Bilingual Educational Publication • March 2019 • Edition # 8 • Waukegan Community Unit School District 60 D60 News Pages 10 & 11 D60D60 NewsNews Waukegan Schools Celebrate Black History Month /Celebran Mes de la Historia Afroamericana Waukegan's Super Spellers Súper Deletreadores de Waukegan Page 3 2 WPS60 - Editorial - March 2019 Get in on the March Madness! D60D60 NewsNews f you’ve ever attended a high ing that brings the Waukegan com- ingresan al edif- school basketball playoff game munity together quite like Waukeg- cio, es realmente Publisher in Illinois, you’ve likely heard the an Bulldogs basketball. Other sports una experiencia Theresa Plascencia Ilegend about March Madness. At have been successful, but none co- única. Si nunca Superintendent of Schools the start of each contest, spectators alesce generations of die hard and ha asistido a un Nicholas are reminded that the term March causal fans like the basketball team juego allí, ¡está Alajakis Editors Madness originated right here in does. de suerte! Nicholas Alajakis Illinois, to describe the annual high If you have a chance, get out to El 5, 6 y 8 de marzo, la Escue- Director of Communications school basketball tournament. the Dog Pound and enjoy a game. la Secundaria de Waukegan será [email protected] While the term today is more Whether the Bulldogs are on the la anftriona de la IHSA Class 4A (224) 303-1200 closely associated with the NCAA court or not, the atmosphere is loud, Basketball Sectional. Durante tres Tournament, anyone who has ever it’s tense, it’s spirited… it’s Madness! noches, el gimnasio estará reple- Mitchell Riportella attended a playoff game at Wauke- to de fanáticos del baloncesto, Manager of Communications gan’s historic Dog Pound will tell ¡Es la locura de March Madness! jóvenes y viejos, apoyando a sus [email protected] you the phrase perfectly describes Si alguna vez ha asistido a un par- respectivas escuelas. Este año, uno (224) 303-1012 the atmosphere. Waukegan is for- tido eliminatorio de baloncesto de de esos equipos serán los Bulldogs tunate to have one of the more una escuela secundaria en Illinois, de WHS, que vienen de una tem- iconic high school gyms in the state, probablemente haya escuchado la porada fantástica en la cual captu- Advertising and when nearly 3,000 fans pack leyenda sobre March Madness. Al raron un Campeonato Regional y Oscar Zepeda into the building, it’s truly a one-of- comienzo de cada encuentro, se les compartieron un campeonato de [email protected] a-kind experience. If you’re never recuerda a los espectadores que el conferencia. (847) 858-7493 attended a game there -- you’re in término March Madness se originó En mi experiencia, no hay nada About Us luck! aquí en Illinois, para describir el tor- que reúna a la comunidad de D60 News is a monthly bilingual news- On March 5, 6 and 8 Waukeg- neo anual de baloncesto de la escue- Waukegan como el baloncesto de paper published by Waukegan Public an High School will host the IHSA la secundaria. los Bulldogs de Waukegan. Otros Schools, in conjunction with Puro Fut- bol. D60 News is distributed to families Class 4A Basketball Sectional. For Aunque el día de hoy el término deportes han tenido éxito, pero in Waukegan Public Schools, as well as three nights, the gym will be packed está más relacionado con el Torneo ninguno ha unido a generaciones dozens of locations throughout the City of with basketball fans young and old de la NCAA, cualquiera que haya de fanáticos causales y de corazón, Waukegan. 1201 N. Sheridan Rd. Wauke- rooting for their respective schools. asistido a un partido eliminato- como lo hace el equipo de balonces- gan IL. 60085 This year one of those team teams rio en el histórico Dog Pound de to. will be the WHS Bulldogs, who are Waukegan le dirá que la frase de- Si tienes una oportunidad, ve al FOLLOW WPS coming off a fantastic season where scribe perfectamente la atmósfera. Dog Pound y disfruta de un juego. Keep up with 60 on Social Media they captured a Regional Champi- Waukegan tiene la suerte de contar Ya sea que los Bulldogs estén en la onship, and shared a conference con uno de los gimnasios de escue- cancha o no, el ambiente es ruidoso, WaukeganPublicSchools championship. la secundaria más icónicos del es- es tenso, es animado... ¡es una locu- @WaukeganSchools In my experience, there is noth- tado, y cuando casi 3 mil fanáticos ra! March 2019 Calendar of Events 4 Board Meeting Lincoln Center 7:00 p.m. 16 Illinois Reads Book Festival 5 Science Night Clark 5:00 p.m. 18 - 20 5th Grade Outdoor Ed. Cooke 6 PTO Meeting Cooke 6:00 p.m. 18 - 22 Lyon Spirit Week Lyon 8 Cofee with the Principal Clark 9:30 a.m. 20 4th Grade Family Night Lyon 5:30 p.m. 8 PTO- Glow Dance