The Field Day Anthology of Irish Writing

The Field Day Anthology of Irish Writing

THE FIELD DAY ANTHOLOGY OF IRISH WRITING VOLUME iv IRISH WOMEN'S WRITING AND TRADITIONS Edited by Angela Bourke, Siobhan Kilfeather, Maria Luddy, Margaret Mac Curtain, Gerardine Meaney, Mairin Ni Dhonnchadha, Mary O'Dowd, and Clair Wills Cork University Press in association with Field Day Contents List of Contributing Editors from: The Exile of Conall Core (c. 1000) 37 to Volume iv and v xxvii from: Tain Bo Ciialnge (The Cattle- Preface IReamhra to Volume IV and V xxxii Raid of Cualnge) (c. 1125) 38 Acknowledgements to Volume iv and v xliii Eleventh-Century Reformers - Foreign and Irish 41 BIOGRAPHIES/BIBLIOGRAPHIES 43 Medieval to Modern, 600-1900 MAIRIN Ni DHONNCHADHA, Editor xix MARY, EVE AND THE CHURCH, GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1 (c. 600-1800) EARLY MEDIEVAL LAW, c. 700-1200 MAIRIN Ni DHONNCHADHA, Editor DONNCHADH 6 CORRAIN, Editor Introduction 45 Introduction 6 A. MARY AND THE VIRGIN SAINTS, Anonymous c. 600-1200 57 from: The Hibernensis (Irish Canons) Anonymous (c. 716-25) 12 Versiculi Familiae Benchuir (On the from: Cain Adomnan (The Law of Monastery of Bangor) (7th century) 57 Adomnan) (697) 18 Cii Chuimne of Iona (?-747) Cain Lanamna (The Law of Couples) Cantemus in Omni Die (Hymn to (c. 700) 22 Mary) (first half of 8th century) 59 Dire (Marriage and Families) (c. 700) 26 Blathmac Son of Cu Brettan (fl. 750) Honour-Price - Some Exceptions 27 from: Tair cucum, a Maire boid Divorce (c. 700) 28 (Come to Me, Loving Mary) (c. 750) 60 Rape (c. 700) 29 ?Ultan of Ardbraccan (?- 657 or 663) Children and Child-Rearing (c. 700) 29 Brigit be bithmaith from: Bretha Crolige Judgements on (Hymn to Saint Brigit) (?c. 650) 62 Sick-Maintenance) (first half of 8th Anonymous^ century) 31 from: Vita Prima Sanctae Brigitae Pica (mid-9th century; Early Modern (Latin Life of Saint Brigit) (c. 750) 63 Irish) 33 from: Bethu Brigte (The Old Irish Immathchor nAilella ocus Airt (Ailill's Life of Brigit) (9th century) 70 and Art's Mutual Restitution) (c. 700) 35 POrthanach ua Coillama Q-c. 839) The Separation of Finn and Grainne from: Slan seiss, a Brigit co mbiiaid (Middle Irish) 36 (Hail Brigit) (9th century) 70 VI CONTENTS Anonymous Adomnan of Iona (c. 628-704) Brigit buadach (Glorious Brigit) (Old from: Vita Columbae (The Life of Irish) 72 Columba) (c. 700) 102 Saint Brigit's Rule (Middle Irish) 72 Anonymous from: A Homily on the Life of Saint Husband and Wife Debate (late 7th Brigit (Middle Irish) 73 century) 103 Ropad maith lemm (Saint Brigit's The Power of Women (Old Irish) 104 Alefeast) (Middle Irish) 73 from: Notes on the Customs of Giraldus Cambrensis (Gerald of Wales) Tallaght (c. 840) 105 (c. 1146-1223) Sedulius Scottus (fl. 860) from: Topographia Hiberniae (The For Berta, Abbess of Avenay (c. 860) 107 History and Topography of Ireland) from: De Rectoribus Christianis (c. 1187) 74 (On Christian Rulers) (c. 855) 107 Anonymous Daniel ua Liathaiti (d. 863) from: The Latin Life of Saint Ite (13th A ben, bennacht fort — na raid! (Sell century Ms) 76 Not Heaven for Sin) (c. 850) 109 Isucan (Saint Ite and the Child Jesus) Digde (fl. 900) (Old Irish) 80 Aithbe damsa bes mara (Digde's from: The Irish Life of Saint Brendan Lament) (c. 900) 111 (17th century MS) 81 Anonymous from: The Latin Life of Saint Darerca Comrac Liadaine ocus Chuirithir (The Alias Mo-Ninne (14th century MS) 82 Union of Liadan and Cuirither) from: The Latin Life of Samthann (10th century) 115 (14th century MS) 86 Saint Molaisse and his Sister (10th Litany of the Virgins (Old Irish) . 