lipp IP tt! (PI I1 ISp MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF BRAZEAU NO. 77 [PI REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 93 03 11 9:30 a.m. b Fl IF! Id if- ip P| (SI PIS pi MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF BRAZEAU NO. 77 pi REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA Page Nos, DATE: 93 03 11 TIME: 9:30 a.m. PLACE: M.D. Administration Building, Council C Chambers Call to Order Present 1. Additions to the Agenda 2. Adoption of the Agenda 3. Adoption of Minutes (a) Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 93 02 26. 4. Emergent Items 5. Tabled/Referred Items (a) Repayment of M.D. Contributions to the Drayton ll Valley Curling Rink Tabled from the 92 11 12 Regular Council Meeting until further information is received. (b) Group 2000 Initiative P -A meeting has been arranged with Premier Klein for 93 03 18. (c) Tourist Association Memberships Tabled from the 93 01 14 Regular Council Meeting. 6. Delegations/Appointments (a) 10:00 a.m. - Brad Janishewski and Don MacDonald - Liberal Party Representatives (b) 11:30 a.m. - Mr. Grahame Allen - Yellowhead Regional Planning Commission (c) 1:00 p.m. - Ms. Rene Spence, Alberta Winter Games 7. Planning and Development Matters (a) Proposed Miscellaneous Lease 930012 - Lot 4, Block 12, Plan 3504 KS - Hamlet of Lodgepole 2-8 Report and Recommendation attached. (b) Miscellaneous Lease Permit 930011 - (LSD 9) NE 20-46-11 W5M - Tall Pine Timber Ltd. - Proposed Temporary Log Storage Site 9-15 - Report and Recommendation attached. |p .../2 Page Nos, REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA - 2 - 93 03 11 p> (c) Survey on Regulations of Small Sand and Gravel Pits 16 - 17 Report and Recommendation attached. ; O (d) Scheduling of Second Public Hearing to Consider By-Law No. 161-92 - to Change the Land Use :P Designation of Lot 1, Plan 762 2449 (Pt. of SW 4-49-7 W5M) from Agricultural One to Rural Mobile Home Park 18 - 25 - Report and Recommendation attached. pi 26 - 27 By-Law No. 161-92 attached. (e) Rural Addressing System p) 28 - 31 Report and Recommendation attached. (f) Proposed Subdivision - Pt. of SW 18-49-7 W5M - (Hamlet of Poplar Ridge) - Martin Samuel Urchyshyn 32 - 37 Report and Recommendation attached. 8. Ratepayer Concerns - 11:00 a.m. 9. Finance Department Matters (a) Approval of Accounts 38 - 51 Report and Recommendation attached. 10. Public Works Matters (a) Equipment to be sold by Public Tender (b) Road Dispute between Halushka and Wasser 52 - 53 Memorandum from Steve Murray and Richard Tatro dated 93 02 17 attached. (c) Discussion of Public Works Input Meeting held on 93 01 28 p) ^ 54 - 55 Notes attached. (d) Dean Stutheit - Landman - Contract and Duties 56 - 64 (e) Right-of-Way Plans for Weed Road Project and Williams Road Project Report and Recommendation attached. 11. F.C.S.S. Department Matters (a) Adult Literacy Project 65 - 73 Report and Recommendation attached. (b) Frank Maddock Peer Support Funding pi 74 - 80 - Report and Recommendation attached. (c) F.C.S.S. Spring Directors' Network Conference - 93 03 17 to 93 03 19 - Red Deer 81 - 83 Report and Recommendation attached. .../3 fjfjjH fipsl Page Nos. