INDEX The Opinion 6 In The Classroom: 9 Sports: 11 Obituaries: 13 Notices: 14 Classifieds: 18 REGISTERLOCAL NEWS ❙ LOCAL STORIES ❙ LOCAL ADVERTISERS A TURLEY PUBLICATION ❙ www.turley.com April 29, 2020 ❙ Vol. 77, No. 51 www.register.turley.com NEWSLINE Knights of Columbus Ludlow resident dies in fatal fire on Rood Road donates check to CSC By Jonah Snowden of the fire, the Ludlow Police The State Police assigned to materials on the second-floor [email protected] helped evacuate the occupants of both the Office of the State Fire rear porch, which was also the the other four apartments. Marshal and to the Office of only way out of the apartment. LUDLOW – On April 21, Crews were able to control the Hampden District Attorney When the building was built a structure fire broke out at 196 the fire enough to make entry jointly investigated the fire with in the 1800s, it was considered a Rood Road due to improper use into the building and quickly the Ludlow Fire and Police De- mansion, and since then has been or disposal of smoking materials, located and extricated a wom- partments. Assistance was also divided into several apartments. killing one resident. an from her bedroom window. received from the Department of “If you rent and there are no The fire was reported to Lud- The woman later succumbed to Fire Services Code Compliance working smoke alarms, please low Central Dispatch at 10:51 her injuries at Baystate Medical and Enforcement Unit and State contact the Ludlow Fire Preven- p.m. by a resident who said that Center, according to the Ludlow Police Crime Scene Services. tion Bureau and we will work their apartment was on fire and Fire Department. No one else Ludlow Fire Chief Ryan M. with your landlord to improve they were unable to find a way was injured. Damages are esti- Pease, Acting Ludlow Police your fire safety,” said Chief out. Within four minutes of the mated at $100,000. Chief Michael Brennan, Hamp- Pease in a public statement. SEE PAGE 3 911 call, firefighters and police The Westover Fire Depart- den District Attorney Anthony D. “Landlords and homeown- officers from the Ludlow fire and ment, Wilbraham Fire Depart- Gulluni, and State Fire Marshal ers, please make sure there are police departments arrived on the ment, and Chicopee Fire De- Peter J. Ostroskey, said the cause working smoke alarms in every OPINION scene. partment aided the Ludlow Fire of the fire was from the improper apartment and common hall- The apartment was in a Department with the fire as well, use or disposal of smoking mate- way. They must be less than ten Surviving the ladders of multi-family wood frame apart- while the Springfield Fire De- rials. years old. We are happy to work Mt. Willey ment building but was confined partment provided station cover- Investigators determined that to a single unit. At the scene age, according to a statement. the fire was ignited by smoking Please see FATAL FIRE Page 4 Uptick in Indian Orchard Blooms Campaign motor vehicle accepting sponsorships SEE PAGE 7 thefts and IN THE CLASSROOM break-ins By Elise Linscott SJB School says [email protected] “Thank You” LUDLOW – The Ludlow Po- lice Department is asking town residents to lock their parked motor vehicles, property sheds and garages whenever possi- ble. The department has seen a recent increase in stolen mo- tor vehicles, motorcycles, and breaking into unlocked vehicles during overnight hours, accord- ing to Ludlow Police Lieutenant Daniel Valadas. Recent thefts and break- ins have occurred over the past two weeks on Allison Lane off SEE PAGE 9 of Arthur Street, West Street by Barna Street, Moody Street near Richard Street, and on East IN SPORTS Street. One of the vehicles was Summer soccer league recovered last week in Hartford, Courtesy Photo: officials optimistic Conn. The Indian Orchard Citizens Council is looking for flower basket sponsors as part of their annual for season “The worst criminal activity Indian Orchard Blooms Campaign. happened early Friday morning By Jonah Snowden “During my time in office, who had been longtime sup- (April 24th),” Valadas said. [email protected] I had organized the Indian Or- porters of the Neighborhood On that one night on Alli- chard Business Community Council and asked for their son Lane, which is a residential INDIAN ORCHARD – The into a working group that be- help in creating a new council neighborhood, a 2017 Toyota Indian Orchard Citizens Coun- came actively involved with subcommittee called the Indian Highlander was stolen out of an cil (IOCC) is looking for spon- the Neighborhood Council Orchard Business Connections open garage, and a 2013 Mazda sors for flower baskets as part on community projects,” said