88 century) 118 from: The Infancy Gospel (Late The Fate of the Sinful Greek Girl Middle Irish) 89 (Early Middle Irish) 119 Muireadhach Albanach 6 Dalaigh (fl. from: Saltair na Rann (The Psalter of early 13th century) Verses) (c. 987) 121 Eistidh riomsa, a Mhuire mhor 91 Me Eba (I am the wife of Adam, Eve) (Mighty Mary, Hear Me) (c. 1200) 93 (11th century) 125 Saint Scothin and the Girls (Middle Irish) 125 B. EVE AND HER SISTERS, C. 550-1800 95 The Conception of Saint Finan Cam Saint Finnian (P-549 or 579) (Middle Irish) 126 from: The Penitential of Finnian The Conception of Saint Boethine (mid-6th century) 95 (Middle Irish) 127 Anonymous A Chrinoc, cubaid do cheol (To an from: De Duodecim Abusivis Saeculi Old Psalm-Book) (11th century) 127 (Of the Twelve Abuses of the World) The Three Orders of the Church (early 7th century) 96 (14th century MS) 128 Jonas of Bobbio (d. 659) Ricenn and Cairech Dercain (Middle from: The Life of Columbanus Irish) 129 (c. 642) 97 Ciodh ma ndeilighe mo mhac Muirchii moccu Mactheni (fl. late of 7th gradhach riom? (Massacre of the century) Innocents) (Late Middle Irish) 130 from: Vita Sancti Patricii (The Life of The Abbot of Drimnagh who was Patrick) (late 7th century) 98 Changed into a Woman (Middle Irish) 131 Anonymous Eirigh a inghean an riogh (To from: The Hibernensis (Irish Canons) Gormlaith, Daughter of Flann (c. 716-25) 99 Sinna) (Late Middle Irish) 133 - CONTENTS Vll Ro charas triocha fo thri (Gormlaith Speaks) Oebfhinn's Dream (Old Irish) 181 (Early Modern Irish) 135 Seathrun Ceitinn (Geoffrey Keating) Beir a mhanaigh leat an chois (Monk, (c. 1580-c. 1644) Step Further Off) (Early Modern Eachtach's Dream (17th century) 182 Irish) 137 Anonymous from: The Annals of Clonmacnoise The Birth of Aed Slaine (11 th century) 182 (17th century) 138 from: The Birth of Aedan mac Instructio Pie Vivendi et Superna Gabrain(c. 1100) 184 Meditandr(Holy Life and Heavenly Gormlaith, Wife of Brian Boruma Thought) (15th century) 139 (12th, 13th century) 188 from: Beatha Mhuire Eigipteachdha from: Caithreim Cheallachain Chaisil (Life of Mary of Egypt) (15th (The Victorious Career of century) 143 Ceallachan of Cashel) (c. 1127) 190 from: Riaghail na Sagart (The Priests' from: The Song of Dermot and the Rule) (15th century) 148 Earl (c. 1200-25) 192 The Burial of the Priest's Concubine Giraldus Cambrensis (Gerald of Wales) (15th century) 150 (c. 1146-1223) from: Oidheadh Chlainne Lir (The from: Expugnatio Hibernica (The Children of Lir) (15th century) 150 Conquest of Ireland) (1189) 196 Eoghan 6 Dubhthaigh (d. 1590) from: An Chliar Ghliogair (A Satire) B. NATURAL AND UNNATURAL WOMEN 197 (c. 1578) 156 Domhnall 6 Colmain (fl. 1670-1704) Anonymous from: Parliament na mBan (The Ad-muiniur secht n-ingena trethan Parliament of Women) (c. 1703) 159 (I Invoke the Seven Daughters of Patrick Wall (fl. 1814-34) the Sea) (8th century) 197 A Sermon (1820) 162 from:Tecosca Cormaic (The BIOGRAPHIES/BIBLIOGRAPHIES 163 Instructions of King Cor mac) (c. 800) 199 Fingal Ronain (The Kin-Slaying of GORMLAITH AND HER SISTERS, Ronan) (early 10th century) 200 The Deaths of Lugaid