J VV7 J. WVLTER THOMPSON COMPANY NEWS, T— VOLUME XXIII, NO. 32 FOR STAFF MEMBERS ONLY — OCTOBER 4, 1968 New JWT-SF campaign makes histoiy (for raisins) -CH SAN FRANCISCO — Another departure- (facts she knows well already according to smart and in tune with the times. This is from-the-usual in food advertising has research reports). the consumer we must reach, says account been created by JWT-SF for the new Cali­ The aim of the new advertisements is supervisor Sam Hansen. fornia Raisin Advisory Board campaign. to arouse excitement about this tiny, dried To accomplish all this, creative director Only indirectly will Mrs. Consumer be told up, hardly beautiful fruit. Moreover, the Art Odell came up with a way to make how delicious and nutritious raisins are plan is to excite the attention of the "now history (for raisin advertising) by going generation," meaning about 25 years old, back to history for recorded facts to use in the copy. Some dandy anecdotes were un- (Continued on page 4) Break out the butter, Chris, /* here comes the raisinbread \ m^. &#: | hcwstm-iK1 I stfcbttioUnmisPrea&. iis^OskkBU'iimiib ami luicHKss ihrouihaH ilw I cKiirck\if.t.KbslKC. | cacti shift... I aiioiK'Tiasicyirpfisc. it's recorded historical fact: When Cleopiitra set out to snare Mark Antony, she "gathered the rarest varieties of raisins for him." <( Two years Liter .Mark was sciil It's recorded historical fact: When Nero threw a feast, he usually threw in surprising It's recorded histories! fact: Back in Ehe 16tls ccnEury. she consort of King CisrisEian VIII eating raisins. (f So wherever you roam —look for sweet, neat, handy, dandy little little raisin desserts. <C Atsd look what happened! iNero svas ahle to gcr the whole city cooked isp-(among oEher shings)-one of the world's firsr batches of raisin bread. raisins. They help to Nile away the time. Made with oaEs, eggs and raisins, it was '. .served in thick slices wilh bulter and syrup fired up about some of his ideas. <f So after your next feast, demand a dessen made (rObvioiisly the kinc knew a good dish svhen he saw one C Raisin bre.si Als., with raisins. It's an idea to fiddle with, right? right. Buy a loaf for your family todays the new raisin advertisements plus historical explanations (shown above) were made into a scroll used NY-Detroit link speeds up as a mailing piece to announce the campaign to growers, grocers and bakers. communications exchange Publicity spells grow power for frozen foods NEW YORK—NYO and JWT-Detroit are now linked with a telecopier (facsimile) NEW YORK—"Every dollar invested in H. Coale, chairman of the Consumer In­ machine which permits either office to send the consumer information program this formation Committee, National Associa­ the other printed copy or rough layouts past year . has grown in effective pub­ tion of Frozen Food Packers, to his Board for about the cost of a telephone call be­ licity value ten times. This is remarkable of Directors and members to describe the tween cities. 'Grow Power' in any language." results the Association has obtained Those are the words used by Edward In operation a little over a month, the (Continued on page 2) new machines use the public telephone ^^ WeaEher: Always lines for transmission. They send copy, News That's This is the front page of a Fit to Print Fro: :en Food Reporter j^*^ rough layouts, and copies of art work, 12-page booklet prepared mostly on Ford. The telecopier, which can by the JWT-PR Department WASHINGTON. D.C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 196B send a printed or typed page size 8V4 x to summarize its publicity- 11 inches, is ideal for indicating to art editorial work for the Na­ directors, creative groups and account rep­ tional Association of Frozen Frozen Foods 481 Pages 12 Months resentatives on the other end of the line Food Packers in the pre­ Notion's Press Devotes what a layout will look like, how the art vious 12 months. As the Much Space to Continuing will be positioned, its size, etc. It is not headline says: frozen food Consumer Info Prog ram used for transmitting final layouts, except stories (developed and !CUPP1H6ST0TU placed by JWT) totaled the 80,810'IHCHES for those who wish to see them as a rough. equivalent of 481 full size The telecopier takes 6 minutes to trans­ food pages in daily news­ mit each page of copy between two offices. papers. a=rs£;|3=§ The other day, the editors for JWT NEWS j.a^JrrsJJ^ (Continued on page 3) sSSS=c Chicago and NY win E&P Publicity spells grow power for frozen foods (Continued) newspaper color awards Representatives of the Na­ tional Association of Fro­ NEW YORK — JWT came away with zen Food Packers met with "flying colors" in the 12th annual Editor the NYO PR