INDEX A Agricultural mono-production, 201 ABC (Argentina, Brazil, and Chile) Aguirre, DeAnne, 134 cone in the south, 230 Ahmed, Shamsun Nahar, 19 Abe, Shinzo (Prime Minister), 7, 9, Akamatsu, Kaname, 218 107, 115 Alam, Md. Shahriar (Chief Guest of Abi Waqqa, Sa’ad ibn, 54 2016 Latin America seminar, Abuarja, Suhayia, 54 Dhaka), 228 Accord-approved, 4 Ali, Mahmud, 20 Acheson, Dean (Secretary of State), Ali, Mohammad (Pakistan’s Prime 251, 256 Minister), 256 “Act East”, 86, 91, 110–112, 114 Allen, George (Ambassador), 254 ad-Din, Shaykh Burhán, 51 Allende, Salvador, 189 ad-Din, Shaykh Jalal, 51 Alliance-authorized factory reforms, Adinath Temple, 52 4 Afghani-Pakistan strains, 114 Alliances, 241 Afghanistan, 13, 19, 63, 108, 110, Almagro, Luis (Secretary General of 114, 222, 245 the organization), 188 Africa, 10, 83, 115, 138, 186 al-Qaeda, 65 African Growth and Opportunity Act Ambassadorial BIISS congregation (AGOA), 158 (March 2016), 231 African regions, 56 Amdowa-PLA truce, 253 Agreement Framework with Mercosur Andaman Island, 115 (2003), 199 Andrugtsang, Gompo Tashi (NVDA Agricultural-manufacture unequal Commander), 257, 261, 265 exchange, 214 “America for the Americans,” 225 © The Author(s) 2019 299 I. Hussain (ed.), South Asia in Global Power Rivalry, Global Political Transitions, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-7240-7 300 INDEX Animism, 52 “commodity-for-manufacture trade Antidumping and countervailing exchange,” 224 duties, 183 convergences, 221 Anti-export bias, 156 dynamics, 214 Antipodes, 186 embrace, 14 Anti-Soviet collusion, 242 encounter, 223 A posteriori HST development, 298 forays, 4 Arab Gulf countries, 110 Asian-Latin Century, 223 Arabian Sea, 102 Asian Pivot/Rebalance, 244 Arakan (Myanmar), 53, 54 Asian post-industrial power, 202 Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army Asian powers, 201 (ARSA), 89 Asian production, 230 Argentina, 182, 187, 193, 215, 217, Asian re-exploration of Latin America, 222, 231 223 Argentine, 181, 223 Asian regions, 56 Arthasastra, 54 Asian valued-added goods, 179 Artificial intelligence, 15 Asia-Pacific Artisan Holey Bakery, 7 nexus, 232 Arunachal Pradesh, 62 patrol, 3 ASEAN access, 87 region, 231 ASEAN-4, 167 rim-land, 232 ASEAN membership, 111–113 Asia-Pacific Business Forum 2017 Asia, 19, 83, 222 (APBF), 231 Asia export-led growth, 213 Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Asia-Latin axis, 214 (APEC), 184 Asia-Latin reconnection, 224 Leaders Meeting, Peru (November Asian Age, 173 2016), 182 Asian Development Bank (ADB), 137, leaders’ summit, 188 155, 224, 232 Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement, 247 Asian Development Bank and Inter- Assam, 52–54, 62, 142 American Development Bank Assamese, 110, 112 (ADA-IDB), 232 Association of South East Asian Asian exports, 225 Nations (ASEAN), 86, 167, 185 Asian great powers, 202 Atlantic, 19 Asian highways, 18, 69, 70 Atlantic Ocean, 7, 189 Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank Australia, 3, 107, 171, 197, 224, (AIIB), 104 226 Asian-LAC tango, 227 Aviation Research Centre (ARC), 270 Asian-LAC trading structure, 226 Awami League (AL), 111, 112 Asian-Latin Aye, Maung (General, Vice Chair of asymmetries, 225 the Myanmar State Peace and axis, 216 Development Council), 86 