10.2478/v10060-008-0095-1 Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW Land Reclamation No 43 (1), 2011: 87–97 (Ann. Warsaw Univ. of Life Sci. – SGGW, Land Reclam. 43 (1), 2011) Evaluation methods of agricultural potential in rural areas including environmental function RADKA VÁCHALOVÁ1, ŠTĚPÁNKA MATĚJKOVÁ2, JAN VÁCHAL1, PETRA PÁRTLOVÁ1 MIROSLAV DUMBROVSKÝ3, LUBOŠ JURÍK4 1The University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Czech Republic. 2Crop Research Institute, Praha, Czech Republic. 3Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic 4Slovak Agriculture University, Nitra, Slovakia Abstract: Evaluation methods of agricultural aimed at the protection of varied environmental potential in rural areas including environmental components. function. The study focuses on the environmental evaluation of land in the territory of interest by Key words: farmland, soil properties, environmen- means of assessing the non-production functions. tal functions, non-production functions, method This topic is currently becoming one of the cru- of rating. cial moments in agriculture, water management as well as nature and landscape conservation. The soil represents an important component of the INTRODUCTION environment and infl uences both the quality and the quantity of produced foodstuffs due to the fact The importance of the soil for man is em- that being an abiotic factor, the soil is a part of phasized in the international document many different natural and artifi cial ecosystems, affecting thus the hydrosphere, atmosphere and European Soil Charter (1972). Being biosphere. The soil provides nutrients for plant an essential, limited and non-renewable growth, necessary for animal as well as human source of food production and natural nutrition. It plays an important part in recycling wealth of any country, the soil has to be and detoxifi cation of organic materials and in the protected concerning both its quantity cycles of many elements. The proposed solution consists in the evaluation of the non-production and quality (Říha 1999). At present its soil functions in a particular territory according to ecological and economic evaluation is chosen, usually unchangeable, soil properties on often a hot topic of theoretical studies the basis of the proposed method of rating. The and experimental methodologies (Novák method is based on creating evaluation classes et al. 2002). In the Czech Republic, how- comprising the individual categories of soil prop- erties. The rating expressing particular categories ever, such approaches of environmental indicates the range of the non-production func- economics are being developed as well as tions within the soil-ecological units in the terri- used in the decision-making processes of tory of interest. The research was carried out in regional development. Due to increasing a territory only moderately impacted by human intensity of land use and growing inci- industrial activities. The results of the evaluation dence of confl icts between the economic of chosen soil functions can be used in the studies focused on landscape and soil protection or in the and ecological interests it is not suffi - proposals of environment-friendly management cient to evaluate the nature by means of models in accordance with the rules of agricul- traditional utilitarian approaches, where tural policy included in appropriate regulations the main factor determining the price of 88 R. Váchalová et al. soil is a direct profi t of the evaluator (Se- MATERIAL AND METHODS ják et al. 1999). A more appropriate way how to express soil value can be based The proposal of the evaluation of farm- on the evaluation of the environmental land production potential including the soil functions. evaluation of its environmental func- The soil is viewed as a decisive sur- tions was solved in the Zdíkov cadastral face unit of the landscape space, which territory, which is situated in the Šumava determines the quality of the landscape Protected Landscape between the Vim- system. The persistence and function of perk Upland and the Šumava Plains. the soil in the landsacpe is the essential This area is characterised by preserved precondition of the existence, function forest stands – mountain climax pine and persistence of the agricultural land- groves, acidophilous mountain beech scape. Thus, the conservation of soil stands, peat bogs and other interesting must be defi ned as a vital precondition and valuable communities. The territory of nature conservation, environment pro- of interest shown in Figure 1 belongs to tection as well as the economic and so- the Central-European territories where cial development in the territory. the negative impacts of human industrial Among the essential components of activities are still only moderate. land resources management are correct The local climate is determined by categorization or delimitation, optimum the submontane character of the terri- production utilization, the assessment of tory and by its broken relief with a high risk extent and degree (predisposition to proportion of woodland. The average the degradation of yield parameters) in ten-year rainfall amounts to 830 mm per particular soil types, including soil prop- year. The annual mean temperature is erties monitoring. Here the basic factor 5.9°C, the average temperature in Janu- is the harmonisation of the production ary is –3.8°C, the average temperature in and non-production functions in a par- June is 13.5°C. The average atmospheric ticular area. moisture is around 78%. The wind usu- ally has the north direction. FIGURE 1. The aerial photograph of the Zdíkov cadastral territory Evaluation methods of agricultural potential in rural areas... 