• -- 1892. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD--HOUSE. 3385 to allow the appropriation to b3 stricken out. I am sure that HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. there will be no difficulty in having an appropriation yet before this Congress expires to carry out the purpose of the bill, after Mo'ND.A.Y, .April18, 1892. the titles have been perfected. The House met at 12 o'clock m. Prayer by the Chaplain, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senator from Mississippi Rev. W. H. MILBURN. D. D. moves that the Senate concur in the House amendment. The Journal of the proceedings of Saturday was read and ap­ The amendment was concurred in. proved. Mr. GEORGE. I move that the Senate adjourn. FRENCH SPOLIATION CLAIMS. The motion was agreed to; and (at 5 o'clock and 2 minutes p. rp.) the Senate adjourned until to-morrow, Tuesday, April 19, The SPEAKER laid before the House acommunicationfrom the 1892, at 12 o'clock meridian. assistant clerk of the Court of Claims, transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the French spoliation claims arising out of the seizure of the vessel "Ship Speculator;" which was re­ NOMINATION. ferred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. Executive nomination received by the Senate April18, 189e. CLAIMS ALLOWED BY ACCOUNTING OFFICERS OF THE TREAS· APPRAISER OF MERCHANDISE. URY. James H. Butler, of Maryland, to be appraiser of merchandise The SPEAKER also laid before the House a letter from the Sec­ in the district of Baltimore, in the State of Maryland, to succeed retary of the Treasury~ transmitting, in compliance with section Cecil J. Karsner, removed. 2 of the act of July 7, 1884, schedules of claims allowed by the several accounting officers of the Treasury Department; which CONFIRMATIONS. was referred to the Committee on Appropriations, and, with Executive norninations confirmed by the Senate Ap1~il18, 1892. accompanying papers, ordered to b3 printed. CONSUL. M. R. KIRKPATRICK. Nicholas Wertheim, a German subject, to be consul of the The SPEAKER also laid before the House a letter from the United States at Moscow. assistant clerk of the Court of Claims, transmitting a copy of the APPRAISER OF MERCHANDISE. findings of the court in the case of M. R. Kirkpatrick vs. The United States; which was referred to the Committee on War William C. Ralston, of California, to be appraiser of merchan­ Claims, and ordered to be printed. dise in the district of San Francisco, in the State of California. COLLECTOR OF CUSTOMS. LEAVE OF ABSENCE. Henry Z. Osborne, of California, now collector of customs for Bv unanimous consent, leave of absence was granted as follows: the district of Wilmington, in the State of California, to be col­ To Mr. WoLVERTON, for four days, on account of important lector of customs for the district of Los Angeles, in the State of business. California. · · To Mr. HENDERSON of North Carolina, for four days, on ac­ count of important business. APPOINTMENT IN REVENUE CUTTER SERVICE. SWAMP-LAND GRANTS. Thomas B. Brown, of Pennsylvania, to be a second assistant engineer"i!Ji}>ftRevenue Cutter Service. The SPEAKER. On a previous occasion the Committee on Public Lands was passed in the call of committees for motions PROMOTION IN MARINE HOSPITAL SERVICE. to suspend the rules. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Passed Assistant Surg. William A. Wheeler, of Indiana, to Arkansas [Mr. McRAE]. be a surgeon in the Marine Hospital Service of the United Mr. McRAE. Mr. Speaker, I am directed by the Committee States. on Public Lands to move to suspend the rules and pass the bill PROMOTIONS IN THE NAVY. which I .send to the desk. Medical Director John Mills Browne, to be Surgeon-General The bill was read, as follows: and Chief of the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery. A bill (H. R. 5892) to adjust the swamp-land grants, to fix a limitation for Commodore James A. Greer, to be a rear-admiral in the Navy. the filing of claims thereunder, and for other purposes. Capt. Henry Erben, to be a commodore in the Navy. Be it enacted, etc., That it shall be the duty of the proper officers of the Treasury and Interior Departments, as soon as practicable, to adjust and PROMOTIONS IN THE ARMY. settle the claims of any State against the United States for all lands which have been or may hereafter be sold, or otherwise disposed of by the United Oaval?1J ann. States that were included in any grant of swamp and overflowed lands to Capt. Myles Moylan, Seventh Cavalry, to ba major. such State. First Lieut. John C. Gresham, Seventh Cavalry, to be captain. SEc. 2. That for all of said lands in any State which were sold for cash the said State shall have credit for the full amount of the purchase money re­ Second Lieut. Selah R. H. Tompkins, Seventh Cavalry, to be ceived by the United States and the same shall be paid over to the governor first lieutenant. or treasurer of said State; and for all of said lands in any State located with Second Lieut. Charles W. Farber, Eighth Cavalry, to be first warrants or scrip or which were otherwise dL<>posed of by the United States, and for which indemnity has not heretofore been granted, such State shall lieutenant. have indemnity in cash, the amount thereof to be limited to the price at Infantry a?"