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA - 3 - 93 03 11 12. General Matters (a) Re-visit Committees and Councillor duties 85 - 89 - List of appointments previously made by C Council attached. (b) Discuss salary survey and salary grid. (c) Education of Councillors - Review Policy (d) IVMAA Seminar and Trade Show - 93 03 17 to 93 03 19 90 - 92 Information attached. 13. Correspondence/Items for Information 93 - 95 (a) News Highlights from the A.A.M.D. & C. dated 93 02 17 and 93 02 24. 96 (b) Memorandum from the Alberta Planning Board r dated 93 02 11 regarding 1993 Annual Planning Conference. 97 (c) Letter from T.I.A. A.L.T. A. dated 93 02 16 regarding the Community Tourism Action Program. 98 - 99 (d) Letter from the Drayton Valley and District- Chamber of Commerce dated 93 02 26 to Mr. Tom Thurber, M.L.A., regarding economic diversification. 14. Councillors Reports 15. Question Period Addendum Adjournment r "I- MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL MEETING OF THE MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF BRAZEAU NO. 77, HELD IN THE M.D. ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, COUNCIL CHAMBERS, IN DRAYTON VALLEY ON FRIDAY, 93 02 26 J1E| CALL TO ORDER Mr. Lambert, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 5:25 p.m. PRESENT Present E. Lambert, Reeve W. Tweedle, Deputy Reeve B. Guyon, Councillor L. Coward, Councillor J. Coombes, Councillor J. Eriksson, Municipal Manager/Recording Secretary RESIGNATIONS Council considered four staff resignations. 105/93 Moved by L. Coward that the resignations, with compensation, of Earla Eberle, Ed Bacon, Allen Buckler and Richard Tatro be accepted as attached. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ADJOURNMENT Ad journment 106/93 Moved by J. Coombes that the Council Meeting of 93 02 26 adjourn at 5:30 p.m. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.. REEVE MUNICIPAL MANAGER L p 'pi 'jp> -a- DEVELOPMENT OFFICER REPORT TO COUNCIL REPORT NO.: DO-08-93 I DATE PREPARED: 1993 02 26 DATE TO COUNCIL: 1993 03 11 SUBJECT: PROPOSED MISCELLANEOUS LEASE MLL 930012 LOT 4, BLOCK 12, PLAN 3504 KS HAMLET OF LODGEPOLE RECOMMENDATION: That the Municipal District of Brazeau No. 77 support the proposed Miscellaneous Lease Application provided the applicant obtains a Development Permit and Mobile Home License from the Municipal District of Brazeau No. 77. REPORT: Mr. E. Webster is seeking a miscellaneous lease which would f!^ permit him to legally occupy Lot 4, Block 12, Plan 3504 KS in the Hamlet of Lodgepole. Mr. Webster has occupied the lot for some time without approvals from Public Lands or ourselves. The Development Officer supports the application provided t™$l all appropriate approvals are obtained, i.e. Development Permit and Mobile Home License. 1 • '7 :.-a . ........ -^ V ,4J< v''V"f'2''''"',Vl* -•• ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ..„:..i. FROM LandDisposition Section f-iyp^;,*'**?!'>> 7 3rxl Floor, 9915-108 Street "" : •" Petroleum Plaza, South Tower Edmonton, Alberta . PHONE. 427-3570: T5K2C9 V^X •: • \<-\ • n/ L£j FieldStn-icc-j flt^i I D AlbertaForest Service (3 copies) :- ^2 • V D»Fish and Wildlife |D I Environmental Protection, Development 8c Operations .:«'.:'• Attention: Bill Fishenden - yy\ Municipal AutlAuthority _ \ 3v' i I-'I Planning Commission ^jt&l***^^* a Alberta Transportation Attention: M.T. Gerard r I | Alberta Transportation, District • Alberta Transportation, Aviation Branch Attention: CW. Steele • EnvironmentalProtection, Alberta Parks Service I Attention: Malcolm Smith/Barry Manchak, 16th Floor • Economic Development &Tourism Attention: RickSiddle, Manager, Business Development Support r • Health Unit • Other SUBJECT: Application No. M^^ Z.3.