89 The vegetation period with the daily Most soils, formed on the paragneiss mean temperature of above 5°C starts at substrate in Liz and Albrechtec water- the beginning of May. Full vegetation sheds, are oligotrophic to oligo-mes- period with the daily mean temperature otrophic brown soils. Along the streams of above 10°C starts at the beginning of there are mostly gleyed brown soils to June. From the 5th October it is possible brown gleys. In higher elevations there to expect the end of vegetation period are signs of podsolization and in detritus with the daily mean temperature below sites appeared rankers. 5°C. Considering the fl uctuations of the Corg (organic carbon) signifi cantly de- temperature curve, a rise in temperature creases with the depth as well as cationic can be noticed after the 15th January. exchange capacity and acidity, pH (H2O) This rise stops between February 14– and pH (KCl) increase. The acidity of up- –15, which is the period of winter mon- per organic horizons is dominated by the soon. The next rise of temperature by presence of organic acids derived from 0.2–0.3°C per day appears after the 21st humifi cation processes of surface hori- March. A following decrease in tempera- zons. The reserve of exchangeable cati- ture comes between May 10–11. Then the ons (Ca, K, Mg) in the soil is low. The temperature rises till the 8th June, with a main buffering systems include above all subsequent stabilization or even a drop. the dissolution of Al secondary minerals. The next increase in temperature comes The role of H+ exchange for Ca, Mg and between June 15–25. The onset of the an- K is only minor in the soils where pH is nual peak appears between the 15th July below 5. and the 5th August when the temperature The indication and quantifi cation of reaches the annual peak of about 14°C. farm soils production potential, includ- Then there is a slow decline which ends ing the environmental functions evalua- with a temporary daily increase by about tion, was carried out in the form of con- 0.4°C during November 26–28. This rise sequent steps, whose system is shown in fi nishes on the 1st December and after Figure 2. this date the temperature falls until the 15th January (Chábera et al. 1985). Choice of evaluation system Choice of soil functions Choice of soil properties System of rating FIGURE 2. The system of soil functions rating 90 R. Váchalová et al. Choice of the evaluation system nently under the infl uence of watercourse The precondition of a qualifi ed choice level, strongly acidic to podsolized. Con- is thorough knowledge of complex soil- sidering the role of the soil in nourish- ecological units including standardized ing the plants for biomass production, its quality assessment (BPEJ) and their resistance to soil degradation, its impor- precise categorization within particular tance for organic substances transforma- aggregation groups (or varieties). The tion and precipitation soaking, then the categorization comprises the following most signifi cant environmental functions criteria: climatic characteristics of the obviously become the production func- region, soil type, grain size (texture), tion and three non-production functions soil depth, erosion, skeletal type, as- – the buffer function, the transformation pect, moisture conditions, site location, function and the water-retention func- site shape and situation. On this basis it tion. is possible to classify the soils or their Choice of soil properties for soil main soil units (HPJ) from the follow- functions evaluation ing viewpoints: • Specifi cation of cultures falling into To accomplish the assessment of the pro- agricultural land register; duction function and the non-production • Blocking of the sites on the basis of soil functions we chose measurable soil soil-ecological survey; properties relating to soil functions. • Classifi cation of the soils due to the On the basis of two requirements for degree of hydromorphism; the evaluation of the production function • Classifi cation of the soils according we chose the yielding capacity, whose to the predisposition to soil structure values were assigned to the units of the and texture degradation – compac- quality assessment system by Němec tion; (2001), and which are listed in the sup- • Assessment of the predisposition to plement of the Government Regulation erosion; of the Ministry of Agriculture, CR.
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