and c. 750-1800 Derbforgaill (early 10th century) 204 MAIRIN Ni DHONNCHADHA, Editor from: Tochmarc Ailbe (The Wooing of Introduction 166 Ailbe) (10th century) 206 Tochmarc Becfhola (The Wooing of A. PLACE IN THE WORLD 173 Becfhola) (Early Middle Irish) 210 Anonymous from: Aided Muirchertaich meic Erca Noinden Ulad (The Debility of the (The Death of Muirchertach mac Ulidians) (9th century) 173 Erca) (Late Middle Irish) _- 213 from: Tain Bo Cuailnge (The Cattle Baile the Sweet-Spoken, Son of Buan Raid of Cuailnge. Recension i) (Middle Irish) 218 (9th century; 12th century) 174 Niall Frassach's Act of Truth (Middle Aided Oenfhir Aife (The Death of Irish) 220 Aife's One Son) (9th or 10th Gas lossa (A Sprig of Herb) (c. 1000) 221 century) 177 from: Cert a Mna re Partholan (The Creidne, the She-Warrior (Early First Lawcase) (Late Middle Irish) 222 Middle Irish) 179 Cinaed, ca cin ro bui duinn? (A from: Fragmentary Annals of Protest) (Late Middle Irish) 224 Ireland (1 lth century) 180 Codail beagan, beagan beag (Lullaby Eithne's Dream (c. 700) 181 of Adventurous Love) (12th century) 225 Vlii CONTENTS from: Buile Shuibhne (Sweeney from: Echtra mac nEchach Astray) (12th century) 226 Muigmedon (The Adventure of the from: Acallam na Senorach (The Sons of Eochaid Muigmedoin) Colloquy of the Ancients) (c. 1200) 228 (Middle Irish) 261 Deirdre's Departure with Naoise and Giraldus Cambrensis (Gerald of Wales) the Death of the Sons of Uisneach (c. 1146-1223) (Early Modern Irish) 234 from: Topographia Hiberniae (The Drumai Mhic Carthaigh (McCarthy's History and Topography of Ireland) Drums) (early 17th century) v_^ 237 (c. 1187) 262 Daibhidh 6 Bruadair (c. 1625-98) Anonymous Seirbhiseach seirgthe iogair sronach from: Annala Connacht (The Annals seasc (A shrewish, barren, bony, ofConnacht) (1310) 262 nosey servant) 237 Anonymous C. WARFARE AND DEATH 263 The Story of Mis and Dubh Rois Anonymous (18th century) 238 from: Tain Bo Regamna (The Cattle Aindrias Mac Cruitin (? 1650-1738?) Raid of Regamain) (Early Middle Moladh na Pite (Quim Praise) 241 Irish) 263 Brian Merriman (c. 1749-1805) from: Aided Con Culainn (The Death of from: Cuirt an Mheon-Oiche (The Cu Chulainn) (Early Modern Irish) 264 Midnight Court) (1780) 242 from: Togail Bruidne Da Derga (The BIOGRAPHIES/BIBLIOGRAPHIES 249 Destruction of Da Derga's Hostel) (11th century) 264 from: Togail Bruidne Da Choca (The SOCIETY AND MYTH, c. 700-1300 Destruction of Da Choca's Hostel) (Middle Irish) 265 MAIRE HERBERT, Editor from: Caithreim Thoirdhealbhaigh Introduction 250 (The Triumphs ofTurlough) (mid- 14th century) 266 A. THE VISIBLE WORLD 253 Anonymous D. THE OTHERWORLD 267 from: Lebar Gabala (The Book of Anonymous Invasions) (Middle Irish) 253 from: Echtra Laegaire maic from: The Dindshenchas of Boand Crimthainn co Mag Mell (The (The River Boyne) (Middle Irish) 254 Adventure of Laegaire mac from: The Dindshenchas of Sinann Crimthainn to the Plain of Delights) (The River Shannon) (Middle (late 9th century) 267 Irish) 255 from: Echtrae Chonnlai (The from: The Dindshenchas of Tailtiu Adventure of Connlae) (8th century) 268 (Teltown) (1007) 257 from: Immram Curaig Maele Duin from: The Dindshenchas of Carman (The Voyage of Mael Diiin's Boat) (11th century) 258 (9th or 10th century) 269 from: The Story of Inber nAilbine B.

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