INDEX 301 B Bangladesh Federation of Women Bachelet, Michelle, 189 Entrepreneurs, 135 Bajpai, G. S. (MEA Secretary- Bangladesh Garments Manufacturers General), 256 Exports Association (BGMEA), Balance-of-power strategy, 91 175 Baluchis, 110 Bangladeshi diplomatic mission, in Bamiyan, 110 Mexico City, 228 Bandung Declaration (1955), 255, Bangladeshi Islamic fundamentalists, 256 67 Bangalee Muslims, 50 Bangladeshi Latin wish-list, 230 Bangkok Agreement, 159 Bangladesh-India relations, 17 Bangla-China comparative women’s Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, Thailand analysis, 128 Economic Cooperation Bangla-China cooperation, 142 (BISTEC), 104 Bangla-Daesh, 110, 111 Bangladesh-India trade, 163 Bangladesh, 1, 3–6, 9, 10, 17, 19, 50, Bangladesh Institute of International 51, 55–57, 59, 60, 62–64, 66–69, and Strategic Studies [BIISS], 228 81, 88–90, 106, 107, 109–113, Bangladesh Investment Development 116, 125, 127, 129–133, 135, Authority, 144 137–144, 153, 156, 158, Bangladeshi perspectives, 23 160–162, 164, 166–168, 171, Bangladeshi women workers, 17, 143 172, 174, 218, 219, 227, 231, Bangladeshi-U.S. foreign 232, 244, 247, 293, 296 engagements, 9 infrastructures, 9, 57 Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturers interest network, 8 and Exporters Association RMG export sector, 163 (BKMEA), 230 RMG track-record, 229 Bangladesh Liberation War, 8, 21, 105 SEZ industries, 143 Bangladesh Ministry of Foreign U.S. apparels exports, 163 Affairs, 228 Bangladesh Accreditation Act (2006), Bangladesh National Party (BNP), 111 160 Bangla-Sino, 20 Bangladesh Accreditation Board, 160 Barbados, 187 Bangladesh Agricultural Rural Bathangwa guerrilla, Baba Yeshi, 265 Development (BARD), 51 Battuta, Ibn, 51 Bangladesh Bank, 170 Bay of Bengal, 2, 52, 53, 56, 84, 86, Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS), 107, 109, 115 154, 170 Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi- Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Sectoral Technical and Economic (BCIM) Economic Corridor, Cooperation (BIMSTEC), 104, 174 159 Bangladesh Export Promotion Bureau, arrangements, 163 160 BCIM Forum, 174 302 INDEX BCIM Highway, 104 only fully accredited Latin Begum Rokeya, 133 plenipotentiary stationed in Beijing, 51, 90, 247, 253, 255, 260, Dhaka), 228 261, 264, 265 Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), 2, 13, Africa (BRICS), 157, 180, 194, 14, 22, 84, 138, 244, 246 195, 224 campaign, 296 alliance, 196 counterpart, 3 bloc, 201 economic projects, 102 compact, 201 gesture, 296 grouping, 113, 189 network, 9 link, 196 recipient, 10 Summit, 90 routes, 104 Bretton Woods institutions, 104 strategy, 104, 107 Brexit, 169, 224 Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), 109, 112 Britain-Germany asymmetry, 241 “insurrection,” 110 British Empire, 85 Bhashani, Moulana Abdul Hamid, 51, British industrialization, 216 248 British Virgin Islands, 193 Bhutan, 19, 50, 64, 102, 106, 116, Brown, Winthrop, 260 142, 161, 162, 174 Buddhism, 52 Bhutan-Bangladesh-India-Nepal Buddhists, 52, 110 (BBIN), 106 Bulganin, Nikolai (Premier), 258 Bilateral relationship, 8 Bunker, Ellsworth (Ambassador), 264, bin Laden, Osama, 13 265 Black, Eugene (World Bank), 267 Burdwan bomb (2014), 65 Bodo, 110 Burimari land port, 247 