CHRISTCHURCH CITY COUNCIL AGENDA THURSDAY 9 JULY 2015 9.30AM COUNCIL CHAMBER, CIVIC OFFICES, 53 HEREFORD STREET We’re on the Web! www.ccc.govt.nz/Council/Agendas/ AGENDA - OPEN CHRISTCHURCH CITY COUNCIL Thursday 9 July 2015 at 9.30am in the Council Chamber, Civic Offices, 53 Hereford Street Council: The Mayor, (Chairperson). Councillors, Vicki Buck, Jimmy Chen, Phil Clearwater, Pauline Cotter, David East, Jamie Gough, Yani Johanson, Ali Jones, Glenn Livingstone, Paul Lonsdale, Raf Manji, Tim Scandrett, Andrew Turner ITEM DESCRIPTION PAGE NO. NO 1. APOLOGIES 1 2. DECLARATION OF INTEREST 1 3. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION 1 4. PRESENTATION OF PETITIONS 1 5. REPORT OF THE AKAROA/WAIREWA COMMUNITY BOARD MEETING OF 6 MAY 2015 3 6. REPORT OF THE LYTTELTON/MT HERBERT COMMUNITY BOARD MEETING OF 20 MAY 2015 7 7. REPORT OF THE HAGLEY/FERRYMEAD COMMUNITY BOARD MEETING OF 3 JUNE 2015 13 8. REPORT OF THE HAGLEY/FERRYMEAD COMMUNITY BOARD MEETING OF 17 JUNE 2015 19 9. REPORT OF THE RICCARTON/WIGRAM COMMUNITY BOARD MEETING OF 2 JUNE 2015 23 10. REPORT OF THE RICCARTON/WIGRAM COMMUNITY BOARD MEETING OF 16 JUNE 2015 33 11. REPORT OF THE JOINT EXTRAORDINARY MEETING OF THE SPREYDON/HEATHCOTE 39 COMMUNITY BOARD AND RICCARTON/WIGRAM COMMUNITY BOARD OF 8 JUNE 2015 12. REPORT OF THE SHIRLEY/PAPANUI COMMUNITY BOARD MEETING OF 3 JUNE 2015 61 13. REPORT OF THE SHIRLEY/PAPANUI COMMUNITY BOARD MEETING OF 17 JUNE 2015 73 14. REPORT OF THE SPREYDON/HEATHCOTE COMMUNITY BOARD MEETING OF 3 JUNE 2015 79 15. REPORT OF THE BURWOOD/PEGASUS COMMUNITY BOARD MEETING OF 2 JUNE 2015 85 16. CHAIRPERSONS REPORT OF THE BURWOOD/PEGASUS COMMUNITY BOARD MEETING OF 89 15 JUNE2015 17. REPORT OF THE FENDALTON/WAIMAIRI COMMUNITY BOARD MEETING OF 2 JUNE 2015 111 18. REPORT OF THE FENDALTON/WAIMAIRI COMMUNITY BOARD MEETING OF 15 JUNE 2015 115 19. REPORT OF THE STRATEGY AND FINANCE COMMITTEE OF18 JUNE 2015 119 20. REGULATORY AND CONSENTS COMMITTEE OF 18 JUNE 2015 189 21. NOTICES OF MOTION 191 22. RESOLUTION TO EXCLUDE THE PUBLIC 192 COUNCIL 9. 7. 2015 1 1. APOLOGIES 2. DECLARATION OF INTEREST Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have. 3. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION 3.1 PUBLIC FORUM A period of up to 30 minutes available for people to speak for up to five minutes on any issue that is not the subject of a separate hearings process (standing order 3. 19. 2). 3.2 DEPUTATIONS BY APPOINTMENT A period of up to 30 minutes for deputations that have made application and been approved by the Chairperson (standing order 3. 19. 3). 4. PRESENTATION OF PETITIONS 2 COUNCIL 9. 7. 2015 Clause 5 3 AKAROA/WAIREWA COMMUNITY BOARD 6 MAY 2015 Report of a meeting of the Akaroa/Wairewa Community Board held on Wednesday 6 May 2015 at 9.30am in the Boardroom, Little River Service Centre, 4238 Christchurch-Akaroa Road, Little River PRESENT: Pam Richardson (Chairman), Lyndon Graham, Janis Haley, and Andrew Turner. APOLOGIES: Apologies for absence were received and accepted from Bryan Morgan and Maria Bartlett. The Board meeting adjourned at 10.30am and resumed at 10.45am. The Board reports that: PART B – REPORTS FOR INFORMATION 1. DECLARATION OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest received. 2. DEPUTATIONS BY APPOINTMENT 2.1 HOLLIE HOLLANDER Hollie Hollander, Executive Officer, Akaroa District Promotions, updated the Board on the 175th Anniversary for Akaroa and tabled the proposed schedule of celebratory activities, including special heritage events at the French Festival in October. She indicated that the organising Committee would be approaching the Board for funding to assist with the production of a brochure about the different events. The Board thanked Ms Hollander for her deputation. 3. PRESENTATION OF PETITIONS Nil. 4. NOTICES OF MOTION Nil. 5. CORRESPONDENCE Nil. COUNCIL 9. 7. 2015 4 Akaroa/Wairewa Community Board 6.5.2015 6. AKAROA MUSEUM ADVISORY COMMITTEE - 23 MARCH 2015 The Board received the minutes of the Akaroa Museum Advisory Committee meeting held on Monday 23 March 2015. Clause 6 Akaroa Museum Advisory Committee - 23 March 2015 - Continued (Part C) records Board decisions made under delegated authority. 7. RESERVE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEES 7.1 RESERVE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEES ORDINARY MINUTES The Board received the minutes of the following Reserve Management Committee meetings: - Duvauchelle Reserve Management Committee - 9 March 2015 - Ataahua Reserve Management Committee - 20 April 2015 The Board decided to request that Council staff work with the Duvauchelle Reserve Management Committee to update and advance the draft Reserve Management Plan. 8. COMMUNITY ORGANISATIONS REPORTS 8.1 ORTON BRADLEY PARK BOARD MINUTES - 16 FEBRUARY 2015 The Board received the minutes of the Orton Bradley Park Board meeting held on Monday 16 February 2015. 