,CATHOLIC TELEGRAPH. !. ' ''IN NECESSARI IB 'UNITAS, IN' DUBIIS LIBERTAS, IN 'OMNIBUS 'CARITAS.' VOL. XIT.-NO. 30. C(NCINNATI, SATURDAY. 'JULY 29.1843. WHOLE NUMBER 603 . 234 .. _... fdith. I remain, Rev. dear Sir, with every wish fur suc- ·The brothers discussed the subject, and then unanimol:lslr cess in your pious undertakilJg, yours respectfully. adopted the monetary arrangements of the Edinburgh From the Tablet. A CONVERT. Guild, which are found in the report drawn up by Dr. Gil_ ENGLAND. P. S. I implore your praye~s fOT the grace of a hap- lis. The next da.y, a dinner was provided for the broth. AYLEsBu!t" BucKs.-The Ri!!"ht. Rev. Dr. Wilreing py dea.th, and that you will sn-y a mass for my intention. ers and their friends at the girls' school-room, formerly has been exerting himself in his district, and his call has NORTIIERN DISTRICT.-A pastoral letter from the Rt. the chap!?l, which was tastefully decorated with laurels heen responded LO by the few Catholics of this tow.n, who Rev. Dr. Mostyn, wns recently reud from the various al· and flowers. At the upper end, stood tl\eGllild bowl upon Ilre liherally subscribing to the whole extent of theIr pow- tars in Northumberland and Durhnm, ordering public a Buted plllar, profusely ornamented \vlth Inurel and flow. er. The arranl'ements a.r.e now completl'd, and the Rev. prayers to be said in each congregation, in order \I) sup- ers, which formed an interesting feature in the scene __ Durcan, ofMaynooth College, enters upo~ hiS re~lI- plicate the Almighty to "spare tl)e fruits of the earth," nnd contributed largely to the exhilaration of the even: lar duties on S!.mdny ne~;t, The room in WhICh DivlIle and bless· his people with weather suitable to the ap- ing. The Rev. F. Cheadle was in the chair. After dOing service is perfurmed is a very small and jncon~enient one, proaching harvest.--'1lzblet. justice to an excellent dinner, the Non nobis was sung by and for which a larg-e rent is demanded. It IS however, NOTTINGHHI.-THE HOLv GUILD.-On Whit-Monday, a small band of Ylmng men and boys, who are preparing the only one to be obtained in the town. T.he expense ~f the half-yearly meeting of the Brothers of the Holy Guild fIJr the choil' of the new church. The chairman then said the mission will fall heavily on the few CatholIcs reSl- of St. John the Evangelist, look place in the boys' school- that he wislred.to introdnce the Guild bowl to the notice dent in and about Avlesbury; but when the importance .room. The Rev. F . Cheadle, and the Rev. J. Mulligan, of th'e· meetinl!. He hailed the restoration of the Guild of the mission is considered as II; centre statlOn in the chaplains to th!? Guild, were present, the former in the Iiowl as an emblem of hospitality an·d· unity, and said that midst of a district where heathenish darlmes'l abounds, chair. After some observatiuns by the reverend eha.ir- in future it would be an indispensable accompaniment of and where a. pric-st is followed about and stared at as if man, the followin~ report of tIlP council for the half-year, the.Guild ·fe stivities; tbnt its contents were harmless and he were a .griffin or some anllJlal out of the ordIn~ry way ending in June, 1843, was read:-"The period having might be .partaken by all. When the stewards had sup­ of Ilatur.e ea literal fact), it is hoped that the help1l1ghand expired for which the present council were elected, they plied.the compatly from the bowl, the chairman announ_ of Christian charity wi II bo held uut to tbem. There IS submit- a report of the last half-year's proceedings to the ced, in due succession, the follo~'ing toasts, "The Q~een," not a chapel within twenty miles of Aylesbury, a~d the assembled brothers. They have, first, to con-g-ratulate "Pnnce Alhel;;, ,?nd the Royal Fnm}ly," "Pope Gregory nearest priest is domiciled in a village extremely lncon· the brothers on the present conditiun of the Guild.' The the Slx.teenth, Dr. 'Valsh',~r. 'Vlsemnn, and the other venient, and only to be reached by those who can afford amount of sick pay in the past half-year ba.s been small; Cn,thohc B~shops of England. The rev. gentleman next to drive. A great spiritual want will be supplied when there has not been a death; nnd considering the· limited . propo~ed~ In very cumpllmentllry terll)s. ·~tlle. health of a priest is comfortably, respectably, and permanently do- number of members, the Guild appear.s to be very prQsper- the: Right Rev. Dr. WIlson (formerly of Nottlllgham)" miciled. in ..Aylesbury. Poor men have already been known ous. The council have endeavolll:ed, to ca.rry out the WlllCh was",drunk I1mldst. the warmest demonstatlOns of, to walk upwards of twenty miles, Ilnd to perform. the principlesoftheGliild in va rious p:}rticulars, oneefwhich respect.. rhe Re,:. J. Mul11~an r:turned thanks on be· journey twice in olle week,"!o attend to then rellglOus is, the procuring a suitablerunend pall. ' .'Vith this view hnlf(9.