A Generalized Genetic Framework for the Development of Sinkholes and Karst in Florida, U.S.A. BARRY F. BECK limestone and subsidence of the overlying unconsolidated Florida Sinkhole Research Institute sediments causes surface collapse a subsidence doline or University of Central Florida sinkhole This process may penetrate up to 60 m of the Florida 32816 semi-consolidated Hawthorn cover, as occurred when the Winter Park sinkhole developed Dense clusters of solution ABSTRACT / Karst topography in Florida is developed on the pipes may have formed cenotes which are now found on the Tertiary limestones of the Floridan aquifer Post-depositional exposed limestone terrain diagenesis and solution have made these limestones highly permeable, T = ca. 50,000 m2/d. Zones of megaporosity have formed at unconformities, and dissolution has enlarged Groundwater moves laterally as diffuse flow except where joints and fractures Erosion of the overlying clastic Miocene input or outflow is concentrated. At sinking streams, vertical Hawthorn group strata on one flank of a structural arch has shafts, and springs, karst caves have formed, but only the exposed the limestone The elevated edge of the Hawthorn major sinkng streams form through-flowing conduit systems cover forms the Cody scarp Ubiquitous solution pipes have Shaft recharge dissipates diffusely. Spring discharge is con- previously formed at joint intersections and are now filled centrated from diffuse flow In both cases, conduits taper Downwashing of the fill deeper into solution cavities in the and merge into a zone of megaporosity Geologic Setting sediments. In the northern peninsula and the coastal plains, the clastic, Miocene Hawthorn group caps this sequence of limestones. However, in many areas of the Florida, as well as Georgia and South Carolina, is a Florida peninsula, the majority of the lower Hawthorn part of the Southeastern Coastal Plain. During Meso- is also calcareous or dolomitic. This thick sequence of zoic and Cenozoic times, shallow marine sediments carbonate rocks constitutes one of the world's most pro- were deposited in an off-lapping sequence on the coasts lific aquifers. In Florida it is called the Floridan aquifer of both the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. At and elsewhere it is termed the principal artesian the juncture of these two provinces, the Floridan pla- aquifer. teau extends southerly from the North American main- The central portion of the northern two-thirds of land. Since Cretaceous time, the Floridan plateau has peninsular Florida is occupied by a distinct subsurface been a dominantly carbonate platform on which have structural axis or elevated ridge commonly referred to accumulated thousands of feet of limestones and do- as the Peninsular Arch (Fig. 1), or "backbone." This lomites with comparatively minor amounts of evapo- area was the first to rise above sea level and become an rites and clastic sediments. The Floridan peninsula is the exposed land mass. Later, the arch itself was covered exposed portion of this plateau. Most of the peninsular by shallow transgressive and regressive seas, as evi- area is mantled by thin deposits of recent and residual denced by those rocks that now constitute the Floridan sands and clayey sands, peat, or wetlands and lakes, so aquifer in central and north Florida. The Ocala uplift that the majority of the geologic history must be inter- is a younger axis of gentle folding (Fig. 2) parallel to, preted from cores. and 30-35 miles west of, the Peninsular Arch. This The Floridan aquifer comprises a continuous se- rather broad, tension-faulted anticlinal structure is quence of limestones deposited from the Paleocene to mappable (Faulkner 1973) through exposures of the Miocene epochs (Fig. 1). Correlative limestones ex- Middle and Upper Eocene limestone and dolomite tend into the Florida panhandle (the portion extending rocks. Relationships between the Peninsular Arch, westward along the Gulf Coast), Georgia, and South Ocala uplift, tension faults, surface and subsurface Carolina. However, away from the peninsula, limestone units, and their respective general thicknesses are may be only the marine facies, and the updip (inland), shown in cross-section in Figure 1. The vertical scale in continental/littoral equivalents are frequently clastic Figure 1 is exaggerated approximately 160 times; ac- Environ Geol Water Sci Vol 8, Nos 1/2, 5-18 1986 Springer-Verlag New York Inc 6 Bar~ F Beck SOUTHWEST b, NORTHEAST X C~, e..,. q.1 q~' X IO00 ~ I TM, L I TMu.. I TQu.~Cb ~ u~ <~ kc(~ ~,,~ [ "- To l TMu I I TQu ] TQu..,~_.l '~ - Mean Sea Level To p~__..