\Si Q /'<^~ Land Description /«? <^-f Purpose \t£&&LJ2L£*&^SdL Applicant 7^ Please review the attached application and provide your comments and recommendations. Thanks. r Jk LS1 (Rev. 4/871 -J PLEASEPRINTOR TYPE APPLICATION NUMBER A\b&\a f5 FORESTRY. LANDS AND WILDLIFE T APPLICATION HLI^ 1200 12.. MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS Ql9EW f~*j RENEWAL PERMIT (MLP) D LEASE (MLLORMTS)Wr RECREATIONAL l^J 4&tj*- ~~ (Specify). / TOTAL AREA LEASE (REC) i~D d~ ek APPLICANT'S CORPORATE NAME ORSURNAME AND GIVEN NAMES Tenants in D Common MAIUNO • Joint Tenants 'M£. (tee reverse! CITY/TOWN, PROVINCE, POSTAL CODE .. v»k*-!T ? ; f-W-^^E^.i APPLICANTS FILE NO PHONE 1 A«PNTS NAMF /^^i*rh-fc'oft- MAILING ADDRESS CITY/TOWN. PROVINCE. POSTA' CODE PHONE LAND BEING APPLIED FOR (Attach schedule if insufficient space) NAME OF 8U8DIVI8JON, SUBDIVISION FLAN NO. BLOCK LOT PARCEL F7$^fo'sn% ^2_ 4- 1,^J:*bDiGfe*ptf£'g&nfs®ii Mffig tl\ ' >> *^'OTR/LS-~K^ SECTION TWP RQE MER IMPORTANT: Applications for land outside subdivisions must bo submitted with: • An accurals plan or tkatch showing location in quarter section, and ..... ZS3VS1D dimensions ofarea applied for. I I Detailed layout plan ofproposed development I I Written submission of proposed development 1 ^7'X | | Written consent/si ifapplication conflicts with existing dispotition(s). PROPOSED USE • I / /J ESJJMATEDAATED LENGTH OF TIMTIME LAND IS REQ'D PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT AJ /*> EXISTING DEVELOPMENT IF ANY Isthearea applied for within 100 metres of ariver, I—1„_ |T1ms~ stream, watercourse, lake or other wattrbodv? L_l n LZ3" Are you • Canadian citizen? Have you attained,—,_»- i—. Are you an employee of the Government of Alberta or member ol the B-Vw • No the age of 18yrs.7| «fYes | | No Assembly? LJves-Dept B">Q SIGNATUR Authoriutlon U htreby granted to enter upon and Immediatelyoccupy the w*~ public land as described on this tpplEcetlonend to shown on the attached TITLE DAJE AMOUNT ENCLOSED Date For Minister of Forestry, Lands andWildlife CLIENT I.D.NUMBER CAN Number if applicable RENEWAL DATE (Y.M.K EXFIRY1 DATE" ,V.M,bk OFFICIAL USE ONLY I I I I 1 i i i I i I t OOC/SRPU Conflictions? [~] Yes No _j See attached schedule DOCUMENTATION PLAN NUMBER \\ 10tfl TFB Of FILE RECORDS 4A+&> APPROVAL FROM|CL«nds)| AWUl Ertv. I FftW I Trans faec &Pk fyP*7? PfC COPIES FOR 1 MUNICIPAL AUTHORITY Referral Date l&/jL i$L &£l FIELD SERVICES Received Oate COMMEN1 %Tvr\t*fy (.fr^r £y mill 4/o/34> -Ce^oU*** FORESTfe^*^ FWf-e OTHER ii//^*j&z+s &rc THER o APPLICATION •• I^LSl-ld^j BBillBttL^ mom ••• LETtEfiOF AUTHORITY 1 us TX. No. 193 02 08 f^ ' . .cRIFlEO |""i£ ML FSB^O V) SI ._y^ ! n ' 'aii rwtiAKir — •». «»*»«'I ROAD ', ', ALLOWANCE -f" ^ * •• o . **]I/4N.3I /6 44 \Geri. jsms m e-&7sa. PI Ipi -w- LAND STATUS AUTOMATED SYSTEM ENR-LSAS LAND STANDING REPORT LSRClJip REPORT DATE: 1993-FEB-11 TIME: 13:03:05 REQUESTED BY: ISLE104 PAGE I SELECTION CRITERIA REQUESTED LAND LIST: INCLUDE TITLE INFORMATION : INCLUDE SELECT GEO-ADMINISTRATIVE AREA: ALL tsa SELECT ACTIVITIES:
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