ﺗﻪﻛﻠﯩﻤﺎﻛﺎﻧﺪﯨﻦ ﺳﺎﻻﻡ ھﺎﺯﯨﺮﻗﻰ ﺯﺍﻣﺎﻥ ﺋﯘﻳﻐﯘﺭ ﺗﯩﻠﻰ ﻗﻮﻟﻼﳕﯩﺴﻰ Greetings from the Teklimakan: a handbook of Modern Uyghur Volume 1 Tarjei Engesæth, Mahire Yakup, and Arienne Dwyer Teklimakandin Salam / A Handbook of Modern Uyghur (Vol. 1) Version 1.0 ©2009 by Tarjei Engesæth, Mahire Yakup and Arienne Dwyer University of Kansas Scholarworks Some rights reserved The authors grant the University of Kansas a limited, non-exclusive license to disseminate the textbook and audio through the KU ScholarWorks repository and to migrate these items for preservation purposes. Bibliographic citation: Engesæth, Tarjei, Mahire Yakup, and Arienne Dwyer. 2009. Teklimakandin Salam: hazirqi zaman Uyghur tili qollanmisi / Greetings from the Teklimakan: a handbook of Modern Uyghur. ISBN 978-1-936153-03-9 (textbook), ISBN 978-1-936153-04-6 (audio) Lawrence: University of Kansas Scholarworks. Online at: http://hdl.handle.net/1808/5624 You are free to share (to download, print, copy, distribute and transmit the work), under the following conditions: Attribution 1. — You must attribute any part or all of the work to the authors, according to the citation above. 2. Noncommercial — You may not use this work for commercial purposes. 3. No Derivative Works — You may not alter, transform, or build upon this work. ii Engesæth, Yakup & Dwyer TABLE OF CONTENTS page i-xiii ﻛﯩﺮﯨﺶ ﺳﯚز Preface What is Uyghur? Why study Uyghur? Why is this a free textbook? How to use this textbook How to enhance your learning experience Contributions of each co-author Acknowledgements Abbreviations used in this textbook References Introduction 1 ﺋﻮﻣﯘﻣﻰ ﭼﯜﺷﻪﻧﭽﻪ Uyghur Grammar 1. General Characteristics 2. Sound system 3. Word Accent (Stress) patterns 4. Vowel and Consonant harmony Writing and Pronouncing Uyghur 1. Uyghur scripts: an overview Table 1. Comparison of Uyghur scripts (p.9) 2. Arabic-based Uyghur script Table 2. Arabic-script Uyghur (kona yëziq) (p.10) 3. Writing the Arabic-based Uyghur script 4. Pronouncing Uyghur 13 ﺑﯘ ﻧﯧﻤﻪ ؟ ?Lesson 1. What is this ’A is not B‘ ﻪﻣﻪﺋ س Copular sentences: Affirmative: A B ‘A is B’ Negative: A B emes .1 ’(that (one) (over there‘ ﺋﺎۋۇ that,’ awu‘ ,ﺋﯘ this,’ u‘ ,ﺑﯘ Demonstrative pronouns: bu .2 mawu ‘this one,’ shu ‘that,’ mushu ‘this one,’ ashu ‘that one (over there)’ 3. Attributive use of demonstrative pronouns: bu N ‘this N’ 4. Interrogative pronouns: nëme ‘what?’ kim ‘who?’ ’also‘ ﻣﯘ mu ,ﻣﯘ Is that so?’, question mu‘ ﭼﯘ Particles: chu .5 25 ﻳﺎﺧﺸﻰ ﻳﺎﻣﺎن Lesson 2. The Good and the Bad , ﻳﺎﻣﺎن yaman , ﺋﻪﺳﻜﻰ good,’ eski‘ ﻳﺎﺧﺸﻰ Adjectives and adverbs of degree: yaxshi .1 ﺋﻪڭ eng ,ﺧﯧﻠﻰ new’; degree adverbs xëli‘ ﻳﯧﯖﻰ old,’ yëngi‘ ﻛﻮﻧﺎ bad, ’ kona‘ ﻧﺎﭼﺎر nachar 2. Predicate adjectives: U yaxshi. ‘That is good.’ U yaxshi emes. ‘That is not good.’ ,ﺑﯩﺮاق biraq ,ﻟﯧﻜﯩﻦ and’; contrastive lekin‘ هەم hem , ۋە Conjunctions: coordinating we .3 ’but‘ ﺋﻪﻣﻤﺎ emma 4. Changes in final vowels a, e > i, ë .yaman; 2 ﻳﺎﻣﺎن ,nachar ﻧﺎﭼﺎر ,eski ﺋﻪﺳﻜﻰ ’Language use notes: 1. Several words for ‘bad .5 chong; 3. Use of interrogative ﭼﻮڭ ,kona ﻛﻮﻧﺎ,qëri ﻗﯧﺮى :’Several words for ‘old ’how‘ ﻗﺎﻧﺪاق what,’ qandaq‘ ﻧﯧﻤﻪ pronouns: nëme i Teklimakandin Salam / A Handbook of Modern Uyghur (Vol. 1) 35 ﺳﺎﻻﻣﻠﯩﺸﯩﺶ، ﺑﺎزارﻏﺎ ﺑﯧﺮﯨﺶ ۋە ﺋﯩﺸﻠﻪش Lesson 3. Greeting, Shopping, and Working ’!Yaxshimusiz! ‘Hello م !Uyghur greetings: Salam .1 ﻣﻪن، ﺑﯩﺰ؛ ﺳﻪن؛ ﺳﯩﻠﻪر؛ ﺳﯩﻠﻰ، ﺋﯘ، ﺋﯘﻻر Personal pronouns .2 3. Present-future tense -Y (-i/- y/-yi) and person endings (Type 1) locative +DA ,( ﻛﻪ ،ﮔﻪ، ﻗﺎ، ﻏﺎ Dative and Locative cases: dative +GA (+gha/qa/ge/ke .4 ( دە، ﺗﻪ ، ﺗﺎ، دا da/ta/de/te+) kün ﻛﯜن، maqul ﻣﺎﻗﯘل، -ögen ﺋﯚﮔﻪن، -oqu ﺋﻮﻗﯘ،- -de -دە :Language Use Notes .5 49 ﻛﯜﻧﺪﯨﻠﯩﻚ ﭘﺎﺋﺎﻟﯩﻴﻪت Lesson 4. Daily Routines 1. Asking Questions in the Present-Future Tense with -Am- (and with the particle mu) 2. Negative Questions in the Present-Future Tense -mA-m- 3. Person Suffixes (type 2, possessive): -dim, -duq, etc. 4. Negating in the Present-Future Tense -mA- greeting ;ﮬﻪرپ and ﺧﻪت Language Use Notes: verb phrases; differences between .5 ﺗﯩﻨﭽﻠﯩﻘﻤﯘ؟ 63 ﺑﺎزاردا Lesson 5. At the Market ( -دﯨﻦ/ -ﺗﯩﻦ and +Din (+din/tin -ﻧﻰ Accusative and Ablative cases: +ni .1 2. Postpositions requiring the Ablative case: bashqa, burun, këyin - ﻟﻪر/ -ﻻر (Plural of nouns: +lAr (+lar/ler .3 ’know,understand‘ -ﺑﯩﻞ -be acquainted with,’ vs. bil’ﺗﻮﻧﯘ- -Language Use Notes: tonu .4 77 ﻣﻪﻛﺘﻪﭘﺘﯩﻜﻰ ﺗﯘرﻣﯘش Lesson 6. School Life 1. Cardinal and Ordinal Numerals 1–12 2. Temporal Expressions: telling time and days of the week 3. Adjectival suffix +liK ,ﻛﯧﭽﻪ këche ,ﺋﺎﺧﺸﺪم nouns axsham ;ﻗﯧﺘﯩﻢ qëtim ;ﻳﻪﻧﻪ Language Use Notes: adverbs yene .4 ﭼﯜش- -chüsh ,ﭼﯩﻖ- -chiq ,ﺋﻮﻳﻨﺎ- -verbs oyna ;ﻛﻪچ kech ’with‘ ﺑﯩﻠﻪن Postposition bilen .5 89 ﺋﯩﻤﺘﯩﮭﺎﻧﻐﺎ ﺗﻪﻳﻴﺎرﻟﯩﻖ ﻗﯩﻠﯩﺶ Lesson 7. Preparing for exams 1. Present continuous V-(I)wat-, and its interrogative and negative forms 2. Variable word order for Time and Place expressions 3. Language Use Notes: Adverbs hazir vs. emdi; usage of bol- (bolidu, boldi); Conjunctions we, hem as compared with bilen; partitive köpinchisi, bir qisim 107 ﺑﯘ ﻛﯩﻤﻨﯩﯔ .........؟؟؟ ?Lesson 8. Whose... is this 1. Expressing Possession; exceptions; differences between written and spoken forms. 2. The Genitive case: +ning 3. Genitive-Possessive constructions: N+ning N+Possessive.Endings 4. Possessive pronouns +ki ‘mine, yours, etc.’ 5. Language Use Notes: Voluntative/Optative -Ay, -Ayli; the suppositional particle Du ‘So...,’ ; agent noun derivational suffix +chi and +chiliK; yaq ‘side; over there’; erzimeydu ‘don’t mention it,’ emesmu ‘isn’t it so?’; Kinship terms ii Engesæth, Yakup & Dwyer 127 ﻧﯧﻤﻪ ﻗﯩﻠﯩﺸﻨﻰ ﻳﺎﺧﺸﻰ ﻛﯚرﯨﺴﯩﺰ؟ ?Lesson 9. What do you like to do ﻣﻪك///ﻣﺎق- mAK- , -ﯨﺶ Uses of the verbal noun -(I)sh .1 2. Uses of numerals; writing numerals; reading numerals aloud; months of the year; fractions and percentages and , دوﺳﺖ dost , ﺋﺎﻏﯩﻨﻪ aghine ;ﻛﻪت- -ket ,ﺑﺎر- -bar ,ﻣﺎڭ- -Language Use Notes: mang .3 -ﭼﻪ che+ ; ﺳﻮرا--sora ; ﺋﺎۋارە ﺑﻮل -aware bol ,ﻳﺎردەم ﻗﯩﻞ--yardem qil ; ﺋﺎداشadash 143 ﺑﺎر ﻳﻮق Lesson 10. Being and Nothingness existing and having : ﻳﻮق and yoq ﺑﺎر Existential adjectives bar .1 Adj ( -ﺗﯩﻦ/ -دﯨﻦ) Making Comparisons with: A B+Din .2 N1+diki N2, N1+ningkidin Quantity : ﻛﻰ More on the relativizer ki .3 4. Using adjectives and numbers as nouns: possessive adjectives: chongi, kichiki; possessive numerals ikkimiz etc. 5. Measure words: some weights and measures; temporary measure words ;Chinese schooling; -ﭼﯘ more on chu ; دﯨﻦ ﺗﯩﻦLanguage Use Notes: partitive +Din .6 Compound words; Loan words ;ﯨﺒﻪز bezi ;ﻗﯧﺮﯨﻨﺪاش Vocabulary notes qërindash 161 ﻛﻪﺳﭗ ﺗﻮﻏﺮﯨﺴﯩﺪا ﺳﯚﮬﺒﻪت Lesson 11 Talking about Occupations its polite uses ; -دى -Definite past tense: -di .1 ﻟﯘ/ﻟﯜ/ﻟﯩﻚ/ﻟﯩﻖ Occupations and other abstract nouns with +chilIK .2 3. Language Use Notes: Expressing uncertainty ‘whether or not’ V1-DI-, V1-midi- ;ﮔﻪپ ﻗﯩﻠﯩﺶ gep qilish ;( ﺋﺎدەم adem ,ﻛﯩﺸﻰ kishi ,ﺋﯩﻨﺴﺎن bilmeymen etc.; people (insan ﺋﯜﭼﯜن order of noun phrases; purposive -(I)sh üchün ;ﻟﻪر /ﻻرapproximate time with +lAr and -(I)shqa 177 ﺗﻪﺗﯩﻠﮕﻪ ﭼﯩﻘﯩﺶ Lesson 12 Going on Vacation 1. Abilitative (potential) mood: -(y)Ala ‘can, be able to’ zörür , ﻻزﯨﻢ lazim , ﻛﯧﺮەك Modal adjectives and the -(I)sh gerund: Necessitative kërek .2 ’possible‘ ﻣﯜﻣﻜﯩﻦ Contingent mümkin , زۆرۈر 3. Reciprocal voice -(I)sh -ﻗﯘ/ -ﻏﯘ apparently’: Gu‘ ﺋﯩﻜﻪن Speaker stance particles: iken .4 ’self‘ ﺋﯚز Uses of reflexive pronouns: öz .5 ;’age; young‘ ﻳﺎش not even a little’; yash‘ ﺋﺎزراﻗﻤﯘ Language Use Notes azraqmu .6 ’take care of‘ ﻏﺎ ﻗﺎرا -very’; +GA qara‘ ﺧﯧﻠﻰ how many/much’;xëli...