■■ Weather Forecast Guide for Readers \ Pleasant, lair sunny; tonight. Cloudi- Page. Page. ness, warmer tomorrow. Alter Dark_A-ll Lost and Pound, A-3 Amusem’nts, A-12-13 Obituary .A-l« Temperatures—High, 73, at 12:01 a.m.; Comics_B-14-15 Radio ..B-1S low, 65, at 7:05 am.; 72 at noon. Yes- Editorial .A-S terday-High, 90, at 12:15 Society.B-3 pm.; low, 74. Edit! Articles.._A-8 at 6:12 a.m. Sports.A-14-15 Finance .A-6 Woman’s Page.B-U New York Markets Closed Today. An Associated Press Newspaper 93d Phone liliAli. No. 36,993. NA. 5000. ★★★★ Cit? Home Deliver?. Dell? and Sunda? gf /'iTT'VTmci WASHINGTON, D. C., THURSDAY, AUGUST 16, 1945—THIRTY-TWO PAGES. 90c a Month. When 6 Sunda?*. $1.00 *> ( ; r IN J. Full Surrender May Take Days, Truman to Call Royal Family to Visit Fronts, Parley of Labor, Management Hirohito Informs Gen. MacArthur Conference Planned After Congress Meets; Emperor Picks WLB's Days Limited Atom Bomb Saved By GOULD LINCOLN. to 1,250,000 Prince Head Japanese Army President Truman today an- Allied Churchill nounced he would call a con- New Cabinet Lives, Says ference of labor and manage- ment after meets in By the Associated Press. Was Main Factor in Sudden End Congress Reported Ready September. Emperor Hirohito told Gen. Of War With He Declares He revealed no details of MacArthur today it would be Im- Japsf th# Bt the proposed conference. It is under- possible to send envoys to Manila Associated Press. “We contemplated using an explo- stood tomorrow to receive the sur- LONDON, Aug. 16.—Winston sive of incomparable power against To End they are being worked out Fighting at the render terms and that it would Churchill told Commons today Japan,” Mr. Churchill said. Labor Department and will take 12 days for his “cease fire” that the atomic bomb was re- The 70-year-old statesman de- Sent to Reds be submitted to him later. clared that “there are voices which Appeal order to reach all fronts. sponsible for the sudden ending The President made two assert that the (atomic) bomb other The of the war and saved a To Cease Emperor expressed regret at Japanese should never have been used at all.” Firing, statements bearing on the problems the delay, arranged to send mem- million American and 250,000 But, he added bluntly: which peace has brought to Amer- bers of his imperial family to all British lives which would have Broadcast Says “I cannot associate myself with ican industry. fighting fronts to enforce the “cease been lost in the en- invading ,such ideas. Six of total war CHINESE COMMUNISTS fire” order and gave the Allied years reported WLB Has Limited Time. emy's home islands.. ! have convinced in clash with commander a full most people that Chiang’s forces. report of what Prime Minister Attlee said subse- He said the War Labor Board ha# he had done. had the Germans or the Japanese Page A-3 quently that the atomic bomb dis- a very limited time to stay. One other discovered this new weapon they imperial action of the would Bj thf Associated Press. He said, that covery force reorganization would used it us to our too, "full employ- was the have upon day naming of Gen. Prince “in ment” is a the sphere of international rela- complete destruction wtih the ut- The Japanese broadcast from legislation "must” for Naruhiko Higashi-Kuni to become the next session tions.” most alacrity.” Hsinking was reported the of Congress, Premier succeeding the resigned by While “We have to realize that we are Cheers sounded from both sides Federal i Mr. Truman did not indi- Admiral Kantaro Suzuki, a Communications Com- putting living in a new world, now that we of the House. cate what would happen when th* descendant of the Emperor's in mission today to have said that have seen the atoms, a new force, War Labor Board goes out of ex- charge of the government for the Approved at Potsdam. the Japanese the consequences of which we find it Kwantung Army it has been predicted that first time. had Personal istence, Mr. Churchill asserted to the Russians Income Tax some 1 difficult to grasp,” said Mr. Attlee, sharply: appealed to I Congressional Leaders Hail agency with similar duties Take “I am surprised that cease their would May 12 Days. who succeeded Mr. Churchill as very worthy attacks in Man- be established, probably with- Hirohito's people—but who in most in the message to Gen. Mac- Britain's first minister as a result people churia. Monitors recorded the Labor Department. Senat* Arthur was recorded the Fed- cases had no intention of pro- Cut National Leader by of the July election. broadcast in New Delhi. Appears Likely Victory Day Proposal Majority Barkley already eral