J Attorney who fought sodomy laws before Supreme Court to speak, at Nov* 7 GAGV event By Susan Jordan Area business leaders wil! gather on Nov. 7 when the Gay AHiance of the Genesee Valley hosts Its third annual Ekisiness Education Forum •21.. and Connnnunity Leadership Lun­ cheon in the Grand Ballroom ofthe Hyatt ftegency Hotel, 125 E. Main Sf. The keynote speaker is Jennifer Middleton of Lambda Lc^l, one of the attorneys who argued lasr June's sodomy law case before the Su- preiTje Court- The Airtance will present awards to two local companies and one individual, and wtM-iNSCOgmie sev­ eral media organizations. Executive Director Chuck Bcwen said* "As in past years. the awards saMsfc vis^n^ C<^ courage and leadership iir^'^/^'"^" community and the greatair iPUsdRp^-^- '^* ester connmunity. New ,^^ .yoAC Creating a Culture of Value and state and applied for tlie benefits ference, "Diversity is a real and are more corporate sponsdkt than Res|j^;in the Workplace," wiH be usually provided to heterosexual important value at Xerox, and a ever before, our new Co^f^a^eous led ^ Chuck Bowen, starting at partners. WIHtam jac«^ues of the fundamental aspect of our cu!- Leadership awards^ and & BuH^ess t0rl5tf.Tn. Element K management team will ture." Education Forum in theUti^lfiiiitg.. T^r bancheon itself will start at accept the award. Raul Brew will be given the Com­ Recent changes in tl>e lojETE^^nd- -:^ fMX^^I^ run until 8:30 p.m. Jenni- Xerox will receive the Business munity Leadership Award, recog­ scape wiU sigjnf^vcandy li *^" •"%Jll^lftton, Senior Legal Coun- Leadership Award, given to recog­ nizing an indivkiual v^ho has made panies and organiiatkMis. si^fCKJ^^^^bcSa Legal, the New York nize a company that has made a significant contribution to ad­ rum and Luncheon wilf fpcuTtm - significant strides toward provid­ vancing Igbt equality in the Roch­ issues cnctcal to und^rsfiin^ing the X^3c^a»bd organization that fought for tiie^Jpreme Court decision of ing a fair and equitable v«^oH^>lace ester community. new legislation and suppo^^tiii|f^j^ for its Igbt employees and has pro­ Brew has worked at Koclak for employees in the workplace." last June; ovetxuming sodomy laws in the U,S^ will speaic vided leadership on behaif of the over 23 years, and is a member of The Education R>rum will con­ Element K wsM receive the new Igbt community at large. Lambda Kodak board. He has spo­ sist of two workshops. The first. Courageous Leadership Award, James A. Rrestone. President. ken at two Out tk Equal confer­ "The Business WoHd After presented for a bold, confident ac­ Corporate Operations Group, will ences on his experiences bris^ging SONDA." well be presented by Ross tion by a company on behalf of lgbt accept the award. Firestone is lgbt av^reness through informal L«vB. Director of Public Policy and people. Element K is being recog­ Corporate Champksn ofthe Xerox discussion in a fectory setting. Education for the Empire State Pride nized fbr its support of former gay empksyee group GALAXe (Gay Brew has also helped to bring the A^erKJa. It w<H begin at 8:30 a.m., empk>yee Jeanne Newiand. who and Lesbian Employees at Xerox) Gay Alliance and Donna Red Wing after registration and a continental was denied when she and her part­ Pride at Work, He commented at to Kodak to provide diversity train- bnsaM^as: Tbe second workshop. ner Natasha Doty moved out of the GALAXe 2003 Diversity Con­ Luncheon cofitinue«fi on p. 3 C^jttninuiiily responds with support; a long road still ahead \ By Susan Jocdati ahead - we just need the support to received last summer, but we f)»eA support from the communHy* as Last momh'x front page artkte, (ay- ^et throng this difRaift time. v^l as from state government, for if^ out both the blight prospects "I'm sifting fwe to 10 letters a day to new and renewing mem­ our youth and their threatened ahead for the Ga)" AUiance and fhe \ ••'% bers," Bowen continued. "The com­ programming." lininciai problems curnmdy threat- \ Chuck Bovven noted, "the com­ ento^ the ^qpmisatioA. Has broufHt munity heaurd us and contributions munity shouki know that the Gay a s«roc^9^sf»ortiwe responsefrom are up;, but we still don't have the Department of Heahh (DoH) fund* Alliance Boardls IdOpercsntoom- many ««•«»«•>•"«'*•'S^ ***'•"****' ihf for the youth program. We*re mtttad ta our strt^Oife. Not only comfnoed it's galf|f throi^ the has each of fiham |]M(B>4 ssjpfKMrt fmooMS. Thiy ha¥Mi*t said fio and ¥i4th fundraiiiln^ biR ^^hfve onde s^ Tm wwiw>hMlm<d^ wMi the lhe fijnds h«^ not been r«-a]lo- personal lliieiidtf cioiiiai^^^ support from the commuoicy stace oKsd. Ann Young (Board Presi- Bowen seld that Mvarai GA£^ o«r avttde In the Ocoobcr inue. d«nt) hat sent a detailed response members hmre.imde brfe dona* We ft« !