December 13, 1995 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE S 18575 But evidence accumulated since the ROOSEVELT HISTORY MONTH SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Title 18 Uni- 1990 Amendments were enacted indi- Mr. BROWN. Madam President, I ask cates that ridesharing programs are formity Act of 1995''. unanimous consent the Judiciary Com- SEC. 2. ADJUSTING AND MAKING UNIFORM THE not a cost-effective option in the short- mittee be discharged from further con- DOLLAR AMOUNTS USED IN TITLE 18 term to control air pollution. The ef- sideration of Senate Resolution 75, a TO DISTINGUISH BETWEEN GRADES fort necessary to convince commuters resolution proclaiming October 1996 as OF OFFENSES. to get out of their cars and into car- (a) Sections 215, 288, 641, 643, 644, 645, 646, ``Roosevelt History Month,'' and that 647, 648, 649, 650, 651, 652, 653, 654, 655, 656, 657, pools or buses or trains is quite expen- the Senate proceed to its immediate sive compared to other steps that 658, 659, 661, 662, 665, 872, 1003, 1025, 1163, 1361, consideration, that the resolution and 1707, 1711, and 2113 of title 18, United States would achieve the same emissions re- preamble be agreed to en bloc, and that Code, are amended by striking ``$100'' each ductions in the short-term. It may be the motion to reconsider be laid on the place it appears and inserting ``$1,000''. that over a very long period, a require- table, that any statements relating (b) Section 510 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by striking ``$500'' and inserting ment like this would convince major thereto appear in the RECORD at the ap- employers to make locational decisions propriate place. ``$1,000''. that encourage the use of transit and SEC. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without This Act and the amendments made by this other ridesharing options. But in the objection, it is so ordered. short-run, the emissions reductions Act shall apply to sentences imposed on or after The resolution (S. Res. 75) was agreed the date of enactment of this Act. achieved do not justify the great dif- to. ficulties that would be experienced by Mr. BROWN. I ask unanimous con- The preamble was agreed to. sent the committee amendment be the States and by employers to carry The resolution, with its preamble, out the trip reduction program. agreed to, the bill be considered read a reads as follows: third time and passed as amended, the This requirement of the 1990 Clean S. RES. 75 motion to reconsider be laid upon the Air Act Amendments has engendered Whereas January 30, 1995, is the 113th anni- table, that any statements relating to much opposition in the legislatures of versary of the birth of President Franklin the bill be placed at the appropriate the several States that are subject to. Delano Roosevelt in Hyde Park, New York; place in the RECORD. EPA made it clear earlier this year Whereas almost a half-century after the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without that the Agency would not aggres- death of President Roosevelt, his legacy re- mains central to the public life of the Na- objection, it is so ordered. sively enforce the requirements. And So the committee amendment was even in Los Angeles, the program that tion; Whereas before becoming President of the agreed to. served as a model for the 1990 federal United States, Franklin Delano Roosevelt The bill was ordered to be engrossed program has been discontinued. All served in the New York State Senate and for a third reading, was read the third seem to agree that this is a measure later was appointed Assistant Secretary of time, and passed. that should not be mandated. the Navy, and in 1928 became Governor of f H.R. 325 does not entirely repeal the New York; Whereas as President of the United States EXPRESSING THE SENSE OF CON- employer trip reduction program. It between 1933 and 1945, Franklin Delano Roo- GRESS REGARDING THE NEXT makes it voluntary with the States. It sevelt guided the Nation through two of the PANCHEN LAMA will remain as potential avenue for greatest crises of the twentieth century, the emissions reductions for the States Great Depression and the Second World War, Mr. BROWN. Madam President, I ask that choose to use it. And the bill does and in so doing, changed the course of Amer- unanimous consent that the Senate not rollback the Clean Air Act in any ican politics; proceed to the immediate consider- sense. All States will continue to bear Whereas a memorial in stone in the Dis- ation of Calendar 266, S. J. Res. 43. an obligation to achieve healthy air trict of Columbia will soon be dedicated to The PRESIDING OFFICER. The his memory, as authorized by Congress in clerk will report. quality by the same deadlines that are 1955; and currently in the law. The bill makes The assistant