Cooke 3:15 p.m. 20 Women’s History Month Assembly Clark 2:30 p.m. 9 WHS Booster Club Auction L.C. Sports Center 6:00 p.m. 20 Title I Input Meeting Lincoln Center 6:00 p.m. 12 Board Meeting Lincoln Center 7:00 p.m. 22 UFO Day Whittier All Day 13 Spring Pictures Cooke 22 Monthly Celebration Greenwood All Day 14 Cofee with the Principal North 10:00 a.m. 22 Student Seminar Day Clark All Day 15 Cofee with the Principal Greenwood 8:30 a.m. 25 - 29 Spring Break Districtwide 15 Cofee with the Principal Oakdale 10:00 a.m. 25 - 26 Clearview’s Papa John Fundraiser Greenbay Location All Day 15 PTO - Spring Dance Oakdale 6:00 p.m. 26 Board Meeting Lincoln Center 7:00 p.m. 15 Kindergarten- 2nd Grade Social Lyon 3:15 p.m. March 2019 - Competence / Competencia - WPS60 3 Jeferson Speller Advances to County Bee Elemental Carman-Buckner el Mia Hernández is once 28 de febrero. El evento reunió a más de dos docenas de los mejores again amongst the top deletreadores de Waukegan y las spellers in Lake comunidades vecinas. Los fnalis- County. tas de cada sección competirán el 14 de marzo en el College of Lake County. By D60 Staff Este es el cuarto año que Mia califca para la Competencia de homas Jefferson Middle Deletreadores. El ganador de la School 8th grader, Mia competencia ganará un viaje a Hernandez is once again Washington DC para competir Tamongst the top spellers in Lake contra los mejores deletreadores County, and she will compete at en los Estados Unidos. La Compe- the 2019 Lake County Spelling Bee tencia de Deletreadores está patro- Finals. cinada por la Ofcina Regional de Mia was one of four spellers to Educación. advance out of a spelling bee sec- u Mia Hernández will compete March 14 at the College of Lake County. tional hosted by Carman-Buckner /Photo: WPS60 Elementary School on February 28. Other Waukegan spellers competing at Carman included: The event brought together more Mia avanza a nivel Condado en than two dozen top spellers from Waukegan and surrounding com- competencia de deletrear • Andrew Cooke Magnet School- Kareem Sowe munities. The top fnishers from La estudiante de octavo grado • Carman-Buckner Elementary School- Leopoldo Bueno-Bueno each sectional will compete March de la Escuela Intermedia Thom- • Clearview Elementary School- Aaliyah Pérez 14 at the College of Lake County. as Jefferson, Mia Hernández, está • Glen Flora Elementary School- Abigail Bueno This is Mia’s fourth year qualify- una vez más entre los mejores dele- • Glenwood Elementary School- Ammrie Vergo treadores en el Condado de Lake, ing for the County Bee. The winner • Greenwood Elementary School- Jameson Meadows y competirá en las Finales 2019 del of the competition will earn a trip • H.R. McCall Elementary School- Baldo Escamilla to Washington D.C. to compete Condado de Lake. • Hyde Park Elementary School- Jael Estrada against the top spellers in the Unit- Mia fue una de las cuatro dele- • Lyon Magnet Elementary School- Christopher López ed States. The County Bee is spon- treadoras que avanzó en la Com- sored by the Regional Offce of Ed- petencia de Deletreadores (Spell- • Thomas Jeferson Middle School- Mia Hernández ucation. ing Bee) organizada por la Escuela • Washington Elementary School- Yaritza Serrano Cooke AP Wins NAUW Educator Award ndrew Cooke Mag- an for their impact on the lives of ra Afroamericana Destacada por Anet Elementary Assis- their students, as well as their con- parte de la Asociación Nacional de tant Principal Cretia Rasul was tribution to their communities. Mujeres Universitarias del 2019. recently named the National As- El premio reconoce a maestros cer- sociation of University Women’s Gana Premio Educadora 2019 tifcados o administradores que Outstanding African Amer- La Asistentes de la Directo- prestan servicios en North Chicago, ican Educator of 2019. ra de Andrew Cooke Magnet, Zion o Waukegan por su impacto The award acknowledges certifed Cretia Rasul, recientemente fue en las vidas de sus estudiantes, así u Andrew Cooke Magnet Elementa- teachers or administrators serving in nombrada como una Educado- como su contribución a sus comu- ry Assistant Principal Cretia Rasul. North Chicago, Zion, or Waukeg- nidades. /Photo: WPS60 4 WPS60 - Auction / Subasta - March 2019 WHS Athletic Booster Auction on March 9 By D60 Staff viduals and businesses interested dólares por adelantado y 25 dólares in donating an item, or becoming en la puerta. Los boletos se pueden he Waukegan High School Purple, Green, Gold or Platinum comprar con un miembro del Club Athletic Booster Club’s 22nd sponsors, can contact Nancy Flores Booster o a través de la red: http:// annual silent auction fund- at 224-456-5103.
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