April 19, '1988 ·EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 10081 EXTENSIONS O·F REMARKS A Fitting Channel for Teacher Action · and in the streets of our cities. The only "brotherhood" of this life, above the very road to progress is positive action on the life of his brother. part of people who wish to participate But he was unprepared for the perplexing HON. --JOHN G. TOWER constructively in this democracy. In my protests from average, ordinary, God-fearing, OF TEXAS well-meaning, run-of-Main Street citizens! opinion, striking rectuces the effective­ As he lingered in thought, the warmth of IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES ness of our teachers. They can much the fading sun, and the weariness of the long Friday, April19, 1968 elevate their causes through proper po­ day, crept up on Carlton. And a kindly slum­ litical channels. For that reason, I feel ber carried him away. Mr. TOWER. Mr. President, the week­ that an annual teachers-in-politics week­ It was, of course, only a dream, but this end of April 5-7 was designated by the end could become a most constructive is how it went: National · Education Association as and responsible force. Far away, in the land of Samaria, there Teachers in Politics weekend. I want to lived a woodworker named Naivius. The add my support to the general enthu­ source of his fame, and his hope for fortune, siasm for this program which has al­ were in the timbers he marketed from his small grove of the finest trees to be found ready been voiced by so many Members Strange Legend: Curious Riddle within several days journey. of Congress. So tall and straight were these trees, and I have been disturbed during the last so skilled was Naivius in working the lumber, year at the increasing tension evident HON. DURWARD G. HALL that it was eagerly sought by those who would among our Nattion's teachers. Their con­ OF MISSOURI build the very best. Wielding an adz of his cern that school curricula, facilities, and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES own design, with strokes so strong and sure services be improved to meet the ever no man could match them, Naivius finished more sophisticated educational require­ Friday, April19, 1968 beams so perfect and precise they were recog­ nized and valued throughout the land. ments of a technological society is cer­ Mr. HALL. Mr. Speaker, at a time when This reputation reached the Roman au­ tainly well founded and in the best in­ many of us have cause to reflect over the thorities in Judaea, who required for their terest of our children. difficult decisions we have made, and will own use the better things to be had. Their concomitant interest that they make in the coming months, I recently So, to Naivius in Samaria a message was be paid wages commensurate with the had occasion to read a parable written dispatched, commanding him, in the name preparation required by the teaching by Joe Bartlett, for whom all ·of us who of the Roman Procurator, to prepare a ship­ profession and indicative of the high serve in this chamber have such a great ment of his finest timbers, and promising value the society should place on good that if they were promptly and skillfully affection. It occurred to me that this finished, a handsome compensation would be educators, is entirely justified. As a form­ Easter season was a most appropriate forthcoming. er teacher myself, I know that too often time to share these thoughts with my The message was received by Naivius with we have wasted our valuable teaching colleagues. Accordingly, I have Joe's per­ mixed emotions. The prospect of a ready manpower in classes too large to allow mission to share with you this parable, profit was pleasing enough, but the Romans more than keeping order, and in Pe­ entitled "Strange Legend: Curious Rid­ were a disconcerting dominion over the peo­ ripheral clerical tasks that could be at­ dle," and I therefore under unanimous ple, and he doubted that he should do busi­ tended by less skilled teacher aides. consent insert the article at this ooint in ness with them. Tales of tyranny by the Procurator, and by It is regrettably true that in too many the RECORD: the High Priest, troubled Naivius. places our teachers can hardly earn a STRANGE LEGEND: CURIOUS RIDDLE "Why send supplies that would enhance living wage; that very often men teach­ (A parable_ by Joe Bartlett) the power of the Procurator's authority in ers must moonlight to feed their families Congressman Carlton had the strangest Jerusalem?," he debated with himself. or else abandon teaching in favor of some dream. The same question he put to his family, to more lucrative job. Yet in many places Sitting on the south portico of the Capitol, his helpers, and to his neighbors. And their dramatic strides have been made re­ Rex Carlton had watched the descending rebuttal was as plausible as it was cently in the area of salaries. Between sun skewer itself on the famous obelisk that preponderant. is the Washington Monument. "Naivius," they rejoined, "your timbers are the 1966-67 and 1967-68 school years, not implements of conflict. They will not add salaries showed an average increase At least an hour had passed since four bells had signaled the adjournment of the to the arsenal of the oppressors. in my own State of Texas of 10 House of Representatives. The legislative "In truth," they persuaded, "these timbers percent, giving teachers an estimated scene was deserted for another day, except will surely be used to build shelters and ac­ average salary of $6,675 this year. We for Representative Carlton, who had lingered commodations for the poor people of Judaea. hope to continue the rapid and extensive behind to indulge himself in the luxury of "It should be gratifying to you, Naivius, to improvement in this area. some uninterrupted meditation. know the products of your labor will be serv­ ing to better the lot of the hapless multitudes Mr. President, what disturbs me in all Like most congressmen, Carlton's days with whom you sympathize. were such a maelstrom of entreaties and this is that many teachers lately, it seems "Even in the hands of tyrants, your good to me, are resorting to more unwise demands, diagnoses and decisions, that the works will be a great benevolence unto the means to gain their goals. I mean, of thing for which he felt the greatest need people. They will see your kindness and they was simply time to think. will know that Naivius is a good Samaritan. course, the strike. In 1967, 75 strikes by This day he felt a particular need to re­ teachers were recorded, as compared "And we will prosper!" examine his reasoning on a matter that His own apprehensions so thoroughly re­ with 33 in the previous year. Already seemed to him so clear; so obviously wrong. jected, Naivius and his company went to this year major work stoppages have Trading with an enemy was, to Carlton, work to fill the order. been experienced in Montgomery County, such an abominable practice, he was stunned Long and well did they labor, and soon the Md., and over the entire State of Florida, to learn there were those who professed in­ consignment was finished and on its way to just to name the most severe. genuous support of sending supplies to those Jerusalem. I oppose striking by teachers, first, be­ engaged in deadly combat with our own Time passed, but still the earnest Naivius countrymen. was plagued with a puzzlement about his cause of the illegality generally involved; This incredible point of view had been second, because it is detrimental to stu­ dealings with the Romans. impressed upon the congressman by a bar­ Finally, he would no longer be satisfied dents; and third, because it detracts from rage of vituperation that had been zeroed but that he should go to Jerusalem to see the teaching profession. It is for these in on him since recent publicity concerning what were the good works to which his tim­ reasons that I look with so much hope his efforts to legislate an embargo upon trade bers had been put. and enthusiasm at this latest effort by with North Vietnam. Journeying to the south, Nalvlus had vi­ responsible teachers to channel their For time unwatched, Carlton immersed sions of tine public buildings being supported energy and their desire for concrete edu­ himself in the most critical introspection. He by timbers of his distinctive hew: Shelters tested his reasoning and tormented his own for the huddled masses; sanctuaries for the cational reform in more constructive logic from every attack he could imagine. ways. innocent and the infirm; places of learning He could dismiss the harangues of the for the children. Every day we witness the tragic evi­ avowed communist sympathizers, though he These happy anticipations hastened his dence that the use of force or threat or despised them for their perfidy. steps and he reached Jerusalem just as dark­ withdrawal in a challenging situation is He could find a sickening pity for the pious ness and the quiet of the Sabbath settled not the answer. We see it in Vietnam Pollyanna who could somehow put the over the city. 10082 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS April 19, '1968 Ooming to the top of a hill, and being guished columnist and editor concludes It is our leadership in Washington that somewhat out of breath, Naivius stopped to that: fails to understand the difference. That is rest for a moment.
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