~-T~ ~ ~ ',j, ~ To T~c " '"~, r ~" I000 Tck 2000 - _J Upper Cretaceous ~ -r (sedimentary) u~Zcr LU 3000' CL -7 Lower Cretaceous 4000- 5000 EXPLANATION TQu - Tertiary - Quarternary, undifferentiated TMu- Mio- Pliocene (?), undifferentiated To- Upper Eocene, Ocolo Limestone Tap-Middle Eocene, Avon Park Limestone Tic- Middle Eocene, Lake City Limestone Tol- Lower Eocene, Oldsmar Limestone 1 Tck- Paleocene, Cedar Keys Limestone 0 I0 20 30 40 50 MILES I I I I I I LOCATION Figure 1. E-W cross-section through peninsular Florida showing structure and its relationship to surficial geology (from Faulkner 1973). Framework for Sinkhole Development 7 N (1 / \l I " ;-'-'- "- / )---/-- ~ .... I-- <'--~ / <'~ >%; ,. ,,~,o,v,~, ~,4 ,K~ '~_r '''~ .,, ~ \~. r-,--Xr~,Ck YANKEETOWN r,,---. ,~ \'q/_ ) 0 2 .f/ 4, -1 x, \ --/- ) \*r % o <- #-, Approximate edge /~ of Floridon Plateau5 \ "~ , 6, (datum: mean sea level) ( L__~ ~--- % _i ~ - i o 50 Ioo MILES I 1 I Figure 2. The Floridan plateau and peninsular Florida showing the main geologic structures (from Faulkner 1973). tually the flanks of the Peninsular Arch and Ocala over 4,600 m thick have been encountered. The Cedar uplift dip one-half degree or less. Keys limestone, Oldsmar limestone, and Lake City The subsurface units thicken outward to the east limestone are not exposed and are known only through and west and particularly to the south were sediments cuttings and cores. The Lake City limestone, the Avon 8 Barry F Beck Park limestone, and the Ocala group limestones gen- dish-brown, river-type water. However, there is also a erally constitute the Flor.idan aquifer. To the south and substantial groundwater addition to this flow (Ceryak north in Figure i, younger units including the Su- 1977). wannee limestone, the Tampa limestone (or its equiv- alent), and limestones within the Hawthorn group also Hydrogeology are included in the Floridan aquifer. In the central and northern peninsula, the clastic The limestones that compose the Floridan aquifer sediments of the Miocene Hawthorn group overlie and have been variously subjected to repeated cycles of sea confine the limestones of the Floridan aquifer. Along level fluctuation. During some regressions, they were the crest and western flank of the Ocala uplift, erosion subaerially exposed, producing unconformities marked has stripped off this cover leaving an exposed limestone by paleokarst surfaces (Randazzo 1982; Schmidt and surface, or one thinly mantled by younger unconsoli- Scott 1984; Popenoe and others 1984). During the dated sands and clayey sands (Figs. 1 and 3). This area transgressions and regressions, the saltwater/freshwater is broadly referred to as the Gulf coastal lowlands mixing zone also oscillated. This zone has been related (Head and Marcus 1984). It contains broad areas of to various diagenetic changes. "A major environment low, level karst plains marked by cenotes, small subsi- of regional dolomitization is in the mixing zone (zone dence sinkholes, lakes, and scattered springs (Abbott of dispersion) where profound changes in mineralogy 1972). Surface drainage is absent, except for major and redistribution of porosity and permeability occur streams or limited areas in which the cover contains from the time of early emergence and continuing impermeable strata. Groundwater flows toward major through the time when the rocks are well-developed rivers or coastal springs and swamps, or to a few major aquifers. The reactions and processes, in resonse to inland springs. Within the Gulf coastal lowlands are mixing waters of differing chemical composition, in- several extensive, high "sand" ridges and several broad, clude dissolution and precipitation of carbonate min- alluvial valleys which irregularly interrupt the karst erals in addition to dolomitization" (Hanshaw and Back plains. 1979, p. 287). It has been noted that the more perme- Because the axis of the Ocala uplift is far to the able zones of the Floridan aquifer are dolomitic (e.g., western side of the peninsula (Fig. 2), coastal erosion Lichder and others 1968). On the other hand, Ran- has not stripped the clastic cover from all of the eastern dazzo (1982, p. 9) identifies the same processes, "dis- flank of the uplift (Fig. 1). This elevated region of solution and the creation of cavernous porosity, ctastic sediments is divided into the northern and cen- infilling of pore spaces by sparry calcite cements, cal- tral highlands. The landscape in this zone is not gen- citization and dolomitization," but ascribes their erally karst, but along the western margin there is a occurrence to "interaction with a phreatic meteoric variable region (shown in Figure 3) where subsidence water environment." sinkholes (or ravelling sinks) disrupt the surface. These Whatever the exact mechanisms, the limestones and sinkholes mark areas where unconsolidated surface dolostones of the Floridan aquifer now have a high sediments, in some areas up to 60 m thick, have sub- overall permeability. For instance, Hunn and Slack sided into preexisting voids in the underlying lime- (1983) estimate a T of 45,000 m2/day in the Santa Fe stone. River Basin of north Florida. However, many authors The boundary between the highlands and the low- have also noted that certain zones, or levels, within the lands is the irregularly dissected Cody escarpment. aquifer are more cavernous (megaporosity) than others Above the escarpment the thin, clastic cover is com- (Lichder and others 1968; Robertson 1973; Krause monly breached by erosion, both from above by 1979).
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