group last & Publisher awards for newspaper color week. From (I. to r.) are: reproduction and creativity. At the color Mayburn Koss, NYO senior awards luncheon held Friday, Sept. 27, publicist; Thomas B. House, co-sponsors E&P and American Associa­ exec, vp of the Assoc; Ed­ tion of Newspaper Representatives cited ward H. Coale, chairman seventeen top advertisements. Thompson of the Assoc.'s Consumer Information Comm. and had two winners—from an entry list of general mgr., Frozen Food 3,442! Division of Nabisco; Barry Kudos went to our Chicago office's off- Wilson, NYO PR account representative; W. J.Thome, chr. of the Assoc.'s sub­ committee on Institutional Information and general mgr. of the Food Services Division of the Kitchens of Sara lee; JoAnn Shirput, chr. of the Assoc.'s Home Economics Comm. and home economics director of Libby, McNeill & Libby; Francis G. Williams, adm. ass't. of the Assoc, and Betty Harrigan, NYO senior publicist. through JWT's publicity-editorial work for crease consumer awareness of frozen foods the organization in the past 12 months. ... to put a trip to the frozen food cab­ The objective of the program is to in- inets on every woman's shopping list. The JWT Public Relations-Publicity group handling the Frozen Food Packers Try this recipe tonight. It's one of many that JWT publicists create and publicize for their is headed up by Barry Wilson working Ed MacFarland (I.), Joe Feke and Tom Owens with client, the Frozen Food Packers Association: with Mayburn Koss and Betty Harrigan as the awards. publicists. set reproduction in a Campbell Taggart New England Fish Chowder The JWT NYO group made a slide re­ Associated Bakeries full-color advertise­ 2 packages (I pound each) frozen fish fillets port on its year's work to the Board of ment for Rainbo Bread. Ed MacFarland —haddock, cod, flounder or ocean perch Directors of the Frozen Food Packers re­ of the NYO accepted the first place plaque 2 cups water cently. This has now been abstracted into for the Chicago office. Spot color repro­ 2Vi teaspoons salt a 12-page booklet which has been sent to duction honors went to a NYO-created 12 frozen whole potatoes the 1500 members of the association and Ford advertisement. This is a paired ad­ 6 bacon slices or 2 ounces salt pork, diced will be used in new member solicitation. 1 cup frozen chopped onion vertisement, showing the Ford model in 1 quart milk or 2 cups milk and 2 cups light The publicity-editorial campaign is de­ cream signed to give American homemakers on Freshly grated black pepper a regular, continuing basis ideas for food Butter preparation to brighten the monotonous Ford's Chopped parsley repetition of preparing thousands of meals Place frozen fish fillets in large saucepan with See-the- water; bring to boil. Reduce heat and simmer, covered, 15 minutes, or until fish flakes easily light with a fork. Remove fish; set aside. To fish broth, add 1 teaspoon salt and the Sale frozen potatoes; cook, covered, 8 minutes, or until almost tender. Meanwhile, saute bacon (or salt pork) until crisp; remove and drain on paper towel. Saute onion in bacon or pork fat 5 minutes, or until tender. Flake fish and cut potatoes into cubes; return to fish broth. Add bacon, onion, remaining salt, milk (or milk and cream) and pepper to taste. Heat slowly to the simmering point. Do not boil. For dinner tonight, JWT NEWS suggests New Eng­ To serve, ladle hot chowder into soup bowls, land Fish Chowder made with three frozen food each containing a pat of butter. Garnish top products—haddock, whole potatoes and chopped with chopped parsley. Accompany with pilot or onion. other crackers. Makes 6 to 8 servings. a year. The ideas, which are developed by the JWT publicists, result in eye-stopping pic­ tion and president, Advertising Agency tures, dramatic headlines and practical Production Club of N. Y.) Their task was recipes which are published by hundreds not an easy one! After wading through the of editors throughout the country on the sea of entries, dramatically laid out on the food pages of leading newspapers—adja­ floor of Madison Square Garden's new cent to the supermarket ads. The stories Felt Forum, they had to select seventeen all have one basic theme: they suggest that advertisements on the basis of creative use frozen foods are one solution to the prob­ One of a pair from the award-winning Ford news­ of color, reproduction and best use of edi­ lem of varying meals. paper spot color advertisement. torial color. The results, measured in clippings alone, black-and-white with a color background The purpose of the annual color awards amount to 80 thousand column inches— plate of a man and a woman.
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