre is a quorum pre.·ent. The Secre­ 4838. By Mr. RAKER: Petition of J. B. Tanner, of Tanner, tary will proceed \Yith the reading of the treaty. Gihwm & Ellis. certified pub1ic accountants, of Chicago, Ill., in­ The reading of the treaty was resumed, and during Ute dol'. iug Senate bill ~531, for the protection of the degree of cer­ reading, tified public acc-ountant in the District of Columbia ; to the l\lr. LODGE. Unles:::; there is objection, I ask that there Coumtittee on the District of Columbia. · may be dispensed with - the reading of section 2, comprising 48.,9. Also, petition of William Williston, president Veterans' tables . howing the figures as to the age and the tonnage of the Afftliated Council, and others, of Sacramento, Calif., urging the ship: from n~ar to year, as provided for in the treaty. They enm·tlllent of the adjusted compensation bill at this session of are ver•y complicated tables, but, -of course, · if any Senator de­ Uongee;-;, : to the Committee on Ways .and l\leans. sire to have them read they will be read. 48GO. By Mr. RAMSEYER : Petition of the Parmers' Local l\lr. KI:XG. l\lr. President, they are really quite illuminating Union of Agency, Iowa, urging investigation of the Federal Re-. and instructive. I do not want to insist upon the reading if tile ser,·e Board; to the Committee on Banking and Currency. Senator will explain them. .48G1. By Mr.• 'TRONG of Pennsyl mnia : Petition of citizens of l\lr. LODGE. Let them be read, then . Iudinll County. Pa., urging passage of H. R. ·8086; to the Com- l\1r. l\IcCORMICK. I suggest that no Senator can under­ wlttet> on Agric-ulture. · stand them from the reading, but any .Senator may understand 486~. By Mr. TOWNER: Petition of Luke Stacy and 39 other them from following the printed page. citizeu. of New Yirginia, Iowa, protesting against the passage l\Ir. LODGE. NeYer mind; let the tables be read. of H . R. 9753; to the Committee on the District of Columbia. 'l'he readibg of the treaty was resumed and concluded, and it 48G3. Also. petition of l\laxwell Green and 261 other citizens is as follows: of Brooklyu. N. Y., and the city of New Yot·k, asb.ing for the EXECGTIVE L-Lll\IJTATION OF' NAVAL ARMAMENT. pn~ age of the To"·ner-Sterling educational bill; to the Com· 'l'REATY BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES, TilE BRITISH EMPIRE, FRAl\CE, ruittee on Education. ITALY, AND J.ArAX, AGREEING TO A LIMITATION Ol!~ NAVAL Anl\!A· 1\IENT. The United States of America, the British Empire, France, Italy, and Japan; SENATE. Desiring to contt·ibute to the maintenance of the general peace and to reduce the burdens of competition in a~:mament; TUESDAY, Jlarch 28, 192'2. Ha ,.e resolved, with a Yiew to accomplishing these purposes, (Legislatire day ot Thursday, March 16, 192~.) to conclude a treaty to limit their respective naYal armament, and to that end ha ,~ e appointed a~ their plenipotentiaries: The Senate met in open executive session at 12 o'clock merid­ The Pre ident of the United States of America : Charles ian on the expiration of the recess. Evans Hughes, Henry Cabot Lodge, Oscar W. Underwood, NAYAL ARMAMENT TREATY. Elihu Hoot, citizens of the United States; · Mr. LODGE. I ask that the pending treaty l.Je proceeded Hi· l\Iaje ty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Brit­ with. ain and Ireland and of the British Dominions beyond the Seas, ·Tlte Senate. as in Committee of the Whole and in open execu­ Emperor of India: The Right Bon. Arthur James Balfour, tive ~ sion, proceeded to consider the treaty between the United 0. l\1., M. P., Lord President of His Privy Council; the Right State;.;, th e British Empire, France, Italy, and Japan, agreeing Hon. Baron Lee of Fareham, G. B. E., K. C. B., First Lord of to a Iiwitation of naval armament. His Admiralty; the Right Bon. Sir Auckland Campbell Geddes; Tl:~.: PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Secretary will read the K. C. B., His Ambassador Extraordinary -and Plenipotentiary tren ty. to the United States of America; . TILe reading clerk proceeded to read the treaty. And for the Dominion of C;mada: The Right Ron. Sir Robert .Mt·. LODGE. Mr. President, this is a Yery important treaty. Laird Borden, G. C. 1\L G., K. C.; I tliink we ought to haYe a quorum of the Senate present while For the Commonwealth of Australia: Senator the Right Bon. the treaty i-· l.Jeing read. I make the point of no quorum. George Foster Pearce, Minister for Home and Territories; TIL PRESIDE!\T pro tempore. The Secretary will call the For the Dominion of New Zealand: The Bon. Sir John Wil­ roll. liam Salmond, K. C., Judge of the Supreme Court of New The reading clerk called the roll, and the following Senators Zealand; anRwered to tLeir name For the Union of South Africa: The Right Hon. Arthur .Ashur t Caraway Ernst Hale James Balfour, 0. M., l\1. P.; Ball Colt Fernald Harris _For India: The Right Hon. Yalingman Sankaranarayana Bora bo Culberson France Harrison Buesum Cummins Geny .Johnson SriniYasa Sastri, Member of the Indian Council of State; Cam(~L'Ou Dial Glass Jones, Wash. The President of the French Republic: 1\lr. Albert Sarraut, Cap[l;'r Edge Gooding Kellogg Deputy, 1\Iinister of the Colonies; 1\Ir. Jules J. Jusserand, Am- LXH--293 4672 c·ONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENA'J'E. ~fAnOH 28, bassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the United An:TICL;J IX. States of America, Grand Cross· of the National Order of the No aircraft carrier exceeding 27,000 tons (27,432 metric Legion of Honor ; tons) standard displacement shall be acquired by, or consh·ncted His Majesty the King of Italy : The Bon. Carlq Sch~nzer, by, for, or within the jurisdiction of, any of the conb:acting Senator of the Kingdom; the Hon. Vittorio Rolandi Ricci, Sena­ powers. tor of the Kingdom, His Ambassador Extraordinary and Pleni­ However, any of the contracting powers may, provided that potentary at Washington; the Bon. Luigi Albertini, Senator of its total tonnage allowance ,of aircraft carriers is· not thereby the Kingdom ; exceeded, build not more than two aircraft earriers.
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