International Conference on Arts and Culture ― 13 September 2017 i PROCEEDING INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ARTS AND CULTURE (ICONARC) 2017 Held on : Wednesday September 13, 2017 Place : Grasia Hotel Jl. S Parman No. 29 Semarang, Jawa Tengah Committee : Languages and Arts Faculty, State Univesity of Semarang Editors: Prof. Dr. Tjetjep Rohendi Rohidi, MA (Indonesia) Assoc. Prof. Melanye White Dixon (USA) Prof. Dr. Dieter Mack (Germany) Prof. Dr. Keyen Gray Tomasselli (South Africa) Prof. Dr. Dawn Bennett (Australia) Reviewers: Dr. Triyanto, MA Dr. Syakir, M.Sn. Dr. Agus Cahyono, M.Hum. Eko Sugiarto, S.Pd., M.Pd. Cover & Layout Eko Sugiarto, S.Pd., M.Pd. Ukuran: 21 x 29 cm Tebal: xi + 751 Halaman ISBN: 978-602-73769-9-1 Published by: LANGUAGES AND ARTS FACULTY STATE UNIVERSITY OF SEMARANG Kampus Sekaran, Gunungpati, Kota Semarang Laman: www.fbs.unnes.ac.id; www.iconarc.org ii International Conference on Arts and Culture ― 13 September 2017 Foreword Issues on intolerance, rights oppression, demonstration on cultural problems, especially as political impact of governor election which is restlessly able to destroy national unity. National unity needs to be preserved since obviously Indonesia has plural societal structural conditions, like various ethnic groups, customs, cultures, vernacular languages, religions, and beliefs. Those varieties have to live harmonically for stronger Indonesia. The strong and free Indonesia can be reached by implementing respect to others in plurality. This attitude done by tolerance can be supported by nation view in term of acknowledging and understanding their environment by prioritizing unity of their areas in conducting live concerning on socializing, nationalizing, and citizenship. Facing Indonesian contextual condition, art is expected to contribute actively as a solution of problems in relation to fading national cultural tolerant values. Art in educational perspective is a medium or device for cultivating cultural tolerant values. Through expression and appreciation activities, the values spreads. Also, artist as creator is expected to presence new art so that it can bear excellent civilization values to strengthen cultural tolerant values. This creative process cannot be separated from world of technology. Technology seems to give form, media, and challenge to create art. In another side, art creativity cannot be separated from inspiring values of religion and culture by bearing orientation to creative industry in order to give economic freedom for human and grow national path. Through those processes, art has to be able to give concrete contribution as medium of national strengthening actualization. International Conference on Arts and Culture 2017 discuss about it issue. From those art characteristics, it seems interesting if art role discourse in constructing national culture tolerance is manifested in form of scientific discussion for meet and greet various experts, students, different art educators, practitioner, and policy maker. It hopes that various art and design aspects in religious, technological, creative industrial perspectives can fulfil, complement, and synthesize each other to give alternative creative solutions as well. Semarang, September 13, 2017 Dean of Languanges and Arts Faculty Prof. Dr. Agus Nuryatin, M.Hum. International Conference on Arts and Culture ― 13 September 2017 iii Table of Content No NaME Institution Title Page 1. Ahamad Tarmizi UMK, The Role of Creative Technology in Recognizing the 1-8 Azizan Klantan- Arts and Culture in Malaysia Malaysia 2. Chua Soo Pong NUS, Multiculturalism in Dance: Roles of Artists in Nation 11-18 Singapore Building 3. Abdul Halim Bin UPSI, Malaysia ARTISTS In Schools Program - Malaysia 19-26 Husain, (AiSp) Wan Juria Emeih Binti Wahed 4. Novysa Basri Univ. Tari Likok Pulo Aceh as a Media of Education of 27-33 Syahkuala Religious Values in Community in Pulo Aceh 5. Masnuna UPN veteran Superior Product Of University Of Pembangunan 35-44 Jatim Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur as a Patriotic Campus 6. Yanti Sariasih STKIP Nurul Revitalization of Tembang Batanghari Sembilan 45-51 Huda (Creative Industry Based on Local Literature) 7. Mylza Graduate Inheritance of Emprak Sidomukti 53-56 Novaryandana Student Jepara Traditional Art as a Symbol of Gratitude of UNNES Indonesian as Agrarian Society 8. Iwan Pranoto Graduate Dayak Kanayatn Society: Cultural Perceptions on 57-62 Student TempayanBanyanyi UNNES 9. Fitriani Univ. Learning Dance Tarek Pukat in Studio Cut NyakDhien: 63-71 Syahkuala Culture Preservation Coastal Community of Aceh Aceh 10. Meipur Yanti Univ. Traditional Dance "Seudati" 73-77 Syahkuala in the Aceh Society Aceh 11. Tria Ayu Dini Graduate Tawar Sedenge Song: A Construction Study of Gayo 75-81 Student Cummunity’s