Established 1914 Volume XV, Number 87 13th Waning of First Waso 1369 ME Thursday, 12 July, 2007 Four political objectives Four economic objectives Four social objectives * Stability of the State, community peace * Development of agriculture as the base and all-round * Uplift of the morale and morality of development of other sectors of the economy as well and tranquillity, prevalence of law and the entire nation * Proper evolution of the market-oriented economic order * Uplift of national prestige and integ- system * National reconsolidation rity and preservation and safeguard- * Development of the economy inviting participation in * Emergence of a new enduring State ing of cultural heritage and national terms of technical know-how and investments from Constitution character sources inside the country and abroad * Building of a new modern developed * Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit * The initiative to shape the national economy must be kept * Uplift of health, fitness and education nation in accord with the new State in the hands of the State and the national peoples Constitution standards of the entire nation Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Thein Sein receives Sri Lankan Foreign Minister NAY PYI TAW, 11 July — Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Develop- ment Council Lt-Gen Thein Sein received visit- ing Foreign Minister of Sri Lanka Mr Rohitha Bogollagama and party here today. The delegation arrived here to attend the First Meeting of the Myanmar-Sri Lanka Joint Commission for Bilateral Cooperation to be held at the State Peace and Development Council Office, here. Also present at the call were Minister for National Planning and Economic Development Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Thein Sein receives visiting Foreign Minister of Sri Lanka Mr Rohitha Bogollagama and U Soe Tha, Minister for party in Nay Pyi Taw.—MNA Commerce Brig-Gen Tin Naing Thein, Minister for gious Affairs Brig-Gen Kyaw Win of the State General Col Thant Shin Kyaw Kyaw of the Proto- Sri Lankan Ambassador Foreign Affairs U Nyan Thura Myint Maung, Di- Peace and Development of the Government Of- col Department of the Min- to Myanmar Mr Win, Minister for Reli- rector-General Col Kyaw Council Office, Director- fice, Director-General U istry of Foreign Affairs and Samarasekera.—MNA Myanmar adheres to the principle of “One China Policy”, regards Taiwan as an integral part of China Myanmar opposes Taiwan’s UN membership bid under any appellation NAY PYI TAW, 12 July — It is learnt that the the friendly relations with the People’s Republic of Taiwan’s push for referendum on joining UN would Taiwan authorities led by Chen Shui-bien have re- China, the Union of Myanmar has consistently ad- raise tension in Taiwan cross-Straits relations and cently been pushing hard for a referendum on joining hered to the principle of “One China Policy” and jeopardize the peace and stability in the region. the United Nations in the name of “Taiwan”. regards Taiwan as an integral part of China. Myanmar, therefore, opposes the Taiwan’s UN mem- As a nation which has steadfastly nurtured The Union of Myanmar is of the view that bership bid under any appellation. — MOFA Emergence of the State Constitution is the duty of all citizens of Myanmar Naing-Ngan. 12-7-07 NL 1 8/5/18, 01:17 AM 2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 12 July, 2007 PERSPECTIVES People’s Desire Thursday, 12 July, 2007 * Oppose those relying on external elements, acting as stooges, holding negative views * Oppose those trying to jeopardize stability of the State and progress of the nation MWVO members to ensure * Oppose foreign nations interfering in internal affairs of the State success of National Convention * Crush all internal and external destructive elements as the common enemy The Myanmar War Veterans Organiza- tion is a consolidated auxiliary force for na- Minister receives German Ambassador tional defence. The Central Organizing Com- NAY PYI TAW, 10 July mittee and State, Division, District and Town- — Minister for Home Af- ship Organizing Committees have been fairs Maj-Gen Maung Oo formed and their membership is on the in- received Ambassador of Germany to Myanmar Mr crease. They are carrying out the respective Dietrich Andreas at his duties. office here today. With the increasing members of MWVO, Also present at the call were Director-General of the organization is training its members General Administration through various means to become qualified Department U Myat Ko, ones. Under the leadership of the Tatmadaw, Director-General of Myanmar Police Force MWVO has been participating in the tasks Brig-Gen Khin Yi, Direc- for defending the State, nation-building and tor-General of Bureau of community welfare activities. It also serves Special Investigation U Aung Saw Win and offi- the interest of war veterans and their fami- cials concerned. Minister Maj-Gen Maung Oo receives German Ambassador to lies. MNA Myanmar