Geological Bedrock Map of the Western Part of the Munster and South Munster Basins, Ireland 2004 Edition

Geological Bedrock Map of the Western Part of the Munster and South Munster Basins, Ireland 2004 Edition

See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Geological bedrock map of the western part of the Munster and South Munster Basins, Ireland 2004 edition Data · February 2015 CITATIONS READS 0 166 2 authors: Ivor A. J. MacCarthy Patrick A Meere *University College Cork University College Cork 54 PUBLICATIONS 240 CITATIONS 62 PUBLICATIONS 511 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Sedimentary provenance of southern Irish onshore and offshore basins View project Visual Practices Across the University (book) View project All content following this page was uploaded by Ivor A. J. MacCarthy on 06 February 2015. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. GEOLOGY OF THE DEVONIAN-CARBONIFEROUS SOUTH MUNSTER BASIN, IRELAND 050 060 070 080 090 V 100 W 110 120 130 Lissatinnig Curravoole Lough Coolea 40 35 SFGC Clondrohid 50 Reagh Derrylicka Boiughil 75 Roughty 254 BH 204 66 VS SFGC 50 65 60 262 Gortanacra 50 CH Coomastrow 60 Rock A SFGC 50 50 River Oghermong River 50 261 Derreen Gowlane 55 138 Morley’s ?BH BH SFGC CH Dromduff STRATIGRAPHY 50 SFGC 65 45 50 BH 412 Gortatlea 60 Bridge 50 SFGC Boola SFGC Knockmoyle 70 BJ 65 40 174 Laharan South 50 Cappamore 262 67 55 184 45 40 80 Cummeeboy 60 CH Foilgreana Coolnacaheragh 30 373 40 684 65 Scarteen 85 Knockeens Slaght 15 70 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE CORK, IRELAND Foilclogh 85 65 50 80 50 CARBONIFEROUS BJ BJ Tooreennahone 75 BJ Caher 50 MWEELIN FAULT BJ BH 35 173 70 Beenduff 40 60 SFGC 60 80 355 Cummeenboy ? CH 20 50 VS Aghatubride Tooreenbog 60 SFGC 85 75 50 45 25 50Kilnagurteen 35 65 497 479 Killeenleagh Lough BJ CN 50 70 60 30 45 45 CH 40 50 60 Faher 60 85 45 55 75 40 60 80 60 80 45 70 60 DINANTIAN Derreen RiverDerreen Mountain 75 55 40 Letter South 80 Inchimore 75 75 Derree 60 SFGC Sullane River 40 Codrum ?GP COLAISTE na hOLLSCOILE CORCAIGH, EIRE DC CARBONATES SFGC 40 80 Gortalassa 80 80 KILMORE Grey mudstones 161 40 55 80 Slieveduff Kilgarvan 65 40 60 KL [Undivided] 198 45 VS BJ 85 70 Ardtully 20 Candroma MACROOM FORMATION and sandstones 45 45 Dromaragh 70 268 80 85 60 Cloheena 138 Limestones 193 40 80 60 SFGC Rath West ESKINE 70 80 Strickeen 60 60 60 50 50 40 80 80 80 75 80 SULLANE RIVER FAULT CH 80 CH 55 Gortbrack 85 CH 50 60 Inchinatinny 50 ANTICLINE 215 Foilanumera 55 Aghatubrid Derriana 70 50 Clontoo BAvp 75 CH 55 LISPATRICK 50 Lough Gortamullin 85 75 65 ?CH MIDDLE BATTERY Grey sandstones SFGC Derreendarragh 80 WA SL 40 CH 50 Sullane River MB 205 BJ 85 285 60 and minor mudstones LP FORMATION 50 50 70 Paulacapple 80 80 60 BJ 80 80 75 40 Derryfineen Reananerree 80 Killnamartery Shanvalleyshane 40 FORMATION 65 Gowlane 349 80 335 50 142 Sleveen East [Bealacoon Beds] BJ 191 BAvp Cleady 40 60 70 50 Cappanagroun SFGC Kealariddig 67 75 444 65 CH Carriganine 167 Grey mudstones Inchiboy 60 60 Dromneavane CH 85 413 REANANERREE FAULT 65 GEOLOGY OF THE Knockanaskill Carrigalougha 50 45 CH 40 42 Mastergeehy 60 326 80 85 70 60 75 Bullard Barnastooka 40 55 226 50 50 45 SL 455 Garrigery BH 40 Mweelin BH 40 50 165 Tullig BJ 75 85 30 65 Caherkereen CH EAST POINT Dark grey mudstones SFGC 30 40 VS ? 