"7' r- [ Volume 112, No. 16 February 18, 19991 SPART DAILY One Washington Square SDAILYOjmc.sjsu.cdu Thursday San Jose, CA 95192-0149 Serving San Jose State University Since 1934 University coronates Burger King Restaurant with history of boycotts takes place TOGONE 11. of shunned Carl's Jr. By: Julia B. Wright receipt for a free box of ammuni- Managing Editor tion and a gun. Kim Miller, public relations Despite a blemished record, manager for Burger King Corp., Burger King passed Spartan said the company is not currently Shops, Inc.'s formal background engaged in any boycott situations. check and opened its doors to the "All of those issues have been university Feb. 8. rectified," Miller said. "We also no A background check was con- longer purchase beef from any ducted by Investor Responsibility country that raises cattle on what Research Center in Washington was once rain forest." D.C. for Spartan Shops Inc. It The university justified the deci- revealed a number of past boycotts sion to bring Burger King on cam- and lawsuits that were indepen- pus because the company made an dently verified by the Spartan effort to correct its problems, Daily. according to Don Kassing, vice According to the research cen- president for administration. ter: "It's a socially responsible com- *The fast-food chain was boy- pany, and it is actively moving in a cotted by the NAACP for refusal to positive direction," Kassing said. serve its members at a youth con- Kassing said a reasonable expla- vention in 1981. nation for the number of boycotts *The Rainforest Action Network and lawsuits against Burger King boycotted Burger King for import- is the size of the company. ing beef from Central America Burger King replaced Carl's Jr. where there are rain forests. in the Marketplace Cafe across *Burger King lost a lawsuit in from the Student Union. 1993 for serving a rodent's foot Just before the scheduled open- inside a hamburger. ing of Carl's Jr. in August, San Jose *A franchise in Baltimore, State University and Carl ICarcher Maryland gave coupons with each See Burger, page 8 Student dies in accident Photos by divider. Frank Cava/ Highway 17 crash The Mazda's driver's side Spartan Daily Original TOGO'S claims the life of crossed into the path of an oncom- (Above) The Togo's ing 1996 Toyota Camry. Barbara McNamara, the driver of the on seventh and Juan Manuel Castillo William streets is on Camry, suffered minor injuries. moving locations Castillo died instantly after sus- the go. After more By Hugo Rivera in an taining a broken neck. than 30 years in the By Donna Carmichael you hear when you call StaffrWriter "He going away forev- broke his neck, but he also same Ste'Writer order is not suffered internal organ damage, location, Togo's er. The Original TOGO'S is mov- A San Jose St,ate University student, which would have killed him any- is moving to its new TOGO'S the submarine ing to a new location on the who classmates described location on Paseo De campus on the as quiet, died Tuesday in a car acci- way," Morgan said. chain that got its start in Silicon west side of Castillo was not Paseo de San Antonio at Fourth dent on Highway 17 after having wearing a seat San Antonio street Valley, will make the very last belt at the time of the accident, but location near San Street. They are relocating near attended classes. on the west side of sub at its first Juan according to Morgan, the seat belt Jose State University Thursday. the crosswalk next to the Manuel Castillo, a 19-year- campus. Colonnade apartment build- old freshman from Watsonville, was would not have helped in the side At 9 p.m., The Original impact accident. on East William Street ings, where TOGO'S manage- apparently driving a dark gray TOGO'S 1985 The accident occurred 45 min- (Right) Assistant will dose for good. ment thinks it can better serve Mazda 626 at an excessive its SJSU customers. speed for the rainy weather on utes after Castillo had his Mexican manager Maryanne "Nobody likes to see the orig- American Rhetoric Steve The sub shop located at 336 Highway 17, according to Class, his last Anderson makes two inal Togo's closing," said class for the day. SJSU freshmen in the E William St., between Seventh California Highway Patrol Officer family sized Nicholson, a resident Alex Chavez and Mike Ramos were neighborhood and regular cus- and Eighth streets on the south- Jason Morgan. The car spun out of sandwiches at Togo's east side of SJSU is a local land- control near Willow Drive and went in the class with Castillo. Ramos tomer. said they spoke on Seventh and sandwich mark with its funky rough wood over