![Legislative Assembly Hansard 1914](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly FRIDAY, 27 NOVEMBER 1914 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy 2256 Questions. [ASSEMBLY.] Questions. FRIDAY, 27 NOYE:I!BER, 1914. "2. On what' date was the appoint- ment made'l '' 3. \Vhat are his duties? The SPEAKER (Ron. W. D. Armstrong, " 4. What is his salary? LockyEr) took the chair at half-past 3 o'clock. '' 5. Could not this position have been filled by some officer alrE'ady in the­ PAPER. public service?" The following paper, laid on the table, The SECRETARY FOR AGRIGCLTURE was ordered to tho printed:- (Hon. J. White, .llusgrave) replied- Regulations under the Public Service ,, 1. ';VIr. Jones has been temporarily Acts, 1896 to 1901. appointed to advocate the planting of additional land with wheat, and to pur­ chase 'eed wheat from farmers. PROPOSED l'~EW RAILWAY!:>. " 2. 21st instant. PLANS, ETC., TABLED. " 3. See No. 1. The SECRETARY FOR RAILWAYS " 4. £25 a month. (Ron. W. T. Paget, Jfackay) laid on the · · 5. Yes : but officPrs so qualified are table the plans, sections, and books of required for other duties." reference of the following proposed · new railway extensions:- 1. Gatton to Mount Sylvia; TYPHOID IN NORTHER::\' RAIL\\'AY CA:I!PS. 2. Goondoon towards Kalliwa Creelt ; 3. Extension from Dirranbandi; :VIr. f.IAY (Flinders) a~hd the Hom~> Secretary·- 4. Mundubbera to the Xorthern Burnett; together with the reports of the " 1. Is he aware that there are several Railway Commissioner thereon. cases of typhoid fever in the lengths­ men's camps between Richmond and Ordered that the Commissioner's reports Kanda on the Queensland ::Xorthern be printed. Railway? '· 2. Will he give instructions to the QUESTIONS. health authorities to see into this serious matter? SALARIES OF SAVINGS BANK OFFICERS. "3. Is he aware that one of the Mr. BARBER (BundaberiJ) asked the sufferers from typhoid (now in the· Treasurer- Richmond Hospital), camped in the­ waiting-room of a railway station all " 1. \Vhat are the respective salaries one night, and that nothing was done in and allowances paid to all officers doing regard to disinfecting the room?" State Saving Bank busine•·s, together with the respective names of all such Thu HOME SECRETARY (Hon. J. G. ollicers and agencies? Appel, L1lb ert) replied- "2. \Vhat amount, if any, wa" paid " 1. Three ca."es have been notified to by the State to the Commonwealth Go­ the Health Department since 1st July, vernrnent. for carrying on State Savings 1914. Bank busmess at the various post offices "2. The Health Department has al­ prior to the establishment of the Com­ readv communicated with the local monwealth Savings Bank?" authority concerned. The TREASURER (Ron. W. H. Barnes, "3. Xo." B1llimba) replied- " 1. The hon. member may obtain mo.Jt of the information desired by reference to the _Blue Book, public scTvice list, PRESENTATION TO ::\1.\NAGER OF GovERN>IENT and Estimates. I do not deem it advis­ SAVINGS BANK. able to furnish any more information than is contained in those documents. Mr. KIRWAN (Brisbane) asked the Treasurer- '' 2. The amount paid to the Com­ monwealth Government for the vear '.' 1. IR he aware that a circular re­ prior to the establishment of the Com­ queoting donations towards a presenta­ monwealth Savings Bank was £7 918 tion to the manager of the Government Os. 10d. The avera~·e annual payU:ent Sa,-ings Bank has been issued from the for the five years preceding the estab­ h0ad office to the railwav officials and lishment of that bank was £6,896 2s. 7d." other officers who represent the bank in the country ? " 2. Has the circular in question his POSITION OF MR. A. P. JOXES. authority and approval?" Mr. GILDAY (Ithaca) asked the Secretary for Agriculture- · The TREAS'CRER replied- " 1. To what position in the State ser­ " 1. I was not aware" until making in­ vice has Mr. A. P. JonPs reccntlv a quiries, that such a circular had been candidate for the Senate C~mmonwE:alth issued. Parli_ament, in the Libe;al intere,t, been " 2. The matter was not referred to appomted? me." Co-operative Sugar [27 NovEMBER.] Worlc8 Bilf. 2257 CO-OPERATIVE S"CGAR WORKS BILL. I shall endeavour to argue on those lines, to show that the amendment which was in­ DISSE)i;T FROll! SPEAKER's RVLI!\G. serted in Committee is an amendment which The TREASURER, in moving- has to do with co-operation. I notice that " That Mr: Speaker's ruling, that the the title of the Bill is " A Bill to Provide amendm~11t mserted after line 41, page for the Establishment' and Management of 6,~ clause_ 7, of the Co-operative Sugar Co-operative Sugar \Vorln•." The amend­ \\arks Bill, was wrongl:y inserted and ment which was introduced in Committee should be removed before the third read- really had to do very largely with co-opcra­ - ing of the Bill, be diR.