80 80 397 40 50 172 50 GP EP WAULSORTIAN 40 50 Dromlusk 60 BA 80 25 80 487 FORMATION Maulagirkane 223 Lough 45 75 43 50 BH SL 70 WA LIMESTONES 208 198 Fermoyle Bogare 80 WA 111 85 SL 185 DEVONIAN-CARBONIFEROUS Slaheny River Lomanagh UPPER CARBONIFEROUS Namona 70 75 RM BJ 80 75 Lack Beg 40 Emlag ? 60 80 70 CH 497 BH BH 50 173 50 55 Pale grey micrites 60 Cloonaghlin 35 MH CH Garryglass 30 Gortalinney 80 80 60 Lackabaun 55 Lough 50 60 70 SFGC 80 60 Cummeen Upper 40 45 The Gearagh Grey mudstones with INNY KENMARE 65 80 60 80 60 60 340 45 REENYDONAGAN BALLYSTEEN Cummeragh River 114 SL 60 40 SOUTH MUNSTER BASIN, IRELAND SFGC 65 BAvp 60 GP rare thin calcareous RD BJ Coomduff 45 55 80 80 75 80 70 Cahernacaha FORMATION bioclastic levels FORMATION 80 SL 506 30 397 35 45 CH CH River Lee BAvp 35 70 BA Currabeg 30 SL WA [RD1- 4 Members] Well bedded bioclastic SYNCLINE 40 45 VS 70 WA 80 75 50 60 BEARA 50 CH 40 (WESTERN PART) BA limestones 070 River Blackwater 070 Emlaghlea Dromline 65 80 RM 60 422 BH 40 40 Victoria Point Member* Mweelin Breahig 40 Lough Ardsheelhane Knocknagullion 80 30 BH Aghacunna (BEDROCK GEOLOGY) BJ 85 50 70 20 BH Rathgaskin 40 304 198 ARDNAMANAGH Grey mudstones and Chert beds in SFGC 45 Maghygreenane 55 70 Kenmare Old Lyrenageeha Augeris Milleen Toomsbog KNam/ River Inny 55 Lough Issaghrathmoge Templenoe 75 Knockanuha ANTICLINE (PIG’S COVE) linsen beds Cloon VS 60 85 Curramore Grousemount SL CH First Edition KNpc calcarenites Scarriff Cooryvanaheen Iskanamacteery 40 Slievenashaska 60 50 60 50 25 BH 65 50 Derineanig MEMBER 50 70 75 CH 45 50 Emlaghmore River 50 Cahersavane 102 30 SL MWEELIN FAULT Cleanrath compiled by RINGMOYLAN 60 80 35 30 SL South 112 CUMMERAGH RIVER FAULT 70 75 60 Bird Hill Coomataggart 200 212 FORMATION** 70 70 Sheen River 60 70 RM LOWER CARBONIFEROUS 572 50 Blackwater KENMARE FAULT 70 BH 45 30 Tooms Grey and white Grey mudstones with 55 Maulagallane 60 GP 142 80 REENAGOUGH 40 Boolananave 65 BJ Bridge DC/?WA 80 25 30 CH 147 70 111 GP 162 weathering sandstones, minor bioclastic Reenroe Dromkeare 40 80 SL Gortnalloughra 55 149 Ivor A. J. MacCARTHY KNrg SFGC Killaha East 50 BEARA ANTICLINE 30 CH 40 75 Gortacurrig MEMBER minor grey mudstones limestones 134 45 484 50 65 SFGC CN 70 50 Knockacappul BH 15 60 45 263 Murreagh Glanbeg 50 75 Coomclognerane 30 75 50 40 213 60 Doon 45 35 Gortnamona 250 220 45 Kilbarry 70 45 40 642 KENMARE Lake Gullaba Hill Carran 509 Gortaveer 138 Cooldaniel 60 45 45 Sneem River RM 80 Mucksna 60 60 15 Derreenlunnig Derreen Department of Geology MELLON HOUSE SFGC 50 65 50 SYNCLINE 45 20 BH Roughty River SL 60 40 60 70 ARDATURRISH 45 45 VS MH BA Mountain Gortlahard 20 55 60 116 MH FORMATION 25 60 104 Lackeen Dinish Island 70 45 238 University College Cork, Spunkane 40 45 70 Derrygarriff ?BJ 80 SL 50 CH 60 Mullaghroe 188 KNat MEMBER KNnc Grey sandstones SFGC SFGC 75 Point 240 220 SL 50 45 Kilnarovanagh 30 45 30 50 BJ 85 80 Slaheny River 30 60 65 176 70 Cork, LOWER CARBONIFEROUS Grey sandstones, mudstones and mudstones 45 GP ?GP Knockantooreen 35 Ballingeary 60 40 75 45 65 BEARA 30 CH and heterolithic beds 45 50 50 ? 