9. BRIEFINGS 9.1 NON-GOVERNMENT ORGANISATION (NGO) / NON-PROFIT COMMUNITY SECTOR Gail Payne, Metropolitan Community Adviser, briefed the Board on the City Wide Non- Government Organisations (NGO) / Not for Profit Sector Community Profile (tabled). She outlined some issues including the difficulties community groups were having in paying higher rentals and regulatory changes for registered charities. The Board thanked Ms Payne for her briefing. 9.2 CANTERBURY EARTHQUAKE RECOVERY AUTHORITY (CERA) The Board received an apology from Maire Kipa from the CERA Community Resilience Team who was unable to attend for this deputation. 10. COMMUNITY BOARD ADVISER’S UPDATE The Board received information from the Community Board Adviser on various matters. Back Road, Okains Bay The Board received correspondence from Trisha Coffin who was requesting, on behalf of her parents Alf and June Coffin, that the name of Back Road in Okains Bay be changed to Coffin Lane, as had previously been requested by Mr Murray Thacker. The Board agreed to request staff to forward information to Ms Coffin on the process required for a road name change to proceed. COUNCIL 9. 7. 2015 5 Akaroa/Wairewa Community Board 6.5.2015 11. ELECTED MEMBERS’ INFORMATION EXCHANGE Board members received information on various matters. ● Okains Bay Maori and Colonial Museum The Board was informed that the Okains Bay Museum Trust Board had recently held a successful hui to workshop a way forward for the future of the Museum, including working with the Council, Te Papa and Ngai Tahu. ● Long Term Plan (LTP) Submission The Board was informed the Draft Long Term Plan 2015-2025 hearings commence on Monday 11 May 2015. It was noted that the Boards submission had omitted reference to the Board supporting the package for landowners with sites of Ecological Significance, as highlighted in the Strategic Policy and Planning Activity Management Plan. The Board decided to support the package for landowners with sites of Ecological Significance as a verbal addition in its submission to the Long Term Plan. ● Akaroa Cemeteries In response to members concerns regarding lack of burial space in Akaroa cemeteries, it was noted that the Board had included a request in its submission to the LTP for the Akaroa section of the Cemeteries Master Plan to be reviewed, along with a request that the Board be involved in prioritising activities included in the Master Plan. ● Letter of Support - Wairewa Runanga The Chairman reported that she had recently provided a letter of support for the Wairewa Runanga which was applying for funding for a project to enhance the waterways in its rohe. ● ANZAC Day The Board thanked everyone involved with ANZAC Day for a memorable day, with successful commemorative ceremonies being held in both Akaroa and Little River. 12. QUESTIONS UNDER STANDING ORDERS Nil. PART C – DELEGATED DECISIONS 6. AKAROA MUSEUM ADVISORY COMMITTEE - 23 MARCH 2015 - CONTINUED The Board resolved to approve the Terms of Reference for the Akaroa Museum Advisory Committee, as attached to this meeting's agenda, including the recommended addition to 3(b). 11. ELECTED MEMBERS’ INFORMATION EXCHANGE - CONTINUED ● Representation Review It was reported that discussions about Banks Peninsula under the Representation Review had focussed on two issues - the case for a Banks Peninsula Ward based on it being an isolated community or a geographically enlarged Banks Peninsula Ward which would incorporate part of the Sumner/Redcliffs area. COUNCIL 9. 7. 2015 6 Akaroa/Wairewa Community Board 6.5.2015 11 Cont'd The Board resolved to support the proposal for an enlarged Banks Peninsula Ward in discussions going forward on the Representation Review, with a request that an Akaroa/Wairewa Community Board be retained with unchanged subdivision boundaries and that the words "Banks Peninsula" be retained in the name of any new ward. ● Lyttelton Port Recovery Plan The Board resolved to request that a statement be included in the Council's submission to the Proposed Lyttelton Port Recovery Plan, to signal that the Akaroa/Wairewa Community Board was disappointed to note that there does not seem to be any certainty in the Proposed Plan around the building of a suitable cruise ship facility so that Lyttelton can host more cruise ships and relieve the pressure on Akaroa. 13. CONFIRMATION OF MEETING MINUTES – 1 APRIL 2015 The Board resolved that the minutes of its ordinary meeting held on Wednesday 1 April 2015 be confirmed. 14. APPLICATION TO THE AKAROA/WAIREWA DISCRETIONARY RESPONSE FUND (YOUTH DEVELOPMENT SCHEME) - BALLET GIRLS The Board considered a report seeking approval for youth development funding from Izzy Hoult, Sophie Fowler and Ava Odgers to the Akaroa/Wairewa Community Board from its 2014/15 Discretionary Response Fund. The Board resolved to grant $750 ($250 each) from its 2014/15 Discretionary Response Fund for Izzy Hoult, Sophie Fowler and Ava Odgers to attend the Ballet Concourse in Wellington June 2015.
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