‘ ﻗﺎﻧﭽﯩﻠﯩﻚ qanchilik 195 ﺧﺧﺧﯩﺰﻣﻪت ۋە ﺳﻮدﯨﮕﻪرﭼﯩﻠﯩﻚ Lesson 13. Work and Business -ەﻟﻪ/ -اﻻ (Uses of the Abilitative mood: -(y)Al(a .1 ﻳ/ەﻳﺖ/اﻳﺖ Imperfect past tense (habitual): -At-ti .2 and other forms ۇ//دۇر Causative voice: -Dur, -Guz, -Ur .3 ﺋﯩﺪى Definite past particle: idi .4 ﻣﯘﻧﺎﺳﯩﯟەت munasiwet ;ﻳﻮﻟﻰ ﺑﺎر yoli bar ;ﺋﯚﻳﺪﯨﻜﯩﻠﻪر Language Use Notes: öydikiler .5 iii Teklimakandin Salam / A Handbook of Modern Uyghur (Vol. 1) Lesson 14. Farming and Travelling 213 دﯦﮭﻘﺎﻧﭽﯩﻠﯩﻖ ۋە ﺳﺎﻳﺎﮬﻪت 1. Converbial constructions with -(I)p: V1 -(I)p V2; Serial converbs and Directional complements bir ish ;-ﻏﯩﭽﻪ temporal limitative +Giche ;-ﻧﯩﯔ ﺋﺎﻟﺪﯨﺪا Language Use Notes: +ning aldida .2 Imperative Mood: giving commands ;ﺑﯩﺮەر ﺋﯩﺶ birer ish ﺑﯩﺮ ﺋﯩﺶ 227 ﻛﯧﺴﻪﻟﻠﯩﻚ ۋە ﺳﺎﻻﻣﻪﺗﻠﯩﻚ Lesson 15. Illness and Health -ket ;ﻗﺎل-qal ;ﺗﯘر- -tur ;ﺑﻮل--bol ; ﺑﺎق- -Aspectual and actional -(I)p complements: baq .1 ﻗﻮي- -qoy; ﻛﻪت- ;ﻛﻪل --sal-, kel ;ﭼﯩﻖ- -chiq ; ﺗﺎﺷﻼ- -tashla ; ﺑﻪر- -ber ;ﺑﺎر- -Others auxiliary verbs : bar .2 ﻳﯜر- -yür ;ﺋﯚت- -öt ;ﺋﻮﻟﺘﯘر- -oltur ﻛﯚر;- -kör ;ﺳﯩﺰ Language Use Notes: Contraction of Verbs ending in -l-(I)p to -p ; privative +siz .3 and more on numbers: possessive numerals, telling time, lists and ranges of numbers Uyghur-English vocabulary index 247 English-Uyghur vocabulary index 279 iv Engesæth, Yakup & Dwyer Preface What is Uyghur? Modern Uyghur, pronounced [ȤȚǺ'ȑȚə] (roughly ooi-ĞOOR) is known in Uyghur as Hazirqi also written) ﺋﯘﻳﻐﯘر ﺗﯩﻠﻰless formally as Uyghur tili ,ﮬﺎزﯨﺮﻗﻰ زاﻣﺎن ﺋﯘﻳﻐﯘر ﺗﯩﻠﻰ zaman Uyghur tili Уйғурчə, Uyƃurqə).1 Uyghur is a southeastern) ﯘﯘرە Уйғур тили, Uyƃur tili) or Uyghurche Turkic language (ISO 639-3: uig) spoken by approximately 10 million people in Chinese Turkestan (Xinjiang / Sinkiang 新疆 Uyghur Autonomous Region) in western China,2 as well as in neighboring Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and in smaller diaspora communities around the world. Uyghur is one of 56 official languages of the People’s Republic of China. It has three dialects (northern, Khotan (Hotän, Xoten), and Lop Nur), and a number of local vernaculars. Modern Uyghur is typologically similar to modern Uzbek (with which it shares a medieval ancestral language, Chaghatay), and Uyghur serves as a lingua franca (common language of communication) for many other ethnic groups in Xinjiang, such as the Tatars, Uzbeks, Sibes, Huis (Dunggans), Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Russians, and Oyrat Mongols.
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