?n. which the lands were held at the date of their disposal by the United States, the said indemnity to be paid as herein provided in the cases where lands First Lieut. Arthur L. Wagner, Sixth Infantry, to be captain. were sold for cash. Second Lieut. R-obert L. Bullard, Tenth Infantry, to be first SEC. 3. That the Secretary of the Interior shall, when adjustments and al­ lieutenant. lowances, if any, are made by him under this act, report the same to the Sec­ retary of the Treasury, showing the amount ascertained to be due from the Capt. Samuel R. Jones, Fourth Artillery, to be assistant quar­ United States to such State on account of lands sold or otherwise disposed termaster with the rank of captain. of, and a description of the lands for which such indemnity is allowed, with Capt. Constantine Chase, assistant quartermaster, to be cap- the names of the persons to whom sold, patented, or granted, and the date the same was sold or otherwise disposed of; and the Secretary of the Treas­ tain of artillery. · ury shall cause such State to be credited with the amount or amounts so al­ POSTMASTERS. lowed and reported by the Secretary of the Interior, as of the last day of the year in which it was received or the lands otherwiSe disposed of, as the case Charles E. Brady, to be postmaster at Sandwich, in the county may be, and apply the same on the payment of any debt of the State to the of Barnstable and State of Massachusetts. United States, if any, and pay the balance, if any, over to the governor or Charles R. Van Giesen, to be postmaster at Weather!o·d, in treas.urerof the State. SEC. 4. That the acceptance by any State or its legal representative of in­ the county of Parker and State of Texas. _ demnity for any of the lands sold or otherwise disposed of by the United Charles J. Hostrasser, to be postmaster at Hearne, in the county States shall be a relinquishment and waiver of all its right, title, and interest of Robertson and State -of Texas. in and to such lands in place, and an acknowledgment and confirmation ot the title thereto in the grantees of the United States. Benjamin S. Johnson, to be postmaster at Puyallup, in the SEc. 5. That all selections of lands heretofore made, and all swamp-land county of Pierce and State of Washington. indemnity proofs now on file in the Department, taken in accordance with Leon L. Therme, to be postmaster at Farmington, in the county the rules of the Department at the date of the same, and which have not been finally rejected, shall be used in making adjustments under this act. of Van Buren and State of Iowa. SEc. 6. That all claims for lands in place, for cash, lands, or other indem­ Thomas A. Way, to be postmaster at Britt, in the county of nity, under the swamp-land laws or under this act. shall be forever barred Hancock and State of Iowa. unless presented to the Secretary of the Interior within two years from the Fred E. Milliken, to be postmaster at Gardiner, in the county . passage of this act. of Kennebec and State of Maine. The SPEAKER. Is a second demanded? Diederich P. Buchholz, to be postmaster at Altamont, in the Mr. KILGORE. Mr. Speaker, I demand a second. county of Effingham and State of Illinois. The SPEAKER. The Chair will appoint the gentleman from Alex McElroy, to be postmaster at Rockford, in the county of Arkansas [Mr. McRAE] and the gentleman from Texas [Mr. KIL- Floyd and State of Iowa. GORE] as tellers. · Cyrenius E. Morr:is, to be postmaster at Coon Rapids, in the Mr. McRAE. I ask tmanimous consent that a second be con­ county of Carroll and State ol1owa. · sidered as ordered. • . 3386 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. APRIL 18, The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Arkansas asks unani- Mr. KILGORE. And when the amount is ascertained that mous consent that a second may be considered as ordered. would be due to the States under this .adjudication which you Mr. KILGORE. I object. propose, would not an .appropriation be tP.en required, or do you The SPEAKER.
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