![[Lhe Lnyenzi Were About to Kill Hassan N GEZE but Thank (Jod, He Escaped Death.] ~6Ma: ]'He Mukombozi Hycenthe Caught Red-Hand](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
[lhelnyenzi were about to kill Hassan N GEZEbut thank (Jod, he escapeddeath.] ~6ma:]’he Mukombozi Hycenthe caught red-handëd selling a bulldozzer] AnRPF soldier (left): We aregoing to killyou, come what may. You are not the first andwill not be thelast. Who told you to fight us by makingyourselfa Hutu spokesman? A soldierin the middle, wearing glasses: Why do you continue to pitthe ethnic groups againsteach other? Repeat that you in the CDR are vigilant. We are going to killyou, cornewhat may. Call Ikinani to cometo your rescue. We shalldeal with those you refer toas Hutu extremists. Ngeze(sitting in themiddle) Do whatyou like. Kill me, but know that ifthe people who arein the majority hear about my death, Rwanda will be razed to theground. [I’hosewho were to killHabyanmana m May arethe samepeople who shot MUGENZI ir~ ~henight of 19 - 94] [l’helnkotanyi want to organlze a coup d" Etal~ I Thewar may spread to Kigali in a fewdays. [Habyarimanahimself is callingtor contemp~ K0145036-K0145051 Translated from the French KO 151343 Çartoon _Burundi:The Tutsis are going too far, [Soldierspeaking: Wesoldiers will not accept to be led by ignorant Hutus. ~aelnyenzi were} about to killHfissan N(SEZE btït thank Ood, he escapêddeath. A popularadage says: a criminalcannot remain in hiding for long. On 8 January1994, theInyenzi revealed tothe Rwandans and to the world at largethat what they refer to as "peace"is for them unachievable. Forthose of you who are closely following the political events, my arrest can be comparedto thetype the RPF wants to subject all those who do not share its ideology to. Sincethe RPF launched attacks that cannot be forgottenfor years to comeand which resultedinthe death and torture of many people we would never forget, patriotic Rwandanscontinue to condenmthe attacks as muchas theycan. Even before the RPF launchedthis attack, some people fought these Inyenzi with all their might. Themost recent examples are the Kangura joumalists who fought so thatRwanda is not takenby surprise and be again placed under the yoke of slavery. Wehave told the people what attitude to adoptin theface of thecurrent problems and theybave understood. Wehave made life difficult for the Inyenzi and have made it clear thatwe shallone day ask them why they killed innocent people. There is a proverbthat says:"An lnyenzi proposes and God disposes." A few daysago, a planto topplethe governmentwas hatched.KAVARUGANDA had joinedthe Inyenzi to hatch this plan. The Rwandans resolved not to accept that a group ofInyenzi making up theRPF as well as othershiding within the PSD carry out a coupd’ Etatunder the pretext that they were experienced inthe massacre of innocentcitizens. Thepopulation has resolved to fightthe Inyenzi by all possible means. Those of us defendingthe Republic feel that the blood of those who have been brutally murdered by theRPF because they were Hutus is enough reason for us tofight. The blood of our brothersand sisters should be reason enough to uniteus and request that the RPF account forthe acts they committed during the war. We should organize events that would be recordedin theannals of Rwandan history and remind us ofthe innocent people killed between1990 and 1994. I hada brushwith death. As thepeople who had woken early prepared to go anddemonstrate inthe streets against theconfusion caused by theRPF (it was around 6:30 a.m. on 8 January1994), the Inyenzi.who can be reachedon 82314 telephoned my house and I answeredthe call. K0145036-K0145051 Translated from the French K0151544 Theywanted to speakto HassanNGEZE. I askedwho the caller was and was told that it wasthe RPF leadership. I asked why they wanted me and this is what they said to me: TheRFP leadership has eventually realized that a greaterpart of theRwandan population donot want the transitional institutions tobe put in place before the internal problerns withinthe MDR and PL areresolved. Wehave noticed that it is thissection ofthe populationdemonstrating in the streets. Consequently, webave decided not to participate in thisproblem-riddled government, which will be opposedby manypeople who would notaccept it. We havetherefore decided to informthe Rwandans of this.We would liketo havean interview with Hassan NGEZE, a reputablejournalist inRwanda and the sub-region.We wouldalso like to havean interviewwith Kantano HABIMANA who hasalso shown time and again that he isa manofrepute. I wasvery happy to hear this. Hearing the RPF say for the first time that confusion will hOtlead to anything, that even ifthey killed, itwould hOt be possible toexterrninate ail theHutus, that they did not want tobe part of the transition government until ail these problemsare solved! I immediately said: "Here is a scoopfor Kangura readers and RTLMlisteners. We havefor them some unusual news about the history of Rwanda, particularIythatthe enemy bas accepted to