Mr Dietrich Andreas. — MNA The National Convention, the first step of the seven-point Road Map, will be recon- Minister Brig-Gen vened soon. Members of MWVO will have to Lun Thi receives take their respective roles in providing as- Ambassador of sistance for the successful completion of the National Convention. Kingdom of Den- War veterans possess defence capability, mark to Myanmar organizational capability and management Mr Michael capability. They also have noble traditions such as sacrifice and esprit de corps. Sternberg in Yangon We would like to urge the members of on 10 July 2007. MWVO with such noble spirit, experiences ENERGY and fine traditions to do their bit for the success of the National Convention. Deputy Minister for Health attends WHO SEA regional meetings NAY PYI TAW, 10 July — Deputy Minister for Health Dr Mya Oo and party attended the Health Secretaries’ Meeting of WHO South-East Asian Re- gion member countries and the 44th Senior Officials Meeting for Health Plan Management in New Delhi of India from 2 to 6 July. On 2 July, WHO SEA Regional Director Dr Samlee Pilanbangehang delivered an address at the opening ceremony of the meeting. Health secretaries and rep- resentatives discussed health plans to be implemented with the use of WHO funds in 2008-09, management and financial matters, reviewing of the resolutions adopted by the 60th WHO Conference and the topics to be discussed at the 60th WHO SEA Regional Committee Meeting. Deputy Minister Dr Mya Oo also discussed the In memory of late U Ba Thwin-Daw Thaung plans to be implemented in Myanmar with the use of Deputy Minister Dr Mya Oo attends Health Nyunt, Daw Win Yi, Ko Maung Maung Oo WHO funds in 2008-09, preventive measures being Secretaries’ Meeting of WHO South-East taken against bird flu and dengue fever and its success. and Ko Zaw Win, bereaved families of Ahlon Asian Region member countries. — HEALTH Township donated K 100,000 to Hninzigon The deputy minister tabled a motion calling for Home for the Aged recently. Joint Treasurer U providing preliminary health care services to be dis- Deputy Minister Dr Mya Oo and member Deputy cussed at the 61st WHO SEA Regional Committee Director Dr Ko Ko Naing of Foreign Relations Divi- Maung Maung Gyi of the Home accepts cash Meeting in 2008. All the participants seconded the sion arrived back at Nay Pyi Airport on 7 July. donated by the wellwishers.— H motion. The meeting ended on 6 July. MNA 12-7-07 NL 2 8/5/18, 01:17 AM THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 12 July, 2007 3 I N T E R N A T I O N A L N E W S Tut\kun\N˙s\S tiu;®mHc\.Âk Detained Iranians complain about US treatment TEHERAN, 10 July— Arbil, accusing them of have not fulfilled their Iranian Foreign Ministry being members of Iran’s promises on their release,” spokesman Mohammad- Revolutionary Guards and Hosseini said, adding the Ali Hosseini said the five backing militants in Iraq. five Iranians called for Iranians detained in Iraq However, Iran denied a meeting with their by the US forces have the accusation, insisting families. Hosseini also complained about their the five were diplomats thanked Iraqi officials treatment in detention, the working in Iraq. and the International official IRNA news agency Three Iranian dip- Committee of the Red reported. lomats in Iraq, including Cross for their efforts to A 17 May, 2006 file photo shows the USS Enterprise in the Adriatic sea, near “The five Iranian the Ambassador Hassan hold the consular meeting the city of Split, Croatia. The US Navy has sent a third aircraft carrier to its diplomats have com- Kazemi-Qomi, Saturday and called on them to Fifth Fleet area of operations, which includes Gulf waters close to Iran, the plained that international visited for the first time secure the release of the Navy said on 10 July, 2007. —XINHUA regulations are not being five Iranians held by US detainees. observed about them and forces since January, He described as “neces- Blair’s aide says Cabinet had they are given the least according to Iraq’s sary but not sufficient” the facilities,” Hosseini told Foreign Ministry. US measure on preparing “severe doubts” on Iraq his weekly Press con- “The (detained) diplo- the ground for the consular ference. mats told Kazemi-Qomi visit, saying it took place LONDON, 10 July— publicity on Monday. or “spinning”, the news US forces arrested the psychological pressure after six months of pro- Senior members of Tony He said Blair’s deputy, made him a controversial five Iranians in January in has been exerted on them crastination. Blair’s government suf- John Prescott, as well as figure under Blair. He is northern Iraqi city of because the US officials MNA/Xinhua fered “severe moments of several other ministers often accused of being doubt” about whether to “looked physically sick” responsible for Blair’s back the 2003 US-led as the Cabinet discussed reputation of being invasion of Iraq, the the move on 17 March.
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