Committee (IOBCC). CX-5 was stolen from a drive- of the annual “Indian Orchard Caron. “The Indian Orchard Their First project carried way next door. Blooms Campaign.” Business Committee eventually out a Neighborhood Beautifica- A total of approximately The campaign is the disbanded after I left the office tion Campaign to improve the $2,900 worth of hockey and golf IOCC’s Annual Neighborhood in 2003.” business climate in the neigh- equipment was stolen, along Beautification Campaign that Caron also said in 2018, borhood. with a wallet out of another ve- was originally launched in Zaida Govan, President of the “The initial goal has been hicle and personal items within 2018. Paul Caron, former State IOCC, contacted him to ask for to secure business sponsors for the vehicles. Key fobs and keys Representative and current assistance in helping to reorga- 25 hanging baskets along Main were within the motor vehicles, Chairman of the campaign, nize and restart the Indian Or- Street, but the overwhelming Valadas said. said it was the “first undertak- chard Business Community. support we received from the The Toyota Highlander was ing of a new subcommittee the They did so by reaching long doormat business com- recovered that same day in Hart- neighborhood council creat- out to a few businesses, includ- munity resulted in quickly ex- ford. ed to reach out to and interact ing Rick’s Auto Body, East- panding that initial goal to 75 with the Indian Orchard Busi- man Chemical Company, and SEE PAGE 11 Please see THEFTS, Page 5 ness Community.” Gagliarducci’s Construction, Please see BLOOMS, Page 5 ◗ Page 2 ❙ April 29, 2020 ❙ The Register LUDLOW Town of Ludlow – Weekly Update As of April 24, we have approx- easiest way to get on the list - sim- others are not going to the hospital imately 60 confirmed positive test ply call the Board of Selectmen’s or clinics to get the care that they TURLEY PUBLICATIONS cases for the COVID-19 virus. Re- office at 583-5600 ext. 1201 and need because they are afraid of con- We would love to give grettably, I sadly report the loss of leave a message with your name and tracting the virus. Those that are you or your kids a fun another Ludlow resident. This is phone number (landline or cell) and sick have tele-health capabilities little project each week. the fourth resident to have passed it will be added. If you only have a available to them, and Primary Care DON’T INCLUDE ME due to complications related to the cell phone and you haven’t been re- Physicians can call or video con- Coronavirus. Let us all say a prayer ceiving the calls, we urge you to add ference with patients. So please, if Find TURLEY (the turtle) our new mascot or show respect in our own way for the Town’s phone number (above) to you are sick, call your doctor. If you within the paper. Have fun and count how those lost to or infected by this vi- your contacts. need any treatment, please get your many times you find Turley. rus. Governor Baker spoke today treatment. I’d like to inform everyone that about our State’s positive cases and Finally, I’d just like to reinforce Email your results along with your name, the fourth quarter tax bill due date fatalities related to the COVID-19 the Governor’s advisory to stay town and turtle count from was extended from May 1, 2020 to virus still rising but at a slower home, go out when needed, wear June 1, 2020. If you have any ques- rate. He stated that the steps tak- a mask when in close proximity what paper to [email protected]. tions, please contact the Town Tax en regarding all medical facilities, of others (practicing good social We will post your name and count in the Collector’s office or the Board of staffing, and equipment are work- distancing), don’t gather in large following weeks paper. Assessor’s office. ing. Hospital beds in all categories groups, and respect one another Many people have been ask- are 50% empty. This statistic was Correct answers will be submitted for a monthly ing how to get on the robo-call list alarming relative to non-COVID-19 God Bless and take care drawing and a chance to win a prize. or have been calling with concerns related treatment. People that need of each other that they have not been receiving the specific treatments like dialysis, Derek G. DeBarge calls. First let me tell everyone the chemotherapy, heart check-ups and Follow Turley on @TurleytheTurtle Chairman, Board of Selectmen Turley the turtle is sponsored by CALL TODAY! IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO SPONSOR LUDLOW TURLEY IN YOUR LOCAL PAPER CENTER 800-824-6548 Hello all… please remember that the Senior It makes our day.
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