Bolivar, Simon Burma, 53, 56 “fortress America” call, 217 “Burma Road,” 82 Bolivarianism, 217 Bush, George W. (President), 242 Bolivarian revolution, 217 Bolivia, 187, 190 Border Industrialization Program C (BIP), 182–183 Cabral, Pedro Álvares (who conquered Bowles, Chester (Ambassador), 256, Brazil for Portugal), 230 266 Cambodia, 7, 115, 138, 218 Brahmaputra River, 53 Canada, 167, 171, 181, 187, 192, Brasilia Declaration (2003), 224 226, 229, 230 Brazil, 179–182, 187, 189, 190, Cape Hope, 215 192–194, 200, 215, 217, 220, Caribbean, 194, 199 222, 223, 225, 227, 230 Caribbean Basin Initiative (CBI), 161 Brazilian counterpart, Wanja Campos Caribbean countries, 158, 198 Da Nobrega (the first and then Caribbean Development Bank, 195 INDEX 303 CARICOM members, 195 Chile, 181, 182, 187–189, 193, 194, Caroe, Olaf, 260 198, 215, 217, 222, 223, 225, Castro, Fidel, 182, 226 226, 231 Castro, Raúl, 226 Chile–China FTA, 189 Cayman Islands, 193 “Chimerica,” 114 CDE (Colombia, Dominican Chin, 87 Republic, and Ecuador), in the China, 1–5, 7–10, 12, 16–22, 49–52, north, 230 56, 57, 60, 64, 67, 68, 81–84, CEMEX (once the world’s largest 90, 91, 101–103, 105–108, 111, cement producer), 229, 231 114–116, 125–129, 131, 132, Central America, 186, 198, 199 135, 136, 138–144, 153, 163, Central American Bank for Economic 166–168, 171, 172, 174, Integration (CABEI), 194, 195 179–183, 185, 186, 188–190, Central American Integration System 192, 193, 198, 201, 214, 215, (CAIS), 194, 195 218, 221–223, 225–227, 229, Central Asian, 108 231, 242, 244–247, 253, 259, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 266, 269, 293, 295–297 259, 265 Council for Promoting South-South Central Treaty Organization Cooperation, 144 (CENTO), 1 early retirement age, 130 Centre of Malaysian Chinese Studies in FG model, 219 Kuala Lumpur, 83 FTA’s policies, 191 Ceylon, see Sri Lanka labour force, 130 Chakmas, 61 Latin American presence, 184 Change of tariff heading (CTH), 163 Ministry of Commerce, 138 Chank-Kien (126 Before the Christian off-shore production, 133–137, 295 Era, BCE), 54 oil/gas-pipeline, 107 Chattogram, 52, 53, 55, 56, 68, 90, People’s Liberation Army, 116 107, 139, 248 three-tiered power-tool box, 184 Chattogram-Cumilla, 54 China-Bangladesh economic relations, Chattogram Hill Tracts (CHT), 59 127 Chattogram Port, 7, 159, 174 China-British Burma cooperation, 82 Chávez, Hugo, 226 China Council for the Promotion of Cheh-ti-gan (Chittagaon), 53 International Trade (CCPIT), 191 “Chicken Neck” corridor, 55, 106, China-India (Chindia), 50, 114 116 competition, 5, 90 ChiComs, 266 play-off, 5 Chien-lung, Emperor (1711–1799), relations, 108 260 rivalry, 248 Chien-Lung Line, 260 scramble, 115 Child marriage, 132 tussle, 6 Child mortality, 132 China-India-U.S. strategic triangle, 242 304 INDEX China–LAC Business Summit, 191 Common property resources (CPRs), China-LAC Partnership, 226 66 bloc, 195 Commonwealth of Independent States China National Highway 318, 55 (CIS), 102 China-Nepal Railway, 102 Communism, 218 China News, 56 Communist Party of China (CPC), China-Pakistan Economic Corridor 130, 249 (CPEC), 102, 108 Communist revolution, 132 China Satellite Launch and General Community of Latin American and Tracking Control (CLTC),
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