Freshwater Crabs (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura: Gecarcinucidae) in the Collection of Western Ghat Regional Centre, Zoological Survey of India, Kozhikode

Freshwater Crabs (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura: Gecarcinucidae) in the Collection of Western Ghat Regional Centre, Zoological Survey of India, Kozhikode

PATI et al.: Freshwater crabs....Zoological Survey of India, Kozhikode ISSN 0375-1511651 Rec. zool. Surv. India : 114(Part-4) : 651-668, 2014 FRESHWATER CRABS (CRUSTACEA: DECAPODA: BRACHYURA: GECARCINUCIDAE) IN THE COLLECTION OF WESTERN GHAT REGIONAL CENTRE, ZOOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA, KOZHIKODE S.K. PATI1, R.M. SHARMA1 AND P.M. SURESHAN2 1Zoological Survey of India, Western Regional Centre, Pune- 411 044 2Zoological Survey of India, Western Ghat Regional Centre, Kozhikode- 673 006 Corresponding author: [email protected] INTRODUCTION 2011, 2013, 2014a and Klaus et al., 2014) on the freshwater crabs of Western Ghats are also Freshwater crabs of India have been poorly available. Recently, some new taxa have been studied (Cumberlidge et al., 2009) among the described from the Western Ghats (Pati & Sharma, crustaceans even though 94 species have already 2013, 2014a; Klaus et al., 2014) besides a recent been reported from the country (S.K. Pati, report on the specimens in the National Zoological unpublished data). Systematic contributions on Collections of Western Regional Centre, the group in India were mainly that of Alcock Zoological Survey of India, Pune (Pati & Sharma, (1910), Bott (1970a) and Bahir & Yeo (2005 and 2014b). Nevertheless, knowledge on diversity and 2007). Many reports (Alcock, 1910; Chhapgar, distribution of freshwater crabs in the Western 1956; Bott, 1970a; Srivastava, 2005; Bahir & Yeo, Ghats is limited due to poor sampling efforts 2007; Ghatak & Ghosh, 2008; Pati & Sharma, and inaccessibility to remote localities in general Fig. 1. Map showing distribution of freshwater crabs studied in the collection of WGRC, ZSI, Kozhikode. 652 Rec. zool. Surv. India and unstudied museum specimens in particular. The following abbreviations are used: Coll.: Hence, priority was given to study systematically Collector; dist.: district; IUCN: International the unidentifi ed freshwater crabs of the National Union for Conservation of Nature; NZC: National Zoological Collections (NZC) of Western Ghat Zoological Collections; R.F.: Reserve Forest; Regional Centre (WGRC), Zoological Survey of T.R.: Tiger Reserve; W.L.S.: Wildlife Sanctuary; India (ZSI), Kozhikode. WGRC: Western Ghat Regional Centre; ZSI: MATERIAL AND METHODS Zoological Survey of India; G1: male fi rst pleopod; G2: male second pleopod. The holdings of NZC, WGRC, Kozhikode contained about 194 freshwater crab specimens RESULTS collected mainly from Western Ghats (in the southern states of Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil From collections of WGRC, ZSI, Kozhikode, Nadu) over a period of 33 years from 1981 to 2013. 12 species of freshwater crabs under 7 genera Freshwater crab specimens were identifi ed using of the family Gecarcinucidae were identifi ed. both morphological and male gonopod structures All the species except Vanni giri Bahir & Yeo, following Alcock (1910), Bott (1970a) and Bahir 2007 from Kerala, 3 species from Karnataka & Yeo (2005 & 2007). Methods of measurement and 1 species from Tamil Nadu were collected and terminology were adopted from Ng & Tay (Table-1). Distribution of all the identifi ed species (2001) and Bahir & Yeo (2007). is presented (Fig.