60 Inchinaneave Ireland. Tahilla River 30 30 182 NARROW COVE CAMILLAN 50 VS SL 30 SL 285 Carrig 161 80 60 60 50 Sneem GP 70 52 80 ANTICLINE 30 55 537 60 CH KINSALE FORMATION (KN) KINSALE FORMATION CASTLE SLATE BJ 60 75 Coolnagoppoge 20 60 FORMATION SANDSTONE 60 GP Knockeirka 50 30 Bealick 40 CH SLSY 50 50 MEMBER 30 Lough GP 75 CH Coomyfaun 25 SL 110 GP River Lee KNcs Grey sandstones, CN FORMATION Waterville 140 70 70 60 50 535 40 2004 Lough Curnane 35 50 50 GP Fadda ?TH ?GP 80 65 Lake SL Gouganebarra Inchigeelagh CH Inchigrady Ardaneneen [shown as a purple line mudstones and Grey sandstones with 30 Dunkerron 60 Cooloo Lake 103 Rossnakilla without bounding lines] 50 35 35 50 60 65 163 50 heterolithic beds minor grey and purple 50 45 ? 50 ?BH 40 40 50 60 128 ?TH 74 CH Gougane River Lee River Lee KILMICHAEL FAULT Grey mudstones mudstones 45 60 OH 80 65 KEIMANEIGH PASS FAULT 186 70 Teerelton THE MUNSTER AND SOUTH MUNSTER BASINS 60 SFGC 50 30 80 Barraduff 30 Barra 217 Lough Allua 60 Carrignacurra SL 25 35 50 ASKIVE FAULT 70 ?GP Dromoghty SL 60 40 50 60 Isknagaheny Cauntees 50 Tahilla 75 Mountain Barrerneen 25 Coomroe 70 60 160 Lough SFGC 45 Ormonds Island Lake Kealvaugh Beg 60 70 75 DEVONIAN 40 BJ CH 30 10 35 50 50 CLOGHBURRA FAULT 80 30 20 60 60 45 85 57 Lough 263 60 BOHANES FAULT 70 250 50 45 Akinkeen AREA OF MUNSTER BASIN SHOWN IN YELLOW Ballybrack 20 60 50 45 Kilmichael 50 70 TH 45 80 10 20 50 Dereenglass Kealvaugh 60 250 80 OLD HEAD SANDSTONE 40 Rossmore 30 Lough 70 CH 50 40 40 GP 60 388 SL 70 40 60 GP 60 245 OH FORMATION BALLINSKELLIGS 45 60 30 50 TH Island GP 474 Nambrackderg Inchimore Inchideraille 70 50 50 60 70 Parknasilla 60 248 CH 25 45 50 Coongar 70 44 Derrynacaheragh SL 60 60 CH 70 Gortnalour 152 241 (NOT CORRECTED FOR TECTONIC SHORTENING WHICH IS ABOUT 50% IN A SFGC 50 TUNNEL FAULT Knockboy 40 Pass of Sandstones and minor mudstones 40 40 Clonee Lakes CH Keimaneigh CH 30 Beenrour 60 Harbour Rossmorebullig 53 50 70 55 206 50 Heterolithic levels Clonee Lakes Lough 127 NORTH-SOUTH DIRECTION) Baslickane 60 60 TH CLONEE FAULT Derryvacorneen 70 203 BAY Shanaknock 60 70 40 410 Beg 60 60 60 Baulbtack 60 60 SFGC GP 57 Cummer CH 40 TOE HEAD 30 65 Lough Bunane 45 35 30 60 60 30 Douhghil 60 GP GORTNAHOUGHTER FAULT 50 Haremount 60 ? 40 BJ 70 ? 50 CH Lough 70 50 30 CORK TH FORMATION Finglas River Lough 60 GP Akinkeen 50 TH 40 65 60 50 ?BJ ?GP Clonee River 30 Carrignamuck 60 35 60 ? Grey, brown and green sandstones 40 Dreenaun 45 Staigue 85 BJ 464 SL 60 50 CH Garinish 20 30 Tuosist 70 Lough 30 50 332 40 60 N and minor mudstones Eagles KNrg Inchiquin 50 30 Dooneens 60 GP 231 Trusk 60 80 Island BJ Knocknagorraveela CH 30 GP 50 232 SYNCLINE ? GUN POINT(GYLEEN) SHEEPS HEAD Toor 473 Hill 50 ?OH CH 10 60 50 50 50 20 30 Lehid Harbour 507 GP Tullig GP 45 30 Rath 30 BORLIN VALLEY FAULT CH GP GP/GY FORMATION SH FORMATION VS ?BJ 50 45 70 60 60 60 ? 103 Coomhola River 50 Thick multistorey grey sandstones Farraniaragh Glan 30 80 60 CH Deelis 30 50 240 191 55 Grey and purple sandstones Lough 80 40 55 and minor thin grey or purple mudstones Mountain ?OH 25 KENMARE FAULT Johnstown ? and purple mudstones Loher 80 50 Knockboy Carrigdangan DINGLE BAY-GALTY MOUNTAINS LINEAMENT Coad Mountain Rossdohan 60 SL 60 50 35

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