«(¥•* tong ¥«)f to f»»»<l «o the letter of questions sent us fay y$m st> need increatted maniber- tions, and some hatiM either sv)*<i the DoH this Citt. The DoH is acting on as sponsors for the Leadtrihip shi|>tfM>diirvoh'enientby<hecoiw- pnidendy. gMn the letters they fnjKiKf. We haw* * V^a*- femr* 'S' ^ •\.-:.:r HMi U.C' A2 nor ^3:^*^^?: Luncheon continued from p. I LETTERS TQ THE CD8TOR: ^We reserye ing to workers. Th« opinions of columnists, tditorial ¥«it- the right to edit for space and darlty. We erx ami othttr contrfbtiting writers are vtnlii print afK>r>ymGus iecters if the name Sponsors ofthe event include Eastman Kodak their own and do not necessarUy reflect and phone number are provided to the Co. (platinum); Tim Tompkins/Star Bar (Gold); the colk»ctive attitude of the Gay Alliance Editon confidentiality wilt be respected. Bausch & Lomb. HSBC Holdings PLC, Xerox Perspectives of the Genesee Valley or the Empty Closec Submissions are due by the i Sth of the Corporation, and West, a Thomson Business We WiB print letters at the editor's discre­ month acThe Empty Cloeet, l79Atbn. tion and on a space available basis.We wiil tic Ave. Rochester NTT 14607-1255; email (Silver); David C. Quick, Financial Planner. viewpoints that matter not print personal attacks on individuals. emptycloset@s»yaiHanc*.or;g Excellus BC/BS. Preferred Care (Bronze) and ?iiA.?^ AIDS Rochester, RIT and Lacy Katzen Ryen and Mittleman, LLP (Pride). LOCAL AND STVVTE NEWS Innocent Paetec offers same What's in a name? Ellen Yacknin. City Court judge, spoke on An Empty Closet Edironal by Susan Jordan sex couple benefits Oct. I! at the Gay Alliance rally. he Bob Ix)nsberty controversy is over a month old now, and thi? editorial is not really By Susan Jordan about Tx>nsbeny. It is about the many letters in the Democrat C"*" Chronicle from Paetec Communications, Inc., is nov/ offenng TLonsbetrv supporters, who, Uke Lonsberr}' himself, were in heavy denial that he, or U\ Chuck B*)\\t4^, iv: same sex partner benefits for its employees thev, might be racist. And it's about how the oppressor refuses to listen to the oppressed. with open enrollment. 1973 \X hcnever a white person denies racism — as when a homophobe denies feeling hatred — a Executive Vice President Dick Ottalagana' touch wtii his feminine side—tnetrosexuality red light goes on in my mind. My first quesdon for Lonsberry (ifhe hadn't been censoring hat's in a name? That which we told the Empty Qoset, "In Paetec's mission n. questions) would have been, ifyou wanted to call Mayor Johnson an idiot, as you claimed, why call a rose by any other name statement, we say we want to be the most would smell as sweet. \ like to fancy myself as a "dandyish" man, not just call him an idiot? Why use ugly racist innuendos that insult every African American in W employee-oriented and the most customer- E Names. .\s human 'ocings, we arc ra>ight to and we are all a little narcissistic. I love living in 2003 M<-irr >c Count)' (andever>'where ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ..,^^,^^^^ ^..^^ cvisrs 'IT,,. oriented communications company in the Q pur a name - or label -on c^•erythlng. N;"imes the cirv ',v,-\i}i the urban li<^esr-,-!e. Fm told that in »« tacuc siicriccs and censors those country. In order to do that, we need to arc an important part ofour language if we are order to qualify, you must like ro ear out every \nd miv second question on the receiving end of the dis­ recognize the diverse nature ofour employee 1^i xo be able to identify our surroundini^. night. That fits me too - Ms. Tulip and I can be v,<H;id have been, if African crimination, while asscfting the workforce." As time changes, names change too. Fags seen at the drive- rhroughs of some ofour citv's GAGV anniversary: what's coming up Xnx ricans tell you something is '"innocence" of the fjpprcssot Ottalagana said that the company is devel­ once meant cigarertcs. Beinggay meant being finest fast food establishments most anv rii. ("^r, 'sn't that good enough for We re told again and again hv our oping criteria for same sex couples to prove NOVEMBER 1973: The trial of John Lee Duval, 2!, was underway. In the Timothy happy (it still does). A queer was an uglv evening. '.'.-!' !t rliat's ^fl/good en<-ugh mct5i;i ;ind leaders how innoccn! that they live together in committed relation­ P. Haworth murder case for which Betty Tyson served 75 years in jail; she was finally • • u, h:;\ c vou ever asked vour- socic'Jii dcnipt.
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