-1). Table-1. District-wise distribution of freshwater crabs studied from the collection of WGRC, ZSI, Kozhikode Species Specimens State District 1 23456789101112 studied Karnataka Chikkamagaluru + – –––––––+–– 3 Kodagu + – – + –––––+–– 13 Kerala Ernakulam + – – – – + –––––– 4 Idukki + – – + –––––––– 12 Kannur + – + – – + –––––– 18 Kasaragod + – –––––––––– 10 Kollam + + – + – – + ––––– 11 Kottayam – – – – – + –––––– 2 Kozhikode + + – – + +–+––++ 20 Palakkad + – + ––––++–+– 46 Pathanamthitta + – – – – + –––––– 7 Thiruvananthapuram + – –––––––––– 4 Thrissur + – –+–+–+–––+ 24 Wayanad + – ––––––––+– 19 Tamil Nadu Coimbatore + – –––––––––– 1 Specimens studied 11844112162186337 194 Species-1: Barytelphusa cunicularis (Westwood, 1836); 2: Cylindrotelphusa steniops (Alcock, 1909); 3: Travancoriana pollicaris (Alcock, 1909); 4: Travancoriana convexa (Roux, 1931); 5: Travancoriana kuleera Bahir & Yeo, 2007; 6: Lamella lamellifrons (Alcock, 1909); 7: Vanni travancorica (Henderson, 1913); 8: Vanni malabarica (Henderson, 1912); 9: Vanni ashini Bahir & Yeo, 2007; 10: Vanni giri Bahir & Yeo, 2007; 11: Vela carli (Roux, 1931); 12: Oziotelphusa biloba Bahir & Yeo, 2005 PATI et al.: Freshwater crabs....Zoological Survey of India, Kozhikode 653 SYSTEMATIC LIST 2007. Barytelphusa cunicularis Bahir and Yeo, Raffl es B. Zool., Supp. No. 16 : 312. Phylum ARTHROPODA Latreille, 1829 Type locality : Western Ghats from latitude 17° Subphylum CRUSTACEA Brünnich, 1772 to 19° 23´ N and longitude from 73° to 75° E Class MALACOSTRACA Latreille, 1802 (previously in Bombay Presidency), Maharashtra, Subclass EUMALACOSTRACA Grobben, 1892 India. Superorder EUCARIDA Calman, 1904 Material examined: 1♀, Annamalai, Yerabtiyar, Coimbatore dist., Tamil Nadu, 20. 12. Order DECAPODA Latreille, 1803 1983, Coll. G.U. Kurup & Party, ZSI/WGRC/IR/ Suborder PLEOCYEMATA Burkenroad, 1963 INV/2749; 1♂, Nanjarajapuzha, Coorg, Kodagu Infraorder BRACHYURA Linnaeus, 1758 dist., Karnataka, 05.01.1985, Coll. K.N. Nair & Section EUBRACHYURA de Saint Laurent, Party, ZSI/WGRC/IR/INV/2732; 2♀, Nagarhole 1980 River, Kodagu dist., Karnataka, 16. 01. 1985, Coll. K.N. Nair & Party, ZSI/WGRC/IR/INV/2758; Subsection HETEROTREMATA Guinot, 1977 1♀, Kakktha holi, Kodagu dist., Karnataka, 28. Superfamily GECARCINUCOIDEA Rathbun, 01. 1985, Coll. K.N. Nair & Party, ZSI/WGRC/ 1904 IR/INV/2748; 1♂ & 1♀, Vaniyampara, Vellani, Family GECARCINUCIDAE Rathbun, 1904 Thrissur dist., Kerala, 14.03.1992, Coll. K.C. 1. Barytelphusa cunicularis (Westwood, 1836) Gopi & Party, ZSI/WGRC/IR/INV/2695; 2♀, Meenmutty, Kattilappara, Kulathupuzha, Kollam 2. Cylindrotelphusa steniops (Alcock, 1909) dist., Kerala, 22.03.1992, Coll. K.C. Gopi & 3. Travancoriana pollicaris (Alcock, 1909) Party, ZSI/WGRC/IR/INV/2705; 1♂, Bonacaud, 4. Travancoriana convexa (Roux, 1931) Thiruvananthapuram dist., Kerala, 26.03.1992, Coll. K.C. Gopi & Party, ZSI/WGRC/IR/ 5. Travancoriana kuleera Bahir & Yeo, 2007 INV/2677; 1♀, Bonacaud, Thiruvananthapuram 6. Lamella lamellifrons (Alcock, 1909) dist., Kerala, 26.03.1992, Coll. K.C. Gopi & 7. Vanni travancorica (Henderson, 1913) Party, ZSI/WGRC/IR/INV/2679; 1♀, Parappa- 8. Vanni malabarica (Henderson, 1912) Santhimala, Kasaragod dist., Kerala, 24.09. 