BASE BALL, TRAP SHOOTING AND GENERAL SPORTS. Volume 48—No. 26. Philadelphia, March 9, 1907. Price, Five Cents. ALCQCK.UTiuTf, LIFE. March. 9, 1907. on "Running Life©s Bases" to nearly manager; that if he could get an ex ing expressed his satisfaction with the 1000 men many of them 33d degree perienced bench manager of proved salary tendered him, and so far Ander fans. Gus Schmelz was ©in the throng. ability he would probably do so, but son seems to have the best of the ar RED SHELL GAME. So was that good !old Central Leaguer, that if this was not done, no other gument. He has been keeping in con W. R. Burnett. Jack Elliott had ral player-manager would be engaged in dition this winter by helping build a lied a big crowd of enthusiasts and place of Stahl. Shortly after this, Joe ©house which he is erecting for himself the greeting I received was so glow CantiHon was signed as bench manag near Worcester, Mass., and by holding THE HAZARDOUS GUESSES OF ingly cordial that the afternoon is er. Quick action was necessary to se the lines over a horse he owns which recorded as one of the most memorable cure him. He was told that the club is about as good a performer on the CRITIC-PROPHETS. of a life of go-as-you-please, or rath owners felt very kindly towards Stahl, bases as Anderson himself. There were er catch-as-catch-can, experiences. The who had done no further developments in the Hille- idea ©of comparing base ball With real AS WELL AS COULD BE EXPECTED- tarand case at the New York powpow. life seems to have made a hit. At any under very unfavorable circumstances. Cincinnati©s finish Discounted by rate the kindly treatment I©ve received They hoped he would be willing to since going to bat in this new role has play here, but if not, would do their SOUTH ATLANTIC LEAGUE filled me with sentiments of emphatic best to make such a trade as would the Form Students There Is No appreciation. satisfy him, if a fair value was offered for him. Mr. Cantillon has failed to Manager Kanzler, of Columbia, Has Form An Era of Experiment- A Bunch of Singles. get an offer which he considered at all Signed a Team Apparently Stronger The Reds have dodged all holidays satisfactory. Mr. Noyes says the play Than That of Last Year. in Cincy. er himself is chiefly responsible for The Spirit That Will Win. this fact, as he proclaimed from the Columbia, S. C., March 4. Editor That dream of a Cardinal opening start that he would not play here, Sporting Life." Manager Kanzler in Redland was not according to Puil- thus leading the other clubs to believe liam. has put in the winter to good purpose, BY HEN KTTUOSD, JRi. that , Washington would have to let and to date has secured what looks "Bug" Holliday has been having too him go for whatever they chose to like the best team this town has ever Cincinnati, O., March 2. Editor tough a tim e of it this winter. The offer. Mr. Noyes believes that at least ,, T,HIS iist follows: Pitchers, Rus- "Sporting Life." If you© vie© ever been old outfielder©s stomach is troubling two clubs have negotiated with Stahl sel]> Heisman, White, McKenzie, Swink out in the Hoop Pole1 Township when him. © as to salary, in violation of the Na and Perdue; catcher, Smith; first base. Green County E©air was "Tornado Jake" Weimer has not yet tional Agreement. It would seem from Kanzler; second base, Lally; third base, in progress you©ve seen succeeded in knocking in the head of this statement, the first part of which Bannister; shortstop, Quigley: out- the gentleman on the was communicated to the writer dur fielders, Burt, Gnadinger and Brosius. outskirts of the madding the Red barrel. He still threatens to retire. ing the summer just as it is now re Columbia will have an exceptionally throng with large green peated, that the difference between strong pitching -staff and from this wads of filthy lucre to Odd to see Mique Kahoe back in the player and management is due to distance it looks to be the best so far give away. All you©ve league harness. Mique is a peach a misunderstanding and ought to be corraled by any manager of the Sallv got to do to get into hi Kling, not free stone and the Cubs adjusted without much difficulty. League So far Herbert Smith fs the roll is to guess the will find him useful. > Meanwhile the only catcher signed. Smith was with whereabouts of the Jim Keenan©s constituents fastened FANS ARE TAKING A HAND Columbia last year and is a good man. elusive little ball. It is a $400 diamond in his shirt front the in the affair and many of them have ivarizler has about completed a deal under one of the three other night. The ex-Red catcher re addressed personal letters or numer whereby Columbia will get an old shells. If you hit it the calls the Royal Blue©s headlight on a ously signed petitions to the ex-man handy catcher from the Cincinnati wealth is yours. If your dark night. ager urging him to play here. Manager Reds. Joe McCarthy, the three-time The Pirates have proved go©od under Cantillon hopes the popular player will Columbia team jumper, has asked for takers at many a Red inaugural get in line. However, he has four first 1JV3r??