~ented from," twn., .May I ask what " co-operation" is? I thmk the meaning of " co-operate " is said: I regret having to take this step ··to act jointly with others." (Opposition a_lthough I recognise that it is not the first laughter.) I hope I shall not be interrupted time that such a motion ha;; been moved from by han. members, berauoe it is an important the front 'l'reamry bench. I take this course matter, and I would like to be allowed to ~:mly because of the importance of the Bill Itself. and because I believe that the amend­ proceed without interruption and follow my ment_ which . you, Sir, ruled is improperly own line of argument. Cnder the Bill the associated with th:' Bill, is quite in order, corporation-that is, the Treasurer-ha~ the and bec11use I thmk there are authorities right-following out the spirit of co-opera­ which support the view I take of the mat­ twn--to take, purchase, contract for, and to ter. Your 11ction, Sir, mav or may not have make usc of, i± necessary, exi>ting tramlines been ba,ed upon Standing Order 257, which 11nd tramway rights. The true principle of re11ds- the P.ill is embodied in subclause (7) of clause 7, which makes it possible for the " Any amendment may be made to 11 , corporation to do certain things in the direc­ clause:' or other part of 11 Bill provided tion of obtaining certain rights from others, that the •m1endment is relev~nt to the and It seems to me th11t it also makes it subJec!-matter: of the Bill, or pursuant possible for the corporotion-that is, the to_ an Instruction, and is otherwise in con­ formity with the St11_nding Rules and 'frcasurer-and therein, in my judgment, Orders uf the House; bat if an amend­ the amendment is perfectly in order-to give lilPnt is agr::>ud to which j,,, riot within the other side the s11me power to do certain the title of the Bill. the Committee shall thmgs that he takes to himself. In other amend th<' title 11ccordingh·, and report words, it is only right that in those matters tho nmendu:u:-nt ~pecia.~ly tO th~-· House." there ,;hould be mutualitv. To illustrate the soundness of my argument, let me take a I think, _Sir, tlu:t you did not regard the concrete case. John Brown has a tramway, questi:n 11! the light of the latt0r part of an~l the Government say to him, " \V e re­ that Standmg Order, My first duty will be qmre, under certain conditions, to make use to endt•avour to show that the amendment of your tramway!' ?\ow, I ask will not made in Committ'ee, and which was chal­ tl:e spirit of co-operation be mC:re widely lenged in Committee, the challenge being di.;tributed if the Government exhibit a spirit tu_rn?d down by the Chairman, is absolutely of mutuality and say to John Brown, " \Ve withm_ the four c;•rncr, of the BilL ::\ow, demand tlv> right to run over your lines if wh11t IS tho object of the Bill? we find it necessary to do so, but we are The SPEAKER: Order! I draw the at­ prepared to extend to you the same right tention of the hmL gentleman to the fact over our tramways?" The point is: Does the that the quc,tic-n under discussion is dissent amendment come within the scope of the from my rulin~. My ruling is specific- Bill? I contend that it doe:;, I contend that " The point raib£'d by th" han. membE'r it is in order, as it comes within the general for Chillagoe is that this amendment rule of relevancy, and because it provides which he seeks to remove "from claus~ reasonable conditions upon which a certain 7 of the Bill, deals with new matter power provided b;, the Bill is to be granted. whic-h was not contained in the Bill as It provides for mutuality between the parties read a sc•cond time and referred to the concerned, In other wordc, instead of break­ Committ<'c. I am of the opinion that ing- down the spirit of co-operation, the in­ thp point is rightly taken. and that the clusion of this amendment widens that spirit Bill should :be recommitted and .the and helps it very materially. The amend­ ·amendment rPmoved." ment proposes to give power of reciprocity equivalent in extent to the power proposed I suggest to the Trt:a&nrer, and to those to be given by the Bill to the corporation. han. members who may follow him that The amendment provides that, for the con­ the principles of the Bill will not b~ open duct of the business, the Treasurer-that is, to di~<'usslOn, bu~ that the question chould the corpor-ation-shall be .able to extend to b_e diSCUSh'd enhrely apart from the poli­ other mills th11t may be in the same area hc::l or p<>rsonal aspect of the ruling.
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