Cultural Identity in Central Acehnese UNNES District 12. Yunia Murdi Universitas Reflection of the Nation in Riau 83-86 Lestari Islam Riau Malay Customary Clothing 13. Bernardus UDINUS Kampung Pelangi: The Reflection of National Value 87-94 Andang Prasetya Adiwibawa 14. Nisa Rahma Graduate Increasing Intermediate People's Groups at Geblog 95-97 Puspita Student Village of Temanggung City through Cengklungan Art UNNES Exhibitions iv International Conference on Arts and Culture ― 13 September 2017 15. Margana UNS Painting Art Learning with Wayang Beber Theme A Case 99-105 Study on SMA Negeri Punung, Pacitan 16. Umul Aiman Univ. Urgency Education of Dance 107-110 Syahkuala for Early Childhood 17. Nurratri Widya Graduate Composition of Music Calls and Art Functions in 111-114 Pangestika Student Shows Dance Lengger Calung Banyumasan UNNES 18. Ekaningtyas Graduate Arts Education as a Basic of Education of Student 115-119 Herminingrum Student Character UNNES 19. Adi Kuntoro Graduate The Symbolic Meaningpuppet Lupit and Slentheng as 121-126 Student Political Symbols of Tegal Regency UNNES 20. Eko Sugiarto UNNES The Collaboration of School-Community in 127-134 Implementing Craft Education 21. Zulfia Ulfah Graduate Build Children Character through Art Education Which 135-139 Student Contains Aesthetic UNNES 22. Lukman Graduate Investment of Moral Value in Art Education Through 141- 145 Abdurrahman Student Local Tradition UNNES 23. Iva Ratna Sari Graduate Variety of Motion Kuntulan Silakupang Dance for The 145-152 Student District Pemalang (Semiotic Study) UNNES 24. Joko Wiyoso UNNES The Metamorphosis of Traditional Art on the Global 153-159 Era 25. Kamsidjo Budi UNNES Creative Industry Management in The Studio of Edhi 161-165 Utomo Sunarso in Yogyakarta 26. Violinna Wynsa Graduate Existence of Ungel-Ungelan Music in Garebeg Ceraton 167-170 Natalia Student Ceremony of Yogyakarta as a Form of Cultural UNNES Inheritance 27. Muh. Arqam Graduate Tradition Music of Bas as Entertainment Media and 171-180 Student Strengthening Reflection of National Character Values UNNES 28. Syafii UNNES The Identification Study of Ornament on Gedongsanga 181-187 Temple 29. Vega Ricky Salu STKAPN Analysis of Multicultural Education Values On 189-199 Ambon Traditional Music Tali Dua in Pulau Batang Dua Ternate North Maluku 30. Eky Olivia Graduate Cultural Accuracy Contains Al-Kafi in 201-205 International Conference on Arts and Culture ― 13 September 2017 v Wulandari Student Ethnomusicological Review in Village of Bandar UNNES District of Batang 31. Robin Esa Graduate Art education for Making a Ideal Human On General 207-213 Yulianto Student School UNNES 32. Faiz Affan Graduate Art And Religion Art, Design, and Technology as 215-219 Student National Cultural Empowerment Media UNNES 33. Ratih Dwiningtyas Graduate Carving Art of Jepara studies within the scope of 221-224 Student Cultural Dynamics and city identity UNNES 34. Purwanto UNNES Cosmology in Javanese Culture’s Perspective 225-229 35. Awang Kautzar Graduate Malay Music PalembangIdentification As National 231-236 Student Reflection UNNES 36. Reza Nepilia Sari Graduate Rejung PagaralamMusic 237-239 Student UNNES 37. Mujiyono, dkk. UNNES Developing Souvenir Design of Tourism Places in 241-244 Semarang through Exploration of Semarang Attraction Using Contemporer Design as The Effort to Develop Creative Insudtry in Semarang 38. Triyanto UNNES Various Styles of Jepara Carving Crafts: Cultural 245-248 Character Expression Symbols of Jepara Societyin a Dynamic Globalization 39. Eko Haryanto, UNNES Grobogan Local Motive Design Development in 249-253 dkk. Contemporary Image as A Model of Creative Batik Industry in Grobogan Regency 40. Putra Afriadi Universitas Traditional Arts in Aceh as A Nationality in the 255-258 Syahkuala, Pareto Circle of Tolerance ACEH 41. Tara Dwipa UNY, Development Innovation of Arts Teachers Material: 259-264 Yogyakarta Through Interactive CD “TARA” to Support National Creative Industry 42. Ike Ratnawati UM Developing An Interactive Instructional Media Of 265-269 Motif Directory For The Teaching And Learning Of Indonesian Motifs 43. Ika Yuni Purnama IKJ Interior and Display Critical Studies of Yogyakarta 271-281 Presidential Museum 44. Beta Putu Adam Graduate Panji Cirebon Mask Dance 283-290 vi International Conference on Arts and Culture ― 13 September 2017 Student UNNES 45. Diah Latifah UPI Salendro Scale Multicultural Instruction 291-295 46. Sandie Gunara UPI Making Textbooks of Pianika Excercise Materials To 297-303 Strengthen Music Learning in Elementary School 47. Uus Karwati UPI Sundanese Traditional Vocal Model of Instruction 305-311 48. Susi Gustina UPI Student-Centered Paradigm in Seni Budaya Lesson to 313-320 Support the Character Building of Students in Schools 49.
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