\ H-VvJ n P robably be reinstat ten you©r fooled you must add to the ed, but will be traded to some team. surplus of the traveling philanthropist. which turned out to be a funeral. This basemen already in Hickman, Ander- time Pittsburg will be a bit disfigured son, Blankenship and Schafly, and is Kanzler is dickering with Bernie Mc- Seems to me the critics who are guess with "Little Rich" out of the infield. therefore under no risk of being left Vlay© _,manager of the Mobile team of ing about the Reds© finish are monkey without a guardian of sack 1. He the Cotton States League, for a few ing with a shell game. Nobody on the There are to be a pair of Saturday men in exchange for Joe. face of old Mamma Earth knows what Leaguers this year to cut in on regular considers the present team a satisfac sort of a cluster of youngsters Ned professional patronage. While these tory one to stand pat with, especially Hanlon has to whip into shape. If amateur circuits make new fans they as to hitting, and suggests the follow they get off well they may turn out also draw upon the elect who are glad ing as a good batting order: Ganley, to be the Surprise Party of the Na to secede when trouble hits their pet Altizer, Cross, Anderson. Hickrnan, tional League race. On form the man ted Reds. That©s the story of Fandom. Stahl, Schafly, catcher, pitcher. Not Comparative Statistics Arent Two of who would attempt to dope them i so worse, for a fact. Mr. Cantillon, it walking on sporting quicksand. It is should be observed, continues to ex the Recruit Pitclters of the New not possible to find any working FROM THE CAPITAL. press the very high opinion of Perrine foundation upon which to build. Some which, as stated some weeks ago, may York American Club, of the critics, however, who have been land that player in a regular berth. digging a grave for the Red Legs and Washingtons Off For Galveston With BY WM. F. H. KOELSCH. erecting a tombstone upon which is PERRINE AS SHORTSTOP Brockett and Hughes show up carved "The Tail-Pieces," may find Case to the Front Cantillon Stands and Altizer in right field, Hickman strongly on paper, but it must be re themselves weeping over the wrong Pat News and Gossip of the Players would be an extra outfielder, or, if membered that they performed in minor corpse. Stahl stays out. would perhaps play league circles last year. Brockett first. Nill would then be kept for in ranked seventh among the Eastern BY PATTL W. EATON. field substitute. This combination The Banoroftian Idea. League twirlers last year, while Washington, D. C., Maf^ch 3. Editor would be all good batters if they came Hughes, who was left in Atlanta last While the director-generals of the "Sporting Life." Tomorrow the Wash- up to expectations, as Cantillon con spring, made a fine showing in the tiig leagues were in the East waiting ingtons will leave the pennant city, siders that Schafly has not yet shown Southern League. This is the official at the plum tree for the fruit to drop, en route 4o the South. his real ability as a hitter. Hickman dope on the two youngsters: Frank Bancroft talked like a philoso Texas and Georgia get is a much better first baseman than is IT, . Hughes.Brocket pher. "The Reds of 1907," said this ten out of the sixteen generally supposed and would be a Victories .................. .. 25 " old pennant-puller, "will consist of a big teams, five going to revelation to those who don©t, remem Defeats .............""©"©" V, 7o team of youngsters who will give to each State. With the ex ber his work there for Detroit and Tie games...........!!!"".©! j-J the Cincinnati Club the very best that ception of some trades Cleveland. The League meeting was Percentage ................... 1533 ,rio is in them.
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