~;~s lordshIp; The follo,\;lOF toasts .werethen Iluty, when an Oxfordshire prjest was known to be stay- they deputed our wurthy warden to BlrmlOgham; that he ¥.lVen. The Rev. Mr. C!;eadlE', WIth .three tImes three; ing in Aylesbury a few days. The divided, unsatisfac· might examine Mr. Hard.man's collection of church ornn- The Rev. Mr. Mulhgan, WIth t.hree ~Ime~ three. The tO I'y, and qualTelsorne ~pirit now exhibiting among the ments, prjnci,pally designed by Mr" Pugin. He aseer-I c<haHma~ tl:;n proposed " the H.oly GUIld of St. John,the Protesta,nt sects in Al'lesbury is d-i,5gusting men rea lly tained t.hat, owing' to tne peculiar na{ure of the-OJ'na- Evallgehst. The warden replIed on behal f of th~ GIld, religiol15, and it is hoped that when the pure Gospel is ments required', it will De necessar.y to have the pall from and .,urged· on thnse present to c0nSlder the propriety of .:)jfered the townspeople. Almiglity God will own and Mr. Hn rdman, and that nle price v~ril:'s ' (rom 12b. ;to 15/. enlerlOl; the Gulld, WIth so Illu eh ~ffec t that seventeen per· bless the Inbors hnd den iuls of his peuple.-Tablet. 'rhe connci I have,. therefore, ordel'ed one to be- made sons entered theIr names, t WI') of them as 11OIlornry memo BARNSLEL-On Suoday, within the Octave of Corpus which 5hall not cost more than .15-/. They think that bel'S. Several other toast~~'er~ proposea,such as. "The Christi, fuuJ·teEtn converts were rec.eived into the Catholic there w~1I be no loss bu.t a g'ain to .the Guild from tbis Cathohc SIIl!!"lng SocIety, "0 Connell, aild JustIce to church , l.Jy the Rev. H. J. Cooke, ot: Holyrood. Chapel. investm1lDt of part of the funds, ;s.the-paH cnd be let ou t Irelnnd." "The Town -and Trade of Nottingham," &r. More than a. dozen others have um~red themselves for iu· at a rcnsollnble charge to .Catholics who are not ~nember.s -Correspondent.. :;tmction."-Ib. of the Gu.ilt!. Many minor points have- been discussed by ... DARLINGToN.-On the 9th inst., the commullity. of Ter- the present council, whiclt have been from time to lime From. the Tablet. •'sians, at Carmp.J House, near Darlington\ elected. Miss laid before . the .brothers. But -there is one subject of THE" ARMS BILL AND ORANGE OUTRAGES . '.v:olfe, late of Peel, Laucashire, to the responsible and vital importance tha~has principaHy engros~ed their time; Among the numerous questions ari-sing out of the pres­ di(Tllified llosition of Rev. :Mother of that convent.--Ib. a brief aecount of which they wish now to lay before the ent disturbed state of Ireland, we have hitherto said little DE\YSBURY.MISS[ON , YORKsHIRE.-The Rev. Edward brothers. On considering the vague data by which our about the Bill which has forme(l ostensibly the main sub. O'Leary, Catholic pastor of this il'lfant Ilnd jnteresting monetary affnirs are regulated, anu particularly a·f~er je~t of debate in I hI< House of Commons during part of mission, has been lately soliciting the aid of the faithful seeing all important report of the.Edinburgh Guild, drawu thiS week 'and part of the la~t. Howev~r, the t,'rmination :nlreland, toward~ the erection bf a suitabl.e temple in up by Dr. Gillis, the council doubt whether our G"i.Jd i" of the· debate, and, as we intimated before, the disclosures the a.buve place. The following passages is extral;teu upon so secllre u, basis as to alford the accustomed relief at:~ the recent investigfltions into the Carland outrages, na. ·· fro m t.he letter of recoln.mendat:oll given to M~. O'Leary when old age cumpels the brothers to draw much more turallY' attract our attenLion to this not unimpNtant featnre by his bishop, the RighlRev. Dr. Briggs:-"To this mis· frequently fl·om. the funds. This subject has given I!he of the very complicated question before us. And first, of sion of Dewsbury are attached 500 poor Irish Cathplics. council great anxiety; fI;Jf whnn we consi:ler that the na­ the Carland outrage.s.
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