the middle section while spin- to him after the The popular little class, right before he left on the trip also known as TOGO'S at siding, according Mary Philips ning clockwise. The part of the William streets shop, which cost him his life. San Jose State the greeting highway where the accident See TOGO'S, page 8 occurred did not have a middle See Accident, page 4 Greek stereotypes not always accurate don't go to any parties because of Ashes to ashes By Ginny White other commitments like jobs and Senior Staff Writer homework." The Sigma Alpha Zeta sorority Constant partying, heavy holds one party a semester during drinking, communal living and rush week, Wilder said. bad grades are just some of the kV$H "They do a lot of positive things stereotypes members of fraterni- in the community," Anthony Oden, ties and sororities have to face. a social work major said, ofjoining The reputation of Greek life WEEK a fraternity or sorority. "But they was hit hard with movies such as do their share of partying." "Animal House" and "Revenge of Macabeo agrees there's more to the Nerds," characterizing mem- to sororities and fraternities. it than drinking and partying. bers as sex-crazed alcoholics on "Parties and the drinking that "There's community involve- the verge of expulsion. goes on," Chinn said. "But it's a ment and charity work and we These stereotypes are some- good way to meet people and make have to learn how to balance the thing Kathy Winnovich, vice pres- friends." two together," he said. ident of membership at Delta Gerry Macabeo, fraternity pres- Balancing schoolwork and Gamma, comes up against the ident of Sigrna Alpha Mu, said Greek life are a concern for most. there is always someone supervis- pledges thinking of moving into "Partiers' is the main one I've ing the parties at his house. the fraternity or sorority house. seen," Winnovich said of stereo- "We control how much is being Rob Pribble, president of Theta types. "The reality is we do a lot of passed around," Macabeo said of Chi said members of his fraternity community service." alcohol at the parties. "We try to can choose whether to live in or The organization Delta Gamma protect them (rushees) from doing not. does community service for anything foolish." "It's a different experience Service for Sight. Each fall, Delta Sigma Alpha Mu will allow par- when you live in (the house) Gamma holds a week long fund- tygoers to stay as long as it takes because you're around more," raising event called Anchors for them to sober up before they go Pribble said. Splash. Each of the current 42 sis- home. Sometimes there isn't a choice, ters volunteers five hours a Sororities and fratern ti es according to Wilder. semester to the visually impaired. aren't always having parties like "Not every fraternity and soror- "People don't really know this, the stereotype dictates, according ity has a house we don't," she but sororities don't sponsor alco- to Jennifer Wilder, secretary for said. Franshesra Es(polhel/Spartatt holic events," Winnovich said. Sigma Alpha Zeta. "I find it easier to concentrate Tiffany Chinn, a liberal studies "Our priorities are education, on studying if I live away from the The Rev. Bob Barry of the Catholic Campus Ministry administers ashes on Ash Wednesday to Gera- major, agreed that parties are community service and sister- house," Macabeo said. "It's up to Lyne Della). a junior majoring in occupational therapy. hood," Wilder said. "Some sisters what she thinks of when it comes See Rush, page 4 INSIDE THE DAILY SPORTS 2 v NEWS ENTERTAINMENT r ..: Trawick emerges from vor, Tay Sachs screeners holds final Office Space gives 3-23 season to lead hoops day of testing in reasons to want to move resurgance Page 5 Student Union Page 3 in Page 6 01110 "..1. FORUM Thursday, Febro2: ti, 1999 "Real love" not realistic for everyone nce again, I am annoyed enough that I have According to Sean Miller, one of the speakers for to saddle up my high horse, and let some- "Relationship Awareness Week," there are prerequi- 0 body have it. sites to finding love through God, as reported in Clinton presidency After enduring countless lectures from family Friday's Spartan Daily. and friends concerning my "smug" and sometimes "First, you have to admit that you're not perfect, apparently "malicious" demeanor toward people that you've made mistakes. The word sin has nega- much more than who irritate me, I've tried to maintain a calm pres- tive connotations, but it really means 'miss the ence when I would otherwise be tempted to harass mark,' " he said.
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