(Print and Print + Digital Subscriptions Only) MODEL ENGINEERINGby Peter Wright 4510 • 12 - 25 June 2015 FREE A FOUNDATION COURSEVol. 214 No. BOOK??? FOR ALL NEW UK SUBSCRIBERS* www.model-engineer.co.uk LBSC Join our online community HONOURED COVER FEATURE Otto The Harrogate Four Stroke Exhibition Engine WORKSHOP PROJECT Improving a Sheet Metal Machine £3.60 ENGINEERING GROUP ENGINEERING A Tour of American Steam Railroads THE ORIGINAL MAGAZINE FOR MODEL ENGINEERS 882 886 Published by MyTimeMedia Ltd. 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Email: [email protected] GREEN STREET Tehnical Assistant: Stewart Hart Ashley Best details his 886 GALLERY NEW FEATURE PRODUCTION award winning diorama. In the first of this occasional series Designer: Yvette Green Illustrator: Grahame Chambers Gordon Barber showcases his model Retouching Manager: Brian Vickers 864 PATRIOTISM of a Croft Mill Engine. Ad Production: Robin Gray The Royal Army Ordnance Corps ADVERTISING Alan Crossfield describes his 887 AMERICAN JOURNEY Senior Account Manager: Duncan Armstrong DOE winning 5 inch gauge Patriot. OF DISCOVERY Email: [email protected] Rhys Owen visits Colorado to see Tel: 0844 848 5238 Online Sales: Ben Rayment 868 OTTO FOUR STROKE ENGINE how the Americans do things. Email: [email protected] Jan Ridders designs and Tel: 0844 848 5240 illustrates a well mannered engine. 890 LBSC HONOURED MARKETING & SUBSCRIPTIONS BLUE PLAQUE UNVEILED Subscription Manager: 872 IDRIS: A 16mm LOCOMOTIVE Mike Chrisp describes this Kate Scott FOR A NOVICE ENGINEER recent event. MANAGEMENT Martin Ranson turns to Head of Design & Production: Julie Miller locomotive building. 892 POSTBAG Group Advertising Manager: Rhona Bolger Email: [email protected] Readers’ letters. Tel: 01689 869891 876 INTERNAL COMBUSTION: Chief Executive: Owen Davies THEORY AND PRACTICE 894 URMSTON & DISTRICT MES Chairman: Peter Harkness Ron Wright presents an in-depth OPEN DAY course on understanding I/C. Young member, Billy Stock, organises a three day event. 878 THE HARROGATE EXHIBITION 2015 896 GARRETT 4CD TRACTOR © MyTimeMedia Ltd. 2015 Diane Carney reviews this IN 6 INCH SCALE All rights reserved ISSN 0026-7325 popular Northern show. Chris Gunn makes the remaining The Publisher’s written consent must be obtained before any part of this publication may be reproduced in any form whatsoever, including photocopiers, valve gear components. and information retrieval systems. All reasonable care is taken in the preparation of the magazine contents, but the publishers cannot be held legally responsible for errors in the contents of this magazine or for any loss however arising from such errors, including loss resulting from negligence of our staff. Reliance placed 900 CLUB NEWS upon the contents of this magazine is at reader’s own risk. Geoff Theasby takes a look at Model Engineer, ISSN 0026-7325, is published fortnightly with a third issue (Print and Print + Digital MODEL ENGINEERING Subscriptions Only) what is happening in the clubs. in May and October by MYTIMEMEDIA Ltd, Enterprise House, Enterprise Way, FREE A FOUNDATION COURSE by Peter Wright BOOK??? Vol. 214 No. 4510 • 12 - 25 June 2015 Edenbridge, Kent TN8 6HF, UK. The US annual subscription price is 70.95GBP FOR ALL NEW UK (equivalent to approximately 118USD). Airfreight and mailing in the USA by SUBSCRIBERS* agent named Air Business Ltd, c/o Worldnet Shipping Inc., 156-15, 146th Avenue, 2nd Floor, Jamaica, NY 11434, USA. Periodicals 903 DIARY postage paid at Jamaica NY 11431. US Postmaster: Send address changes Forthcoming events. to Model Engineer, Worldnet Shipping Inc., 156-15, 146th Avenue, 2nd Floor, Jamaica, NY 11434, USA. Subscription records are maintained at CDS GLOBAL Join our online community www.model-engineer.co.uk LBSC Ltd, Tower House, Sovereign Park, Market Harborough, Leicester, LE16 9EF. COVER FEATURE HONOURED Air Business Ltd is acting as our mailing agent. The Harrogate Otto Exhibition Four http://www.facebook.com/modelengineersworkshop Stroke Engine http://twitter.com/ WORKSHOP ON THE COVER... modelengineers PROJECT Improving a Sheet Metal Machine 1 Jamie Fearnely's 4 ⁄2 inch scale Foden lorry was in steam £3.60 A Tour of American ENGINEERING GROUP as part of the Harrogate Outdoor Steamers at the recent Steam Railroads exhibition of model engineering. First report on page 878. THE ORIGINAL MAGAZINE FOR MODEL ENGINEERS Photo by Mike Chrisp. ME4510 Cover.indd 847 28/05/2015 12:26 www.model-engineer.co.uk 849 GUILDFORD MODEL ENGINEERING SOCIETY THE 48th MODEL STEAM RALLY & EXHIBITION 2015 • Model Engineering • Model Aero Engines • and much more... Exhibition • Model Railways • Steam Train rides from 00 to 7¼” ADMISSION • Model Traction gauge Adults £8.00 Engines • Trade Stands Senior Citizen £7.00 • Model Boating • Refreshments Children under Pools FREE Car Parking 16 FREE Stoke Park, London Road, Guildford, Surrey GU1 1TU 4th and 5th July 2015 10am - 5pm each day Visit our website at: www.gmes.org.uk Like Us On TEE Publishing Ltd Specialist Publishers of Technical and Modelling Books for over 50 years We offer one of the most extensive ranges of new, rare and out of print books and magazines in the world. Our range includes books on all aspects of Model Engineering - Model Steam Locomotives, from 0 gauge to 7¼”, Steam Road Vehicles, Lathe and Workshop Tools and Machinery, stationary I.C. and Hot Air Engines, Horology, Boilermaking, Casting & Foundrywork and much more. 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