legislative clerk read Whereas a month commemorating the his- as follows: clear that States that choose not to tory of Franklin Delano Roosevelt would carry out the trip reduction program complement the dedication of the memorial: A joint resolution (S. J. Res. 43) expressing must find equivalent emissions reduc- Now, therefore, be it the sense of the Congress regarding Wei Jingsheng; Gudhun Choekyi Nyima, the next tions from other sources. Resolved, That October, 1996, should be designated ``Roosevelt History Month''. The Panchen Lama of Tibet; and the human Madam President, we have a respon- President is requested to issue a proclama- rights practices of the Government of the sibility to act quickly to fix Federal tion calling on the people of the United People's Republic of China. programs, such as this one, that have States to observe the month with appro- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there proved unworkable. So, I have urged priate ceremonies and activities. objection, to the immediate consider- that the Senate act on this bill imme- f ation of the joint resolution? diately and send it to the President There being no objection the Senate TITLE 18 UNIFORMITY ACT without further delay. I would note proceeded to consider the bill. that the National Highway System bill Mr. BROWN. Madam President, I ask Mr. HELMS. Madam President, citi- that the President recently signed cor- unanimous consent the Senate proceed zens all over the world are protestingÐ rected problems with EPA regulations to the immediate consideration of Cal- and after all major Western countries for the vehicle inspection and mainte- endar No. 242, S. 1331. have complained to the Chinese Gov- nance program under the Clean Air The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ernmentÐabout the mistreatment of a Act. Where legitimate problems with clerk will report. courageous Chinese citizen named Wei implementation of the Clean Air Act The assistant legislative clerk read Jingsheng because Wei has spent most have been discovered, we are moving to as follows: of his life trying to bring democracy correct them. A bill (S. 1331) to adjust and make uniform and decent human rights to his 1.2 bil- Mr. BROWN. Madam President, I ask the dollar amounts used in title 18 to distin- lion fellow Chinese citizens. guish between grades of offenses, and for In return, the Chinese Government unanimous consent that the bill be other purposes. deemed read a third time, passed, the has sentenced him to another 14 years The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there motion to reconsider be laid upon the in a jail after a trial that lasted 6 hours objection to the immediate consider- table, and that any statements relating and to which no officials representing ation of the bill? to the bill be placed at the appropriate the United States Government were al- There being no objection, the Senate lowed to attend. place in the RECORD. proceeded to consider the bill, which The Wei Jingsheng trial follows on The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without had been reported from the Committee the heels of last week's Communist objection, it is so ordered. on the Judiciary, with an amendment Chinese Government's announcement The bill (H.R. 325) was ordered to a to strike all after the enacting clause that for the first time in Tibetan his- third reading, was read the third time, and inserting in lieu thereof the follow- tory, Red China has selected a succes- and passed. ing: sor to the Panchen Lama, the second S 18576 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE December 13, 1995 highest-ranking official in Tibetan Some Senators maintain that quiet On April 1, 1994, just a few weeks Buddhism, His Holiness the Dalai diplomacy will work better than a con- after he had met with Assistant Sec- Lama being the No. 1, of course. gressional resolution. I differ. Since retary of State John Shattuck to dis- Madam President, these significant July, the United States Congress, and cuss human rights in the PRC, Wei events deserve the attention of all effectively the United States Govern- vanished. While it was known at the Americans and other citizens around ment, have engaged in quiet diplomacy time that he had been arrested, no war- the world. Senate Joint Resolution 43 and has shied away from strong state- rant had been issued for his arrest; no is a sense-of-the-Congress resolution ments about events in China. Look formal charges were instituted against objecting to the treatment of Wei where those efforts have gotten us on him; members of his family were never Jingsheng, who, by the way, is known issues about which we care deeply. notified of his arrest or subsequent as the father of democracy in China.
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