Communications Commission. ceeding to the Japanese front had placed the full bill Mr. Churchill spoke as leader of The Chungking radio, also heard employment It advised him that the order themselves—should adopt the posi- Entire in a list of five end- the government’s Conservative op- Country subjects with which hostilities had tion that rather than throw this by the FCC, said Lb Gen. Yusuji ing been issued as position, a position to which he 1 A Real Celebration Congress would be asked to deal. bomb we Starting January he directed and added that mem- should have sacrificed a Okamura, commander of Would Take was relegated by the election. He Japanese Part; Vandenberg Proposed Parley. bers million American and a of a of the imperial family would said Premier Stalin quarter forces in stated he was Of Our promised to China, Lowest-Paid Workers Victory The proposal for a labor-manage, enforce it personally, although in million British lives in the desperate D. C. Focal Point enter the Pacific war three months "awaiting more detailed instruc- ment conference, to work out some isolated instances it battles and massacres of an invasion (An Editorial) plans might after the German surrender and Have All Levies for the of tions” in reply to Generalissimo May Plans for a national peaceful settlement of dis- take as long as 12 days. the Russian Japan.” Victory A pageant of victory after intervention on August putes in industry, originally wa# The message, in English, estimated 8 after He said he and Mr. Truman ap- Chiang Kai-shek's orders that he Ended by Day celebration, to be centered war is a tradition with our the German collapse May 8 Congress made by Senator Vandenberg, Re- that six days would be required to proved at Potsdam the military surrender. in Washington and observed people which should be pre- was "but another example of the By the Associated Press. publican, of Michigan, in a letter to make the message effective plans to use the bomb. the served. entirely fidelity and punctuality” of the The Army's to throughout country, with Secretary of Labor Schwellenbach. in in Kwantung message All Americans seem likely to The march of the China, eight days Bougainville Soviet Union. Turning to foreign affairs, Mr. military parades and Grand The latter the Russians, as recorded the a cut in income appro- gave his approval of such and 12 days in New Guinea and the Churchill by get their taxes Army on Pennsylvania avenue He disclosed that he and President praised former Foreign priate ceremonies, began taking a conference and said that he ex- Philippines. FCC, said: after January 1. Perhaps several after the War Between the Truman made elaborate plans at Secretary Anthony Eden. shape today as leaders on Capi- pressed his view's in an earlier The Mikado's cease fire order to "One—Japanese first line forces million will have to no in- States was a memorable occa- Potsdam for "great battles and land- Of Poland, he said that “there pay tol Hill and elsewhere hailed the speech. his 8,000,000 soldiers was timed at have ceased all military movements come taxes at all next sion. ings in Malaya, the Netherlands East are few virtues that the Poles do year. idea with enthusiasm. Since the President's return from 4 p.m. today, Japanese time (3 ajn., at their present positions. It is is back The parade of the 1st Divi- Indies and in the homeland of not possess and there are few mis- Congress coming Septem- Potsdam, the proposal has been sub- Eastern war time). hoped that Soviet forces will also a The Star believes that with vic- with Gen. and not takes that ber 5 in tax-cutting mood. Some sion, Pershing mitted to him and he has Japan itself," knowing how long they have ever avoided.” cease approved The message expressed great em- attacks. Especially in the vi- of the best-informed tax realized at a his stall in the lead, was held Japanese resistance would continue. He referred to the evacuation of experts tory last, such na- the idea. Reaction to the proposal barrassment but said that it was cinity of Mutankiang Soviet attacks think a some months after the end of Would Keep Bomb Secret. 8.000,000 Germans from Polish ter- reduction in personal in- tional day should be set aside both has been favorable throughout th* “impossible for us to arrange for should be speedily stopped. come taxes will be enacted before the First World War. He insisted that the secret of the ritory. saying that “it is not im- for rejoicing and to honor the country. Letters received at the the flight of our representative on Further Instructions.
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