1993, Coll. K.C. Gopi & Party, ZSI/WGRC/ 9. Vanni ashini Bahir & Yeo, 2007 IR/INV/2739; 2♀, Maruthom, Kasaragod dist., 10. Vanni giri Bahir & Yeo, 2007 Kerala, 26.10.1993, Coll. K.C. Gopi & Party, ZSI/ 11. Vela carli (Roux, 1931) WGRC/IR/INV/2752; 1♂, Coorg & Wayanad, 12. Oziotelphusa biloba Bahir & Yeo, 2005 Kodagu dist., Karnataka, 04. 03. 1994, Coll. P.M. Sureshan & Party, ZSI/WGRC/IR/INV/2758; SYSTEMATIC ACCOUNT 1♂, Kalligola, Kodagu dist., Karnataka, 04. 1. Barytelphusa cunicularis (Westwood, 1836) 03. 1994, Coll. P.M. Sureshan & Party, ZSI/ WGRC/IR/INV/2744; 2♂ & 1♀, Devarakolley, (Plate-I, Figs. 1–3; Plate-III, Figs. 1–3) Kodagu dist., Karnataka, 05.03.1994, Coll. P.M. 1836. Thelphusa cunicularis Westwood in Sykes & Sureshan & Party, ZSI/WGRC/IR/INV/2738; 3♂ Westwood, Trans. Ent. Soc. London, 1: 183. & 2♀, Kavadikanam, Samakochi & Bandarkozhi- 1905. Potamon (Potamonautes) jacquemonti Rathbun, Nouv. Arch. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris, (4)7: 185. Payradukka, Kasaragod dist., Kerala, 20. 03. 1994, Coll. K.C. Gopi & Party, ZSI/WGRC/IR/ 1910. Paratelphusa (Barytelphusa) jacquemontii Alcock, Cat. Ind. decap. Crust. Coll. Ind. Mus., I(2): 79. INV/2681; 1♂, Periya Choppara, Wayanad dist., 1970a. Barytelphusa (Barytelphusa) cunicularis Bott, Abh. Kerala, 14.08.1994, Coll. P.M. Sureshan & Party, senckenb. naturforsch. Ges., 526 : 31. ZSI/WGRC/IR/INV/2727; 1♂, Periya Peats, 654 Rec. zool. Surv. India Wayanad dist., Kerala, 15.08.1994, Coll. P.M. T.R., Idukki dist., Kerala, 06.11.1996, Coll. P.M. Sureshan & Party, ZSI/WGRC/IR/INV/2697; 5♂ Sureshan & Party, ZSI/WGRC/IR/INV/2722; 1♀, & 2♀, Mokeyamkundu, Wayanad dist., Kerala, Mlappara, Periyar T.R., Idukki dist., Kerala, 12.11.1994, Coll. P.M. Sureshan, ZSI/WGRC/IR/ 08.11. 1996, Coll. P.M. Sureshan & Party, ZSI/ INV/2700; 4♂ & 1♀, Kurichiyat R.F., Wayanad WGRC/IR/INV/2712; 1♂ & 4♀, Mullakudi, dist., Kerala, 23.12.1994, Coll. C. Radhakrishnan, Periyar T.R., Idukki dist., Kerala, 12.11.1996, ZSI/WGRC/IR/INV/2716; 2♀, Kurichiyat R.F., Coll. P.M. Sureshan, ZSI/WGRC/IR/INV/2742; Wayanad dist., Kerala, 24.12.1994, Coll. C. 1♂, Vellagi Kamalli, Idukki W.L.S., Idukki dist., Radhakrishnan, ZSI/WGRC/IR/INV/2720; 2♂, Kerala, 14.11.1996, Coll. P.M. Sureshan & Party, Kuruva, Wayanad dist., Kerala, 25.12.1994, Coll. ZSI/WGRC/IR/INV/2688; 1♂, Chambakkad, C. Radhakrishnan, ZSI/WGRC/IR/INV/2736; Chinnar W.L.S., Idukki dist., Kerala, 18.11.1996, 1♂ & 1♀, Ambayathode, Kannur dist., Kerala, Coll. P.M. Sureshan, ZSI/WGRC/IR/INV/2719; 02.02.1995, Coll. P.M. Sureshan, ZSI/WGRC/ 2♂ & 2♀, Kariyanchola, Parambikulam W.L.S., IR/INV/2698; 1♂ & 1♀, Narikadavu, Aralam Palakkad dist., Kerala, 22.01.1997, Coll. K.C. W.L.S., Kannur dist., Kerala, 06.04.1995, Coll. Gopi, ZSI/WGRC/IR/INV/2726; 1♂ & 4♀, P.M. Sureshan, ZSI/WGRC/IR/INV/2751; 5♂ & Thellickal, Parambikulam W.L.S., Palakkad dist., 6♀, Uruppukunnu, Aralam W.L.S., Kannur dist., Kerala, 24.01.1997, Coll. K.C. Gopi, ZSI/WGRC/ Kerala, 15.04.1995, Coll. P.M. Sureshan, ZSI/ IR/INV/2731; 1♂, Angamoozhy, Pathanamthitta WGRC/IR/INV/2701; 2♂ & 1♀, Vellanimala, dist., Kerala, 20.02.1997, Coll. P.M. Sureshan, Thrissur dist., Kerala, 09.10.1995, Coll. K.C. ZSI/WGRC/IR/INV/2692; 1♂, Tunnel

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