giveup obduracy and toe the line of democracy." It wasabout 6:45 a.m. I tookmy equipment and left for K himat home.I believedhe hadalso been informed and had antanogone sahead house.of I me. didI not find thereforestarted my car and headed for the RPF detachment at the CND. Since I was scared,I tooksome people with me includingHadji GIHUNGU alias Kitonsa and the intrepidMugesera feared by thelnyenzi ofBiryogo. When we arrivedat theCND gare, we askedthe guards on dutyifthere was a presscon/~rence going on andthev told us thatthey knew nothing about it and advised us toask the lnyenzi at theentran’ce. I thereforeapproached those lnyenzi to findout where the press conference was being heldand about 50 ofthem carrying high-calibre weapons got up at thesaine time and draggedme mercilesslyinto their hideout. When we arrivedat thebouse, they undressedmeand left me stark naked. I thenrealized that I wasgoing to die and said the following:"It is clear that the moment for my death which I havebeen expecting has finallycorne. Please allow me twominutes ofprayer, after which you may do whatyou learnt."Two minutes later, I needed to go tothe toilet and I wasshown where it was located.As theydid, they made fun of me,saying that people who are about to die usuallyneed the toilet. There was no running water in the toi/et and they hit me with the buttof a gun,asking me whywe hadput them in a buildingthat did not bave water.. As I hadnothing to lose,having realized that my lire was coming to an end, I wasnot afraid totell them anything I wanted. Regarding the lack ofwater, I explained tothem that it wastheir fault because they had destroyed the Ntaruka data. They then took me backto wherethey had initially detained meand several lnyenzi surround’ed me,pointing their gunsat my nape. They rnade me sit on a chairand called in a journalistwho started to questionme, asking me why the Tutsi in the country had been silenced. He asked several K0145036-K0145051Translated from the French K0151345 otherquestions. I told him I hadno answer to give to that and that ifthey wanted to kill me,they should go aheadand doit quickly. I even told them not to have any mercy on me/’orthey were not in a positionto do so.They asked why I feltthey could not have pityon me andI toldthem that they had been brutally murdering innocent peasants who çouldneither read nor write and who had done nothing to them.If theycould not pity thosepeople, what then would happen to someonelike me who has just spent four years fightingthem openly? I saidto theColonel who was leading the attack: "I aragoing to die, I amHassan NGEZE andI willremain equal to myseI£ However, the entire country will be filled with cries of pain,rivers of blood will flow and all the accomplices inthe country will be exterminated."I then told them that if they liked Rwanda, which tlaey were trying to rule byforce, it was high time they restored peace, for the blood they had shed and drunk was enough. I gavethem the example of a neighbouringcountry reminding them that NDADAYE had diedalone but that more that one hundred thousand Tutsis had gone with him and his deathhad proven how wicked the Tutsis were. Upon hearing that, they looked at each otherand a groupof 50 Inyenzileft and were replaced by anothergroup. They came a threateningmanner, saying that they were goin g to show me how NDADAYEdied. in Theythentook .... showingme they were going to cutmy .... whatwould grieve those who were to secmy body.I wonderedgenitals;why they sayingwere thatnot this in is a hurryto kill me and gave no explanation forit. While I wasbeing ridiculed, thePolitical committeeof theRPF was busy preparing a long document containing all the accusations theywere to bringagainst the Hutusof Rwanda,particularly against HABYARIMANi. TheRPF wanted me to signthe document, thereby accepting that everything reflected thereinhad happened. They wanted me toread it whilethey recorded it, so it couldbe airedall over the world. I would like you to reflect on the contents of thedocument and itsseriousness. To whatdo I owemy life? Whenthe gendarmes noticed that I hadbeen arrested, realizing that it wasabout 9 a.m., theycontacted UN soldiersand inforrned them that a Kangurajoumalistnamed Hassan NGEZEhad been arrested and had been reportedly killed immediately. The UN soldiers immediatelyasked the Invenzi if they had arrested someone and they said they had not. TheUN soldiers persiste~l and around 10 a.m., they entered the In enzi me wherethe y hadasked me to sit.¯ They were busy making a foolY hideoutof me.The and UN round soldiersfreed me. The Inyenzijournalists whornI mentionedearlier were still q uestioningmeas they waited for their leaders to finish preparing the document which theywanted me to signand which they claimed contained proofofwhat had happened in Rwanda.That was how I wasfreed by theUN be/bresigning those people’s papers and as suchtheir scheme was thwarted. I immediately complained tothe competent authoritiesandI still await their reaction.
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